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Onslaught: I give up


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I have 2218 hours played, I faced:

  • Nezha obtainable only at sorties
  • Gara, when bounties give only 1 reward per run
  • Mesa when Alad coordinates where only available with invasions

And I can say that onslaught is the worst game mode I've ever played to farm warframe blueprints. Remember when you had to fight a boss to get 1 warframe part with 100% chance? or when you just needed to farm resources and research in the dojo? The only frame that was a little bit harder to get was Ivara, but at least I enjoyed to do spy missions.

Onslaught is (to me) the most unsatisfaying game mode. Oh, I almost forget to write this: 2 days ago I got Khora's neuroptics, host left, mission summary showed the blueprint as a reward so I thought I didn't lose it but I was wrong. I send a ticket to warframe support so I hope they can help with this.

That's all, I won't play onslaught until they chance (fix) it.

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i give up too just bcs there´s no point.. u really dont get any " i want, i need item" and pass more than zone 9 is really pain efi drops sooo fast, another things its u dont get any items, no mods, no credits, it´s just kill stressed to try keep up efi till it inevitable go 0 %.

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The only part that has been refusing to drop is the blueprint for me when it comes to Khora. I am at the point where I'd rather have her blueprint be from the Market than Onslaught, like any other non-Quest, non-Clan frame. I occasionally try again, like I did with 40 minutes in Orokin Derelict Survival just for Octavia Neuroptics, but if it requires 16 Zones in Onslaught, that would be functionally impossible as 1: enemy scaling goes nuts, and 2: efficiency drain goes through the roof.

It's a terrible restraint, and I'd rather spend my trade-earned plat on the MR fodder I need (which includes Archwing weapon parts, Mag and Nyx Primes) than waste it on Khora because I literally have all her parts ready in my Foundry, but RNG has been at it's worst due to the Endo/Relic-diluted loot tables and being unable to survive Zone 9. 


And that's before I even start trying for the Vandals.

Edited by Koldraxon-732
Added comment about Vandals.
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main problem with Onslaught, both standard and elite, is that it boots you out on arbitrary conditions, prizes are meh, and khora is a craptastic rushjob of a frame even after 6 forma among her and the cat

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8 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

It is all about RNG.

Yes, if your sample size is an individual player, which is honestly stupid to even look at. The fact is that Nidus parts are two to three times as common as Khora parts. One person in a 1000 going 100 runs dry on a part doesn't change that fact.

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16 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Yes, if your sample size is an individual player, which is honestly stupid to even look at. The fact is that Nidus parts are two to three times as common as Khora parts. One person in a 1000 going 100 runs dry on a part doesn't change that fact.

this is true.


Nidus, Mesa, Equinox, Harrow, Ivara... these frames stand unique in difficulty to obtain. Khora is the most recent, and there is not much wrong in having harder to obtain ones. there are so many frames... the only ones that are easy to actually obtain are the ones you get at a Dojo.


all the others, thanks to RNG, are not guaranteed to ever complete.. the numbers on the wiki... to have a 99.99% chance to obtain any frame is so far above the million run mark its not funny..


RNG is inherently unfair to players.



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1 hour ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

this is true.


Nidus, Mesa, Equinox, Harrow, Ivara... these frames stand unique in difficulty to obtain. Khora is the most recent, and there is not much wrong in having harder to obtain ones. there are so many frames... the only ones that are easy to actually obtain are the ones you get at a Dojo.


all the others, thanks to RNG, are not guaranteed to ever complete.. the numbers on the wiki... to have a 99.99% chance to obtain any frame is so far above the million run mark its not funny..


RNG is inherently unfair to players.



It is not unfair because every single players has the same exact probability of getting an item. In fact, it cannot get more fair than that.

The number of runs to have 99.99% chance of obtaining anything in this game is nowhere near millions. Not even thousand. That's a random number you fully pulled from your ass because wiki has no information like that. The rarest two parts of Khora have 5.64% chance of dropping. We can apply some of the most simple probability maths to work out the actual probability of getting the item after X rolls on the drop table.


I highlighted the point of ~40 rolls on the drop table, by which point you've already got the item at least once at 90% probability. If 40 is close to a million in your opinion, I don't know what drugs you are taking. You'll have 99.99% probability at 159 rolls.

If you do not want to farm items the traditional way, you could always sell rivens, regular mods, arcanes and prime parts. You can easily make up to 500 plat a day, which is more than enough to get you a new warframe from the market.

Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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2 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

It is all about RNG.

I can sing lots of songs about that with my 120 Brakk Blueprints and 150 Brakk Receiver

I hear you, but it doesn't have to be.  Inaros and the ambulas reborn event showed us as much.  

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

It is not unfair because every single players has the same exact probability of getting an item. In fact, it cannot get more fair than that.

The number of runs to have 99.99% chance of obtaining anything in this game is nowhere near millions. Not even thousand. That's a random number you fully pulled from your ass because wiki has no information like that. The rarest two parts of Khora have 5.64% chance of dropping. We can apply some of the most simple probability maths to work out the actual probability of getting the item after X rolls on the drop table.


I highlighted the point of ~40 rolls on the drop table, by which point you've already got the item at least once at 90% probability. If 40 is close to a million in your opinion, I don't know what drugs you are taking. You'll have 99.99% probability at 159 rolls.

If you do not want to farm items the traditional way, you could always sell rivens, regular mods, arcanes and prime parts. You can easily make up to 500 plat a day, which is more than enough to get you a new warframe from the market.

You are assuming that the random number generator used by DE is working properly...

Tell me, what's the conditional chance to receive ayatan sculptures from sorties 15 times in a row? or 3 epsilus adapter in a row?

Such chances normally would be nearly impossible due to the percentages involved, but here happen - and are aberrations.


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Honestly the khora farming is easy. I’ve been using onslaught to focus farm and I’ve gotten her parts a few times. All I use is a high range(250-280) and high damage Saryn plus a sahasa kubrow with max dig and a zenistar. One burst of spores on molt and they all die for the first few rounds. The infested is more complicated but nothing miasma can’t handle. The kubrow digs up 2-3 energy orbs every 20 seconds as long as enemies aren’t close which is easy cause they almost die instantly every time. A trinity and a Roaring rhino can make it even easier for higher rounds/zones. Just got to find a decent squad. Once zone 8 is cleared don’t step into the portal and you will extract with all your rewards. But like most warframes it takes patience. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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8 hours ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

The only part that has been refusing to drop is the blueprint for me when it comes to Khora. I am at the point where I'd rather have her blueprint be from the Market than Onslaught, like any other non-Quest, non-Clan frame. I occasionally try again, like I did with 40 minutes in Orokin Derelict Survival just for Octavia Neuroptics, but if it requires 16 Zones in Onslaught, that would be functionally impossible as 1: enemy scaling goes nuts, and 2: efficiency drain goes through the roof.

It's a terrible restraint, and I'd rather spend my trade-earned plat on the MR fodder I need (which includes Archwing weapon parts, Mag and Nyx Primes) than waste it on Khora because I literally have all her parts ready in my Foundry, but RNG has been at it's worst due to the Endo/Relic-diluted loot tables and being unable to survive Zone 9. 


And that's before I even start trying for the Vandals.

Bro rngesus is not on anyone’s side I swear I have gotten 2 chassis, 1 system and 2 bps but noooooo neuroptic, I cant give up tho cuz I’m too dedicated into this. Bruh I thought farming for Gara was worse this is straight up ridiculous.

(the neuroptic is supposed to be the easiest thing to get I don’t get why I’m not getting it if I tried 23 times)

Edited by (PS4)XxImisxX
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yay a few weeks later finally got the last part needed, Systems.

Blueprints? Yeah, 6 of them.

And that was 1 run a day, 2 or 3, every day during the weekends. So little shy from 30 runs total

Just another individual sample against claiming rng is broken only because is not giving you what you want on less than 40 runs.


Zephyr Prime just took me 4 hours today to get all her parts. That included farming traces and upgrading relics.

Now ask me how is my Harrow farm going? 🤣

We just like to think we know more based on individual results (like I just did as well). Its just rng.

Edited by Souldend78
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11 hours ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

ok, what?

Probability or whatever, fact is there are people who will never get a item due to the chance of obtaining it being random.. 5.w/e chance is a 95% chance of not getting it. the chances will never become 100% no matter how many times it is done.

Yes and we should be happy about the fact that the probability-%'s in Warframe are within whole numbers and not below 1/100. We do not have a single drop that is 1 in thousands like many other online game have. This game is easy as all hell, and if you don't enjoy it, then quit. Nobody is forcing you to play the game. And once again, you can just go earn plat through other methods and buy your frames that way. The game gives you multiple choices, USE THEM.

Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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13 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

That was easy as all hell.

"Easy" as in you were lucky unlike most others and got it fast. But make no mistake, the drop chances were pretty much the same and that was a FAR more boring game mode, since it had no variety, unlike Onslaught.

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11 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

"Easy" as in you were lucky unlike most others and got it fast. But make no mistake, the drop chances were pretty much the same and that was a FAR more boring game mode, since it had no variety, unlike Onslaught.

If you found killing level 20 enemies hard in any way possible, back to Mercury for you. That's what I mean with easy. You could afk most of the mission.

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