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Warframe Pay-2-Win? Riven Black Market!


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Warframe Pay-2-Win? Riven Black Market!

  • Warframe is not a Pay-2-Win game since there are items and quests that are Mastery Rank locked. 
  • There is no Black Market for Riven Mods, since there are no websites that enable players to purchase hacked mods from.

Players do not need to rely on Riven Mods to play or exceed in the game, especially on the Plains of Eidolon

Edited by xV3NOMx
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Others are laughing but Rivens were a bad idea from the start.

Rivens are too much of RNG, you need to grind A LOT of KUVA for the stats that you need, or pay high platinum price because someone probably have exactly the stats you want . I hate them, but they are not breaking the game at least. It's not something like GameForge, Nexon or KakaoGames do to their games, I'm not touching their games anymore I learned my lesson.

DE from Warframe need to ear some money, so Riven is kind of going in bad direction but at least it can hold game for more long time alive. While the companies that I mentioned are doing too much of dirty tricks to get money from Lo...Users. There is also Ubisoft and EA.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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15 minutes ago, xV3NOMx said:

Players do not need to rely on Riven Mods to play or exceed in the game, especially on the Plains of Eidolon

Well if you bought Lanka Riven mod for 100plat before people realized that Lanka is good for Eidolon then yeeah it's great, you can easily destroy limbs. Without it you need to do two shots instead of ONE. So it's kind of making hunts faster.

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4 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

Well if you bought Lanka Riven mod for 100plat before people realized that Lanka is good for Eidolon then yeeah it's great, you can easily destroy limbs. Without it you need to do two shots instead of ONE. So it's kind of making hunts faster.

One additional shot is game changing?

[ Players need to stop playing Warframe if they think using one additional bullet will ruin the game or disables them from completing a task faster.]

*Do players keep track of how many bullets they use in each mission or on each boss?

Edited by xV3NOMx
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Im more curious what youre winning? Considering the only really competitive modes arent popular or have ways to really "p2w" and "getting muh kills" doesnt say THAT much about mission participation outside of maybe exterminate and survival i dont see how buying a riven is p2w? You getting top dmg is winning? 


I stopped caring about getting top dmg a long time ago, even if im just a revive monkey keeping people off the floor or completing the specific objective i dont really concern myself with what numbers i actually get (its nicer to see me getting top numbers, but doesnt matter) Not to mention that getting top on leader-boards takes more than $ to accomplish

Edited by Echoa
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Rivens were intended to be means of making old weapons meta-viable or at least near it, but all I see is just another way to get richer. With that said, you can still cheese the entire game without them, as they are not a necessity unless the weapon is absolutely horrific.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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i think the riven market is on crack its like o u want sell a riven well forced druging 

like come the #*!% on why is anyone so much oof an idoit that they would buy something for 400 to a grand of real money foor 1 thing in a video game

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2 minutes ago, shadowmod said:

i I think the riven market is on crack. its It's like, "o Oh, u you want [to] sell a riven well forced druging [unintelligible gibberish]"

like Like, come the #*!% [bleep] on! why Why is anyone so much such oof an idoit idiot that they would buy something for 400 to a grand a large amount of real money foor 1 thing in a video game.


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because this type of complain make warframe look like bad... Please show some mercy to this games... A great games let u said until so bad.... Who ask u to get riven mod in the first place? Warframe is the only games that let u make own decision what to do what u dun want to do.... U are a joke... Dun deserve to yourself tenno u should called yourself tinno

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Just run a public Eidolon hunt with Loki and Paris Prime.  As long as the other 3 see 3 meta eidolon hunting frames they'll probably carry you lol.  In all seriousness I've been doing tridolon hunts recently where 1 person is really just a space holder when I use public queue.

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30 minutes ago, .chcesz.piwo. said:

The game has always been pay for progression, not to win.

Rivens are the closest thing to loot crates and arguably are the same as loot crates, to an extent. Fortunately for DE the trading system separates players from direct cash purchases.

You can make the argument that cash is not required or necessary in the game therefore it's not pay-2-anything but the same could be said for other F2P games like Hearthstone, where you cannot possibly compete or progress at a reasonable pace without a sizable purchase.

Like it or not it's the state of the game. A game like fortnite with no competitive or progressive barriers based around cash purchases, only cosmetics, is an example of a F2P game without any pay-2-anything system.

I know people who've bought PAs for the sole purpose of getting discounted plat to buy a single riven or arcane energize set. Regardless of your opinion a system absolutely exists where it's pay money or prepare to grind hundreds of hours pushing ctrl v in trade chat and ctrl+w+e in fissures. Or the alternative, feel weak and be excluded. 


How did you manage to compare an RNG drop item (with rng drop stats) that can be re-rolled to loot crates?

On a completely un-related noted...

Does BINGO count if you got it from a comment that's not the OP's? 

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I don't get what the point of posting this was.... warframe has always been p2w you can literally pay to get basically any item in the game... you don't have to go this far to understand it's p2w... but it's always been like that and people seem to like the free to play model even though you often end up spending more money on free to play games, the entry cost is low and people like that. Any game that is free to play and is run by a business is going to be p2w as people will only pay for things that have value, if it doesn't have value why would anyone pay for it.

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10 hours ago, superaquafin said:

Rivens where once an innovative addition to Warframe but now they're the bases of a thriving underground black market.

Step One
Creating a demand for Rivens via high efficiency Eidolon Hunting and the best mods currently available in-game.  

Step Two
Make the desired Rivens near impossible to obtain in game;
- Random drop chance via daily sortie missions 
- Random Weapon type
- Random Attributes which require Kuva to cycle. 
- Random Riven challenges ranging in various difficulty 

Step Three
Make the gameplay unenjoyable by introducing Plains Of Eidolon Riven challenges; 
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Mining 
- Archwing Launcher, which requires a steady supply of the aformentioned resources. 


No, I'm sorry,you're confu.....


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