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2 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

You guys truly have no idea what OP is really asking for. Buying a booster isn't the problem (I've done that myself the past year or whenever we got the last 2x affinity event).

They're asking for 4x affinity (2x Affinity event + Booster). Power surging the living hell out of stuff for a short time.

This really shouldn't even be a debate, there's no reason not to have an event like this come around once every month or two at least. It wouldn't hurt progress, one weekend of it isn't enough for me to even max out all I'd need too, but it'd sure help a lot. Especially for some of us who really can't afford 40 plat (No it's not always so easy for everyone to get that much plat.)


I can't understand why DE appears so vehemently against this, no mention of it, no post of it, not even a double resource or credit weekend ffs. 

As much as i do not want to be that guy,but if you go pick up some trash or cut some neighbor's grass you ll get enought plat to have boosters active half year
1000 plat cost is 12$ from DE and less from shady page that could get you banned.
30 day booster is 200plat when not on sale.

Pretty sure you could craft half the things ingame,level them in month with booster and then do second half with another month booster

But lets say you have no hands,head,or people in your country (idk how you play then)
but anyway if that is the case,you could flip some stuff with your nose,sell auras 25pl each that have alert every single day and many more things

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I...dunno why we'd need this.  95% of stuff can be maxed in just a few minutes in Hydron or Onslaught.....  Archwing takes the longest, obviously, but it's not so bad, either.   Get a dedicated squad and do some runs on Neptune, leveled in no time 🙂   

I get why people want boosted weekends but I wouldn't want them all that often, certainly NOT every month.  Leveling gear is part of the fun, getting to learn the ins and outs of things.  If you just rush through it all, one day you find yourself at MR25 looking back like "Damn, I shoulda taken my time, now I've got nothin' to do until next update.."

Not saying don't level stuff, obviously....just saying, what's wrong with the current pace of things?

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:


...one day you find yourself at MR25 looking back like "Damn, I shoulda taken my time, now I've got nothin' to do until next update.."

This is where I am at now. 

Only use for affinity boosters from Sorties or Daily Login is to get that one Frame/item formaed. 

It's quite dry waiting for Vlad/Fortuna. Hype > any other game I have. 

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7 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

This is where I am at now. 

Only use for affinity boosters from Sorties or Daily Login is to get that one Frame/item formaed. 

It's quite dry waiting for Vlad/Fortuna. Hype > any other game I have. 

Yeah, I'm at MR21, but I'm starting to feel it, myself.  I love the hell outta Warframe, though, regardless if I have new toys to level, lol.  I think it is important though, that we as a community are careful not to encourage players to rush through content to reach some imaginary finish line.  Stop and smell the roses.  Warframe is about the journey, it is a marathon not a race.  Hell, it's more of just a fun jog in the park.  There's nothing to win, just to play ^_^  

So level what y'all need to level to USE, but take the time to learn and enjoy the new things you unlock, because you will eventually hit a wall where you've got it all.  DE does their best, but it's nearly impossible to keep ahead of so many players, and after 5 years nonetheless.  So yeah, weekends to make that gap close even faster seem kinda...meh.

But a booster to support DE and boost your gains?  Sounds like a fine idea ^_^

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Yeah, I'm at MR21, but I'm starting to feel it, myself.  I love the hell outta Warframe, though, regardless if I have new toys to level, lol.  I think it is important though, that we as a community are careful not to encourage players to rush through content to reach some imaginary finish line.  Stop and smell the roses.  Warframe is about the journey, it is a marathon not a race.  Hell, it's more of just a fun jog in the park.  There's nothing to win, just to play ^_^  

So level what y'all need to level to USE, but take the time to learn and enjoy the new things you unlock, because you will eventually hit a wall where you've got it all.  DE does their best, but it's nearly impossible to keep ahead of so many players, and after 5 years nonetheless.  So yeah, weekends to make that gap close even faster seem kinda...meh.

But a booster to support DE and boost your gains?  Sounds like a fine idea ^_^

This is something I'd agree with. 

It's nice to look back and see all the shinies collected, but it's reaaaaaally boring not having anything to go for. I actually enjoyed Sanctuary Onslaught just because the grind made it harder to get the loot, and that made the effort to get the Vandal's / Khora much much longer. 

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18 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

This is something I'd agree with. 

It's nice to look back and see all the shinies collected, but it's reaaaaaally boring not having anything to go for. I actually enjoyed Sanctuary Onslaught just because the grind made it harder to get the loot, and that made the effort to get the Vandal's / Khora much much longer. 

110% yup!  People asking for things to be made easier (not saying that's necessarily what the OP wants, just more a generalization based on Forums) really don't know what they're asking for, methinks.

It's like a kid who's "sure" they want cookies for dinner....but doesn't understand the stomach ache they'll have later, despite the parent's/older siblings' warnings. I mean, life can make it hard for some people to keep up, I get that. I run and perform as part of an entertainment company, so I do understand that time to play can be quite limited....but look at time in Warframe as like a snack....something to partake in in pieces, at a time, casually...rather than making it an 8hr everyday grindfest. Even DE has said they don't want people overconsuming like that.  It isn't meant for that, lol.   I love that I have unleveled gear, and something to look forward to (still don't have Khora!  1 more piece! lol)

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

110% yup!  People asking for things to be made easier (not saying that's necessarily what the OP wants, just more a generalization based on Forums) really don't know what they're asking for, methinks.

It's like a kid who's "sure" they want cookies for dinner....but doesn't understand the stomach ache they'll have later, despite the parent's/older siblings' warnings. I mean, life can make it hard for some people to keep up, I get that. I run and perform as part of an entertainment company, so I do understand that time to play can be quite limited....but look at time in Warframe as like a snack....something to partake in in pieces, at a time, casually...rather than making it an 8hr everyday grindfest. Even DE has said they don't want people overconsuming like that.  It isn't meant for that, lol.   I love that I have unleveled gear, and something to look forward to (still don't have Khora!  1 more piece! lol)

Totally with you. 

I've been considering taking at least 3-4 years away from Warframe just to replicate the feeling I had when I started playing again last year, but I doubt I have that much self discipline! 

Will probably slowly grind Fortuna once that drops. DE pls gib. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Not saying don't level stuff, obviously....just saying, what's wrong with the current pace of things?

Because re-leveling the same thing (even with a booster) 4 - 5+ times just to become usable and having to grind insanely (Unless you want to "cheat" and go to Draco 2.0 tilesets) isn't the most optimal method for "mastering" an item.

Personally, I start to lose interest in things like Chroma that require huge Forma sinks to even become optimally viable with no affinity-bonus aside from... 

Vanilla leveling > Start from 0 > Level to 30 > Rinse & Repeat 5 - 6 more times.


(Do that without any Booster and Cheese-It levels for a "Quality" Warframe Experience).


It's the fact that these "Cheese" tilesets even exist that shows there's an issue with the current affinity/leveling system - thus why so many people enjoy the extra affinity. Once every month or two wouldn't hurt anything. If DE were so worried about it, they wouldn't have ever had this event or even given us boosters in the first place.

Edited by Prime-Ares
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10 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

You guys truly have no idea what OP is really asking for. Buying a booster isn't the problem (I've done that myself the past year or whenever since we got the last 2x affinity event).

They're asking for 4x affinity (2x Affinity event + Booster). Power surging the living hell out of stuff for a short time.

This really shouldn't even be a debate, there's no reason not to have an event like this come around once every month or two at least. It wouldn't hurt progress, one weekend of it isn't enough for me to even max out all I'd need too, but it'd sure help a lot. Especially for some of us who really can't afford 40 plat (No it's not always so easy for everyone to get that much plat.)


I can't understand why DE appears so vehemently against this, no mention of it, no post of it, not even a double resource or credit weekend ffs. 

An entire weekend, once every month or 2, where the entire playerbase spends time in hydron and grinds through all the content DE have been pouring out for years?

I'm gonna go an assume 2 things

1) You think you're entitled to more than you are

2) You're new here

You realise just how much dmg that would do to the progression system if it was every month right? I could max so much i couldn't even keep track. i mean can you just take a quick step back, realise what you typed and why it's so ridiculous.

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10 hours ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Totally with you. 

I've been considering taking at least 3-4 years away from Warframe just to replicate the feeling I had when I started playing again last year, but I doubt I have that much self discipline! 

Will probably slowly grind Fortuna once that drops. DE pls gib. 

Tbh there's still a TON of content I haven't acquired in Cetus, still not max focus or standing or even have anything beyond a Mote Amp.  It isn't because I don't like PoE, because I DO, but I'm just taking my time.  There's a ton to do, but I don't want to burn myself out.   Sometimes, I'll play for a few hours, other times for a few missions before hopping on youtube, but neither of those is an issue, really....  ebb and flow, it's totally okay to put the game down sometimes lol.   

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8 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

Because re-leveling the same thing (even with a booster) 4 - 5+ times just to become usable and having to grind insanely (Unless you want to "cheat" and go to Draco 2.0 tilesets) isn't the most optimal method for "mastering" an item.

Personally, I start to lose interest in things like Chroma that require huge Forma sinks to even become optimally viable with no affinity-bonus aside from... 

Vanilla leveling > Start from 0 > Level to 30 > Rinse & Repeat 5 - 6 more times.


(Do that without any Booster and Cheese-It levels for a "Quality" Warframe Experience).


It's the fact that these "Cheese" tilesets even exist that shows there's an issue with the current affinity/leveling system - thus why so many people enjoy the extra affinity. Once every month or two wouldn't hurt anything. If DE were so worried about it, they wouldn't have ever had this event or even given us boosters in the first place.

What "cheese" are you talking about?  Going to one of the highest level areas and leveling gear, on top of bonus xp, is not "cheese".    No more than it would be "cheese" to level your pokemon in the Unknown Dungeon or whatnot.  

Hydron is a -great- place to level.  Also, you don't have to level to 30, just 0-20 in one go, and the bonus affinity at end of mission will take you to 30.

Also, I have a TON of un-forma'd weapons and frames that play just fine in high level content.  In fact, most of them.  It is in no way needed "just to become usable".

Chroma is perfectly fine without forma, unless you're trying to min-max, but that's not "needed", it's just a goal you've set and you gotta do what you gotta do to accomplish it.

I have no issue with min-maxers, but again, in 1100+ hrs of WF, at MR21, I've yet to find a mission I couldn't accomplish with my basic gear and a bit of skill.

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14 hours ago, W4RM3CH4N1C said:

You realise just how much dmg that would do to the progression system if it was every month right? I could max so much i couldn't even keep track. i mean can you just take a quick step back, realise what you typed and why it's so ridiculous.

I have, and your own ignorance of that hurts to read honestly.

I'm not sure what this "damage" is you're talking about? With how much content is in WF and how little of it I have in a whole (After almost 5 yrs of playing) The double weekends are a big incentive to buy boosters because of the quad effect. It's moreso silly than anything DE wouldn't have them on a semi-regular basis spread out just enough to keep reeling people back in.

It makes people buy more forma, more boosters, hell maybe even buy more frames / gear outright with plat or rush it from the foundry so they dont have to wait to level it. In the end, DE makes a HUGE buck out of this and I seriously doubt someone is going to level everything from bottom up even in that short time frame if they used every second of it. You're overexaggerating a trivial "problem" grossly.

If that's the case, we just shouldn't have any more "2x" events right? Resources / creds 2x would mean no one has to ever farm them again right??


Oh and if someone wanted to, they could start WF from scratch, take 2-3 months of a grind insanely and probably reach MR23 - MR25 with everything WF has to offer. I suppose we could have a " - 2x" affinity event to counter that right? This kind of thing will happen with / without the booster events of any kind.


5 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Going to one of the highest level areas and leveling gear, on top of bonus xp, is not "cheese".

So Draco with very specific frames and setups was a perfectly reasonable means to level equipment and there was clearly no issue whatsoever with it having a place for >50% of all the leveling that (likely) took place in WF at the time? Smells like cheese to me.


5 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

in 1100+ hrs of WF, at MR21, I've yet to find a mission I couldn't accomplish with my basic gear and a bit of skill.

Cool. I too can take an unmodded excal, a decent braton, lato and skana and probably still beat everything in the solar system over a little time.

The point is without a booster or without any "bonus" at all, you're just rerunning the same Cheese-It levels over and over. Ever try to level a primary on high-level spies without a booster? That's a good 6 - 7 runs right there (of perfect hacking every time too, if you mess up, expect at least 2 more runs). Ever try to level a primary or a frame (like Nekros) on a high level of survival without a booster? You're looking at spending twice as much time.


...which is why Hydron, Bere and such places exist. If Draco were still here people would flock to it instantly. It's a band-aid for this half-assed designed system that grants generous amounts of affinity (that coincidentally) few tilesets can seem to compete with when even they have far higher level opponents.

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