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Just now, Hixlysss said:

It's got 30% crit chance...it's a crit weapon yet it's main thing is status? Swap the crit and status chances, or just add 20% to the status chance and it would be great.

Elemental damage not status procs. There is more to the game than status procs.

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Just now, peterc3 said:

Right, the idea of a weapon that switches damage output type to best suit the thing you are fighting is great. People getting mad because they can't bring a single weapon and inflict several procs reliably with a weapon they have not used yet is inane.

Especially great are the people who label a weapon as trash from trying it in the Simulacrum and then a week later it's part of the meta because it takes 3 seconds to figure out to use it.

Oh completely agree. I misread your comment and thought you were on the side of "this weapon already sucks"

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3 minutes ago, Hayabusa97 said:

Pretty much (also, the multiplier is slightly higher at 2.6)


5 minutes ago, Duduminador said:

Wait... 30% critical chance on a 2.5 multiplier hitting mobs for their respective elemental weakness is... weak?

gosh I hate you people...

Right? Not to mention how that crit multiplier will jump up with mods and headshot.  I'm just thinking of the crazy Sonar Banshee synergy it might have. And if you do get some status on there and proc Slash/Gas with that crit? Oh baby. You certainly don't need to and I'm excited for how the weapon already is. But those once-in-a-blue-moon status procs bumping off of crit will be beauiful

Edited by SixDimensions
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22 minutes ago, Kalvorax said:

honestly..with the effort they have been doing ot making MANY weapons rebalanced for a more hybrid style...this low status i hope is just a placeholder....its a proven fact that status WILL out beat crit any day.

only with armor other than that, hybrid builds take the top spot 

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30 minutes ago, SixDimensions said:

I think the idea with this weapon is to adapt to different damage resistances and capitalize on high damage output via crit rather than debuffing the enemy. I'd rather see a status based weapon but I won't rule out the usefulness just yet

This. Fairly sure that the weapon stats are intentional because of this.

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33 minutes ago, Ocerkin said:

"Launch a flurry of metallic quills with Khora’s signature sidearm. Use alternate fire to change its elemental damage type on the fly. "

Accuracy: 26.7
Critical Chance: 30.0%
Critical Multiplier: 2.6X
Fire Rate: 7.00
Magazine: 16
Noise: Alarming
Reload: 1.7
Status: 6.0%
Trigger: Auto
Puncture Damage: 31.0
Slash Damage: 5.0
Elemental Damage: 28.0


Do you see the problem here? i bolded the problem here, do you get it yet?


... give it a unique mechanic, then kill its usability, go home DE you are drunk.


How about you go to the Wiki and read abit about how much damage bonus each enemy takes from each element type then try to calculate how much damage the weapon could do with those crit chance and damage? Just because it has inite elemental damage and the ability to swap it, doesnt mean it has to be a Status weapon.

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8 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

How about you go to the Wiki and read abit about how much damage bonus each enemy takes from each element type then try to calculate how much damage the weapon could do with those crit chance and damage? Just because it has inite elemental damage and the ability to swap it, doesnt mean it has to be a Status weapon.

how about you stop treating me like a moron? i know there are bonuses but when people think element people think status chance, having high crit and next to zero status seems like a poor choice, stop white knighting for DE's decision on a thing I PERSONALLY think is wrong, i am allowed my opinion and mine says that if something can switch elements it should atleast be able to achieve a 50% status chance ffs

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1 minute ago, Ocerkin said:

how about you stop treating me like a moron? i know there are bonuses but when people think element people think status chance, having high crit and next to zero status seems like a poor choice, stop white knighting for DE's decision on a thing I PERSONALLY think is wrong, i am allowed my opinion and mine says that if something can switch elements it should atleast be able to achieve a 50% status chance ffs

No one is treating you like a Moron and im sorry if you feel that way. [DE] is trying to make players think outside of the box, thats why they made the weapon this way, so players have to better think their builds to maximize its potential no matter the chosen element.

And no, Having High Crit and zero Status isnt a poor choice if the weapon has high critical potential. I have a Zaw Dagger with 74% Crit chance and 10% Status chance which deals over 80K damage to mobs without shredding their armor first.

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17 minutes ago, Ocerkin said:

how about you stop treating me like a moron? i know there are bonuses but when people think element people think status chance, having high crit and next to zero status seems like a poor choice, stop white knighting for DE's decision on a thing I PERSONALLY think is wrong, i am allowed my opinion and mine says that if something can switch elements it should atleast be able to achieve a 50% status chance ffs

You're absolutely allowed to have your opinion, no doubt.  But you also posted on a public forum and not everyone is going to be so understanding of your opinion.  You also make a generalized statement of "when people think element people think status chance" which is not only speaking for the majority or general player base but also contradicts "this is just my opinion".  We're just trying to point out that the weapon is still extremely viable and not everyone thinks status chance when they hear status damage.  The 90% damage mods are specifically meant to increase overall damage output and provide extra damage against the correct resistance type rather than rely on status chance.

Your opinion is certainly valid.  And while some may not be inclusive to that, please don't rule out those who are or this weapon in particular without giving it a chance

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I'm sorry but what exactly are elemental status procs? Is this a damage 2.5 feature that got cancelled?


Like a proc that lowers enemies shields LUL or knocks them down so it's harder to hit LUL or slows them or stun? In a game where you kill 10++ enemies per second ?


Ah it's that new mods for fun that they promoted on last dev stream! I got it :crylaugh:

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7 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

And no, Having High Crit and zero Status isnt a poor choice if the weapon has high critical potential. I have a Zaw Dagger with 74% Crit chance and 10% Status chance which deals over 80K damage to mobs without shredding their armor first.

Let's see: melee weapons have combo counter that increases their damage, blood rush mod that provides a giant increase in crit chance alongside that combo counter, stinging thorn procs impact+slash even from quick melee attacks and condition overload will provide a huge damage boost after these 2 procs. If you use drifting contact + 1 60/60 status mod this will up your status to 20%, enough to proc viral to help these forced slash procs kill the target. Also you have a riven and didn't specify what mobs you were fighting and what level they were, so that 80k number is meaningless.

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13 hours ago, Ocerkin said:

how about you stop treating me like a moron? i know there are bonuses but when people think element people think status chance, having high crit and next to zero status seems like a poor choice, stop white knighting for DE's decision on a thing I PERSONALLY think is wrong, i am allowed my opinion and mine says that if something can switch elements it should atleast be able to achieve a 50% status chance ffs

And so is he.

also offend is taken not given :)

the weapon is still interesting and I reserve my judgement til it goes live.


ohh sidenote: we do not have any passive on them.

and though it got a unique mechanic, it might be given a passive... say 100% status proc with given element.

Edited by Dreamforger
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So from what I've understood from the OP is that the weapon has the ability to change elemental damage type on the fly BUT it has a very low status chance so you won't be able to fully utilize the elemental procs.
The counter argument is that the crit chance and the dynamic elemental damage type makes this weapon get high DPS already.

Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having the ability to change elemental type if you can't fully utilize it?
Wouldn't it be better if they (DE) didn't rely on the "base damage type" per se, but instead made it a status weapon? I mean it could still have that insane DPS if they lowered the crit chance and upped the status chance.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I just got confused reading the whole thread.

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26 minutes ago, Archforge said:

So from what I've understood from the OP is that the weapon has the ability to change elemental damage type on the fly BUT it has a very low status chance so you won't be able to fully utilize the elemental procs.
The counter argument is that the crit chance and the dynamic elemental damage type makes this weapon get high DPS already.

Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having the ability to change elemental type if you can't fully utilize it?
Wouldn't it be better if they (DE) didn't rely on the "base damage type" per se, but instead made it a status weapon? I mean it could still have that insane DPS if they lowered the crit chance and upped the status chance.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I just got confused reading the whole thread.

There's what d20 said above and also if it really ends up being physical damage you can use it to get a 75% damage and ignore armor buff for the respective factions you're fighting. Even if its a 50% it'll still be good. Let's just hope that this weapon doesn't also drop from sanctuary and is in the tenno lab.

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How broken would it be to have one high status weapon that procs Corrosive reducing armor, then Viral to halve health, etc.? And not splitting it's damage and status changes between multiple elements at the same time like the Tysis, but giving full damage and status to guarantee one elemental proc at a time before switching to the next.

It sounds like it could be extremely OP. Pistol-Only Sorties would be a joke. I'm pretty sure this is why DE gave it such a minor status chance.

I'll be eager to test it when it arrives in-game, and reserve full judgement until then.

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21 hours ago, Ocerkin said:

they wont fix squat if no one complains about it

"OMG no one has tried it and it's already a terrible weapon because of the on-paper stats!.... what do we do now? Complain about a weapon we haven't tried yet.  Yes.  That will fix the issue."

...Don't you think with the meta being status and hybrid builds right now that a new viable crit-based weapon (elemental or physical) might start to make a good change to that?  Besides, changing the damage type might work better on crit weapons anyway, since damage-to-enemy has a lot of variety, while viral and corrosive status (and Occaisionally gas) are mainly the only elemental statuses to really concern yourself with.  

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9 hours ago, Archforge said:

So from what I've understood from the OP is that the weapon has the ability to change elemental damage type on the fly BUT it has a very low status chance so you won't be able to fully utilize the elemental procs.
The counter argument is that the crit chance and the dynamic elemental damage type makes this weapon get high DPS already.

Doesn't it defeat the purpose of having the ability to change elemental type if you can't fully utilize it?
Wouldn't it be better if they (DE) didn't rely on the "base damage type" per se, but instead made it a status weapon? I mean it could still have that insane DPS if they lowered the crit chance and upped the status chance.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I just got confused reading the whole thread.

You got the general idea of the thread, yes.  But I would say you're wrong in that it "defeats the purpose..." if you don't have high status chance.  It would also be better if the weapon could proc twice per pellet without innate multishot.  Doesn't mean that it's necessary or not doing so defeats the purpose.  One could argue that status based weapons are not getting the most out elemental types as is because they're being built to provide a debuff proc rather than a straight damage increase by utilizing enemy weaknesses to certain elements.

Would it be better to have higher status chance? Yes, no doubt.  Is it necessary or is the weapon useless without it? No, I would say not.  The idea is to provide a weapon with pure damage stats that is viable and this is one that is offering promise.  For a while, many on the forum have felt that pure damage weapons have been lacking.  This weapon could be a step in the right direction and to say it's only considerable if it has status chance would defeat the purpose of making a purely damage based weapon.

Please understand that I'm not saying you're wrong about it being better with higher status chance.  I'm just saying having low status chance doesn't defeat the purpose of an elemental weapon if the purpose DE has in mind is to provide a high damage based weapon.  Not to mention that they could still use this idea for a status version of the weapon down the road if this one turns out to be valuable to players.

If my response is unclear in some way let me know. I would be happy to try and clarify better if necessary

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