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To Those Who Finished The Sacrifice (Spoilers)


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i enjoyed the quest. I love the frame, been waiting for it since they announced it as chinese founder pack. It made me return to the game after a few years (even though i always played once or twice a month). Now i have to farm that focus system since i haven't done anything about it, kill some eidolons...but overall...its the same old grindy grind. I love the quest but 1 hour of main quest every year.... warframe has such a great rich lore, they should definitely get more indepth with it and release regular quests and stuff.

They should change lotus from sending us to missions since she's not anymore. Let Ordis do that, he's more than suited.

Remove the line when Ordis says "make the lotus proud" since she didn't made us proud at all.

We all know that warframes are lead by some kind of "organization", lotus being the head of it all. She's gone now and ordis took the missions for us to complete them, but who makes those missions? who decides which is a mission worthy of a tenno and which is not? I think it's time to meet this organization and see what the future of tennos are, since we don't have lotus anymore.

We know a lot about the past (although as already said, there are still some questions hanging in and the most important of them all, IMO, is: who is the man in the wall? Im sure he has a big role in everything) now we need to know about our present and out future.

Its pretty clear the sentients are preparing another invasion on the origin system, we need to prepare our solar system, we need to gather more allies and prepare them all. Or maybe we will invade their system, in this case, we need to gather allies and prepare them all. Anyway, we need to know more about our own solar system before trying to do anything. These quests have answered to many, many questions that were hanging since the games' beta status, but they also added new questions.


EDIT: I've been rethinking all the quest and... Lotus destroyed Umbra frame with only one "shot"... Why didn't she did that again? this time she could've killed us, operators, as well, not just the frame. She had the numbers, not that she needed them, and she had the strength and opportunity. Why did she left us alive?

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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I really liked the quest. It was good to see Umbra released with all the anticipation around it for the last 2 years(?), they'd been waiting for a good opportunity to release it with some flare, and this quest for me really did that. The story has really evolved and it gets better as they go. 

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30 minutes ago, Rayden_Tenno said:

I've been rethinking all the quest and... Lotus destroyed Umbra frame with only one "shot"... Why didn't she did that again? this time she could've killed us, operators, as well, not just the frame. She had the numbers, not that she needed them, and she had the strength and opportunity. Why did she left us alive?

You might be looking at a composite personality with Natah/Margulis or at least Natah has more compassion for the frames than at first or it could simply be that Ballas convinced Natah that the umbra frame was too dangerous. The last bit is probably closer to the truth. Its obvious Ballas is adept at manipulating perception. 

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1 minute ago, Khazid_Hae said:

You might be looking at a composite personality with Natah/Margulis or at least Natah has more compassion for the frames than at first or it could simply be that Ballas convinced Natah that the umbra frame was too dangerous. The last bit is probably closer to the truth. Its obvious Ballas is adept at manipulating perception. 

You're sooo damn right, yeah it may also be that but...even so, if she thought umbra is so dangerous, why didn't she killed us on the spot and then go after our orbiter? That frame is not in any known database so the only blueprint to create him is most surely on our orbiter. She could've killed us right there and then easily destroy the orbiter. Anyway im getting far ahead of everything.

It's just that its strange that she didn't even tried to kill us, like truly tried. Maybe she still is our Lotus. Maybe she wants to sabotage the sentients from the inside and hand us the victory over them. Who knows, but its strange nonetheles.. Also, what would a sentient do with an orokin body?

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I'm totally happy with what they did and it confirmed a theory about why if the Warframe a are constructed why they have the same gender ie why you don't see male Embers or female Rhinos. They're templates of the umbra of that Warframe that was created from an original volunteer/victim. But now we have to ask... Will we see other umbra's? Will there be a quest to unlock the first Saryn or Volt? Have they teased future quests or a whole new variation of the warframes and now we'll all expect every one to have a regular, prime and umbra version?

And I still want space mom back. I reckon ballad stripped off the Margulis shell she was using and we saw her true sentient self. We might be able to rescue her and construct a new lotus body for her. 

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18 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

The amount of Endo needed for the mods and Forma for pretty much everything (frame, Skiajati, Exalted) will keep me busy. I agree, there could definitely have been more. I'm also a bit disappointed with the lack of Helminth; still serves no purpose.

Overall though, I enjoyed it.

Steve's alluded to DE working on the Helminth. I think it being mentioned in the quest serves a purpose. Before the release of Sanctuary mode, on a devstream they were discussing the rewards and Steve said, paraphrasing "People are throwing ideas around, maybe the reward can be this or that, and I say 'No, this is a reward for the Helminth'". Something's coming, definitely.

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3 hours ago, QuietBiro said:

Steve's alluded to DE working on the Helminth. I think it being mentioned in the quest serves a purpose. Before the release of Sanctuary mode, on a devstream they were discussing the rewards and Steve said, paraphrasing "People are throwing ideas around, maybe the reward can be this or that, and I say 'No, this is a reward for the Helminth'". Something's coming, definitely.


Hopefully so, I'm really interested to see what the whole deal is, what with Ordis's lines upon first entry, the pod in the back that is perfect Operator size, the chair beyond zit popping, and Helminth's cryptic lines (along with what exactly its relationship with the moral compass is).

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19 hours ago, RetroNomad said:

When looking at it in terms of a trilogy I find it's completed.
>Who are you
>What was your role/Role of others
>What are the Warframes

This entire trillogy has been about You as a tenno and the lore behind the war and warframes.
With the ending, I take it as a clear indication we are moving on to new things and a story that's not about the past but the present and events coming up now that we have answers to every burning question we've had.

Think of this as a seasons ending in a T.V. show like GoT. Lots of answers. Huge twist cliff hanger.

The problem is the ending was essentially a fancy recap episode wrapped inside a Warframe origin quest. They also threw away a good arc villain before giving him any significant screen time. The Umbra itself is probably considered an entry-level boon for whatever Sentient content is on the horizon.

I really feel that if they'd have us fight a losing battle against the Lotus (akin to how the first Zone of the Enders ended on a climax), it might have felt a bit more rounded. But right now the problem isn't "can we beat her?" It's "she betrayed us and we were too shocked by the realization to defend ourselves" which feels like a cop out.

Edited by Exodess
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13 hours ago, (PS4)Oracle-Raven said:

Except there are still important mysteries left surrounding the Zariman Ten Zero, the operator's parents, the man in the wall & the "Hey, Kiddo", Ordis and his past self, how Orokin managed to cheat death, and maybe some more info on the Stalker's operator / past.

(Stalker is an odd ball for me. He's pissed about the Tenno killing the Orokin and destroying his way of life, so he allies himself with Hunhow... but he also "avenges" regular bosses like the Jackal, Alad V, Lephantis, Kela de Thaym, etc. and it's left very unclear what happened to him after The Second Dream


Yeah there are some things left unsaid but maybe mysteries should remain mysteries. That's not to say I'm not dying to know some of these things as well but we have WAY more insight than we had even a year ago at this point. And considering it was all free (Sd, WW, TS, POE and all the frame quests adding lore)  I'm content with that.
Speaking frankly regarding business and fan bases, we didn't pay a dime for a season pass and didn't get screwed over like some other unfortunate communities who are now performing a mass exodus from a game I won't name... Myself included.

Regarding The man in the wall... I actually just had an interesting little interaction with him..... IDK if you guys have gotten this but just in case I'll put roughly what was said in a spoiler
EDIT:: ^^^^^^^^^^ See above YT post


"Hey kiddo.... feeling any better?"
"I killed him.... I killed Isaah"
"Do you remember it that way?..... Good"

There's something coming with him for sure.


Edited by RetroNomad
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On 2018-06-15 at 3:20 PM, LazerSkink said:

The amount of Endo needed for the mods and Forma for pretty much everything (frame, Skiajati, Exalted) will keep me busy. I agree, there could definitely have been more. I'm also a bit disappointed with the lack of Helminth; still serves no purpose.

Overall though, I enjoyed it.

I just bought 5 legendary cores and used those. Couldn't be fu¢ked grinding the endo

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8 minutes ago, Arniox said:

I just bought 5 legendary cores and used those. Couldn't be fu¢ked grinding the endo


yeah that would have been a much, MUCH better idea which didn’t cross my mind until today and it’s too late because I’m down to only 500k credits now I hate myself

this is why the sad reaction should have never been removed

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On 2018-06-15 at 1:51 PM, Shiichibukai said:

I dont like this ending, I thought this was supposed to be a conclusion of this trilogy, its just another cliffhanger.

Nah. It's basically shoving out Umbra because people whined about not getting him for a year and a half. Honestly as time went on I feel like DE regretted even showing Umbra.

Not just that though, the quest felt like it was for people who didn't already have a half decent knowledge of the lore behind the game, so they could catch-up before the next quest



My wife and I think the Tennocon reveal will be the Tau System, given Lotus' comment of "I'm coming home, Mother" and subsequent reversion to her base state Natah. Plus it would explain the potential to have slotted umbra mods on warframe.


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On 2018-06-14 at 11:18 PM, Logan_Burns2 said:

I also feel like there is something lacking. The ending made me deeply sad though, I did not expect this kind of betrayal.

The whole story so far in WF has been nothing but betrayal. 

On 2018-06-14 at 11:40 PM, Logan_Burns2 said:

All I know is that Umbra was a Dax soldier infected with a Helminth strand of infestation, that Ballas made him kill his own son, and that Lotus/Natah/Margulis has abandoned and betrayed us.

You know more than that, you just have to think about what you've seen. Most of this was confirmations of stuff we'd been postulating for some time. 

The creation and existence of the Umbra Excalibur is a strong hint to the origin and existence of the Stalker and his ilk--and possibly their eventual fate. 

We've seen more about the creation of the warframes, but much of this we were pretty sure about going in. It's just confirmation (and we were right). 

The thing with Lotus/Natah is new, but we knew she was a Sentient. Well, there she is. The implication is we'll be meeting her again at the Sentient Outpost or the Tau system--most likely the former. I'm good with that. There's unfinished business. 

Ballas' motivations were interesting. I'd figured he'd had a grudge against the Empire and we knew he was a ruthless bastard, but...man, he certainly went all in. I don't think we've seen the last of him, either--but I suspect next we meet he might be very different indeed. He turned on about everyone and everything he knew, but still didn't see the inevitability of his own creations returning the favor. 

I found the whole thing quite satisfying and the hooks are there for the next cinematic quest. 

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3 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

The whole story so far in WF has been nothing but betrayal. 

You know more than that, you just have to think about what you've seen. Most of this was confirmations of stuff we'd been postulating for some time. 

The creation and existence of the Umbra Excalibur is a strong hint to the origin and existence of the Stalker and his ilk--and possibly their eventual fate. 

We've seen more about the creation of the warframes, but much of this we were pretty sure about going in. It's just confirmation (and we were right). 

The thing with Lotus/Natah is new, but we knew she was a Sentient. Well, there she is. The implication is we'll be meeting her again at the Sentient Outpost or the Tau system--most likely the former. I'm good with that. There's unfinished business. 

Ballas' motivations were interesting. I'd figured he'd had a grudge against the Empire and we knew he was a ruthless bastard, but...man, he certainly went all in. I don't think we've seen the last of him, either--but I suspect next we meet he might be very different indeed. He turned on about everyone and everything he knew, but still didn't see the inevitability of his own creations returning the favor. 

I found the whole thing quite satisfying and the hooks are there for the next cinematic quest. 

The more I spend time playing with Umbra and his signature weapon, the more I have fun with him. It motivates me to build a better amp and arcanes to allow more synergy between the star child and umbra. That and I look forward to fighting in Tau/ the outpost, and I am still curious as to what may happen when Umbra enters the helminth infirmary. 

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18 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


yeah that would have been a much, MUCH better idea which didn’t cross my mind until today and it’s too late because I’m down to only 500k credits now I hate myself

this is why the sad reaction should have never been removed

Lol. Trading legendary cores still costs 1m credits each trade. So it still cost me 5m credits

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RE: The story not fitting ("feeling off") or being incomplete
Steve's periscope stream on June 14th
Around 4:15 Steve mentions that Umbra wasn't even supposed to be a part of The Sacrifice, but because people were so interested in Umbra, they felt the need to rework this last one to be about him, dropping the original script for The Sacrifice.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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  • 2 months later...
On 2018-06-14 at 10:26 PM, Interlagos said:

I love that Umbra fights while you're in operator mode. I can see that being Umbra-only, but people will be crying for -insert frame- to be able to do that too...

I actually hate it and wish I could turn it off. It what keeps me from using that frame at all. I don't want him being vulnerable when I'm not in it to control.

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