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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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I think it would be great if there was an option to turn the UI curser on or off it is a good tool to use on a pc but for console its rather redundant, that being said some people will take a liking to it and I believe it should be kept but the ability to turn it on or off would be greatly appreciated. 

Also the chat menus are much harder to navigate, selecting chat options and has become a sequence of clicks button presses before getting to your desired position, the old system of navigation was far easier and considerably less work. please fix this.

Edited by (XB1)QuickSILVERSean
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honestly, weeks back when DE presented whole UI unified template for consoles and PC - I was thinking to myself "looks nice and all, but i would not use it... it is just not for console".


implemented it without an option to turn it off.. im so affected by it that days and hrs of emotions and efforts are drained to "improve or fix" this.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

You have to select no weapon then click “equip” in the bottom right corner of the screen. Yes it is incredibly stupid.

Have you tried double "clicking" it?

No its not ideal for consoles and its likely to get changed, but still that's how it works with the mouse.

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This kind of updating is giving me a bad feeling, because it's this kind of rigorous updating that leads to the overcomplication and constant change of an otherwise well designed game. 

It reminds me of what Riot did to the League Of Legends UI, they completely butchered it and grouped things together and made it convoluted to begin with (a lot of these were later redesigned), but it's just updates like this without warning that really piss off players since they force them upon you and give you no testing or options to choose between one or the other. 

I'm concerned that these forced changes are the start of a cycle of continuous development on a structure that's already well designed, which ultimately can kill a game and turn a lot of the older players away.

Change is good, but too much change is not. They need to slow down and start giving the players more involvement such as playtesting and surveys to determine whether it's an update people actually want.

Don't become authoritarians DE...

P.S. Did anyone else notice how the tooltips that display the D-pad and button actions have also been changed? They're all white and blocky for me...

Edited by VXTR7
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Swlecting linked items ans users in chat works only half the time. Sometimes pressing x while hovering over a user or item does nothing at all.

When i get to the last user "edsnowball", i am unable to bring up the dialog box to send a message or invite no matter how many times i press X over it. This also sometimes happens for riven mods.

Has anyone else gotten this bug and if so do you know how to reproduce it all the time or does it just seem random? Video was done on console with a controller. Any PC users have this problem too?

Edited by (PS4)RedKain243
Added the video
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Controllers with any amount of stock drift are unable to swlect a mission because the right stick will zoom out by itself. Please disabpe right stick to zoom when navigating. I never hadthis problem before. I can not replace my inout devixe because i play on a ps vita and they are discontinued. 

Edited by (PS4)RedKain243
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Thank You for the HotFix. It was a small step in the right direction. But still The Curse slows things and Im so confused and lost that how am I supposed to do anything really.

To unequip a gun etc you need 1st select the empty slot. Then drag The Curse on right side of the screen and click on the wall. Yeah, that's right 😄 Feels so $&*&*#(%&ed.

Chat menu is still broken. I can highlight menu items with D-pad but nothing happens if I click X. For the love of all gaming gods I cant tolerate it that I need to move The Curse over there and try to hit the right menu item. And also can't close chat windows without dragging The Curse over the X to press X.

Still can't leave from squad without dragging The Curse over there and trying to hit Leave squad instead of profile. 

Trading is still a complete hassle. The need to activate things with The Curse is a huge waste of time.

Arsenal is better but The Curse locks itself here and there when I try to transfer mod from bottom to up. And did I say it's slow? The transitions between everything is just unnecessary. Before I could switch between configs with shoulder buttons. Now I have to do it with The Curse. Its just irritating. 

Fishing... have it ever occurred to you that some of us use for example the touch pad only to use powers? So the fishing is now impossible without remapping control buttons. I have only tried it once but it felt really weird... I have to try it again to be able to give any constructive feedback how to make it better. 

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38 minutes ago, VXTR7 said:

This kind of updating is giving me a bad feeling, because it's this kind of rigorous updating that leads to the overcomplication and constant change of an otherwise well designed game. 

It reminds me of what Riot did to the League Of Legends UI, they completely butchered it and grouped things together and made it convoluted to begin with (a lot of these were later redesigned), but it's just updates like this without warning that really piss off players since they force them upon you and give you no testing or options to choose between one or the other. 

I'm concerned that these forced changes are the start of a cycle of continuous development on a structure that's already well designed, which ultimately can kill a game and turn a lot of the older players away.

Change is good, but too much change is not. They need to slow down and start giving the players more involvement such as playtesting and surveys to determine whether it's an update people actually want.

Don't become authoritarians DE...

P.S. Did anyone else notice how the tooltips that display the D-pad and button actions have also been changed? They're all white and blocky for me...

Yea this man^, totally agree.

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Selecting "invite" can actually close the chat window

To reproduce :

  • Open a chat window, place the cursor on the dialog box where it says "close"
  • Press down twice with the D-pad so that "invite" is highlighted in yellow
  • Press x to confirm

Result : The UI does not take into account the selection that was made using the D-pad and just closes the window because thats where the cursor was. Please let me know if you can reproduce this on PC using the arrow keys. I tried to make a video of it this morning but it didn't save.

Yesterday, i also made a list of contructive suggestions to improve the UI which you can see here.

Reddit post : Constructive feedback on what is wrong with the new console UI menu by menu

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Really simple fix for the future. “Hey guys we are going thinking about doing this, this and that, what do you think?”

We can work together D E.

For now, reverse the patch. Give us our UI back and think before you act, don’t Activision your way out of a passionate group of gamers who like you and what you do, because at the end if the day, there are many other titles i can choose to play; regretfully, but when left with no choice...

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For what it's worth, criticism from PC players (your beta testers, essentially) has been pretty scathing. I couldn't see it mentioned above, but we suffer severe problems with large, unresponsive deadzones, misalignment between x/y-axes regardless of camera settings and more. Everybody seems to dislike the cursor function as well. 

I'm sure DE are aware and hopefully working on it. Surprised they pushed this update out for you guys though, regardless of how rushed they are for the new releases and Tennocon. 

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On June 6, 2018 at 1:49 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey guys, I have here a list of known issues with a couple of notes as well! 

  • D-Pad not working on World State Window - will be implemented in a future update!
  • Can't rotate items in the Market (fixed)
  • D-Pad skipping over items in menu lists - will be fixed in a future update! 
  • Scrolling with the D-Pad will be implemented in a future update! 

Thank you for all of your feedback!

heres some issues happens to me


wierd one 

For some reason l1 n r1 didnt work


and dont forget fix this, very annoying 




PS. Thanks for button shortcuts, much better now


Edited by (PS4)KresTias
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Some things will not select with the cursor. Hover over the option and hit 'x', nothing happens. Having difficulty leaving squads and getting the right relic rewards (lost out on the burston prime barrel I'd been hunting for a month for last night). 

Also seems to be bugging when trying to unequip items in arsenal. Doesn't always take right away and it took about three minutes to take the syandana off my Nova. 

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I read through the update and what the future holds, but I am adamant when I state that the previous UI System was exponentially superior compared to its current replacement. I'm not the only one who feels this way, and I hope that major modifications happen quickly to make it tolerable. The link contains a video of what a four year console player thought about the update. 


Edited by (XB1)PainfulKill4fun
Spelling error: ORIGINAL,...player though of the update
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This is a pretty big gamble from DE to be honest, and it remains to be seen how many players are willing to jump through the hoops to play their game after this.

For me, right now it feels it’s maybe time to move on. By the time this might get fixed, it may be too late.

But hey, I don’t think there’s ever been a better time to take a break from the game. So thanks for this opportunity 😉

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Just when you're getting used the the cursor the game goes and throws a curve ball.

Trading in the dojo. Pretty sure we just pressed X on highlighted username to initiate a trade. I try that, nope. Oh yeah, cursor, move the cursor over to user, press X on name, nope.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, look it says down there to press Square to trade.

I mean, WHAT? It wasn't like that before, was it?

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its nice they are taking our responces to heart and fixing what they have broken but the UI is still far from the way it was we still need to give them feed back and keep letting them know we are happy with the fix but it still needs more work and together the community and devs need to find a happy middle ground we will never get the old UI back because then all the new stuff comming will not work so we need to take the crappy system and help DE shape it in a way that we as console players are happy with

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Dova Seniorious said:

I never intended to direct anger to others in this thread, I am merely giving clarification as to why this update was a failure, I've listed my concerns about this update in other threads already amd I'm not alone as a long time player who is frustrated. I've stated numerous times what I dislike with this UI but that's towards the first few pages of this thread. 

If you are offended by my response I apologise but DE has still alienated a large population of their console playbase and they expect us to tolerate it after a few fixes. 

I also want to apologize if my comment seemed harsh, i was thinking that you were trolling so i had to respond in such a manner that seemed both neutral and objective.

Many people are coming here to drop their feedback without reading what other people in this forum have posted already because number 1, they want their voices to be heard and number 2 they may not have the luxury of time other Tennos have to scroll through pages of comments to make sure they are not giving the same feedback as other people.

i also don't want to reply much because that takes space that could be used for other people and their concerns or complains to be heard.

It's DE's job to go through each complain and filter what needs to be worked on in order and i am sure everyone is being taken into consideration at some point or another, i am not defending them in anyway, they are still not there yet from giving us back an experience like we had just days ago before this new UI went live.

I agree with what you want when it comes to removing the cursor, i want that to but apparently they don't want to remove it so we have to negotiate and hope they give us an option to  manually REMOVE it so we don't have to kick our feet as we move forward with whats to come after Tennocon and such events are over and done with.

Whenever they add stuff other stuff messes up so i expect more hot fixes will be in order, so i might not play for a week or two until everything is resolved if you know what i mean, i trust the contributors like yourself to help stir this game in the right direction to where it needs to be and what it needs to become.

So continue to give them feedback, bug reports and let them know whenever you are NOT happy with what they have got to offer to you. We play and they make content for us to play is a strange arrangement that seems to have worked well for a while.

Let's hope they get most of what's broken fixed in a timely fashion so most of us console Tennos can again enjoy our play sessions in peace.

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Please any anyone from DE please have a setting that we can change the UI back how it was or just touch it up it is bad for PS4/Xbox1 players and it takes longer to do anything. If you were to take anything from this please let us preview Warframes and and cosmetic items thank you for your time. 🙂

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