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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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1 hour ago, Toran said:

Why not have an educated guess, then? Or do some math yourself? Like 100/2*8*3 minutes. That's 20 hours in the statistical average for a 2% reward like Braton Vandal BP to drop in wave 8 of Elite Onslaught. If you make it that far all the time. And all while pressing 4 and doing slide attacks all the time...

You leave the very strong impression that you haven't even tried Onslaught yet.




Have you ever played an mmo? Games like runescape and guild wars rely massively on RNG based loot with horrendous numbers. I'm under the impression they want you to grind for these weapons, these are weapons that most people haven't had access to. They are meant to show your dedication (both weapons were rewarded very early in the games life), So having it available at all is a bonus for most of the population (khora on the other hand), and to add to that those vandal weapons statistically aren't even top tier more bragging rights than anything.


I actually enjoy sanctuary quite a bit but I like the brain dead mechanics wf has.

Edit: i really don't know what you want, you sound like you want the fundamentals of warframe combat to change but I doubt your that........ thick.

Edited by KilluaWalker
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Host migration could be reluctantly endured until this terrible design.

Everyone wouldn't receive the award unless someone entered the next portal, so one must expect the host would make the sacrifice. Worst of all, we can't choose to be the host.

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Onslaught feels too lightweight and arcade like to actually last long and combine that with the current rewards that are "meh" will just leave us with another mission type that people will seldom use. The focus gain is quite nice as are receiving some relics I suggest perhaps dropping the radiant relics in at a lower percent for example in rotation A you have a 30% chance of gaining a lith relic that is currently dropping in game so that this way it allows more items to be added to the drop tables while also allowing this to be a viable means of relic farming outside of endless missions. I also suggest making the enemies slightly tankier while also slowing the decay rate of the efficiency rate, as it currently is the mobs are just too lightweight to really give this mode any substance its more about spamming wide AOE moves and weapons than it is an onslaught. I believe it would be more enjoyable if you were able to drop in and be able to use a burst fire weapon or a semi-auto weapon instead of having to use AOe or a slide attack weapon to clear out the massive amount of mobs because as it is now typically all I will see is people running some sort of slide attack melee weapon and an amprex or a weapon of that nature. I feel that onslaught has great potential but its being squandered by the current spammy nature that its developed as of this moment. Another idea I had was to make a 3rd mode of this (assuming that the mobs gain some more armor and hp thus becoming tankier) was to introduce a nightmare onlsaught where modifiers are introduced similar to how nightmare missions are currently but with a few more and with a twist, modifiers like primary only, secondary only, enemies deal elemental damage, enemies explode on death dealing damage to nearby warframes, maybe even allowing enemies to go invisible kind of like how ivara does and they break the invisibility whenever they attack. 

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1 hour ago, MokutoBunshi said:

Nidus is not useful without stacks.

There is not enough time to get 100 stacks in 2.5 mins.

Nidus is not useful in 2.5 mins.

This mission that is played in 2.5 minutes Nidus is not useful in.

A whole Warframe is not useful in this game mode.

There needs to be a change.

Maybe you just shouldn't play nidus? Not all frames are going to be equal and seeing how they designed sanctuary, effectively eliminating certain warframes (and strategies) seems to be their goal. 

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb KilluaWalker:

Have you ever played an mmo? Games like runescape and guild wars rely massively on RNG based loot with horrendous numbers. I'm under the impression they want you to grind for these weapons, these are weapons that most people haven't had access to. They are meant to show your dedication (both weapons were rewarded very early in the games life), So having it available at all is a bonus for most of the population (khora on the other hand), and to add to that those vandal weapons statistically aren't even top tier more bragging rights than anything.


I actually enjoy sanctuary quite a bit but I like the brain dead mechanics wf has.

Edit: i really don't know what you want, you sound like you want the fundamentals of warframe combat to change but I doubt your that........ thick.

Thanks for calling me thick, while the rest of the posters obviously got my points... Won't waste any more spit here...




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I feel like people are starting to understand what warframe is about lol. It's a brain dead looter shooter with a passionate team behind it but glaring and hard to fix flaws. Fixing the grind wall will take what I would assume to be a total overhaul of the basic systems of the game. I would LOVE to gain meaningful rewards from an endless mission but I don't think that's what warframe is about :( 


Also DE give us grindable legendary skins ala gw2 PLEASE :}

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb DeathLives43ver:

i agree with most, if not all of the above. And to add, i really dislike the fact that Khora's main BP and systems are in the same rotation, all im gettng is systems every time i get a part and never a BP. That is, if i manage to get to wave 8 because the host migration most of the time kicks me out before wave 8 or when im on it, forfiting all rewards i got

In its current state, it's only safe to farm solo or with mates. Else you're in constant danger of losing all rewards if you're not host.

DE cleary doesn't want us to farm the stuff (as some troll here tried to imply), at least not at the rate of former items. Onslaught is a little concealed effort to dry and sell out more platinum, else vandal parts wouldn't be tradeable in the first place.

The vandal parts can best be compared to Riven Mods, where the power is in the masses, not in your personal endeavor. It's best to make platinum from other sources if you can and just buy the stuff from the lucky few.


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Hi there,

In 3 out 5 runs people in my squad, including me, have gotten a white screen after entering the conduit. It fades to white as if it's teleporting you to the next tile but then it stays white, no control loss or anything, just a white screen. Going into the next portal will resolve the problem, going into operator mode does that as well, you don't even have to stay in operator form till the end of the wave or anything..

When it happened to me the counter was at 15 seconds when I went in to the portal and I 'got in' like 5m away from it, I wasn't touching it at all but I did get teleported. After that it didn't show a teleporting animation at all for 3 seconds, it just went blurry and then unblurred without the screen going white. After that Simaris suddenly starts the countdown for the next conduit portal and my screen went white at the 6 second mark, while being on the new tile for 10 seconds.After a while of randomly attacking I wanted to recharge my energy with zenurik and suddenly operator mode resets the screen and everything goes back to normal,

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5 minutes ago, Toran said:

In its current state, it's only safe to farm solo or with mates. Else you're in constant danger of losing all rewards if you're not host.

DE cleary doesn't want us to farm the stuff (as some troll here tried to imply), at least not at the rate of former items. Onslaught is a little concealed effort to dry and sell out more platinum, else vandal parts wouldn't be tradeable in the first place.

The vandal parts can best be compared to Riven Mods, where the power is in the masses, not in your personal endeavor. It's best to make platinum from other sources if you can and just buy the stuff from the lucky few.


What you said here just shows you know nothing about DE, their not Activision, their not EA they aren't a mobile developer, they don't try to underhandely  nickel and dime their player base. 

*slithers back under bridge*

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Here's my feed back: a really fun experience killing loads of enemies and see damage numbers pop up everywhere, but there's a lot that needs to be reworked... Starting from the drop table... why so many radiant relics? i don't think they are an appreciated drop since one can easily farm some traces whilst getting some prime junk and possibly some farm in orde to refine a relic.

Endo? once again ?  with such a high drop chance ? come one, one could dissolve some extremely common mods anf get the same amount of endo if not more.

There's an highr chance of getting khora in a normal onslaught than in an elite one? what's the point of that? going back and forth from normale to elite to get khora and vandal parts ( <4% drop chance what ?!?!? ).

Lastly, you know it's kinda hard to keep the efficiency high when enemies spawn on the edge of the tileset and stay frozen and you gotta hunt for them, 'specially when the tileset is a big one.

One can't deny that this new mode is fun, but also making many players frustrated due to crashes, freezes and rather pointless drop table... i really hope you rework this.

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TL;DR: I don't like how the basic combat and mission flow of Warframe are implemented in a game mode with no objectives to veil it. 

You're literally asking DE to change the whole gameplay flow.

Edited by cruxers
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So... you now reward cheesy and boring gameplay? AKA World on Fire Ember, Miasma Saryn, Sound Quake Banshee?

I know you can do better than this, DE. 

And please make it playable... so many host migrations in a row.

I really like the concept of Onslaught; but I actually still prefer a good 'ol survival the way things are with it at the moment. 

Thank you for reading, and thank you for Warframe. I love you. 

Edited by BLI7Z
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Not sure if it has been mentioned before, but I'mma write it down anyway.

30 seconds extraction countdown has a huge upside - allowing players to be in the control of their commitment to the mission without upsetting/grieving their team mates. So much so that I'd like to see it implemented in Excavation and Survival missions too. BUT.

Onslaught doesn't reward you for holding out till the conduit opens, which means you have to push to the next cycle. Which means, either you forfeit your reward or you have to hold on for one more cycle. Simply put, you need to do 7 waves to get the 6th wave reward and extract. Fair?! (Obviously not at all when a client player has a high chance of freezing if/when switching in and out of their warframe, thus being literally stuck behind - which made me comment here - but I believe this holds true even for bug-free runs).

Edited by Himenoinu
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30 minutes ago, BLI7Z said:

AKA World on Fire Ember

Good to know you haven't played ember since the nerf since her Sparks on Fire is pretty useless now. You cease to forget on Equinox's maim aka the leech team damage ability when talking about lazy gameplay

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i would love to have a visual indicator of how far simaris's data is skewed, because as it is im too terrified to use hysteria to kill even one guy for the health as i'm worried that ill shoot myself in the foot.

also, and i may be wrong, but it seems that instead of the efficiency draining quicker the further you go, the amount of efficiency gained from kills drops down. Like, im killing crowds of enemies with aoe/multitarget weapons and am still struggling to gain any percentage at all (im talking at zone 9 and above here)

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Make the portal a buttons,  activate only by the host!. When host wants to play more he open a portal if not game is ended.

No host migration issue, no lost rewards, no piss players, no hate.

This suppose to be end game so most players already team up for this but sometimes host die in last sec or stuck in wall  etc in that scenario all players suffer on host migration.


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Great fun. I haven't really looked at the rotation rewards though, I'm just using it as a testing ground to see how many levels I can go.

It crashes pretty good, I've had one player crash when I used a self revive in front of them, not sure if that was the cause.
Also a rejoin will 100% cause the next gate to not appear.

It seems way harder with one player, since there are not enough enemies to kill.
Please adjust the spawning (probably just treat all games as if they have 4 players?) or adjust the timer decay based on players.

In multiplayer, sometimes the portal does not appear for a long time, all while the clock ticks down and enemies are not spawning. The clock should not tick down when the portal is appearing if its based on players loading (and ether remove all the existing enemies or they don't give time when killed).
No resources drop, that might be a dealbreaker when determining how long players stick around.
I guess it's meant for focus farming, which is probably the longest grind in the game, so maybe there will be players that stick around for that.

There isn't much way to improve your clearing power mid game. Simaris might tell you to step it up, but honestly it's up to if the spawns appear next to you or not.
The efficiency pickups seem to be more scarce the higher you go, which is when you actually want them to be there because you simply can't kill any faster. Currently when they are plentiful they are unneeded.
The pickups should temporarily freeze the timer rather than giving 10% efficiency, freezing for a flat amount of time would make them more useful the deeper you go.
Maybe spawning efficiency pickups over time (and marking them on the map) might make higher waves more complicated, since the game would be forcing you to move around the map more if you want to pick them up.

New features?:
Random bosses
When Simaris said that you could encounter Khora in the simulation, I thought she and her cat were going to be a random boss encounter.
On that note, adding random boss simulations might be nice. They can drop loot but focusing on them would lower your efficiency. They should disappear when the portal arrives.
I guess you can't add random bosses to the elite mode, if people are scored.

Elite Set Loadouts
Later on, the elite mode could give you a preset loadout in addition to the preset maps. So you have to find the best way to exploit the gear you are given.

It is a little weird that this mode rewards the war crime builds, when a few patches back there was a nerf to some map wide nukes (but not all of them) in the name of fun. If these abilities are anti-fun, why make a mode where success requires this behaviour?
But I like this mode, it lets you test just how broken your loadout is.

There are a load of modes and mission types in the game now. I think this is good for keeping the game fresh, but you need to go back and readjust where all the rewards are. Having a new mode, giving it one of two unique drops and then moving on is making the game too wide.
Things like archwing that are completely separate sets of mods are ok, my only issue is with having normal warframe / weapons mods spread out over many niche modes, maps or bosses.

Maybe some old modes should become 'favoured' in a series of rerun events that happen between new content drops, which makes the mode more appealing temporarily (their unique things have better drops rates during the event?).
So the modes 'cycle' but are still always available if you desperately want to grind their unique rewards.


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