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After Zephyr Prime, we'll probably be getting Limbo Prime (and I'm a bit worried)


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As a player with Limbo as the most used warframe, I say: “he’s perfect as he is”.

His kit doesn’t need any tweak.

And about the community and the “Limbo problem”: it’s become a mess since a long time ago, so they shouldn’t listen to anybody.

Seriously, it’s so easy playing with a Limbo in a team! You see enemies frozen? Stop shooting and use your melee! You see an enemy engulfed in white flames? Leave it alone, you can’t hit it. You are banished? Just! Roll! It’s almost as if people played like braindead children so they can complain about Limbo! That’s why I learned to do everything in solo.


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For me I barely touch banish and just use cataclysm and stasis mostly to not "force others" to play around Limbo.Also when you think about it for you to be casting banish and rift walk is just style points mostly and slows your kill rate lol.Instead me myself play as a normal frame using guns and melee more without relying on my abilities much unless it was really needed at the time.For defense you really shouldn't use cataclysm unless you are going for the small range build or to revive allies.That in my opinion is how you play around him in public missions.Worth mentioning I dont like the aoe banish like if you want to banish a nox it banish others around him too like a surge even tho my intent was only to banish nox~

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As a leader in the #LimboIsAndWillAlwaysBeTrash movement. I'm here to declare I will obtain, level limbo prime to 30, and immediately dismantle "it". Even though I keep all my prime frames and gear....I am a tireless hero and there is no need for praise. I do it for you fellow tenno!

Edited by (PS4)KnowLedge
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Honestly, I hate the current version of Limbo. The combination of placing self riftmode toggle on a button combination used for ordinary movement and being unable to banish an enemy while you're currently in the rift has made him basically unplayable for me. His initial version worked just fine.

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Well being able to banish enemies while in rift walk is kinda makes you invincible 24/7 while being able to kill any1 and too strong (De doesnt want that kind of gameplay) still though the fluidity feels awesome but yeah you are basically a better valkyr that way.But having the need to banish first or cataclysm is as intended.One thing I would change is make allies that enter the rift portal/crack have more duration or just perma rifted like limbo himself and they are free to leave whenever.Still though for me rift surge is kinda meh apart from the cataclysm + rift + deactivate cataclysm move ._.

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On 19/03/2018 at 3:00 PM, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

at this point there is nothing DE can do that will make people NOT complain about Limbo. he is either OP or a interruption.


even if we get the ability to cross dimension damage rifted targets, allowing players out of the rift to use ranged weapons on stasised enemies in the rift you would still get complains about him being OP in some way or another despite other frames being able to effectively "stasis" enemies without the same restrictions on ranged attacks and dimensional nonsense (EX:Frosts Avalanche).

fact is, there are people who outright view Limbo as a disruption no matter how the frame is played due to prejudice. That's right, there are "Frame Racist" people who will never get over one or two bad experiences. DE cannot satisfy everyone with limbo because they have waited too long, and done too little in the eyes of some players.


despite Limbo being the strongest CC frame in the game, he has weaknesses that cripple him in certain situations.. the worst of which is having to INTENTIONALLY GIMP his abilities in some fashion to avoid pissing off other players. add in the fact that Nullifier bubbles leaves him entirely unable to act against some targets and his extremely squishy nature when not using his CC abilities and you have a frame that you either play boringly, or stupidly or not at all in the eyes of other players who dislike him.

Done right limbo can handle most situations, but ultimately other players have to play "around" him in order to play themselves and for a lot of people it seems that is ok or acceptable.


so... what can DE that doesnt utterly destroy the identity of the frame at this point?

I just suffered from that "Frame Racism" yesterday, I came on a mobile defense sortie with my Limbo, only to be complained about, for using my base range cataclysm on the terminal. Problem is, enemies never got inside the bubble so there was 0 interruption on the side of the players. But still they complained like hell, saying that I should use negative range to not be a bother. Which is ridiculous cause they only needed to leave the bubble for their kills, and could even use the bubble for cover. I even refrained form banishing enemies.

HIs complaint was pretty much, "don't bring a Limbo to any mission i'm playing"


2 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Honestly, I hate the current version of Limbo. The combination of placing self riftmode toggle on a button combination used for ordinary movement and being unable to banish an enemy while you're currently in the rift has made him basically unplayable for me. His initial version worked just fine.

His original version killed 1 enemy per year with banish only working on one enemy, and cataclysm served little purpose. I'm sorry but this is your failure to adapting in this case. Banish can now work while you are on the run, which means you can banish while in parkour. This already grants him enough survivability to use his powers outside the rift. And since you can use Rift dash to shorten certain skill animations. This already makes him avoid damage, he would definitely take in his earlier version due to excessive animations on skills.

Edited by DreadWarlock
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On 20/03/2018 at 1:51 PM, YandereWaifu said:

as someone who mainly uses zenistar melee and ranged weapons, fck that, change it now 

As someone who prefers using banish over cataclysm so that Stasis won't be a problem to other players. Why don't other Limbos out there use Tigris prime modded for punchthrough with him? Freeze those pellets aimed at a line of enemies, and you know they are dead. Cataclysm does it better? No it doesn't, it's because some people spam cataclysm that other players get annoyed. You don't need to freeze everyone in the map as you can't kill them all by yourself(unless you're using a whip, that is), so you don't need that "Efficiency". Banish is and always will be better to use while on the move, you only use cataclism is case you're going to stay at a certain room.

I fail to see how can people not know that Stasis can be used as a way of being tactical it allows you to take your time in lining up shots, and if you're at blow sortie levels, just bring a sniper and you will KNOW the enemies are dead. If  you're a Limbo Banish enemies and do this, if you're not, grab your stronges gun, and make use of stasis. Fire and forget, move to other target and do the same, untill you and all teamates got all enemies covered. Once stasis ends, those enemis will be dead.

Don't be afraid to overload stasis while using this method, as it will not reduce your amount of kills in the least. People treat stasis as an ability that stops bullets and protects enemies, which is not the case. It's an ability that allows you to accumulate damage to be delivered in an instant, killing enemies instantly.THere's no reason to not use your ranged weapons.

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50 minutes ago, DreadWarlock said:

His original version killed 1 enemy per year with banish only working on one enemy, and cataclysm served little purpose. I'm sorry but this is your failure to adapting in this case. Banish can now work while you are on the run, which means you can banish while in parkour. This already grants him enough survivability to use his powers outside the rift. And since you can use Rift dash to shorten certain skill animations. This already makes him avoid damage, he would definitely take in his earlier version due to excessive animations on skills.

One enemy per year? You must have really sucked to kill that slowly. Banish working on one enemy was a feature, not a bug. If you wanted to banish multiple enemies, you used cataclysm. Banish for a single high priority target (ancient healer, some eximus, whatever else), cataclysm for either sniping enemies from afar or right as your getting up close for a bunch of easy melee kills (because rift state changes used to knock down enemies). Banishment while running - I can't really say much about that, running is actually a pretty slow way of moving around in this game and isn't something I do unless absolutely necessary. If I ever had to banish something while on the move, it could be done perfectly fine mid-bullet jump, but there wasn't often much cause to do that because the enemies would not be able to hit you while rifted and you could afford to stand still to aim more accurately if necessary (eg. to pick out an ancient healer from a cluster so that it could be quickly assassinated). This leads on to the final point that if you ever took damage as old Limbo, then you were either playing him wrong or got surprised between rift walk casts.

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1 hour ago, DoomFruit said:

One enemy per year? You must have really sucked to kill that slowly. Banish working on one enemy was a feature, not a bug. If you wanted to banish multiple enemies, you used cataclysm. Banish for a single high priority target (ancient healer, some eximus, whatever else), cataclysm for either sniping enemies from afar or right as your getting up close for a bunch of easy melee kills (because rift state changes used to knock down enemies). Banishment while running - I can't really say much about that, running is actually a pretty slow way of moving around in this game and isn't something I do unless absolutely necessary. If I ever had to banish something while on the move, it could be done perfectly fine mid-bullet jump, but there wasn't often much cause to do that because the enemies would not be able to hit you while rifted and you could afford to stand still to aim more accurately if necessary (eg. to pick out an ancient healer from a cluster so that it could be quickly assassinated). This leads on to the final point that if you ever took damage as old Limbo, then you were either playing him wrong or got surprised between rift walk casts.

Don't talk smack, Cataclysm only worked with  RIft Surge, plus augment, and all his animations were slow as sin, no matter how much damage you could cause with the combination, it was pretty much 100% inferior to other Damage Dealing warframes. ANd at the end of the day, killing priority targets was nice but your contribution to the team was but a dream. Former Limbo didn't die, but that was all it was. Oh but he was an excelent doctor i'll give you that.

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4 minutes ago, DreadWarlock said:

Don't talk smack, Cataclysm only worked with  RIft Surge, plus augment, and all his animations were slow as sin, no matter how much damage you could cause with the combination, it was pretty much 100% inferior to other Damage Dealing warframes. ANd at the end of the day, killing priority targets was nice but your contribution to the team was but a dream. Former Limbo didn't die, but that was all it was. Oh but he was an excelent doctor i'll give you that.

Limbo wasn't meant as a damage dealing warframe. Do you also complain that Trin, Nyx, Vauban and Zephyr don't kill as much as Equinox, Ash or Saryn? His original incarnation was based around manipulating individual enemies or small clusters of them, in taking out a single enemy very quickly (because banish + rift surge gave you a huge damage magnifier); or in preserving specific things from harm. That's what I liked, and they took away that control with the changes.

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4 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Limbo wasn't meant as a damage dealing warframe. Do you also complain that Trin, Nyx, Vauban and Zephyr don't kill as much as Equinox, Ash or Saryn? His original incarnation was based around manipulating individual enemies or small clusters of them, in taking out a single enemy very quickly (because banish + rift surge gave you a huge damage magnifier); or in preserving specific things from harm. That's what I liked, and they took away that control with the changes.

So whats wrong with him being able to do the same thing on a wider scale?

Frost, gara, nyx can do huge scaled cc infinitely that doesnt immunize enemies to allied damage as well. Why must limbo suffer this random limitation or be forced to single target which so many frames and most weapons do better?

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On 21/3/2018 at 1:41 PM, (PS4)padano91 said:

As a player with Limbo as the most used warframe, I say: “he’s perfect as he is”.

His kit doesn’t need any tweak.

And about the community and the “Limbo problem”: it’s become a mess since a long time ago, so they shouldn’t listen to anybody.

Seriously, it’s so easy playing with a Limbo in a team! You see enemies frozen? Stop shooting and use your melee! You see an enemy engulfed in white flames? Leave it alone, you can’t hit it. You are banished? Just! Roll! It’s almost as if people played like braindead children so they can complain about Limbo! That’s why I learned to do everything in solo.


He's perfect as he is as long as you play in premades where people will expect and accept being limited by Limbo's abilities. His problem is he disrupts gameplay in PUB with randoms for no reason. People generally run public missions for exp, you're leveling a weapon and you don't wanna fall asleep in Hydron/Bere afk while a dps kills all so you do regular missions, but Limbo joins and says "neh, #*!% you" at his own will. He forces his melee gameplay on everyone else while matched with strangers and not everyone likes melee or is using one at the time. When people ask Limbos to stop doing what he's doing so the party can do their thing, they usually ignore it, that's why Limbo has such a bad stigma in public matches, they're mostly trolls.

Edited by Kiwinille
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On 3/21/2018 at 8:41 AM, (PS4)padano91 said:

As a player with Limbo as the most used warframe, I say: “he’s perfect as he is”.

His kit doesn’t need any tweak.

And about the community and the “Limbo problem”: it’s become a mess since a long time ago, so they shouldn’t listen to anybody.

Seriously, it’s so easy playing with a Limbo in a team! You see enemies frozen? Stop shooting and use your melee! You see an enemy engulfed in white flames? Leave it alone, you can’t hit it. You are banished? Just! Roll! It’s almost as if people played like braindead children so they can complain about Limbo! That’s why I learned to do everything in solo.


Yeah it's so easy to play with Limbo, just completely change your own play style, ditch 2/3 of your weapons and dust off your melee....... it saddens me that you can't seem to see why that is a problem. Consequently exactly why Limbo has a bad rep.....



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6 hours ago, DreadWarlock said:

As someone who prefers using banish over cataclysm so that Stasis won't be a problem to other players. Why don't other Limbos out there use Tigris prime modded for punchthrough with him? Freeze those pellets aimed at a line of enemies, and you know they are dead. Cataclysm does it better? No it doesn't, it's because some people spam cataclysm that other players get annoyed. You don't need to freeze everyone in the map as you can't kill them all by yourself(unless you're using a whip, that is), so you don't need that "Efficiency". Banish is and always will be better to use while on the move, you only use cataclism is case you're going to stay at a certain room.

I fail to see how can people not know that Stasis can be used as a way of being tactical it allows you to take your time in lining up shots, and if you're at blow sortie levels, just bring a sniper and you will KNOW the enemies are dead. If  you're a Limbo Banish enemies and do this, if you're not, grab your stronges gun, and make use of stasis. Fire and forget, move to other target and do the same, untill you and all teamates got all enemies covered. Once stasis ends, those enemis will be dead.

Don't be afraid to overload stasis while using this method, as it will not reduce your amount of kills in the least. People treat stasis as an ability that stops bullets and protects enemies, which is not the case. It's an ability that allows you to accumulate damage to be delivered in an instant, killing enemies instantly.THere's no reason to not use your ranged weapons.

its mostly cuz i prefer to shoot and kill rather than accumulate damage and wait for the capacity to be reached or till the limbo player  releases it, for me its simply a playstyle that im not used to or interested in. honestly id likely take a vacation from the game when limbo prime comes out cuz id be annoyed as hell having so many limbos running around

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5 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Limbo wasn't meant as a damage dealing warframe.

Eh? Didn't rift surge work on everyone inside a cataclysm bubble? He was also definitively the sniper frame. He casts cataclysm somewhere then way far off he snipes everyone who walks into the bubble. There were also old videos of him doing massive melee damage and cataclysm also doubled as a nuke. Now he just makes everyone's weapons stop working (sniping don't work now) and piles up enemies so they can blitz you later. He's objectively worse compared to his old builds.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Eh? Didn't rift surge work on everyone inside a cataclysm bubble? He was also definitively the sniper frame. He casts cataclysm somewhere then way far off he snipes everyone who walks into the bubble. There were also old videos of him doing massive melee damage and cataclysm also doubled as a nuke. Now he just makes everyone's weapons stop working (sniping don't work now) and piles up enemies so they can blitz you later. He's objectively worse compared to his old builds.

Thank you, for a while there I thought people had forgotten his original occupation.

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4 minutes ago, agentkido said:

the only thing about limbo that needs changing in my opinion is his rift surge cause it seems kinda useless, but other than that i enjoy cata,banish,and stasis


Yeah, rift surge should work like Equinox with a Rest and Rage build. As you kill banished enemies affected by the surge an explosion would happen and drag enemies around it to the rift. This would make it useful.

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8 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

Limbo wasn't meant as a damage dealing warframe. Do you also complain that Trin, Nyx, Vauban and Zephyr don't kill as much as Equinox, Ash or Saryn? His original incarnation was based around manipulating individual enemies or small clusters of them, in taking out a single enemy very quickly (because banish + rift surge gave you a huge damage magnifier); or in preserving specific things from harm. That's what I liked, and they took away that control with the changes.

Limbo WAS meant as a Damage Dealing warframe, it's the main reason why he used to have a buff that granted 300% damage to enemies in the rift, which would be further increased by it's augment. A Limbo with this build could wipe out enemies at even higher levels by just using a well placed Cataclysm, but due to the nature of the ability, killing many enemies became impossible because you could only banish one at a time, and because Cataclysm didn't really cc enemies when you used it, making it dangerous to simply use it on any enemy group.

If you ask me, banish wa the one ability that should have gained the whole marking thing from Ash, It should also have a trigger to choose between enemies and allies this would've been optimal for the ability. THis is what I was expecting when they had said they would rework Limbo. I love the new stasis, but this change and to make Cataclysm topple enemies already inside the area you aimed at, would have been an enough of a buff to him.

But we got this new Limbo instead, and it is still superior to the old Limbo, so you won't see me complain. I'm really liking the new limbo though.

Made him quite useful for defensive misions and more importantly it allows you to "kill enemies" but keep their drops by not killing them instantly, but accumulating damage on each enemy in stasis, and kill many at the same time. THis is good for survival in order to avoid losing drops due to them disappearing over time.

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As a limbo main myself, the idea of a limbo prime both fills me with excitement and utter dread. I'm fully aware of the intrusiveness of his abilities and it's a constant thought in my mind of when the right time to toss out his kit is. Most of the time the only part of his kit I use is riftwalk - I'll only break out banish on certain rescue targets (normally only in the plains with the drone escorts) and cat+stasis on excavators/defense targets that are extremely low in health and shields.

The thought of all those inexperienced Limbo players or just plain outright trolls makes me shiver. Learning Limbo's kit is a rough ride, man - for both parties. I apologize right here and now for any bad players you all run into. We're not all trolls, I promise.

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Memories of Limbo's release week still haunt me this day unfortunately. If Limbo stays as is, a new nightmare begins on Prime week.

En-masse enemies only killable with abilities because dimension difference, Rift-wide gun ceasefire permanently in effect, endless rolling, hacking interruptions, melee/abilities only in primary/secondary Sorties, Cataclysm every Defense wave, multiple Limbos bickering because they are pulling each other out from the Rift with Banish and Cataclysm or not toggling Stasis off, Limbo Primes rift walk once and AFK... *shudders*

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