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Livestream #12 - Dev Q&a On August 14 @ 2 Pm Edt!


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Firstly: Are you looking into more Risk vs Reward gameplay types?


Besides appreciating the effort that goes into making secret stashes in certain map tiles (that are satisfying to find when exploring) and timed trials in the void, defense missions stand out as the only type of risk&reward mission type in the game, when there could be many more (payload, survival) which get more difficult depending on how far the player wants to go. 


Mobile defense imo doesn't fall into the same category as defense either, as it neither increases in difficulty the further the player wants to play it, nor is it Mobile in any way to be quite honest. Really all it is is a defense map separated into smaller chunks with no random reward at the end.


Secondly: Are there any plans for a quick-join <insert map type> feature?


Sometimes all I want to do is join a random game and play without having to coordinate where and who with, a lot like jumping on a TF2 server with a map type I enjoy. This can be achieved somewhat currently but takes time to mouse over each mission node searching for groups that aren't full or too laggy to connect to. Add to that there are cases that others are doing the same but won't join a lobby long enough for others to notice and join up as well. Sometimes its not until I've started a map solo, that others will actually join, but generally just works for the more well known popular maps.


Adding to that, some options to specify the type of map to play (defense, etc) would be desirable and maybe level bracket if its too difficult to work out from the players gear what level of difficulty they should be facing.


Lastly just a suggestion: This last weekend's event was very grindy imo. So adding to the risk reward thing above, it would have been nice if for instance the capture targets kept spawning (elsewhere) after each capture, but enemies increased in level difficulty. The waypoint to the evac could always be there but another waypoint for the next target would also appear. Players could keep capturing target increasing the points rewarded but at a risk of loosing those they've earned. Just and idea :)



Edited by AlphaArctus
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My question is with the upcoming revision of "golem" coming can we expect any further look into the infestation having a greater identity within the game? Maybe something along the lines of a tileset for the infestation or more lore in the future for them?

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Will the drop tables, and other RNG systems ever be revealed so that we have an effective way to know what drops where, and with what chance, without the need to rely on dataminers?


Will event mods be available through the transmute system, at the least?


Will tower key drop rates be revised, as now getting T1 and T2 keys, the new ones, are only available on low leveled planets, up to wave 10, with a truly low challenge, and are necessary to complete the new prime weapons, because of the drop rates I asked about on the first question?

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1. Will there be a way to retrieve a Potato from a weapon / warframe using a craftable material and / or a load of credits?

2. Will you be able to "break" a crafted dual weapon to a single one instead of having to craft a new, single version?

3. Is there a chance to be able to "level down" mods on demand? As in on the mod card with little arrows, to make, for example, a Serration taking 10 mod-levels to 7 instead of having to craft a new one with just that level?

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Hey, DERebecca and the rest of the DE gang. Longtime listener, first time caller:

1. What are your fastest times on the obstacle course... on the Rhino...unmodded...with the THRAKK helmet?

2. If you had to pick ONE Warframe to protect you from loan-sharks coming to break your kneecaps, who would you choose and why?

3. Is the Nova supposed to look like a semi-abstract painting of a slightly pregnant, Japanese schoolgirl or was that just a coincidence?

4. What's up with the Rhino's massive armored codpiece?

Vauban Chief of Police
Vauban Police Department.

Edited by Best_Tiger
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Hi guys i've got quite many qyestions :) 


1) How did you imagine such an epic game ?? Seriously for a beta it's great 


2) Did you planned another Warframe ? 


3) Are you going to create new missions ( maybe another system ? ) 


4) Ive noticed a lack of teamplay : Most people are more rushing without killing ennemis , will you do something against that ? 


5) Will you introduce more "endgame" content ? I mean Void Key 3 / Nightmare mode and high difficulties planet are pretty cool but you know players always want more !


6) Will you introduce Clan VS Clan combat ? A system like 4v4 : You have to create a key and then they is a matchmaking , it would be pretty cool even if i think that the game is not really balanced for PvP battles ( I tried PvP with Excalibur against Rhyno and i ate dust lol, maybe im just a noob i don't know ^^ ) 


7)  I wonder if a new factions could appear ? Maybe a friendly one who knows ? 


8) Will "achievements" are going to appear in the game ? 


9) Are you going to create a Prime warframe who exist only in "Prime" version ? 


10) Will more rare and cool ennemies like the Stalker are going to appear ? 



Last question less important but i need to ask and i hope that i'll get an awnser : 


All weapons in the game can be bought via real money but also but crafted in game , but to expand your inventory you must pay with real monye, will you introduce a way to put more slot in your inventory : I don't know a item to craft with VERY VERY rare ressources ??? But just asking :) 


Good job for what you did with the game ! And of course good luck for the future ! Because i hope that it is just the beginnig of something even more bigger :D 


EDIT : I hope that the prices are not given to people you are "high-level" in the forum , otherwise im screwed lol

Edited by Psyzerker
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1 : Will there be more nr of stalkers coming ? (maybe a female stalker)


2 : Will we be able to have missions where can pilot our sentinels only ? (or segments) to achieve goals...



Thanks for the events and updates :D

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Can we ever expect to see some elements to curb lone wolf rushes and promote team play. stop the content from being trivial and skip able.

i use L4D as an example with its special enemies that can 1 hit down a player, crescendos and hordes that actually require the players to work together or dig in and defend.

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My questions are related to this past event

Question 1. Why was full and complete information regarding the event not given at the very beginning of the event regarding the mod cards which would have given the event at the beginning a great boost as opposed to people complaining how boring and tedious and lackluster it was causing many to either not participate or just do again the bare minimum?


Question 2. I ask this question in all seriousness and you may not even ask it but I would like to know if the progress bar ever was altered to not show the true progress due to how fast the player base was completing each mission to make the event last longer than it should have?

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Will Volt and Dera get some summer lovin'?


edit: (Volt a fix/buff/revamp and Dera something to make it viable in endgame, I love that gun so much. Upped crit? innate Puncture? Maybe allow it to use puncture mods???)

Edited by WondahBoah
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(With the update of Operation Arid Fear, some of us can't get in the game due to launcher issues and will probably miss the event.)


Will you guys be able to implement separate manual patches of new updates that can be downloaded from the official site so that those with problems with the launcher not updating can directly download the patch instead?

Edited by MonstercatHD
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Are there any plans or discussions on the state of the game for players in "incomplete cells"? Like anywhere between solo, 2/3 players.


It's a well known fact that recent events' difficulty and enemy resistance buffs aren't even noticed by people who run in a full cell, but will enemies and events as a whole always be balanced around the 4-man team with maxed gear and leave use incomplete cells to fend for our own, or are there any plans to at least reduce the difficulty? (like use Vor's team amount & gear rank scaling to reduce the amount of enemies spawned)


An earlier post of mine that might shed more light:



IMHO what would be nice is to have the enemy levels be scaled according to party size and gear rank, not unlike new Vor, and have drop "ratings" that increases with "party rank".


A team of Braton-MkI wielding Rank 1 Excals with lower party rank can go through it fighting predominantly Lancers and Sawmen and gain some Uncommon mods if they're lucky. A team with full maxed gear should get more Uncommons and Rares from fighting Lancers, Elite Lancers, and Heavies.


This could also be used to mitigate the spawning problem where a solo/two/three-man team would be fighting the same amount of enemies as a 4-man team. A max-ranked soloer would probably be facing the same amount of enemies as a newbie full-team with rank 5 equipment.


It should be challenging, not impossible.

Edited by Shion963
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Just two questions :)

1) I know a lot of people are having friend list inviting problems. Any updates on that fix?


2) Do you guys have anything like epic multi-squad/large squad battle missions planned? It seems like a logically next step in a PvE squad game. 



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Will ther be a fix for the defense-reward-system? (it got better but I'm tired of getting 100 Hellfires and not a single banshe helmet)

How do you start a career as Game-desinger?

Is there going to be a fourth fraction? (the corupted don't count)

When can we expect to get Lore about the cool stuff? (Twin Queens, The Lotus, The Sentience)

WHen I got a brilliant idea how to increase the awesomeness of Warframe, where's the place to post it? (I got plenty of them)

Can I haz Cat-Warframe?

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With more limited availability mods and rare mods in general as well as the difficulty of fusing up mods like serration in general, have you given any more thought to allowing underclocking?



Are mods like primed chamber and ammo mutation available in the mod transmutator?

Any plans to release primed chamber for everyone to have a chance to get?



Will you be revising endless defense's drop tables to add in chances for T2 capture, defense, and mobile defense instead of just raid and exterminate?



Can we remove bullet/projectile collision with allies? (We can run through each other but not shoot? Common scenario:  About to fire ogris, ally runs through you, you die.)

What about reducing self-damage (ogris, thunderbolt) so that you don't always instantly die to the very edge of a properly modded ogris (maybe self damage can always be the weapon's base damage?)

With this change, could thunderbolt be put back to scaling with damage mods? (Not so useful at higher levels currently.)



Could you allow powers like iron skin and null star to be recast while active to refresh them back to full instead of forcing us to wait until we take damage/fire them off?  Especially important in energy drain nightmare.



Defense objectives taking damage from toxic clouds?  Makes Vauban mandatory, limits flexibility.

Downed players in a cloud draining time too quickly, allies can't just dive in to save them, need to wait for it to go away.



Math question here:



Finally, can we get the option to replay completed rank missions for fun, or for some people to practice the current rank during their waiting period?

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1. From the Arid Fear operation, it's clear that networking has a lot of trouble - unable to join the session, session must be invited by the host, etc. Is there an ongoing effort to alleviate this problem?


2. Will we see lore-related operation like Arid Fear in the future? I think it's great concept.


3. Armor scaling and weapon balance. It's clear that armor mechanic has been an endgame problem since it limits choice of viable weapon to armor ignoring and innate AP weapon. I understand that DE acknowledged the problem from August 6th hot topic and more recent weapon balance vote in design council. Will we see armor mechanic revamp?


4. Loki and Shade interaction, is it intentional? If not, any ETA on fixing it?

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