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I'd like to make a civil argument for better PvP, as an oldschool player.


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I've no ide why pvp for some means endless enjoyment or gameplay. I used to play some and record of me playing the same one was about a year, it was overwatch. Then its the same old boring sht, only now plagued with bad teammates, crybabies and toxic aholes. Funny enough ow has semi decent event pve and its event based cause many seem to fear that otherwise it will overshadow the pvp. So what were you saying lmao? 

Edited by -Temp0-
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Personally I'm not really a PvP player, but in certain modes I can find it fun. I agree that DE needs to refine their PvP experience because it has the potential to be fun and amazing.

This might sound downright sacrilege, but I think for PvP in Warframe to work they need to not have it combat focused. Remove gun and ability combat altogether. Warframe is a game about being overpowered, and that typically isn't great for a PvP game. By removing combat (at least moddable combat) it makes PvP more about skill than who has the best build or the best weapons.

It wasn't necessarily popular now, but I think that Lunaro was a step in the right direction. In my opinion, it was fun and entertaining, but got frustrating really quickly due to poor team communication, lack of map variety, and connectivity issues. For PvP to work, these issues need to be addressed. Personally I would love to see a map where everything is inverted on the ceiling, with a kill floor beneath the players. Another thought would be to have clan created maps using the Obstacle Course Architect, which could be entertaining.

Next thing I would like to see as far as PvP is concerned is K-Drive Races and competitions. SIMULACRUM STUNT COURSES PLEASE! Railjack and Archwing could benefit from this as well, minus the Simulacrum bit. Racing is probably my favorite type of PvP, since it relies on your reaction time and course memorization, plus any player can recover from last place if they are skilled enough.

Lastly, If removing combat is still out of the question, then might I suggest a PvP mode similar to Quake. If you have never played a Quake style of game, the weapons spawn in the map instead of having a loadout. This would make it fair to everyone playing and would focus more on your skill at playing the game. One of the problems with Conclave at the moment is the ability to bring in your own modded gear, which makes playing PvP annoying if you are literally underclassed. By having the weapons in the map it makes it more fair for everyone playing. You could still select a melee and a frame, like in Quake Champions, but they wouldn't be moddable.

PvP has the potential to be great in Warframe, but as many would agree the idea of Tenno fighting other Tenno goes against the nature of the game itself. Its a co-op game after all.

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On 2018-07-22 at 4:02 PM, MimouAuditore said:

If they made clans able to build dungeons and players can attack the dungeons for rewards, it'd be cool as a sort of pvp mode but without any real player vs player interactions. 

See, this kind of thing I'd be completely down for.

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I've done pvp a couple times and thought it was ok but how about making the parkour have a stamina bar to slow ppl down and make it more a defensive tactic and put all skills on a cool down like they are with other PvP style games that will decrease the saryn toxin spam or the rhino constant immunity shield 

This seems to me like the safer option than out right adding the pve elements to PvP 

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Sure, you can have all the PVP you want, just DO NOT mix it with the main part of the game and give us a PVPVE type deal like Division and alot of other games do. 

Those who PVP want  PVP and those who PVE want PVE, mixing the 2 just isnt going to work.  Sooo, go ahead, make all the PVP you want, just dont mix them...

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Tried PVP hated it because:

  1. Needed new controls mapped
  2. Everything is too slow paced
  3. All my progress in PVE is invalidated
  4. Braton is literally OP, so being veteran has no advantage
  5. I'm a Rhino main, and I sure have a large hitbox! rekt by PVP veteran who used skinny old mag prime
  6. What are my rewards? Probably just the skins. I'll get them when PvE is dead
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If they added a mode where it was like an area based pvp game such as UT or Q3A there would be more players in it... You know where everything is equal but currently as long as you can bullet jump aim glide with a certain frame amd weapons your chances of winning is already higher than everyone else.. Give us a set frame and set weapons to pick up in pvp and bring back the old movement system without coptering and more people would find pvp mode to be more enjoyable.. And the devs would find it easier to balance pvp mode

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One of the more important things about feature creep you forgot in your PvP argument is resource management. Good long lasting PvP needs the same kind of attention and updates as PvE. Equally ALL PvE games don't have an end. Some are designed with endless feedback loops (Diablo 3). DE could and probably should design something for players to do in-between content releases. For example, weapon challenges to unlock Rivens (for any particular weapon, you'd have to dedicate to using it and completing the challenges). Steps to unlock weapon, mod, or Warframe variants from Baro once each visit.

It's sad to say, but DE have their hands full trying to release and polish PvE content. You can't really expect them to compete with any of the major PvP games out there without outsourcing and that's an investment for a free to play PvP "standalone" that your players may not really interact with. Destiny puts you into both worlds by giving you weekly challenges for both PvP and PvE, then you can add multiple characters and do them there for even more loots.

Because PvPvE hardly works out: I can't tell you how irritating early-mid game Destiny 2 PvP is because it's centered around RNG + PvE items and skill only gets you so far vs a heat seeking grenade launcher. You have to go through PvE and weekly grind to get more gear to eventually get those PvP stomp items (Fortunately Xur eases SOME of the RNG)


In any clan v clan style PvP with rewards one of the few "competitive" clans will take the light or clans'll have another Hema chopping block incident. Shines the --Q-- Signal 


I'm a big fan of goofy style PvP "brawler" style games where they're just random and wild enough to just be fun and not taken 100000% serious, but have mechanics and such to still require skill.

Edited by Synpai
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I have an idea for warframe where PVP could be introduced without the need to constantly rebalance gear and change warframes into a PVP acceptable position.

How about instead of Frame vs Frame we go with a Mob vs Mob approach?


The devs have all models for enemies and im sure they somewhere have a program what makes them controlable to some degree. Instead of trying the impossible to balance our weapons and changing up all skills and such we could just control grineer foot soldiers, infested monsters and corpus units.


Heres what i think about:

12 vs 12 and 18 vs 18 maps of the currently avaible areas. Players can vote for the next map after each round. All units are lv20 to make sure their weapons are deadly but not too deadly.

Each faction gets their units in the following pattern:

  1. Melee units: They start with their basic melee form what after enough kills can be upgraded into a stronger unit. 
  2. Scout units: These are fast moving or hard to detect units to see and mark enemy movement. 
  3. Heavy units: The guys with the deadly stuff, bombards, ancients and techs.
  4. Support units: Any unit what is there to create diversion or help others like eviscerators, osspreys or boilers.
  5. Snipers: This is obvious here, any unit with long range sniping capacity.
  6. Commanders: The leaders of the team these units have unique abilities like nullfiers, grineer commanders and eximus units.

At base 12vs12 each team can have 2 units of each type. Obviously some factions dont have all unit types so they get to choose more from other unit types, this for the infested could mean that since they dont have snipers they can choose 1 more scout and melee.

As they would rack up kills they can choose from the faction upgrade screen to spawn as a better unit. For example those who runned around as a charger can become volatile runners or even brood mothers.

Since almost every mob have a tactical cover approach we can even play an actual tactical shooter, where strategy matters more than raw power.

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On 2018-07-24 at 4:30 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

I have an idea for warframe where PVP could be introduced without the need to constantly rebalance gear and change warframes into a PVP acceptable position.

How about instead of Frame vs Frame we go with a Mob vs Mob approach?


The devs have all models for enemies and im sure they somewhere have a program what makes them controlable to some degree. Instead of trying the impossible to balance our weapons and changing up all skills and such we could just control grineer foot soldiers, infested monsters and corpus units.


Heres what i think about:

12 vs 12 and 18 vs 18 maps of the currently avaible areas. Players can vote for the next map after each round. All units are lv20 to make sure their weapons are deadly but not too deadly.

Each faction gets their units in the following pattern:

  1. Melee units: They start with their basic melee form what after enough kills can be upgraded into a stronger unit. 
  2. Scout units: These are fast moving or hard to detect units to see and mark enemy movement. 
  3. Heavy units: The guys with the deadly stuff, bombards, ancients and techs.
  4. Support units: Any unit what is there to create diversion or help others like eviscerators, osspreys or boilers.
  5. Snipers: This is obvious here, any unit with long range sniping capacity.
  6. Commanders: The leaders of the team these units have unique abilities like nullfiers, grineer commanders and eximus units.

At base 12vs12 each team can have 2 units of each type. Obviously some factions dont have all unit types so they get to choose more from other unit types, this for the infested could mean that since they dont have snipers they can choose 1 more scout and melee.

As they would rack up kills they can choose from the faction upgrade screen to spawn as a better unit. For example those who runned around as a charger can become volatile runners or even brood mothers.

Since almost every mob have a tactical cover approach we can even play an actual tactical shooter, where strategy matters more than raw power.

That sounds kinda like smites mechanics (or similar game) and here lies the problem enemy player gets level 3 or higher you've already lost and vice verser.  I'm sure there's a viable option to it and playing as enemy factions could be fun having said that, take sentinel faction, type match bullet sponges. Can't see anyone in the receiving end having a good time there

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4 hours ago, (XB1)HorusAstartes01 said:

That sounds kinda like smites mechanics (or similar game) and here lies the problem enemy player gets level 3 or higher you've already lost and vice verser.  I'm sure there's a viable option to it and playing as enemy factions could be fun having said that, take sentinel faction, type match bullet sponges. Can't see anyone in the receiving end having a good time there

Im not sure if i understand, everybody is set to the same lv20 stats the ingame mobs normally have. Your level doesnt increase you can just get better or different units.

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My 2-cents:

PvP in Warframe is a different game.

The frames are slow

The weapons behave differently

Energy behaves differently

No operators 

No arcanes 

The mods are different, and the real nail in coffin for me, the mods have completely different polarities.  Until they allow the same mod slot to be polazized twice, im not building two of each weapon!

Mods don't even work from one game mod to other.  

To many bad choices were made for mods, weapons, frames, etc.  I honestly enjoyed the old overpowered PvP that was unbalanced but fast paced and allowed anyone at any skill level to jump in and be effective.  All you investment in mods could be used in both game modes.  

Is short - I'd like an unbalanced game mod where pvp played like Warframe.  

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