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Fellow Tenno, Please Stop the MR Abuse!

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yeah very much a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for high level players these days...sometimes they need to do a low level mission for some reason too...

First we have people complaining because high level players come in and kill everything, now we get them complaining because they're not doing anything and letting the newbies have some fun....

I've gone on to low level maps (on pc) and just gone off and done my thing while the newbies went about their business of completing the requisite level, I already know I could wipe out the entire map without breaking a sweat but there's no reason for me to interrupt the newbies who are actually learning about the game and 'having fun'

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To clarify ot affinity works, when somebody else kills something within affinity range,

the passive player gets 100% of the affinity the active killer gets, the only difference is the destribution.

If the passive player has all 3 weapons slots equiped something, then:

-His Warframe will get 25% of the affinity

-His Primary will get 25% of the affinity,

-His secondary will get 25% of the affinity,

-His Melee will get 25% of the affinity.


If the passive player has only 2 Weaponslots filled, for example if he has a Primary and a melee, or a primary and a secondary or a secondary and a melee, then the distribution is:

-His Warframe will get 25% of the affinity,

-His first weapon will get 37.5% of the affinity

-His second weapon will get 37.5% of the affinity.


If the passive player only has one slot filled with a weapon, so if he uses only a primary, or only a secondary, or only a Melee, then the distribution is as follows.

-His warframe will get 25% of the affinity

-His weapon will get 75% of the affinity.


I hope this clears the issue up for everybody.

Edited by Walkampf
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38 minutes ago, (PS4)Warframe2052018 said:

In three different instances in the past few days I have come across players with a relatively high MR that join a squad full of newbies ,like myself, and end up doing absolutely NOTHING.

Being an @$$Hole is not tied to MR, i have seen both Low and High MR players doing that and it disappoints me severely to the point i some times taunt the other members of the team to leave and leave my self. In some cases i am forced to Screenshot the player and Mission summery at the beginning and end.

Last night for example i joined a Hydron mission and there was a Ember Prime that stood atop the CryoPod the whole mission with her World of Fire active. Then people complain when a frame gets nerfed...

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34 minutes ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

Maybe they think "I better not nuke the whole tileset and let the low mr guys kill enemies and have fun."


I do the same to be honest, I let my friends play the mission first before I nuke everything that will ruin the experience for new players.

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32 minutes ago, BaadshahPrime said:

Exactly what I do when newbies join my squad


As a high MR player, I have modded most of my warframes to nuke the map and if i do that these people complain that we are not letting them have fun. The recent ember change is also because of those latter complaints

To be fair, at this point I've stopped caring. If I jump into a node, it's clear as fast as possible for what I want, get out. It's rude, but it's a pub mission, no one owes each other anything unless asked. 

Ideally, I would like a slider option to limit the MR range of players I play with, but I don't see that happening anytime in Warframe. 

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Alright to all the people who say "if I fight the mission will be over soon." No. You can fight without plowing through everything. I have enjoyed playing with high rank players who balance it out. I have also played with players that demolish everything but I always find enemies to kill so I think the game is balanced in that regard. Not doing anything and just sitting there or hiding in a "panic room" does not show how "considerate" you are. It just doesn't. Sorry. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Warframe2052018 said:

Alright to all the people who say "if I fight the mission will be over soon." No. You can fight without plowing through everything. I have enjoyed playing with high rank players who balance it out. I have also played with players that demolish everything but I always find enemies to kill so I think the game is balanced in that regard. Not doing anything and just sitting there or hiding in a "panic room" does not show how "considerate" you are. It just doesn't. Sorry. 

Lol... ok lets put this into perspective and remember this is a low level map...

I go in with my multi forma'd frame on say a defence mission, so I'll take frost.  I sit in the middle waiting for the enemies to get to me, even letting them attack me as they're doing basically no damage.... wait a little while longer watching the newbies swing around their melee doing hardly any damage (and I've seen this plenty of times)... press 4 once and oh... sorry I killed them all... and it's not much different with our weapons either as at low levels we'll one hit pretty much anything.  So unless we basically go in with starter gear and/or unlevelled hardware (which we never will due to mr mod allowances), we'll plough though low level gear no matter what, actually my kavats can kill quicker than most newbies. 

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52 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Lol... ok lets put this into perspective and remember this is a low level map...

I go in with my multi forma'd frame on say a defence mission, so I'll take frost.  I sit in the middle waiting for the enemies to get to me, even letting them attack me as they're doing basically no damage.... wait a little while longer watching the newbies swing around their melee doing hardly any damage (and I've seen this plenty of times)... press 4 once and oh... sorry I killed them all... and it's not much different with our weapons either as at low levels we'll one hit pretty much anything.  So unless we basically go in with starter gear and/or unlevelled hardware (which we never will due to mr mod allowances), we'll plough though low level gear no matter what, actually my kavats can kill quicker than most newbies. 

His point is still valid though. Just because you nuke one group of enemies doesn't mean the mission just instantly ends. There's room between "kill everything" and "kill nothing".

You gave the example of a defense mission. Well, not only do you have enemies distributed over different waves, they don't spawn all at once either. And you have more equipment on you than just your 4. You could for example let the newbies kill some of the first enemies of the wave and once they get overwhelmed, take out a couple of priority targets with your weapons, let them clean up the rest, rinse and repeat.

In Exterminate missions this is probably the clearest. There's a huge difference between occasionally nuking a tile while letting others clear some too and just kind of walking around doing nothing. You don't have to get 95% of kills and damage to count as participating in a mission. As OP's comment said, it's about balance.

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36 minutes ago, .-KG-..-KingOfRisen-. said:

His point is still valid though. Just because you nuke one group of enemies doesn't mean the mission just instantly ends. There's room between "kill everything" and "kill nothing".

You gave the example of a defense mission. Well, not only do you have enemies distributed over different waves, they don't spawn all at once either. And you have more equipment on you than just your 4. You could for example let the newbies kill some of the first enemies of the wave and once they get overwhelmed, take out a couple of priority targets with your weapons, let them clean up the rest, rinse and repeat.

In Exterminate missions this is probably the clearest. There's a huge difference between occasionally nuking a tile while letting others clear some too and just kind of walking around doing nothing. You don't have to get 95% of kills and damage to count as participating in a mission. As OP's comment said, it's about balance.

Did you not read the bit about the our weapons being able to one hit low enemies unless we totally disable everything we have on it.... Say I take my zaw or galatine prime, let alone an atterax, one swing of that can take out the equivalent area of some 4's...actually on the really low levels you might not even needs mods to one shot...

It doesn't matter how much we try and minimise our killing, if we do end up doing anything we can wipe out large portions of the enemy out without any effort, and at some point we're going to need to kill the enemy because like I said I've stood there watching the newbies just swinging their melee around doing next to no damage.  Enemies usually come in closely packed waves, if we can one hit an enemy we can take out multiple enemies in one hit too because most melee weapons have a range or we've added punch through to our guns.

Now you mention exterminate.... well even without using ember we can still kill stuff quicker than a newbie because we know how to move the warframe AND we know the maps. 

In essence you just can't balance a level to both an mr25 and an mr5 because no matter what you do to the weaponry to 'balance them, an mr25 will usually be considerably better than an mr5. 




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21 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Did you not read the bit about the our weapons being able to one hit low enemies unless we totally disable everything we have on it.... Say I take my zaw or galatine prime, let alone an atterax, one swing of that can take out the equivalent area of some 4's...actually on the really low levels you might not even needs mods to one shot...

It doesn't matter how much we try and minimise our killing, if we do end up doing anything we can wipe out large portions of the enemy out without any effort, and at some point we're going to need to kill the enemy because like I said I've stood there watching the newbies just swinging their melee around doing next to no damage.  Enemies usually come in closely packed waves, if we can one hit an enemy we can take out multiple enemies in one hit too because most melee weapons have a range or we've added punch through to our guns.

Now you mention exterminate.... well even without using ember we can still kill stuff quicker than a newbie because we know how to move the warframe AND we know the maps. 

In essence you just can't balance a level to both an mr25 and an mr5 because no matter what you do to the weaponry to 'balance them, an mr25 will usually be considerably better than an mr5. 

Of course a veteran will be better at the game than a newbie, and yes, sometimes said newbies bite off more than they can chew by joining a higher level mission that they just can't handle yet, so the vets have to step in. But that's not all newbies. Most of the ones I come across are capable of killing enemies if you let them. Yes, you CAN kill everything a lot faster than they do, but again you ignored the point that you don't HAVE TO. Sure, your Atterax can wipe out a group of enemies in one slide, doesn't mean you're forced to run around with Volt spamming slide attacks as fast as humanly possible for the entire mission.

There's still a big difference between holding back (doing less than you could) and leeching (doing nothing).

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4 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

Maybe they think "I better not nuke the whole tileset and let the low mr guys kill enemies and have fun."


I can say I do this often. Not on console, but might have to be equally considerate and nuke more often.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Warframe2052018 said:

Hey guys! First time poster here. I have been playing Warframe for awhile now and absolutely loving it! My experience with the community has been generally a positive one. It's because of you guys that I have been able to play this game and understand concepts that are otherwise not explained or there is very little information about in the game. 

Having said that, I have noticed a trend that has started to appear at least among the console players and that has to do with the MR. In three different instances in the past few days I have come across players with a relatively high MR that join a squad full of newbies ,like myself, and end up doing absolutely NOTHING. Sure, they do move around enough to not be kicked out of the mission but they do not participate in fights, do not contribute to the mission goal and generally just become a nuisance. I understand that sometimes dealing with new players in tough missions can be a bit annoying, but to not contribute and try to leech off other players simply because they are of lower rank than you is cowardly and downright stupid. 

So if you happen to be one of those people, I would like to make a few simple suggestions in order to make the gaming experience better for both of us. 

- If you don't have the time to do the mission, please don't join. There are always missions to do anyway.

- If you don't like playing with low rank players, simply leave the squad and find one you find suitable. It keeps everyone happy. 

- Generally don't try to leech off of other people. No matter their rank. 

- Would be nice if DE could implement a way to stop anyone from leeching but I'm not sure if it's possible. 


Thank you all for reading and happy gaming! 

Dark Aura is my clan. We Foster the growth of newer players if interested.  It's actually part of the culture of many clans along with generosity.  I was a new player once.  We all were.  And we all had a senpai or two...😊

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Warframes and weapons gain Affinity for several types of actions, detailed below. Unless specified otherwise, all Affinity gained uses the same split: 25% of the amount goes to your Warframe and 75% of the amount is divided evenly among all equipped weapons (25% each for three, 37.5% each for two, or the full 75% if only one is equipped).

  • Kill an enemy with a Warframe ability. All of the Affinity goes to the Warframe.
  • Kill an enemy with a weapon. Half of the Affinity goes to the Warframe and half to the killing weapon.
    • Be near an allied Tenno when they kill an enemy. When within 50 meters of an ally when they kill an enemy, you gain the same total Affinity, distributed as specified above. This doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by the killing player, and doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by other nearby allies. This applies to Archwing mode with much larger ranges for shared affinity.
  • Use a Warframe/Archwing ability. Affinity equal to the base energy cost, in most cases.
    • As of Hotfix 19.5.4, it is still bugged. User gains no affinity from Warframe ability use.
  • No weapons equipped. All of the Affinity goes to the Warframe.
    • This applies when the only equipped weapons are overriden by ability-created ones. (E.g. Using Exalted Blade while only having a melee weapon equipped.)
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5 hours ago, (PS4)Warframe2052018 said:

- Would be nice if DE could implement a way to stop anyone from leeching but I'm not sure if it's possible. 

not really, at least not without a kick function, which the Devs said they'll never do due to the fact that any kick system can be abused and they don't want that in their game.

one important piece of advice you should probably know is that high MR is NOT an indicator of skill, you will come across high MR players who won't do very well alongside you and may drag you down. there will be Leechers and stuff in games every so often, and while you may have good intentions in stopping people from leeching, words alone aren't going to work.

it is also possible that high MR players may have been holding back, so as to let you get more kills and affinity, and enjoy the game more. many of us will try to be considerate, even if all we do is just not bring a nuke build, or use only guns/melee.

anyway, welcome to Warframe!

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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1 hour ago, .-KG-..-KingOfRisen-. said:

Of course a veteran will be better at the game than a newbie, and yes, sometimes said newbies bite off more than they can chew by joining a higher level mission that they just can't handle yet, so the vets have to step in. But that's not all newbies. Most of the ones I come across are capable of killing enemies if you let them. Yes, you CAN kill everything a lot faster than they do, but again you ignored the point that you don't HAVE TO. Sure, your Atterax can wipe out a group of enemies in one slide, doesn't mean you're forced to run around with Volt spamming slide attacks as fast as humanly possible for the entire mission.

There's still a big difference between holding back (doing less than you could) and leeching (doing nothing).

The original response was in relation to the OP saying about the  "if I fight the mission will be over soon." comments and at the same times he's saying about high level players doing nothing.  Simply put high level players can look as though they're doing nothing, wait a few minutes press one button and wipe out most of the enemies on low level in one go (especially on defence), especially on low levels aimed at newbies, and I never even mentioned volt, a high level player can be faster just because they bullet jump when a lot of newbies will still just run.... 

I said it earlier and I'll say it again high level players are in a no win situation, they get moaned at for killing everything and they're also getting moaned at if they do nothing or very little and let the others do the killing. 


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I have to say that when I join missions I don’t check MR. I also only play missions with an intent.  If I go into a low exterminate in the void,you can bet I’m farming for Argon. If the only players care about killing and don’t deviate, it may look like I’m leeching, but I’m not. But I’m not in the mission to kill level 15 enemies or clear a tile. 

Im not sure what you qualify as high MR, but I doubt that any high MR goes into missions (especially low) to leech off newbies. You might just not be aware of the objective they’re after. 

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If you leech as a high MR player, then everyone says you are an AFK and you get all the screenshots.

If you pull out all your guns and start madly killing, then even a WoF Ember relying on just WoF can't keep up. Then people say OP pls nerf.

How to play like that? Use a Kraken?

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8 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

Maybe they think "I better not nuke the whole tileset and let the low mr guys kill enemies and have fun."


I agree with this, I usually don't do much if I play with new players so they can have their fun, but sometimes I get carried on and just nuking them all.

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It may seem annoying, but the high MR guy was likely trying to be nice and let you guys play the game. Chances are, if anyone was really in trouble they would have helped. Warframe isn’t like Destiny where the difference between a new player and a “veteran” is only based on time invested. 

High MRs can wipe maps. Chances are if he did just that you’d be back here saying something along the lines of, “I can’t play this game because high level players just kill everything too fast.”

This is why I like helping low MRs by playing Oberon. Renewal, Hallowed Ground and nothing else but my guns in my own corner of the map. I don’t want to disrupt anyone’s enjoyment of the game, but I do want to help. Best way to do that is make sure they never die.

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I don't want to use the word "nooblets" but these guys needs to understand their progress in the game. Including few of these can turn a lor into a mess or simply make JV unplayable or eidolon hunting a big waste of time. 

Warframe is not a classical run the mill game where you grab a weapon and spray. There are a lot of tactics involved and discipline. I am a bit demanding asking for MR 24 experience players on lor or Eidolon hunting. I know that rank doesn't guarantee success but gives an idea on the involvement of that individual with the game. I've done lors with mr 4 and 5 by the book. 


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11 hours ago, LSG501 said:

The original response was in relation to the OP saying about the  "if I fight the mission will be over soon." comments and at the same times he's saying about high level players doing nothing.  Simply put high level players can look as though they're doing nothing, wait a few minutes press one button and wipe out most of the enemies on low level in one go (especially on defence), especially on low levels aimed at newbies, and I never even mentioned volt, a high level player can be faster just because they bullet jump when a lot of newbies will still just run....

Volt (for melee attack speed, not movement speed) was simply an example of a frame you could use to increase your damage/kills (for your given Atterax example), while not being forced to do so.

And if newbies can notice you sitting around not doing much for a bit, they can also notice you nuking the majority of a wave with the press of a button. They're new, not mentally $&*&*#(%&ed. They can look at the screen, use the minimap or the stat overview screen and tell whether you're contributing to the mission objective or "hiding in a panic room" (as OP put it) with literally 0 damage/kills.


11 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I said it earlier and I'll say it again high level players are in a no win situation, they get moaned at for killing everything and they're also getting moaned at if they do nothing or very little and let the others do the killing.

Gotta be honest, I feel like I'm just talking to a brick wall here. As mentioned multiple times, there's room between "killing everything" and "doing nothing". There's room between 95% kills/damage and 0% kill/damage. And as mentioned above, newbies can tell the difference between participating by occasionally nuking a wave of enemies (but still letting them get kills) and sitting afk in spawn. You can do less than everything, while still doing more than nothing. And if you find that balance, you're not getting moaned at. As OP mentioned themselves:

15 hours ago, (PS4)Warframe2052018 said:

I have enjoyed playing with high rank players who balance it out.


Edited by .-KG-..-KingOfRisen-.
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