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Day 850 Login is a joke


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I knew it was likely a major shot in the dark, but I'd been just ever so slightly hopeful that the day 850 reward would have let us choose 3 weapons and would have given us riven (random stats of course) for each weapon we chose.  That way it would be keeping in the mindset of consistency that the other login milestones have already had up to this point.

But nope.  Just 3 run of the mill veiled rivens, all three of which I had to do boring solo incursions for.  Two of which turned out to be 100% unusable junk, and the third being a duplicate for a weapon I already have a good riven for.

The part that's even more somewhat strange about this particular milestone cache is that we don't have anything else to show for it.  The other ones had at least a sigil or glyph tied into them.  Unless I missed something, day 850 didn't even have that.  Just a rifle, secondary, and melee riven with nothing to really show for it in the end.  I'm grateful I took a few months off from Sorties myself, so I'm still a bit shy of the 90 cap as of now.

Now mind you, I'm not expecting something super outstanding here, not by a long shot.  But part of what was the perceived point of the login reward milestone awards was consistency.  Getting something very clear and specific.  This particular milestone doesn't fit into that particular realm in any way.  I already send my preemptive regards to the unlucky individual out there who gets a Dethmachine Rifle, Burst Laser, and Deconstructor set of rivens from their day 850 cache.

To put it in other words;  This is the first login cache that has the capability to be a potential huge slap right square in the face to the player who reaches said milestone.  Due to how RNG the unveiling process tends to be.  And honestly, that's kind of not okay.  The prior caches and mods/weapons obtained via the login system may not have been to everyone's tastes, but they were consistent.

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26 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

So this thread is 2 weeks old and the devs haven't said anything about this issue?

3 random rivens for such a milestone is indeed a joke.

How about we get an Artax riven instead lol

well it's useful to someone, so it's here to stay! The mentality of "It's not useful to just me, therefore it shouldn't be a reward" is illogical. I could state I'm swimming in millions of endo, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to whine that sorties shouldn't drop endo, because I know it's useful to someone.

And since the way to get login rewards will change where you can pick the path for rewards, the rivens will be more easy to acquire for players.


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Seeing as im only at 215 login rewards because i dont habitualy log in every day and only log in when i want to play and primed mods and weapons are allready locked behind an absurdly high login counter... (cosmetics are fine).


I lack any sympathy for you.

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Already posted in this thread and spoke positively about the reward, but I gotta add something.


Imo 3 Rivens is still a much better reward than what we usually get for "X50" days, I used 1 of the sigils, but there are other I prefer.

The glyphs are great to show other "login enthusiasts" you're one of them, would have loved another one this time!


Being "punished" for buying and maxing the rather expensive riven slots for this reward is a pretty uncool thing though.

I understand not giving us "special slots" that would send us above the slot limit, but some kind of compensation instead would've been nice.

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6 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

well it's useful to someone, so it's here to stay!

The problem is that this particular one doesn't follow the same road as the other login rewards.  Something like Primed Fury may not be useful to a player who uses only crit weapons, and therefore can Berserker all day and all night long.  Primed Shred is sure as heck super useless to me, with Primed Vigor being just about as useless.  But it's consistent and reliable, and Primed Fury, Primed Vigor, and Primed Shred can be legitimately useful to some folks.  Nobody, period, can claim the day 850 reward is useful to them until they actually get it.  Because you don't know what rivens you get until you get them, and that there is the problem.

Three random veiled rivens simply don't follow the ideals set in place by all the previous login milestones.  It's the first and only login milestone that has near no consistency to it, in any real way.  The reason the milestones were implemented in the first place was specifically to add something concrete and consistent onto the login reward system.

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3 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

The problem is that this particular one doesn't follow the same road as the other login rewards.  Something like Primed Fury may not be useful to a player who uses only crit weapons, and therefore can Berserker all day and all night long.  Primed Shred is sure as heck super useless to me, with Primed Vigor being just about as useless.  But it's consistent and reliable, and Primed Fury, Primed Vigor, and Primed Shred can be legitimately useful to some folks.  Nobody, period, can claim the day 850 reward is useful to them until they actually get it.  Because you don't know what rivens you get until you get them, and that there is the problem.

Three random veiled rivens simply don't follow the ideals set in place by all the previous login milestones.  It's the first and only login milestone that has near no consistency to it, in any real way.  The reason the milestones were implemented in the first place was specifically to add something concrete and consistent onto the login reward system.

well the other "50 day" rewards do kinda apply too, coming with cosmetics, reactors, forma, catalysts, boosters, exilus adapters....all are subjective in terms of use to individual players.

Hell, when I do get that 850, that's a good 60-100p of selling for me (Least I hope they can be sold) so that's pretty useful to me.

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Just now, FashionFrame said:

well the other "50 day" rewards do kinda apply too, coming with cosmetics, reactors, forma, catalysts, boosters, exilus adapters....all are subjective in terms of use to individual players.

Which are subjective, but not random, hence the literal and entire point of my prior post.

Repeating it in a single line for simplicity's sakes;  Login milestone 850 has what is essentially no consistency, which is a flaw that should be corrected.

Even something so inconsequential as a glyph or sigil would put it in-line with all the prior login milestones.  Nothing fancy, nothing obscene or great.  Just something that is set in stone guaranteed.

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1 minute ago, Bobtm said:

Which are subjective, but not random, hence the literal and entire point of my prior post.

Repeating it in a single line for simplicity's sakes;  Login milestone 850 has what is essentially no consistency, which is a flaw that should be corrected.

Even something so inconsequential as a glyph or sigil would put it in-line with all the prior login milestones.  Nothing fancy, nothing obscene or great.  Just something that is set in stone guaranteed.

and as I've stated, the guaranteed is the 60-100p, if you don't want to take your chances at an RNG system and just go straight for the free market. Because I'm sure as hell not gonna try at a chance for a "god teir mod" or whatever trade chat calls it.

Though I understand about it being pretty inconsistent, since it is just giving you a "chance" to get something you want. But platinum is a use for many!


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2 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

and as I've stated, the guaranteed is the 60-100p, if you don't want to take your chances at an RNG system and just go straight for the free market. Because I'm sure as hell not gonna try at a chance for a "god teir mod" or whatever trade chat calls it.

Though I understand about it being pretty inconsistent, since it is just giving you a "chance" to get something you want. But platinum is a use for many!

And adding a simple glyph or sigil wouldn't do anything negative on that front.  Just slap the required tidbit of consistency onto the reward that should have been present to begin with.

If the only argument that's favorable of login day 850 is "trading fodder" then there's clearly a major problem.

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Just now, Bobtm said:

And adding a simple glyph or sigil wouldn't do anything negative on that front.  Just slap the required tidbit of consistency onto the reward that should have been present to begin with.

If the only argument that's favorable of login day 850 is "trading fodder" then there's clearly a major problem.

implying the argument is invalid. platinum seems worthy enough to be noted.

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2 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

implying the argument is invalid. platinum seems worthy enough to be noted.

Because it is an invalid argument.  It's you ignoring the login reward and throwing it away in favor of something else.  The only way to guarantee the consistency you're noting is to not use/unveil the rivens obtained via the day 850 login reward in the first place.

It's a defeatist argument that hinges purely on the user 100% disgarding the reward they obtained in favor of something else entirely.  So yes, it is an invalid argument.

Edited by Bobtm
extra use of "the" is extra
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1 minute ago, Bobtm said:

Because it is an invalid argument.  It's you ignoring the login reward and throwing it away in favor of something else.  The only way to guarantee the consistency you're noting is to not use/unveil the rivens obtained via the day 850 login reward in the first place.

It's a defeatist argument that hinges purely on the user 100% disgarding the reward they obtained in favor of something else entirely.  So yes, it is an invalid argument.

Kinda opinionated in that regard, since platinum is useful to me and isn't considered "Throwing it away," so I'm going for it. I'm sure many others can definitely agree on that regard. Of course there's also the opinion that people would rather go for chance and roll the rivens in hopes to get something, but that would be too risky for me, so I'd rather just make that extra bit of plat. That's a reward. That seems viable. Rivens are still a reward, people just go about how to use them differently. I found my use for them, don't try so hard to change that.

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On 3/15/2018 at 9:38 PM, Oreades said:

No I didn't miss that part, the cool nifty stuff went away because the ROI for creating it continues to go down. The issue is that as time progresses the finish line just keeps moving farther and farther out and as such it means less and less to the newer players and an ever shrinking pool of long term players for whom it is reasonably relevant. 

For someone who started today getting to 850 would take 2.36 YEARS. Which means that if they added a cool new weapon or a nifty new Primed mod to the end of that reward chain all it is going to do is discourage new players. The other option if they keep with the current system is to make the new rewards less and less interesting/relevant/meaningful. The problem with that is it discourages existing/long term players.


I feel the people that don't want to do 850 log-ins (x-day log-in) should not want the 850 log-in (or x-day log-in) rewards. There's only two possible reasons DE came up with this system in the first place: 1) Encourage players to continue to play their game 2) Reward those players that remain dedicated to their game. I officially started playing in March 2015, just got my Sigma & Octantis today. When I started there were people who already had stuff like the Azima or Primed Vigor. I didn't whine, I just made sure to get on the game and play nearly every single day. Quite honestly, Warframe is one of the few games out there that are worth this type of time investment.

Now, about the 850 day log-in reward, I don't like it, but, naturally, I'll accept and appreciate it. I'd prefer a 10x Catalyst bundle, but a gift is a gift.

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On 4/1/2018 at 11:19 AM, FashionFrame said:

well the other "50 day" rewards do kinda apply too, coming with cosmetics, reactors, forma, catalysts, boosters, exilus adapters....all are subjective in terms of use to individual players.

Hell, when I do get that 850, that's a good 60-100p of selling for me (Least I hope they can be sold) so that's pretty useful to me.

~90-390 depending on the type of veiled rivens you get. 


On 4/1/2018 at 2:43 PM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I feel the people that don't want to do 850 log-ins (x-day log-in) should not want the 850 log-in (or x-day log-in) rewards. There's only two possible reasons DE came up with this system in the first place: 1) Encourage players to continue to play their game 2) Reward those players that remain dedicated to their game. I officially started playing in March 2015, just got my Sigma & Octantis today. When I started there were people who already had stuff like the Azima or Primed Vigor. I didn't whine, I just made sure to get on the game and play nearly every single day. Quite honestly, Warframe is one of the few games out there that are worth this type of time investment.

Now, about the 850 day log-in reward, I don't like it, but, naturally, I'll accept and appreciate it. I'd prefer a 10x Catalyst bundle, but a gift is a gift.

Login rewards have a simple reasoning behind them: the more often players login, the more likely they are to spend money on the game.  Developers/publishers try to make it sound nicer than that, but that is the reason that they're implemented.

Catalysts are one of the few consistent purchases for long term players.  Giving ten items that they likely would've bought anyways doesn't make much sense from a business standpoint.

Edited by Aggh
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They can change it to a special unveiled riven that let you choose the weapon for the riven. That would make it special and not unique (like sigma & octantis) at the same time.

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1 hour ago, Kaiath64 said:

 They can change it to a special unveiled riven that let you choose the weapon for the riven. That would make it special and not unique (like sigma & octantis) at the same time.

Everyone's gonna choose Scoliac Rivens. Just watch.

Anyway, I haven't really read all the replies to this thread, but I just want to say I definitely agree that weapons and Primed Mods shouldn't be time gated. That's simply something bad especially for those who always yearned for one of those Mods/weapons.

But cosmetics? I'm super happy that there are few cosmetics which are only obtainable by being around in the game for a while. Personally I don't give a damn about how exactly those cosmetics look like, but my attention is drawn towards them as... showing your status, I suppose.

Edit: Getting back on topic with the original post, yeah... In my opinion as well, the current 850 day milestone is... an insult.

Edited by (XB1)Juniormech777
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1 minute ago, (XB1)Juniormech777 said:

After over 2 years of playing the game, you'd expect to have gotten around 100 Rivens from Sorties by that time. Unless you don't do Sorties.

I've gotten less then 50 total (counting the ones I've endo'd cause plasma sword).

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11 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

90/90 ppl wont even get anything

would be cool to give 1 riven which we can completely decide. stats, weapon, MR, polarity. rather one of such than 3 RNG.

Mark my words here, there certainly should be limitations to deciding what Riven you get.

All I'm thinking of right now is Scoliac Rivens with insanely high percentages of range, damage, and crit chance on slide attacks. Oh, dear God... :scared:

Edited by (XB1)Juniormech777
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