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Onslaught is the worst experience I've had in 5 years of Warframe


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2 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Because it isn't always intentional, sometimes they disconnect or something needs to be done, just get over it and stop making such a huge deal about it, i can guarantee it is now way NEAR as frequent as you make it seem to be, this honestly just feels like attention seeking...

This person in question directly messaged them in whispers. Are you for real? Jeez.



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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

Wow. I haven't experienced that yet... That sucks

Yeah, it's a real issue. In unintentional host crashes EVERYONE loses the rewards. These aren't as bad though as they're completely unintentional and unpreventable. +


1 minute ago, Glavenusaur said:

Because it isn't always intentional, sometimes they disconnect or something needs to be done, just get over it and stop making such a huge deal about it, i can guarantee it is now way NEAR as frequent as you make it seem to be, this honestly just feels like attention seeking...

that's great, but we're talking about the intentional ones. Just because it doesn't happen frequently to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people. If for some reason you're not trolling and actually want to join in on the discussion, try reading everything first

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5 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Because it isn't always intentional, sometimes they disconnect or something needs to be done, just get over it and stop making such a huge deal about it, i can guarantee it is now way NEAR as frequent as you make it seem to be, this honestly just feels like attention seeking...


Nice meme.

Edited by Diarist
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23 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

this honestly just feels like attention seeking...

Oh hello Mr Pot, didn't see you there. I can see you're having a discussion with Mr Kettle here, I shan't intrude. Just wishing you a good day.

Hopefully the current escalation of the issues regarding Host Migrations and rewards, due to Onslaught, prompts a response from DE and the problem gets dealt with. Although after so long, who knows.

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27 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Because it isn't always intentional, sometimes they disconnect or something needs to be done, just get over it and stop making such a huge deal about it, i can guarantee it is now way NEAR as frequent as you make it seem to be, this honestly just feels like attention seeking...

there should still be reporting functions for behavior in game regardless

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2 hours ago, SergeantSunshine said:

Unintentional crashing leading to host migrations is one thing, and DE should work to AT LEAST make sure that everyone keeps their rewards, but this is another


As you brought up, it's amazing that this issue has been happening for almost the entire 5 years Warframe has been active. As the developers, I feel like this would have been one of the first issues they really pressed to fix.

You know this is not as uncommon as I'd like to think.  I mean I've literally had this happen at least 4 different times now.  I've played this game mode for roughly an hour a day since release, so not long at all in the spectrum of things. The person in this example needs banned, period. 

But like all said above, the fact the DE allows this behavior to happen as a result of their design decisions is the root of the problem.  I'm really hoping for a positive change soon as I, like many others, have a pretty bad taste in my mouth at this point.

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2 hours ago, Diarist said:

I wasn't quite sure if this belonged in a feedback forum or not, but this is less so feedback about the game mode as a whole and moreso just a terrible experience thus far. By far the worst I've ever had with this game.

My first reaction was "clearly someone didn't play False Profit". And while I still believe False Profit was the worst thing Warframe could ever do short of selling out credit card details to black hat hackers, after reading your post I started to empathize with you

Yes, the game mode was completely broken on launch up through hotfix 3. Yes, I lost two hours of my life to some stupid BS. I was having GPU crashes instead of griefer hosts, but the effect was the same

So i stopped playing. I turned Warframe off and waited for the next hotfix

So yeah, this is not the worst thing to happen to WF, but last week might be the most frustrating

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This is one of the reasons you should not expect much when playing publicly, it's a public match and frankly people have the right to leave and continue whenever they want, you already know the solution to this problem, and that is to arrange a team yourself of people you know who can get it done, so in all honesty, this "rant" really is pointless and only reeks of attention seeking, carry on though, if you think it will help...

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3 hours ago, SergeantSunshine said:

Unintentional crashing leading to host migrations is one thing, and DE should work to AT LEAST make sure that everyone keeps their rewards, but this is another

As you brought up, it's amazing that this issue has been happening for almost the entire 5 years Warframe has been active. As the developers, I feel like this would have been one of the first issues they really pressed to fix.

DE support can help you, firstly, ur support ticket include time, date, mission type, the name of other 3 players, and screenshot (if you got) to retrieve your vandal part.

Then, for the second support ticket, explain clearly what happened and provide the name of the toxic host. Highlight his intentional "ruining other people rewards" behaviour. Attach any screenshots or proof you have. His profile page screenshot will be nice or just stating his in game name in the ticket.


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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Oh hello Mr Pot, didn't see you there. I can see you're having a discussion with Mr Kettle here, I shan't intrude. Just wishing you a good day.

Hello DeMonkey, we seem to keep running into eachother here, how have you been lately?

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Some people got really foul heart, last time during acolyte event, a cheap guy purposely didn't want to tell where the mod dropped while we spread out to find which room acolyte will spawn. He started laughing when we were finding the mod. Maiming strike worth 400-600 plat and this insect (not even human) just did something as disgusting as that. He earnt nothing by doing that but some animals just enjoy spreading toxic so it is not surprising to encounter toxic host, screenshots as proof and help the community to be a bit cleaner. Some poor and toxic players even become jealous and mock you when you got good gear, like seriously what kind of brain structure they have? Maybe that explain well why they are dirt poor..... (☞゚∀゚)☞

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1 minute ago, HeartPurity said:

Some people got really foul heart, last time during acolyte event, a cheap guy purposely didn't want to tell where the mod dropped while we spread out to find which room acolyte will spawn. He started laughing when we were finding the mod. Maiming strike worth 400-600 plat and this insect (not even human) just did something as disgusting as that. He earnt nothing by doing that but some animals just enjoy spreading toxic so it is not surprising to encounter toxic host, screenshots as proof and help the community to be a bit cleaner. Some poor and toxic players even become jealous and mock you when you got good gear, like seriously what kind of brain structure they have? Maybe that explain well why they are dirt poor..... (☞゚∀゚)☞

Honestly though, you should have been have been more vigilant in this case, there will always be people like this in public games and they will always find a way regardless of how many restrictions are applied, since when did personal responsibility account for nothing these days?

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Host Migration has always been an issue in Warframe.  Because regular star chart missions have a natural stopping point, host players rarely leave mid-mission.  Although, it still happens and the other players lose rewards.  It became more of an issue when the PoE dropped, but forum consensus was tell other players go pre-made squad or solo (which I suspect many will continue to say) rather than hold DE's feet to fire and fix this issue.  Onslaught further exaggerates the problem of Host Migration in Warframe.

Your worst experience is something Warframe has always had an issue with.  The difference is it happens far more frequently due to the way the game mode works than it has previously.  Well, unless you did a lot of PoE unvaulted relics a few months ago before DE made it impossible to get from the first bounty.  Point is, this has always been an issue and players have just found work arounds for the most part.  I really want the issue to be fixed.  I would consider this the best update if DE can pull it off, and I don't even like the Onslaught game mode at all and don't really plan on playing much now that I have Khora (I am not going to bother with >5% drops of the Vandals).  However, seeing as they haven't fixed Host Migrations in the more than a year I have played, I really doubt they can with they way it works currently.

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I abs9olutly understand the Opener. I'm MR25 have most of the frames and weapons multi-formed. 

There are so many bad things that even a beta is to positive for this.

1. Everything is loosed by host migration.  DE, see that you loosed and take the gamemode down until this is fixed.

2. Spawnrate in relation with fast efficiency drop down kills the fun for me. I really search for endgame but this is no endgame this is bad game design

3. The whole efficiency thing is also bad game design. I want to fight against enemies, not against time.

4. Latest patch kill it all for me - efficiency ramp up is another bad design thing.

To speak with Rebeccas word - now we are really "Millions of loosers"

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51 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

Host Migration has always been an issue in Warframe.  Because regular star chart missions have a natural stopping point, host players rarely leave mid-mission.  Although, it still happens and the other players lose rewards.  It became more of an issue when the PoE dropped, but forum consensus was tell other players go pre-made squad or solo (which I suspect many will continue to say) rather than hold DE's feet to fire and fix this issue.  Onslaught further exaggerates the problem of Host Migration in Warframe.

Your worst experience is something Warframe has always had an issue with.  The difference is it happens far more frequently due to the way the game mode works than it has previously.  Well, unless you did a lot of PoE unvaulted relics a few months ago before DE made it impossible to get from the first bounty.  Point is, this has always been an issue and players have just found work arounds for the most part.  I really want the issue to be fixed.  I would consider this the best update if DE can pull it off, and I don't even like the Onslaught game mode at all and don't really plan on playing much now that I have Khora (I am not going to bother with >5% drops of the Vandals).  However, seeing as they haven't fixed Host Migrations in the more than a year I have played, I really doubt they can with they way it works currently.

This is a glaring problem though, players becoming content with what can at the very least be described as bullS#&$. Making excuses for bad decision making and designs, being forced to find workarounds, none of that is okay. These are things that should be spoken up about.

Thankfully with how trash PoE turned out, and now with this, it seems folks are finally speaking up and saying "enough, already" if this thread and all the other threads in General and in Feedback are any indication.

Because seriously, enough already.

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Not the worst for me but the most frustrating that is for sure.

And the worst part is that i love how it feel to play this mode so i keep coming back nervous breakdown after nervous breakdown.

Really enjoyable new game mode + recurrent host migration issues that make you lose your progress is dev hatred inducing and i'm doing my best not to spill it wherever i can.

Still love you guys but this update is an effing bane for me.

Edited by Syln
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What a piece of S#&$. I would be soooo angry if I played with that brat. The Tenno community is a seemingly pretty tight knit group (from what I've experienced for the past year) and there's no place for someone like him and his toxicity. Since he's so damn selfish, he should be forced to play solo. #*!%er. 

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Yeah not playing it all too much due to crashes and the forever host migration. I did the same with bounties as they would just crashed randomly and cause me to lose stuff.

The game mode is fun honestly and rewards are alright in getting relics and focus but when specifically after khora or vandal parts it get a bit frustrating.

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On 2018-04-26 at 2:19 PM, ghoffman1928 said:

I like onslaught. I think its one of the most fun game modes thus far. 

so its a little buggy. you haven't noticed in your 5~ years of playing WF that everything is buggy on release?

Point taken.

But I have noticed in my ~4 years of playing Warframe when something seems to be designed to intentionally ramp up in "difficulty" close to parts or blueprints dropping that people are playing the mode to get. And, in fact, they are playing it to such an extent to get those drops that the moment they do get the drops they can't look at the game mode without feeling nauseous at the thought of even seeing the words on the UI.

Onslaught isn't difficult. It isn't all that challenging. It's just rubberband depletion intended to artficially draw out playtime by frustrating the player into grinding out more time in a system they actually don't have any control over. Thus resorting to cheeeeeeeeeeze in order to mitigate. 

Congratz. We have an "endgame" system that rewards the worst tendencies of players who trivialize content in order to jump straight to the carrots that the devs dangle on sticks.

It's 2018 and we are STILL in the midst of this awful arm's race players and devs are waging to see who can invalidate the others efforts more.

This is ruining the game. Stop. It.

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