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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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I don't usually post complaints but I'm getting really annoyed at how many times I have had to force quit the game client when I get stuck in a "host migration in progress" screen.  So far I've determined that when people actively leave a mission after zone 8 this happens.  Has now happened three times in a row tonight after zone 8.  I'm tired and cranky already so I probably should've learned my lesson from LAST nights failures and not played it today.  Cranky man out.

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As it is, Sanctuary Onslaught's end of zone reward gets given when you enter the conduit to the next zone, but voluntarily leaving the mission requires you to not go through the portal.

so, currently, you have to stick around for the duration of an extra zone to extract after you have gotten your reward.
Instead, if it is given when the portal appears, you would be able to leave immediately after getting what you came for by just waiting for the conduit to close.

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There's always such a huge amount of issues with host migration every time they introduce something new and things like losing relic rewards to host migration are still around, it makes me think they need to handle host migration differently.  I don't know how and I'm sure it's not simple but it's pretty clear something needs to change.

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Because of all this crap I tend to make sure I'm host since I don't have many net issues, then I tell the others when I'm going till and jump through the portal letting everyone else leave.  It takes me longer to leave the game but it makes sure others aren't screwed over.

2 minutes ago, Sleepdebt said:

There's always such a huge amount of issues with host migration every time they introduce something new and things like losing relic rewards to host migration are still around, it makes me think they need to handle host migration differently.  I don't know how and I'm sure it's not simple but it's pretty clear something needs to change.

They could have some dedicated servers set up as a 'safe haven' for people when the host leaves.  That'll give time for a janky solution to run it's course.

Edited by Starfreak911
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Just got another "host migration" bug - got past zone 8, then host left and I got kicked back to the relay... with nothing in the Progress&Rewards tab, yet apparently I had reached over 600.000 in my onslaught score!


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Not sure if anyone already said the things I am going to say... Probably most of them have been said already. But I think it is worth repeating.

Some bugs first:

  • Host migration doesn't work. When host doesn't enter the gate - clients getting endless "host migration".
  • Progress not saving. When endless host migration occurs - clients don't get any rewards or exp earned on this mission. When someone is crashing - he's loosing all exp earned on this mission, though he is still getting mission rewards.
  • People don't get a reward for a completed zone until someone enters the next zone.
  • Random crashes. People crash very often. As I mentioned above - setting graphics to low and disabling DX10 & DX11 helps to avoid crashes. Maybe it is a good idea to make graphics/physics and other stuff on this mission a bit more simple? Anyway you don't have time to examine every piece of a body that has been torn apart when you have to kill things FAST.
  • Slow gate opening / gate is not opening at all. As I also already mentioned above - gate opening is somehow connected to all players in the game and to "network connection" with DE servers and very many things can go wrong(as we can see - they go wrong pretty often), which adds a huge delay before a gate opens or prevents it from opening at all.
  • Abilities cooldown after going through the gate. Going through the gate while some abilities active sometimes triggers their cooldown. And that's very important to be able to use them right after going through the gate!
  • Abilities being reset after going through the gate. For example chroma's 3rd ability is being reset after going through the gate, which forces you to carry a weapon for self-damage and waste a lot of time to recast ability and get enough self-damage to charge it. I guess - same happens to nidus stacks and other things. This breaks some warframe abilities mechanics. (Energy is being reset too, btw. But I don't think it's bad.)
  • Frames can be affected by stagger/knockdown and similar effects after going throught the gate while their controls are still locked.
  • Invulnerability time is too short after going through the gate. It happens very often that people die right after going through the gate to the next zone. Partialy this happens because all abilities are being reset and ppl just don't have enough time to reuse them.
  • Sometimes warframes(rare) or operators(way more often) are being stuck in slow-mo after going through the gate. If this happens to the operator - going through the gate with and operator usually fixes a problem on the next zone, but until that you can't normally use operator. If operator is stuck in slow-mo and you keep trying to use it - game may force you to leave (like if you never entered the last gate and left on previous zone when timer ticked to 0).
  • Sometimes you fall into a pit right after going through the gate, which teleports you back to the previous zone.
  • Sometimes after going through the gate interface may think that you didn't enter the gate and all you see will be just a white screen. If you die and use a revive - it usually fixes a problem (this actually fixes almost all problems with UI, controls, stuck weapons, animations, abilities and so on).

Few thoughts about the Onslaught game mode and its problems:

1. Spawn rate is too low. From my experience this is connected to some of the `enemy spawn sets`, `tile size, openness and tile spawn settings` and `how fast players kill stuff`.

  • Enemy spawn sets. From what I've noticed - every enemy type(grineer, infested, corrupted, corpus) has a few sets of what spawns on a map/tile and based on enemy type and spawn set there may be different spawn rate. For example - grineer usually have better spawn rate than infested, but it seems that spawn rate is also different for different sets - I've also noticed that different spawn sets of grineer on the same tile may spawn different amount of enemies in the same places. Of course this is just my guess based on my experience and in reality things may be a little different.
  • Tile size, openness and tile spawn settings. From what I've noticed - same enemy spawn set may spawn in different quantities on different tiles in different places. It's strange to see that on a huge map there are only few places where enemies spawn and there are only 1-3 of them spawned per place while on some other tiles small room is being literally filled with the same enemies when they spawn(and that's ok). ... Some tiles are huge and have many tunnels and that sometimes makes hard to find enemies and cover whole map with AOE - these tiles require more spawn points and higher limit of mobs that can be on the map at the same time. Some other tiles are very small and don't have much space - these tiles require "bigger spawns"(more enemies per point).
  • How fast players kill stuff. This mostly depends on what players use to kill stuff, but it is also heavily connected with the two things mentioned above and of course there are particular enemies that are slow to kill because of their mechanics - grineer manic (has invulnerability most of the time, invisible, teleporting, has a cap of damage that can be done to him at once), nullifier (has a shield that protects him and mobs around him from abilities/weapons which is a huge problem in this game mode, where you have to nuke things REALLY fast) and some other mobs also give units around them resistance to damage / aoe resistance and such stuff, some mobs just have a lot of HP(like broodmother).

For example... Current 2nd zone(corpus ship) on Elite Onslaught mode usually ends with 300-340 kills - it is usually just empty without any enemies, except few invulnerable invisible manics I think this is because of a bad tile spawn settings and probably also because of manics(slow to kill, and probably while they're alive - spawns where they spawned doesn't spawn new enemies). While the first zone(derelict) with infested usually ends with 500-700+ kills ... and some other(like big grineer galeon tile with two huge cannons) zones end with 700-1000+ kills. But it's not a problem for efficiency yet, problems come later - on zone 17 (small derelict map) where you have to try really hard to kill enough mobs, and right next after it comes realy huge corpus planet map with rare sparse spawn.

Here's a video how I've been with clanmates on zones 17-23 for a first time, on most zones we mostly had efficiency problems because of bad mobs spawns, and things didn't really change with the hotfixes after that (WARNING! Voice chat is present):


2. Abilities cooldown. I think this isn't very good idea. This game mode requires you to nuke enemies really fast, and you obviously can't do that without abilities.This mode would be much more fun without this cooldown for abilities, which makes most frames useless. And there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you can kill enemies fast enough using only weapons. ...and nuking mobs is fun - this is one of the main reasons why I like warframe.

3. Map rotation. I think that elite mode needs some map/spawn rotation similar to the regular mode, but maybe a little less random, with tested maps only. Because after few runs it is getting extremely boring, especially first few maps. But this would make score more random (if maps don't get balanced).

4. Efficiency on higher zones is getting drained too fast. This hast to be slowed down(since enemies level are increasing too and they're slowly getting harder to kill) or balanced by increasing spawn rate.  It really sucks when you have to quit just because enemies don't spawn fast enough.

5. Eximus / regular units score & efficiency reward. While eximus give x100 score of regular units - their spawns are a bit more random than regular units. It also seems that eximus give much more efficiency than regular units. And because of that results may vary A LOT just because of random - this isn't cool. :(

6. Any level mobs give just the same score/efficiency reward. I think that higher lvl mobs should give more efficiency and score (that would also help to balance efficiency on higher zones).

7. Orbs(health/energy) max count should be increased for this mode. Very-very often I see orbs that vanish just before I'm about to pick them up. Sometimes I even see how orbs dropped just a second ago 5 meters away from me disappear just before my drone sucks them in. Maybe make simple model for orbs for this mode if increasing orb count affects performance?

8. Universal ammo drops. Why not to make universal ammo drops for this mode?(similar to conclave ammo crates) This could help with the performance as well. 

9. Rewards for uneven zones.  Why not to remove keys from all even zones rewards and make them rewards for uneven zones? It could also be 4 rotations of key rewards, including Axi keys.

10. It would be nice if zones were also giving some credits/resources. For example - it could be at least a mission score divided by 10 as a credit reward for completing a mission or a zone. In addition to regular end zone rewards. Would be also nice to see some resources as additional reward for completing a zone... maybe some kuva? Of course this has to be affected by all boosters.

11. And I would like to see "all time high scores" on leaderboards for this game mode when it will be finished/fixed/reworked. With DE sometimes(maybe once a week or once a month ... or at least 2-4 times per year) will be cleaning bugged(and other ways "unnatural") scores from leaderboards.



P.S. I really like this new game mode. It's cool...

Edited by RadYogh
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14 hours ago, FluffyButtSheep said:

We all know at this point there is a lot of bugs with this game mode but I'm not surprised, they'll take time to be ironed out and hopefully fixed which I do thank DE for doing for us. It's honestly better to play Solo currently for myself due to all the bugs as of this post.

My biggest problem with the event is not even the moed itself and it's bugs, it's The Elite Onslaught's reward tables. Why is Endo even on the list on Rotation C of all things? I mean Endo honestly doesn't deserve to be at all on the Elite drop table at such a level. I'm normally fine with Endo in silly places but this is going a bit too far. Now how can this be changed? Remove it from the table, or change it to perhaps something more valuable, even if it's Kuva it's still better than Endo in the long run. I personally would want the Kuva to be 200 on Rotation A, 400 or so on B and 800 on C. Because honestly 750 endo isn't that great for what you're doing and getting up to rotation C after maybe a struggle only for it to be Endo is a kick to the jaw. 

Otherwise I'm okay with how things are now, maybe as well what could be added is a faster way to end the run so you don't have to wait around as much but that's more trival to myself but maybe to other players who need a specific item from Rotation A or B. 

DE is running out of loot to give. The game has no loot system. Just Prime Parts (Relics) and Rivens.

Take Rivens off Sorties, no one runs them. Can't admit they're crap, so, they keep Rivens there so Sorties see play.

So they do Endo and Relics. Because Warframe is a loot grinder with no useful loot. And it's becoming a serious player retention issue.

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24 minutes ago, RadYogh said:

In addition to my post above:

12. Please make maxed Corrosive Projection aura required to play this game in "public" mode.

If you want a meta team with specific loadouts for meta grinding, use recruitment chat.

Onslaught (either one) does not require Corrosive Projection to see success.

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1 minute ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

If you want a meta team with specific loadouts for meta grinding, use recruitment chat.

Onslaught (either one) does not require Corrosive Projection to see success.

Recruitment chat takes too much time. And usually requests like "need 2 anyframes with [Corrosive Projection] for XXX"  ends with people saying "invite me" and when joined squad asking "why corrosive projection", swaping frame to something without corrosive projection in a last moment of mission star count-down, and other problesm. Also - recruitment chat doesn't have ping matching. And there are other problems as well.

And also - using auras other than Corrosive Projection is stupid, since armor gives enemies A LOT(up to 99.999...%) of resistance to all damage.

Btw, what kind of success you're speaking about? 8 waves? This is easily doable in solo on almost any frame with any melee with decent range and slide attack. If you want to just do 8 waves with ppl - why not to use recruiting chat and gather random ppl with random auras?

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Aside from bug fixes, the main issues I'm having with Onslaught are,

-Some of the tiles are too spread out, and spawns are too anemic. Consistently tight quarters and denser waves would be welcome!

-The rewards need work. Radiant relics are cool, but they take up too much of the loot table. Endo shouldn't even be on the list - a few hundred Endo is actually kind of insulting to the kind of people that play Elite. Kuva, rare mods and stances, even a handful of ducats would be an improvement.

-There needs to be a mechanism to let players leave after they've had their fill. A vote every eight rounds feels like a no-brainer.

I really like Onslaught and can see it being one of the main things I do in this game, but it needs both bug fixes and mechanical improvements before it'll be as stellar as it could be :satisfied:

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17 minutes ago, RadYogh said:

Recruitment chat takes too much time.

That's your problem, not anyone else's.

17 minutes ago, RadYogh said:

And usually requests like "need 2 anyframes with [Corrosive Projection] for XXX"  ends with people saying "invite me" and when joined squad asking "why corrosive projection", swaping frame to something without corrosive projection in a last moment of mission star count-down, and other problesm. Also - recruitment chat doesn't have ping matching. And there are other problems as well.

So get a clan to play with.

17 minutes ago, RadYogh said:

And also - using auras other than Corrosive Projection is stupid, since armor gives enemies A LOT(up to 99.999...%) of resistance to all damage.

Yet it's not necessary in the slightest, and all the other auras are valid (if less useful) choices.

17 minutes ago, RadYogh said:

Btw, what kind of success you're speaking about? 8 waves? This is easily doable in solo on almost any frame with any melee with decent range and slide attack. If you want to just do 8 waves with ppl - why not to use recruiting chat and gather random ppl with random auras?

Because Public is, by its nature, random. Expecting a ragtag bunch of misfits to go beyond 8 waves is what's stupid in this situation.

If you get further, great. But that's lucky for you, not an expected result in Public.

Your suggestion is aimed at forcing random matchmaking to be less random for your convenience, when you ALREADY have the option if assembling non-random groups.

Other players do not exist specifically to benefit you.

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7 hours ago, Pitiful said:

I believe this was done to stop people leveling up in this mode. A large part of the game mode was developed to help people focus farm so they dont need to use silly methods like banshi melee. The side effect of making a focus base level is that focus is directly related to affinity and therefor you cannot create a level for focus that does not generate an unfair leveling experience. They have blocked under level 30 warframes to stop you leveling up too much mastery faster than the game originally let you before the map.
In short it was made for focus farm not mastery farm. Maybe if you have formaed it should be allowed but maybe you are meant to grind for this also.

I understand you in 100%. I think leveling up mastery too fast is still the same you said the focus farming is made way easier, but look inside of it if you want to earn as much focus as shorter time is possible you need 3 other guys who just there for get more enemies and that 3 guy doesn't matter its mr 5 or mr 25 i'm 100% sure about that they bring unraked weapons etc. just think about a mr 5 guy who got 10 weapons ready to claim in the foundry what he gonna do jump it the elite mode wait until everything gets maxed then leave, fast mastery still, just he got 10 weapons not 5 frames even tho he got 5 frames he gonna ask he's friends or clanmates to help him level up those frames 1st thing they do get an equinox and go to adaro.

Edited by R4IDEN_HUN
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So couple of things, first I want to ask that if the changes aren't made to make onslaught more palatable, are you, DE, going to shove this down our throats and say tough, its our game much like the hema? Secondly, if your are going to push this game mode on us, is it because you took trials away and put the effort on this? I guess I am trying to make sense of why you would call this endgame when the effort on sanctuary onslaught could have been put into trials to make them more challenging and rewarding, plus could have been more of an endgame scenario? I am just curious and I know hindsight is 20/20, but yeah we await the hotfixes.

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After Patch Beasts of the Sanctuary: Hotfix 22.18.6

  • Fokus at the Zone start isent Working
  • Spawned Mobs dont come to the Player and stay far away.
  • Sometimes no enemys Spwan (not possibil to hold the Effiziens up)
  • Portal Spawn after annouces is feeling like it need 3 time longer and in the time we have less or no Spwans
  • Zone 11 isent really possebil to complete becouse of low enemys spwans

Thats the stuff we found for the moment

Edited by Sokker1
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so I tried onslaught again after the latest hotfixes.  Nope still have the deleated rewards after the host said "I am leaveing after this"  It was wave8 and because they did not get Kora they bailed and we got booted to the liset and no rewards AGAIN!!!! This is really really getting old fast.


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It's possible this issue shows up with Sorties as well (or other areas with similar requirements), but I've only seen it with SO, so I'm putting it here.  Please fix it to check whether players loadouts meet the requirements before putting them into groups for pugs.  A couple days ago, I had 3 groups in a row where as soon as it had put together a group of 4 of us for SO, it declared that we couldn't do SO because one of the other players' (two of them in one of the games) frames were below level 30.  It should be possible to check players for level 30 frames (or any other requirements that may be needed) before putting groups together to avoid this happening.

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The spawn rates on some of the zones of this new rotation are absolutely terrible.



Unalerted passive drudges should not even be part of this mode, let alone a map with only them in very low quantities (those 5 were the only enemies on the entire map, you can see I haven't killed anything), but since it's the first zone the efficiency at least stays level.

The worst is wave 11, the huge kuva tile with a tiny amount of Grineer spawns, which I don't think can be possible solo at least. Feels more like hide and seek than a horde mode at times.

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So I've been playing Sanctuary Onslaught and it's so nice and fun, however not really the "end-game" it deserves.
> Would love to see a 3 month season with rewards for the top players. The new season could start a month after a new Prime release.
- Rewards being 500 plat or so for the top players with an exclusive syandana or some cosmetic showing off you made it. And maybe participants with an Emblem of the particular season or how many seasons he/she has participated in.
- Still looking forward to those other peculiar mods! So much variety and great ideas you can put into this.
- Maybe, if sanctuary onslaught works in seasons and resets after each season, a seasonal shop with rewards might be nice. I wouldn't even mind to relevel the standing for this shop as long as rewards stay great, unlike baro's shop. You could keep rare recourses in the shop every season like heart nyth, neural sensors, argon crystals, .. but the real deal could be new arcanes or a new and exclusive zaw part or a riven mod or warframe/weapon/riven slots, maybe even a vaulted relic.
- The radiant relics are amazing! However, I feel like khora should not be in there.. To put a warframe and/or weapons in an end-game game mode doesn't feel right. This goes for braton and lato as well. Thank you so much for bringing them back, but I think it's fair to say that if you assume this is an end-game game mode, you should have 80% mastered by now. None the less, rare weapons could be a nice change to the rotation.

I love the game mode and you're doing such a great job DE! Thanks for the Beast of Sanctuary update! Looking forward to seeing it grow :)

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New Onslaught rotation today has just grineer workers in zone 1... so few of them. Was that done on purpose to waste our efficiency? There are also some large maps with little enemy spawns like the Iced Planet grineer one, I forgot which zone. Many of them are stuck in walkways etc....

All I ask of is a fair challenge. Those stuffs I mentioned looked like a underhand method to stop us from progressing far.

Also, don't forget there are players playing onslaught solo, not everyone is playing in a full 4-men squad which can spread out go kill enemies.

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