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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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3 hours ago, Gandergear said:

Some people seem to think I'm exclusively comparing DE to AAA developers, but this isn't the case. I used bethesda as they're the champions of having buggy nearly unplayable games on release, I suppose I could have used Ubisoft but I don't actually like their games so I decided t o be nicer.

Of recent thinking here are some releases that have gone smoother than DE's last several (POE and Onlsaught being the mains ones) that I have specific knowledge of.

Mechwarrior Onlines Solaris 7: released with a bug that was fixed same day that prevented peoples XP from being logged, no crashes though despite multiple new maps, UI overhaul, etc. Small developer team in niche market.

Factorio: All around a solid game and very stable. Veerrrrry small developer team.

StarCraft II coop, basically a perfect release, didn't notice any bugs, but very AAA.

Killing Floor 2: Very solid all around when its beta came out, tripwire isn't a massive company either

There's plenty of games that get released that players are able to play without non-stop game ending bugs such as:

Reconnecting to a game causes the portal to not spawn.

The host leaving makes no one get rewards

The game crashes whenever cuz why not?

Spawns randomly get throttled making progression impossible

my isshue is that right now and in the past with updates like this, crashes or bugs that prevent geting a frame or otherwise makes them money in the long run off people being impatient. its usualy only a weekend but it means a semi monopolized time where you cant realy get it by normal means.

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I've had this freeze three times already. wave 7  with about 2 minutes left on the clock FREEZE your efforts are meaningless and you should stop playing this game for a month while they fix the new broken gamemode and hopefully FINALLY do something about the god awful reward losses due to host migration after 5 years

*sad voice* awww okay....

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On 4/21/2018 at 9:45 PM, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

I mean that sucks... but S#&$ happens. This isn't really feedback though.

I mean i'd consider it feedback in that loss of rewards due to host migrations are a problem this game has had for 5 friggin years that should've been fixed a long time ago

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Why Onslaught in its (current form) is bad:

- Host-Migration just kills it with no rewards. AT ALL. Lost a "Khora: Neuro" that way and a dozen of relics. And probably Focus. After HM it lingers until the game decides: "oh, you appear to be AFK, get out"


This is how it looks like when you just realized you wasted 24m 6s of your life.


- Feels like Photora Scenes with enemies (or why are scenes in the droptable, kinda wierd) and added Void Portals spawning at probably 0,0,0 (the center of the room).

- Its survival copy & paste where enemy kills are life support modules, directly added. But you can't die when it runs out. No danger of failing, so go AFK where the portal spawns.

- Crashes. not those where you can submit a report, no no no. It crashes SO HARD the windows becomes grey and Windows asks you what to do.

- Bring a CC/AoE Frame to wipe out the whole room. over and over. Efficency never goes below 95%, get a proper team and waltz though. That's how you get 1.334747+07E Points on the ladder. Yes, its a million Points in float. You shouldn't use floats instead of uint32.

- Enemy levels don't reflect their actual level. Or my Pistol is just too strong, I 1-2 hit them.. not a problem per se, but just mentioning.

- Efficiency pickups are only for solo players, useless when you have 90-100% effi anyway thanks to your cell killing everything. There are no other drops either, so don't bother searching for something useful. Get energy, hit 4 to win.

- Quick inventory disabled, so no scanners.. except Helios. Just lol. Who needs healing anyway.

- disabled abilites? lol just use the other AoE one. ( I am a Nova, I don't care about my 4 being restricted for mere 7 secs)

- Can only be started in a relay, if you return you have to skip two cutscenes, quickjump to simaris and start there again. PUT IT ON THE STARCHART!!

- Should be called "Unspeculacrum" or "House of boring Massacre", because "Onslaught" implies a better action ridden gamemode, where you actually have to do something either against CPU or others.

- And the biggest reason Speculacrum is bad: ITS BORING!!


Reason to play this:

Khora, Peculiar Mod - both can be bought/traded - and never played again. Like Archwing, you play when you have to. Once.


FINAL VERDICT : 4/10 (Below Mediocre) - Needs a slight rework to something proper. Not to mention a lot of fixes.

Just because it's new, doesn't mean it's good. Kuva Survival didn't scale well. (Do people still play that?)

6/10 on my internal rage scale for wasting my time with losing 95% of my rewards thanks to / kicks / host-dropout.

I am not angry at DE. If this post contains too much sarcasm, feel free to send me a PM. Or not. Thank you.

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From Russia with love.

I will say about the new regime briefly. The whole idea is one huge plus. Which is worth developing and diversifying. I really liked him! Really. He has a huge potential!


But ... there is always - "but"! There are two disadvantages:

1) Constant bugs and missions from the mission / portal / game with, follow, zero reward!

2) During the few days that the game came out, I did not quit this regime, I swore at bugs, gnawed "cactus", but I did not knock out any part of the Khora, nor part of the Vandal of weapons. It's sad.

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Wish to add my 2c to what has already been said many times over.

1) Game breaking bugs. When someone leaves and reconnects, the portal doesn't open. When the host leaves, migration doesn't happen and no one receives the reward.

2) The notes say that if you want to extract, don't go through the portal. You will still receive your rewards. However, if no one enters the portal, the reward for that rotation is not given. In my last game, I went through the portal at the last second. The reward was then given. The host leaves, because he didn't enter the portal. See point (1) - i did not receive anything from the whole run.

3) If the drop rate for the system/bp at 5.6%, then the number of times one has to run SO with 95% certainty of getting the parts is 56x. But when we add in all the times the game bugs out, the likelihood of a far higher number of repetitions increases dramatically.

The fun factor is long gone, replaced by frustration. A certain amount of grinding is to be expected in games such as this. However, the game developer has to bear in mind the fine line that when crossed, the grind gets excessive and frustrating. For this player, that line has been crossed.

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this really annoyed me. was running a sanctuary run and got a khora chassis and then someone had to leave and we were waiting for the timer to run out and the person just left probably because he couldn't wait for the dam timer to run out and caused a host migration that farked me out of that dang khora chassis. can you please create a tap out system and figure out a way to have you run canceled during those dam host migrations please?

ps maybe he shouldn't of ran an mission that doesn't have the fastest way of leaving the dang thing yet if he had to leave quickly.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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On 4/20/2018 at 10:30 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread

How about, making onslaught' efficiency to be in line with survival oxygen level? Like, killing enemies increase your efficiency per kill (Light =1%, Medium = 2%, Heavy=3%, Every 10 level of enemy =1%) , while it decrease on an increasing rate per wave.(rate of decrease per 2 second = number of wave divide by 2).


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In general this game mode is fun but for now it is buggy as hell(that happens to all new things after release so that's expected).

But in elite mode it is not fun at all because abilities get locked all the time and on infested parts parasite spawn is truly insane(you kill one and another one or two spawns in seconds) making us have 0 energy 90% of the time.

Please do remember that abilities is the key mechanics that makes Warframe stand out from shooter category at all ... so bloking it too much gives bad result(only shooting/meleeing mobs is boring).

To me abilities should be blocked only if they repeat really too much and be based on which ability it is.



For example spamming Loki's 1 should not be blocked as it is a simple distraction, loki's 2(won't be blocked as it has duration), loki's 3 can be blocked for 5 sec after 3 times in a row, loki's 4 after 4 times in a row(row can be breaked by any other ability to diversify gameplay) with delay les than 2 sec. 

Another example - for Octavia allow spam everything as Octavia wins nothing from ability spam.

And third one - For excal let up to 10 times in a row first ability(5sec block if overused), 2 in a row second ability(10 sec block if overused), 2 in a row third ability(10 sec block if overused) , no limit for casting ult(as spamming it gives nothing). 


This way we can have diversified gameplay(using all abilities at any good rate but sill throttle those who only spam the same again and again for no reason). 

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This is particularly bad when playing solo. It feels like solo play wasn't even considered when making this game mode. Unless it's one of the really small tiles, enemies are spread out so thin you can barely find any.

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3 hours ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

my isshue is that right now and in the past with updates like this, crashes or bugs that prevent geting a frame or otherwise makes them money in the long run off people being impatient. its usualy only a weekend but it means a semi monopolized time where you cant realy get it by normal means.

The part that really irks me about this is that we've been doing this way....too.............long. Literally, every time they put in or alter a game mode the loot portion of it is the first thing that goes out the window or it's game breaking bugs. This host drop and/or crash thing where you lose all loot has been an on going game addition thing for longer than I can honestly remember. By all means, that's the first thing I would expect them as a developer with a known persistent problem to get hammered out before launch at this point. It's not like they couldn't test this particular issue in the dev build right? It's literally the first thing that becomes an issue every new game mode update. How many times in how many modes did they have to go over literally this issue with just the plains update? Come on now. We all expect better than this. I'd bother to even say even the dev team expects better than that.

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I like the mode, there are some issues though.

Firstly the drop chances for Khora parts and vandals is too high on elite, for the longevity of the mode, reducing the chances would at least make it so there wasn't a 10% chance of getting a useless reward after getting all the parts.

When you let the portal close on you on a reward giving wave you don't get any reward, unless someone goes through the portal, this is rather counter intuative, especially as host migrations don't work, so host has to be convinced to go through the portal, when they want to leave.

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5 hours ago, giotavares said:

i feel so empty inside now, i think DE just created a new sociopath.

I think this goes for everyone losing loot in onslaught right now.

4 hours ago, Jakorak said:

FINALLY do something about the god awful reward losses due to host migration after 5 years

You'd think this particular would have been hammered out before launch at this point right? I mean, it's been 5 years of literally the SAME issue and every update with new stuff is the same in that particular regard.

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So I played I think something like...8 games ( 5 normal mode 4 elite mode) and I like it . Being able to face several factions in a single survival like mode on different map is for me cool. Plus it offers me some high level content, which I think is what warframe lacks. I don't really want to spend several minutes on Mot just to reach a high level content and once I'm done with my sortie missions well it often means end of the game.


Back to the topic there are severals things that bother me in that gamemode :

-The efficiency in Solo mode : like survival, the beginning is easy, there are lot of ennemies and they are fairly low level so it's good. But when you progress into the mission, ennemi becomes thougher but I feel like less and less ennemies are appearing. Sometime I had to roam for 5-7 sec to find a single ennemi as my efficiency drop quickly. Even if the map is small it feels like I have to search for them and waste time which is a bit annoying.

-Portal Delay when playing with other people : When I do solo run, as soon as the countdown reach zero the portal starts to appear. However when I play with several people, there is a long delay before the portal is appearing once the countdown reach zero. I don't know if it's working as intended but I just want to let you know.

-Spawns : I had 2 game where I was forced to leave because I was stuck :

The first one was in the infested corpus map you can find in Eris. I felt and the game kept reseting me on a plateform slightly above the bottom of the map but since this plateform is slippery there was no way for me to leave this place. I had to ALT F4 and restart the game.

The second one was after taking a portal. I was teleported to the Void map...but inside a wall of the Void map (looking at the map it was probably inside a rectangular pillar, something like that). Out of all my game it appeared only twice so I supposed most spawns are fine.


Now the positive feedbacks about this game mode :

- As mentionned above, it adds a new high level content for me, which is just what I needed

-Beating several faction in a single run allows me to test my build at some degree. I suppose both Simaris and I find advantages in this game mode

- I really like rewards in Hard mode. Maxed relics and lot of Endo, just what I could expect in a hard mode reward. Maybe add some Axi relics in the rotation C of hard mode ? It would be cool.

- You jump into a mission, you kill people, you go to the next stage and keep killing people. Simple but fun ( I just noticed I sound like a psychopath right now lol ) 




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My feedback on onslaught is the following:

I liked the infinite ammo - dunno if it was a  bug or not but gave it that arcade feel. If you are going to add ammo drops add other drops or keep it to health and energy and give us regenerating/infinite ammo

The affinity Range should be (the whole zone) for focus. Period. That's currently the only reason for this game mode to be played because the loot tables are bad.


The loot tables encourage people NOT to play this mode. My proposed loot list would be:

Endo (scaling) 

Void traces (scaling) (makes sense)

Khora stuff


and synthetic Eidolon shards

... We can literally go ANYWHERE ELSE for relics. 

Instead of portal switching, just do the defense continue, not continue thing - its going to resolve a lot of the extraction problems. 

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1. Efficiency in solo mode in both normal and elite mode drains too fast unless you plan to cheese it via huge aoe type skills/attacks.

2. Enemies spawn by default unalerted. This is a huge issue since the enemies alot of times just don't bother fighting and just patrol around happens extremely often with infested specially the ancients. The enemy should spawn alerted like they do in survivals. This also allows for more cheese.

3. Enemies are too defensive. Enemies always focus on protecting themselves than attacking. During one of the many runs we encountered countless times where all enemies spawning would un away from players to hide in eximus or nullifier bubble. The worse one so far was in infested corpus tileset at wave 20, where somehow more than 7 nullifier's managed to spawn in a small room and all enemies kept running away from us. When we found the room we found over 40 enemies trying to hide in the nullifier shield.

The enemies need to be alot more aggressive then they are right now and need better spawn rate specially in solo mode else the only way to play is to just abuse some sort of cheese. 

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