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Please nuke "Nuke" Trinity


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18 minutes ago, (XB1)Thang Hung said:

I don't think so. I don't know if you can but please look up how many kills I have with Trinity or Sancti Castanas. Pretty much zero on both. So as you can see I do not play this way. Neither do my friends on a normal basis. Fix ESO and I am sure that my group will stop doing it at all. I don't think many players would want to jump up in the air time and time again while staring at the floor. I'm sure most would run around killing stuff just like the rest of us want too.  I think if you fix ESO Trinity will fix herself. 

So what the hurt in fixing both instead of leaving it up to players on good conscience that they wont abuse it (idk if you met players but they will continue to do so)

Edited by shyguyk
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1. It's unfun for those of us involved, since we're left with basically nothing to kill.

The only fun part of ESO is finishing it as fast as possible and getting Vandal rewards in the process. If you want to kill stuff, do your own party with your own conditions or play solo and enjoy the pleasure of killing stuff by yourself. If you go public, don't complain and enjoy the randomness of your teamates.



2. Requires no effort. Even Octavia requires more skill.

Making the proper build requires a lot of effort, including formas, specific mods and min-maxing can also involve a riven (ie, more grinding). Also, if you miss a jump and explode the castanas (or you have no shields) you are instantly dead. In conclusion, it does requires skill.



3. Trinity players that build for this BS of a tactic neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team.

This is not Overwatch or LoL where there are specific roles for specific characters. You can do whatever with whatever. It's like you're pissed of watching someone more efficient than you in a game mode where being efficient is the key.

Also, every time devs see this kind of stuff, they would want to adress it on this or in any game. Hopefully, they won't forget the other worse issues that this game has like bugged spawns or, still, tilesets with really low spawns rather than just priorizing a cheese mech

Edited by --Q--Winged-Menace
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2 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:


1. It's unfun for those of us involved, since we're left with basically nothing to kill.

2. Requires no effort. Even Octavia requires more skill.

3. Trinity players that build for this BS of a tactic neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team. No Blessing, no Energy Vampire, just Link (with augment) and jumping in the same place, popping the Sancti Castanas


Solution: remove the ability to avoid self-damage by jumping


1. There are things in games called carries in games. They essentially carry your team to victory. So tell me, if you're playing a support character in a game like Dota or LoL, are you expected to get kills? No, that's the job of the carry.

If you aren't having fun in the game while there is a Trinity using this build, then why don't you counter it with Equinox maim or another form of DPS that can equal up to it? Also, there is a "Abort Mission" button. On top of that, Friends only, Solo, and Invite only all exist.

2. Name a good DPS Warframe that requires effort... Actually, name a Warframe that requires effort... Also, comparing Octavia to this build doesn't make sense. Are you talking about Trinity or are you talking about the Castanas? Trying to compare a Warframe with a Warframe and a gun is unfair.

3. You say that they "neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team." By saying this, you are basically saying that if you play Trinity you MUST play support. If you take these same ideals and apply them to other Warframes, then you MUST play desecrate Nekros, you MUST play quake Banshee. All Tenno have the freedom of playing whatever Warframe however they want. A Trinity player doesn't have to play support if they don't want to. It's their choice.

Using an ability in the same place without moving could be applied to 50% of the Warframes in the game. You can almost apply this logic to every Warframe if you wanted to.

This build has also existed for a while, it just wasn't used. The only reason it's being used is because it's a build that is effective and efficient for the gamemode. It's like using Loki on spies. Why use him? Because he has invisibility. People are using the build because it's more effective than using the great WoF Ember or nuke Banshee.


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I have played with many nuke trins on console.. and have out DPS'd them every time as volt (except the one time I was nuke trin, then I out dpsd the other trin lol)

I have a nuke trin build and really really really hate using it.  Its finger cramping on console after a run or two so I generally run volt. 

After countless hours in ESO and still no freakin Lato Barrel, I want a nuke trin. and any other uber cheese tactics.  I'm sick of the game mode, sick of the efficiency drain that is no measure of skill, sick that it takes 20 minutes to get to "C" rotation, and you get no resources, no credits, just a few crappy radiant relics that I neither need nor want. I have over 300 of the radiant relics from ESO, and close to 10k relics in general.

DE can fix it nor not, fix the Spin 2 win or not - I'm glad I got all the ESO rewards done on PC and all but the Lato Barrel before they touch any of these because I can't imagine running it again and again and again with anything but cheese tactics.


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27 minutes ago, shyguyk said:

So what the hurt in fixing both instead of leaving it up to players on good conscience that they wont abuse it (idk if you met players but they will continue to do so)

This trinity stuff will be fixed sooner or later, it's just too cheese, but I doubt people would still use this IN ONSLAUGHT after the efficiency drain is fixed to a point where you can get to rotation C in a semi-casual run with a pub squad.

There would be almost no point in using nuke trinity with a decent efficiency drain because it's boring and doesn't speed up the process. You still have to wait there for 2m30s for each round regardless of the frame you use.

I didn't wanna use this nuke trinity build... tried saryn, equinox, volt, ignis wraith, but only trinity works with the current drain.

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A major issue here is that consoles generally have lower spawns than PC due to "performance issues". 

An optimization is in order before we even see the amount of enemies PC sees, which will greatly make Elite more playable.


The efficiency drain from wave 6-8 needs to be reconsidered though, that's a very quick drop compared to 5-6 to 7-8.

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hace 18 horas, Latiac dijo:

I'd rather have a nuke Trinity on my team in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught since the effeciency drain is so damn high for some reason.

Or you could just gather a group and not request nuke Trinity? This is the current meta for this, expect Saryn, Equinox, Trinity for these missions in public groups since well, the entire AIM of onslaught is to kill as fast as possible.

u rigth.. today we tried a team X 4 equinox, like multikill aoe  with no time for enemies to respawn .. and efi keeps donw so fast no matter how fast and how many u kill in few seconds efi drain too fast

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19 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Tittle says it all. Decided to try out Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and all I was ever teamed up with was braindead Trinity players with their Sancti Castanas, clearing out the entire map.


1. It's unfun for those of us involved, since we're left with basically nothing to kill.

2. Requires no effort. Even Octavia requires more skill.

3. Trinity players that build for this BS of a tactic neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team. No Blessing, no Energy Vampire, just Link (with augment) and jumping in the same place, popping the Sancti Castanas


Solution: remove the ability to avoid self-damage by jumping


Another solution (although it's trolling and limits you to only 2 warframes) - play Saryn or Frost with augment on their 1st ability to give Trinity a toxin or ice damage buff :) Both Saryn and Frost can be quite useful in onslaught as well.

Edited by DjKaplis
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Fact is this is not a ESO issue, its a frame issue.. i just saw it in Sortie 3, where the loser trinity doing it died constantly because i was killing the boss in one shot with mag and there were no linked targets to take the damage. its beyond a "ESO" Cheese issue and i first saw it in freaking Hydron of all places.


DE doesnt intend Trinity to be used like this and reguardless of gamemodes or player creativity will without a doubt make a change rendering flatout gone.. there is plenty of proof of this sort of thing being removed if you take a second to search, so everyone arguing for and against can quite frankly deal with that fact.


but the reason it will not be changed is NOT going to be because of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught alone nor is that a good argument to keep it. Effectiveness is not the issue. Intended of the ability will be the ultimate reasoning. Fact is that while self damage is transferred through the link, Friendly fire is not (radiation effect).


by all means, keep using it untill its removed. support it if you can with things like the guy above mentions. but do not doubt for a second it will not get driven over with the nerf steam roller, then have its flattened remains thrown into the nerf incinerator. Remember Nukong?

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23 hours ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

Trinity isn't the problem, it's elite onslaught having inconsistent spawns. I don't care if DE decides to address "nuke" Trinity, but she's a symptom, not the problem.

Jumping at and blowing things up at your feet to destroy out of sight targets is also a problem, isn't it? 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Not in the context of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. Which is the point being made.

Right, I don't agree with that.   I don't think we should accept that it's normal for out-of-sight kills to be normal there.  It doesn't make sense with the lore (Simaris has plenty of data), it's the only place we can have abusive powers modified or disabled situationally, and it's really boring for everyone else involved.

So it's unfriendly to the other Tenno AND the last place it should be a problem is Onslaught because it's the place with the most solutions

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5 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

Right, I don't agree with that.   I don't think we should accept that it's normal for out-of-sight kills to be normal there.  It doesn't make sense with the lore (Simaris has plenty of data), it's the only place we can have abusive powers modified or disabled situationally, and it's really boring for everyone else involved.

So it's unfriendly to the other Tenno AND the last place it should be a problem is Onslaught because it's the place with the most solutions

If the spawn rates and efficiency drain weren't as abysmal as they currently are, you would have a point, which is what pretty much everyone is saying.

Unfortunately, ESO is a cheesy game mode which (as I've already said) requires you to employ cheese tactics. Fix the game mode and then I'll take this issue more seriously.

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Jesus Christ. It's the same thing over and over with you people.

First, DE releases content that is absurdly imbalanced and requires cheesing.

Then, some Tenno finds a way to cheese it, whether it be with spinning blades of death, halls of mirrors matched with gravitational singularities, or jumping support Warframes throwing grenades at themselves. 

Everyone uses the way to cheese it, because it's efficient, low-cost, and it works.

Then, after a while, people call for this cheese to be removed from the game completely. 

It stays untouched for months, finally gets revamped/revisited/reworked/removed, and the cycle starts all over again.

If the content was balanced to begin with, we wouldn't have to use Trin Nukes in the first place. But we have to. And now that it's working, you want it REMOVED? That makes no sense whatsoever.

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23 hours ago, --Q--Winged-Menace said:

The only fun part of ESO is finishing it as fast as possible and getting Vandal rewards in the process. If you want to kill stuff, do your own party with your own conditions or play solo and enjoy the pleasure of killing stuff by yourself. If you go public, don't complain and enjoy the randomness of your teamates.

You can't finish ESO "as fast as possible"; getting to a given wave takes a fixed amount of time, no matter how quickly you kill things. 


22 hours ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

This trinity stuff will be fixed sooner or later, it's just too cheese, but I doubt people would still use this IN ONSLAUGHT after the efficiency drain is fixed to a point where you can get to rotation C in a semi-casual run with a pub squad.

There would be almost no point in using nuke trinity with a decent efficiency drain because it's boring and doesn't speed up the process. You still have to wait there for 2m30s for each round regardless of the frame you use.

I didn't wanna use this nuke trinity build... tried saryn, equinox, volt, ignis wraith, but only trinity works with the current drain.

I mean, I can get to zone 8 pretty easily with a berserker Saryn build in a pub squad, even one without a meme-build player (you know, stuff like spin2win, maimquinox, or nuke Trinity). 

The issue with stuff like nuke Trinity is that it doesn't reward skillful play, on top of making it impossible for teammates to actually participate in the mission. 

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On 2018-05-15 at 9:42 PM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Tittle says it all. Decided to try out Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and all I was ever teamed up with was braindead Trinity players with their Sancti Castanas, clearing out the entire map.


1. It's unfun for those of us involved, since we're left with basically nothing to kill.

2. Requires no effort. Even Octavia requires more skill.

3. Trinity players that build for this BS of a tactic neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team. No Blessing, no Energy Vampire, just Link (with augment) and jumping in the same place, popping the Sancti Castanas


Solution: remove the ability to avoid self-damage by jumping and fix efficiency. Make it decay at a constant, non-increasing rate. Eventually players will hit a wall where they won't be able to kill everything


You have no clue about this build, do you?

1). If you can't kill with a nuke Trinity in your team....you need to play better. That's all you there. I have literally zero problems when playing with a Link Trinity to get enough kills. Nobody I ever played with when I used Link Trinity ever had problems to get enough kills.  

2). Literally the build revolves around casting EV and Link. Every single time I play with a Link Trinity in my team I am always full on energy. Always. 

3). You are not entitled to my bless or ev as a Trinity. I play how I want to play and if I want to only play melee and do nothing else....you have zero right to complain about me not healing you. Ever.  You can not and should not be allowed to dictate how I, as a Trinity player, should play my frame. Ever. 

4). The skill involved is timing. There is more skill involved in a Link Trinity than there is in the majority of frames using guns or mashing melee. 

Edited by (PS4)BOSS_TPH76
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31 minutes ago, Gizogin said:

The issue with stuff like nuke Trinity is that it doesn't reward skillful play, on top of making it impossible for teammates to actually participate in the mission. 

This mode isn't rewarding period. And it sure as hell isn't depending on skill either...just rng with the tile sets ans an arbitrary efficiency drain. It is a BS mode with BS mechanics. 

On top of that...there is more skill involved in a Link Trinity than in most other frames and playstyles. Or are you going to tell me that mindlessly pressing one button for melee or to spray everything with bullets actually involves "skill"? Or any of the warframe's abilities? Seriously? 

But the real kicker here is that if you can't get your kills in....it is you. It is not the Link Trinity...it is your build being inadequate or your choice of warframe that isn't suited to the mode and needs to get carried.

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On 2018-05-15 at 11:20 PM, shyguyk said:

People are saying keep trinity broken cause ESO efficiency drain is broken.

Isn't the solution to fix trinity AND fix ESO efficiency drain? or is that too much common sense?

Note: I'm on the side that agrees fun > cheese, but i do recognize that people want their rewards. But calling trinity the symptom of a broken reward system is broken because even if you fix said reward system you know damn well that you're still gonna run nuke trinity, that is a blatant red herring

Link Trinity has been around for a very very very long time. So no...it is not a red herring at all. 

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17 minutes ago, Gizogin said:

I mean, I can get to zone 8 pretty easily with a berserker Saryn build in a pub squad, even one without a meme-build player (you know, stuff like spin2win, maimquinox, or nuke Trinity).

The issue with stuff like nuke Trinity is that it doesn't reward skillful play, on top of making it impossible for teammates to actually participate in the mission. 

Lucky you... I've been matched with squads so bad that even nuke trinity couldn't get/had trouble getting past zone 8 (trouble with ancient healers and nox, and a squad that thought nuke trinity is 100% reliable so they didn't help), that is in elite.

Regular onslaught is a lot more casual friendly and doesn't require such cheesing.

I'm open to builds and tips for Saryn :v
Even with my nuke trinity, I'm postponing ESO because staring at the wall/ground is just way too boring (even Hema research was funnier for me).



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Agree with OP, there's lots of AOE cheese in the game that needs to get fixed, the latest Trin abuse is just one example but a good starting place. The feebleness of the rationalizations by people who abuse this in the thread are laughable, though, so thanks for the chuckle.

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with that tactic. It falls off past zone 8 and I have been able to out-kill any Trinity using Mag without breaking a sweat. So I guess it's not Trinity the reason you are not getting kills.

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On 2018-05-16 at 3:42 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Tittle says it all. Decided to try out Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and all I was ever teamed up with was braindead Trinity players with their Sancti Castanas, clearing out the entire map.


1. It's unfun for those of us involved, since we're left with basically nothing to kill.

2. Requires no effort. Even Octavia requires more skill.

3. Trinity players that build for this BS of a tactic neglect their role as the support Warframe of the team. No Blessing, no Energy Vampire, just Link (with augment) and jumping in the same place, popping the Sancti Castanas


Solution: remove the ability to avoid self-damage by jumping and fix efficiency. Make it decay at a constant, non-increasing rate. Eventually players will hit a wall where they won't be able to kill everything


Octavia just need a better build for maximum range and duration, leaving strength to 100% since Mallet can multiple when get attacked. Although it can't deal damage through walls so... you have to position the mallet's.

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