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There needs to be an appeals process for unjust bot bans


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57 minutes ago, rune_me said:

A bad joke. One repeated a million times. We are not offended by the word, we are offended by your usage of tired old memes and complete lack of originality. Which is good enough reason to ban anyone.


So much time and still so naive. 

Nonetheless - I'd like to see proof of people "offended" by old memes/lack of originality. As we've seen over and over, special snowflakes and petty flower patch chat-moderators are the only ones who seem to get worked up over this sort of thing (more times than not) and go on over-the-top power trips which only incites more hate and vendettas in the community - your method is no different, and is the most pathetic reason to ban someone possible.

If you get that "offended" over a few harmless memes and "being original" in a rated M game, live up to your own words, grow up, filter it out or report it if it's that serious.

Edited by Prime-Ares
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1 minute ago, Prime-Ares said:

If you get that "offended" over a few harmless memes and "being original" in a rated M game, live up to your own words, grow up, filter it out or report it if it's that serious.

Why would I need to report it when people automatically gets banned for saying it? 

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Just now, Prime-Ares said:

So much time and still so naive. 

Nonetheless - I'd like to see proof of people "offended" by old memes/lack of originality. As we've seen over and over, special snowflakes and petty flower patch chat-moderators are the only ones who seem to get worked up over nothing (more times than not) and go on over-the-top power trips which only incites more hate and vendettas in the community - your method is no different, and is the most pathetic reason to ban someone possible.

If you get that "offended" over a few harmless memes and "being original" in a rated M game, live up to your own words, grow up, filter it out or report it if it's that serious.

Pot, meet kettle.  Also you're completely misinterpreting the point to such a degree I doubt any actual response to this would be productive.

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13 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Why would I need to report it when people automatically gets banned for saying it? 

Why don't we just ban everyone that says something you deem offensive then?

13 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Pot, meet kettle.  Also you're completely misinterpreting the point to such a degree I doubt any actual response to this would be productive.

Oh please, do tell. This I'm most eager to read.

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1 hour ago, Ryim_Drykeon said:

It's one of the reasons I just don't use chat.

I don't get this.

People are so unable to control themselves, that they just don't chat because they might accidentally say something on a list consisting of slurs, awful memes or things that belong in other channels.

People are telling others to disable Region chat because who hasn't said a slur or two when really heated, amirite??

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As someone who has never been banned from chat in this game or any other, I also think the way chat moderation is handled is very poor. I understand the desire to create a safe and inclusive space for everybody, but in being so heavy handed they are ironically creating a less tolerant place for everybody. The healthy mediums practiced by most other moderation teams I think are better overall.

I would also like to decry a certain chat moderator who maintains a blog in which he or she calls people who use the word trap and I quote "transphobic pieces of S#&$." It's worth noting that many people are simply unaware that the word has negative connotations. I spend a lot of time in /r/anime, where traps come up in conversation a lot, and if anyone was ever using it put down others, or even to mock the sexuality of the traps in question, it would be removed. Now, I understand what the word can imply to trans people (it has been explained to me), but the point is that it was never a negative to me until I came here. Not knowing the full context of a term should never be grounds to levy such a remark by someone in a public facing position, and having it as being part of an auto-banning system is also very distasteful.


Chat moderation in this game is not simply misguided. It is itself toxic.

Edited by crocodarrel
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1 hour ago, WindigoTG said:

Let us not forget that DE is a canadian company.

Canada does not have the freedom of speech, so they don't violate anything by restricting the usage of slur.

Also, Canada has some kind of legislation that may get you boned for offending LGBTQs and other freaks of nature. And who knows what else in the same vein.

So the main reson for DE to be so strict with the chat is to not make the game look like a platform for minority's offence.

DE's agenda here is not to protect someone from being offended, but to protect themself from the gaze of their government.

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with this conversation.

The policies of a game's chat platform are not violating the US's First Amendment, either.

This says more about you than DE or Canada, just saying.

This is actually right, but you are not saying this is a good thing, are you?

The gov't has nothing to do with any of this. If you are offended by how they run their platform, you are free to leave at any point.

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2 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

I'm not defending the person you are referring to however, they are entitled to their opinions outside of the game. 
And you are free to express your dislike. That does not change how they go about their chat moderating duties.

Entitled to their opinions? Sure. Entitled to share controversial opinions and keep their job? Sure, until someone notices. Your post implies a certain naivete about the real world.

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8 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

You do know that we are monitored right? If those privileges are abused they are removed and removed swiftly.
Before calling out volunteers as snowflakes and power trippers maybe look inwards.
Naive? I'd say so.

WAH! I was suspended from chat. WAH! Time to flail my arms and lips in every direction i can and see if i can get others to pitchfork volunteer CHAT moderators in a video game and moan about how strict a chat bot is. WAAAAAAAAH.

*Rolls eyes*






Oh, I'd say plenty of people have reason and validation of context to make a scene and outcry this huge in WarFrame, to look the other way blindly only to disregard the obvious is as naive as one can get here. 

Tell me again, who we should be keeping a close eye on again? Surely the players that go to exploit these bars, but moderators and DE themselves are Not Immune to the criticism and evidence lying therein that is constantly overlooked and shoved aside on purpose either.

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4 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:






Oh, I'd say plenty of people have reason and validation of context to make a scene and outcry this huge in WarFrame, to look the other way blindly only to disregard the obvious is as naive as one can get here. 

Tell me again, who we should be keeping a close eye on again? Surely the players that go to exploit these bars, but moderators and DE themselves are Not Immune to the criticism and evidence lying therein that is constantly overlooked and shoved aside on purpose either.

You are of course free to critize DE all you want. Just as they are free to continue to ignore you criticism as they have always done, since it’s their chat servers and they can run it however they want.

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6 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

Likewise. Respectfully, you know nothing on this matter.
I actually know the person they are referring to in real life.

So i can attest to their moderating abilities. 
Their sexual preferences, orientations or religious views have absolutely nothing to do with this game.

As i said. They are completely entitled to post whatever they want on their personal blog. 

If you don't like that, then that's YOUR problem.

No, that is simply not true. It was true, then your friend blogged about it, and people noticed. Whether DE chooses to take any action is their prerogative, but in the professional world, controversial statements made by employees reflect of their employers regardless of whether action is taken. DE can choose to do nothing but that doesn't change the fact that people will assume they tacitly endorse the employee's views being expressed if they do nothing.

I realize you feel very confidently about your position, but you are completely wrong. Just try publicly expressing controversial views that get noticed and you will quickly learn how wrong you are. If you are left leaning in a left leaning company you get away with it (the direction here being only an example), otherwise, you do not. Insist on the contrary being true all you like but it will never be the case.

Edited by crocodarrel
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Just now, peterc3 said:

Freedom of speech has nothing to do with this conversation.

At the very least it was brought up in the video in the OP.

Just now, peterc3 said:

The policies of a game's chat platform are not violating the US's First Amendment, either.

It is not, but that's not the point. The point is that you can't say certain things in Canada. And as long as you're a guest at a Canadian service, you have to deal with their home rules.

Just now, peterc3 said:

This is actually right, but you are not saying this is a good thing, are you?

I have zero clems to give. My in-game chat activity is limited to PMing people for trade, and I have basic human decency and common sense to not insult them in the process. So DE may reduce chat down to use of pre-made sentences, for all I care. I don't have a horse in that race.


I'm just stating the reason behind a slur filter in an M rated game.

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28 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

This thread will be gone in a few hours, isn't it?

Hopefully, OP's run away (sorry not sorry) so it's not like this thread is going to go anywhere.

The fact that it's still here after 2 hours does make me worry more about the moderator situation though, I know we're already lacking in moderators but still...

DE, pls buff moderators.

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6 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

The point is that you can't say certain things in Canada. And as long as you're a guest at a Canadian service, you have to deal with their home rules.

This is absolute nonsense.

Again, the Canadian gov't has nothing to do with how DE runs their chat platform.

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6 minutes ago, rune_me said:

You are of course free to critize DE all you want. Just as they are free to continue to ignore you criticism as they have always done, since it’s their chat servers and they can run it however they want.

They can - at the cost of their respect and rapport from the player base they've always strived so far and wide to keep level ground with, a shame to see such promise given up.

9 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

I've seen all of those


9 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

many would rather complain rather than provide constructive ways to remedy the situation. 

Then why don't we take a closer look together?




Plenty of suggestions/ideas / constructive ways to remedy the situation and support for it floating around, but reading and looking for that is too hard apparently. It's much easier to just say everyone's b****ing and whining and call it a day.

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5 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

They can - at the cost of their respect and rapport from the player base they've always strived so far and wide to keep level ground with, a shame to see such promise given up.

12 easily offended snowflakes crying on a forum is probably not something they worry about.

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I do find it funny how "muh free speech" advocates always harp on and on about "growing a thicker skin" but they never practice what they preach.

Let's not ignore the elephant in the room, this is only an "issue" because people can't be civilised.

Also to all uninformed and "muh free speech" advocates. The freedom of speech that America has only covers the government, not some private company that's based in a different country.

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