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Well Ironicly if this update comes with any 1h melee & 1h secondary equipt his picture does him justice, but I assume console will get him breifly before our update, however I did read a Tweat that DE were working on a way to push cert faster to console. Maybe console will get the update Monday 😮

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

if this update comes with any 1h melee & 1h secondary equipt his picture does him justice😮

Not necessarily. Other frames had showcased both weapons in hands. Frost Prime for example, holding Latron Prime and Reaper Prime while both are '2handed' weapons. Or Nekros Prime with Galatine and Tigris aswell. It's just up to the artist and how well it looks for the pic pose to show both weapons with its 'warframe attitude'.

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1 minute ago, Kiwinille said:

Not necessarily. Other frames had showcased both weapons in hands. Frost Prime for example, holding Latron Prime and Reaper Prime while both are '2handed' weapons. Or Nekros Prime with Galatine and Tigris aswell. It's just up to the artist and how well it looks for the pic pose to show both weapons with its 'warframe attitude'.

I know, was just saying that this would just be in good taste, I wonder how Warframe agile & Noble stances will pan out.

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For those who don't know: A quick reminder!

In short: Limbo's Stasis will no longer freeze teammates' bullets, but as a consequence to giving him godlike power over enemies in the rift with no drawbacks, base duration has been cut in half.

I'm personally looking forward to Limbo Prime. I always enjoyed his kit, but I avoided him like the plague, because he was too disruptive for team play. This change is one of the biggest improvements DE could make for him.

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18 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

You do realise his stasis isnt his only issue right?

Yes there are still issues:
1- Troll you when you are using a console making you exit or rift and avoid ppl using any console
2-Troll you to make you drop the data mass or avoid using the data mass on a MD console
3- Banish an enemy and avoid the squad to complete the mission because you cant kill it

But overall i love limbo and played well he is great.

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Here is what's going to happen with Limbo.. His max range cataclysm and stasis is going become Meta, its going to get abused and DE will nerf it in to the ground, this is not an assumption from experience we already know how the min/max community is going to respond, and we already know how DE will respond this is just the start for near future nerfs. 

Edited by Sibernetika
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Well Ironicly if this update comes with any 1h melee & 1h secondary equipt his picture does him justice, but I assume console will get him breifly before our update, however I did read a Tweat that DE were working on a way to push cert faster to console. Maybe console will get the update Monday 😮

Where is the irony in this statement?


Hopefully they get rid of his Gumby legs.

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)The Dracoknight said:

I don’t understand the limbo hate, he can cheese most missions without even breaking a sweat.

it's because those who don't fully understand his kit can annoy randoms with Stasis, which has been changed now, but originally stopped friendly projectiles. some players would also troll others by banishing them constantly, preventing them from damaging enemies and performing certain actions such as hacking. most frames can be abused in one way or another to irk other players, but Limbo was by far the best at it, and to this day the scars of the Limbo Trolls weigh heavily on the rest of the community. some love him and say he is misunderstood, others hate him to the point where they want him out of the game. and plenty others are somewhere in-between.

personally I like him, as his kit can solve all sorts of specific problems. he's just a bit more complicated than other frames and requires a certain learning curve. but once you fully understand the rift,, you'll find Limbo is one of the most powerful Warframes we have.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it's because those who don't fully understand his kit can annoy randoms with Stasis, which has been changed now, but originally stopped friendly projectiles. some players would also troll others by banishing them constantly, preventing them from damaging enemies and performing certain actions such as hacking. most frames can be abused in one way or another to irk other players, but Limbo was by far the best at it, and to this day the scars of the Limbo Trolls weigh heavily on the rest of the community. some love him and say he is misunderstood, others hate him to the point where they want him out of the game. and plenty others are somewhere in-between.

personally I like him, as his kit can solve all sorts of specific problems. he's just a bit more complicated than other frames and requires a certain learning curve. but once you fully understand the rift,, you'll find Limbo is one of the most powerful Warframes we have.

Agreed. Looking forward to some of the new possibilities of the changes. Sure, I'll have to keep a closer eye on my bubbles (given that I use them to protect objectives whilst I go about my business elsewhere), but my influence can now spread outside my assigned defence area and not be too much of a hassle to everyone else. If I'm sniping from on high with stasis up, I don't have to worry about a banish accidentally hitting a bunch of enemies I have to hunt down with my melee now, since the whole cone should be in sight in such a scenario. I can cast, pick off the shooting gallery and that's it. Or do the same with a cataclysm if my teammates are getting overwhelmed so they can get control of the situation. Oh, the possibilities...

I think why Limbo has a learning curve is because of his inherent ability to divide his problems and duties into manageable chunks, meaning you need to develop a system by which you do this and priorities of what order you deal with them. Using my system for Interception, I usually locate a tower that's in the line of fire, but not the most hotly contested spot or in a direct path to another location. Then I hop into the rift to capture it (charging up since I use quick thinking and gladiator finesse mixed with Arcane Guardian to give me as much EHP as possible), then pop down a stasis bubble. Now, with this area nice and secure, the way is clear for me to go and do other things, like claiming any unclaimed towers, fighting off incoming groups of enemies, manually defending another location or reviving a teammate. Usually in priority order of: Bubble maintenance, towers, reviving, defending, fighting. Of course, every mission and player is going to have different divisions and priorities, which is where Limbo's true complexity comes from.

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20 hours ago, Madway7 said:

You do realise his stasis isnt his only issue right?

His other issues are just people trolling. Besides, 90+% of the whining comes down to "I can't use muh guhns". 

Now people are going to complain that he stuck an enemy or two over the rift. Well, fun fact and easy solution to that: abilities go through the rift. 

I just get tired of seeing so much mindless Limbo hate. Yes, he has potential for trolling. But that doesn't strike me as a Limbo issue so much as a denizens of the internet issue. 

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