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Opposite gender skins for frames?


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Indeed this is a topic almost as old as Warframe itself. Did you know Ember was slated to be a male frame? Crazy, isn't it? I think when she was revealed was when people started talking about gender swapping, and Ash's female concept art only added fuel to the fire.

In my personal opinion I'd love for that option. Ash would be one of my favorite warframes if he was female (Not due to aesthetics, but because of a bit of personal head canon. Female Ash would fit a particular female character I've written about in a story). Female Oberon would also make me incredibly happy.

But I can respect DE's wishes on the subject. The reason they gave can be argued against, but if that's the way they feel, then that's the way they feel. Hopefully one day we'll get a female version of Ash's archetype, which is Assassin. Though......I think that's Ivara actually...

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On 30/03/2018 at 12:19 AM, rapt0rman said:

Maybe someday in the future they'll allow for bodies too (and at that point, genderbending doesn't seem like that much of a stretch), but I wouldn't count on it anytime soon.

Just FYI is highly, highly unlikely that Tennogen will ever allow replacement body meshes.

While it might not seem like much of a difference the bodies have to be rigged, which is a whole new ball game and one hell of a mess to implement let alone the massive skill bar increase for anyone to actually provide anything.

It would be a massive amount of work for DE to alter the tooling to allow such things and then an massive amount of ongoing work to vet these meshes and their rigging, much much more than any existing Tennogen.

It's not even a little bit worth the effort for them.

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On 3/30/2018 at 6:06 AM, auxy said:

Make it happen DE. Don't you like money? (・ω・´)

Well...these are also the people who opted out the kubrow recolor button, pet perma deaths, and daily revives just because it's not like how they wanted the game (albeit profitable).


On topic :

If thry were to make a new model (which they would have too, since male and female bodies are very different), i'd rather they make that model a new frame tbh. Or an npc. Basically give a fresh asset a better purpose than a skin since we have those already, and like this guy/gal said :

On 3/30/2018 at 5:23 AM, Hixlysss said:

what they want to do is make frames of the same theme but different genders. An example would be the "Trickster" theme, which we have...two frames that have that theme, Mirage and Loki in my opinion are...the only frames that follow this line of thinking from DE.

Personally...i'd love to alt gender skins, but on the flip side i'm also curious about the second frames of same theme but different stats/powers as well...


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49 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Just FYI is highly, highly unlikely that Tennogen will ever allow replacement body meshes.

While it might not seem like much of a difference the bodies have to be rigged, which is a whole new ball game and one hell of a mess to implement let alone the massive skill bar increase for anyone to actually provide anything.

It would be a massive amount of work for DE to alter the tooling to allow such things and then an massive amount of ongoing work to vet these meshes and their rigging, much much more than any existing Tennogen.

It's not even a little bit worth the effort for them.

I don't think it'll ever really happen either. Was mostly just playing devil's advocate :P

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Even if they wanted to, it's already too late at this point. Each warframe supposed to have prime, deluxe and apparently Umbra will be a new variation as well. Some warframes  like equinox or titania still haven't even got their 2nd alternate helmet. DE have picked up the pace with deluxe skin, but it's still considerably slow. Adding gender variation will just slow the pace even more. 

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wtb ember male

wtb frost female

wtb rhino female 

wtb saryn male

well... answer is no but you can go dreaming about sexy excalibur female and male ember with nice big booty :V ( well only if you're interested into that kind of stuff then its okay)

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4 hours ago, Cephalon-Nightmare said:

wtb ember male

wtb frost female

wtb rhino female 

wtb saryn male

well... answer is no but you can go dreaming about sexy excalibur female and male ember with nice big booty :V ( well only if you're interested into that kind of stuff then its okay)

Once ember was a male and mag also was a male on the first trailer you can see the mag and the female excal. The male ember pictures dated a bit later or in the closed beta.


I have also no problems with the gender swap but that option lost when they decided to go with one frame one story. Story wise they could write easily to this frame used by both genders and the best tennos used etc etc. Nowaday it is only possible if they go with similar theme frames which based on the original model but with a different skill set and some visual changes and with the option to swap the abilities between the pairs. So a female Ash could use her own skill set while she can spaw abilities from the Ash male. It can be balanced if they choose wisely abilities and restrict the abilities swapping only the strongest. One slot and its own respective slot could be choosen so the first ability can swap with the Ash first the second with second etc. So you can avoid the 2 ultimate in one frame situation or just swapping the best abilities so you can make hybrid builds but you need to choose between which one wish to use on the frame. This is how I imagine this.

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On 30.3.2018 at 1:26 AM, Sickerton said:

Ah, alright. Pardon for the retread then, I am fairly new and have no idea what has been covered already.

Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and nobody is perfect. A good advice is to try to utilize the search button for a topic first and see if an idea has been covered before. As someone pointed out, DE has said that they'd prefer to do new Warframes to similar theme if they ever went to that path. Fun fact though: In Alpha Warframe Ember was initially a male Warframe.

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People here say it was said so many times, and that DE stated it will never happen... And yet, they have also stated cat pets would never happen. They have clearly admitted they can change their mind about everyting. If it is something that we want, they can make it happen, and we all know there is a whole LOT of us who want that feature. I do too.

We have this kind of post everyday? Good, let them come. May it be known what we want.

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3 hours ago, Mateshu said:

People here say it was said so many times, and that DE stated it will never happen... And yet, they have also stated cat pets would never happen. They have clearly admitted they can change their mind about everyting. If it is something that we want, they can make it happen, and we all know there is a whole LOT of us who want that feature. I do too.

We have this kind of post everyday? Good, let them come. May it be known what we want.

Making a cat pet is a lot less work than remaking 54 warframes and every skin for those frames then making every cosmetic properly be placed on all of them.

Besides DE already said they'd rather make similar themed frames of different genders than just gender swapping existing Warframes, because then we get actual new content rather than a reskin that took far FAR more work than it will ever be worth.

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