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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Project information: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225737-enemies-of-the-tenno-design-project/


Please submit a design idea for a new Infested enemy type.


Required Format:


Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)

Behaviour:  (max 200 words)

Attacks: (max 200 words)  

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).




Name Suggestion: Carbuncula

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Carbuncula’, is stationary on walls and ceilings with a long tendril waiting to grapple any who walk by.

Attacks: This infested enemy type has a long tendril that can grab Tenno and pull them toward it’s toothy mouth. Melee attacks are the only option when grappled to kill the Carbuncula, otherwise your health will be drained until death!

Environment restrictions: Yes, only inhabits walls or ceilings, not ideal for open environments.

Optional Art: http://normalaquatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sea_cucumber.jpg




1 Submission per user.

Submissions must be for INFESTED enemy type.

No bosses - these are for regular mission encounters.

No Reserving spots.

No breaking format/exceeding image cap or wordcount.

Post locks May 9th at 12:00 noon EDT!

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Infested Clinger



Tends to linger on walls and ceilings using an organic glue-like compound that keeps it firm on 3 dimensional surfaces that the player themselves cannot get to or stay there by wallrunning. If needed the clinger will pause for a short moment retrieve lost cells from firing its own organic matter at the player.



Clings to walls or ceilings and send a volley or repeater-esque attacks at the player using organic (bone like) shrapnel or quivers that deal bleed or viral procs.


Environmental Restrictions:

Corpus outposts because the clinger experiences severe tissue damage from environments of under 0 degrees.

Edited by sp4rtan148
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Runclor /Runclors




- small infested units (crawler size)  

- spawn in groups of 4 /5 Runclors; where 1 unit is always an Eximus --> if the Eximus dies, the other Runclors will jumpattack the Tennos to knock them down and only use melee attacks

- very agile / fast  

- can jump and walk on almost every surface  (they jump on the wall like the hyena boss)




- when they are on a surface they can shoot Tennos with little projectiles (no big dmg) and jumpattack on Tennos to knock them to the ground



Enviroment Restrictions:

none^^ let the infestation spread >:3


sry for the broken english :3 I am in a hurry ^^


Edit: well, i think i am not the only one with this main idea (a ranged infested type that can walk on the walls..)  xD

I hope we get some range units

Edited by Fabpsi
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(Edit: Some minor typos)

Infested Watcher


Infested Watchers are always moving on walls and ceilings, never touching the floor and tend to stay away from the enemy. They tend to stay still and hidden in infestation mass that covers the surfaces as camouflage until they detect prey, this is when they release a loud scream that will alert nearby infested of the target's prescence. When shot at the Watchers can quickly run and leap between walls and ceilings in order to avoid gunfire. Although sometimes shooting their limbs may cause them to fall over and get stunned.


Infested Watchers tend to stay away from the targets, because of that they have developed spikes that can be fired in bursts very accurately at long range. The individual impact of a spike is not very impressive but the accurate burst nature and the fact that they can deliver a proc makes them deadly. The proc type depends on the Watcher Variant, of which there are 3 known: Poisonous (Toxin), Neurotoxic (Viral) and Corroding (Corrosive), there are even rumours of a variant that creates gas traps when lodging spikes at the terrain.

Enviroment Restricitons:

For efficiency they tend to stay in areas with a lot of infestation or organic mass, only walls and ceilings.


Edited by RahuStalker
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Behavior: This enemy is a MASSIVE infested creature, a lumbering, gargantuan monster. Few and far between, this brute is known for heavy, devastating attacks. Sluggish, jumps by hauling itself forward with its trunk-like legs. Four-legged with muscular (although twisted) forelegs and hind legs. (Essentially, it's the Technocyte Colossus).
Attacks: This enemy is a heavy hitter. He will throw rocks, leap from one area to the next, and slam his body into the ground, slowing his enemies. As a heavy unit he will have high health, but due to his incredibly low speed he is highly susceptible to melee attacks.
Environment Restrictions: Planetary environments, and the grineer asteroid.



Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Name:  chameleon


Behaviour : They prefer sneaking upon the tenno  when they are dealing with other melee units; They can hang on ceilings on walls for long periods of time. (like a chameleon)

They move like Super mario ghosts (move only when tenno aren't looking) 

They are charger sized and move faster than those. 


They are invisible if immobile . they are visible while attacking


Made from the compressed bodies of moas and grineer scorpions.



Attacks:   they use their tongue ( aka the modified grineer scorpion lance  that shoot out of the mouth instead of the head.)  


To grab a tenno from a distance of max 15 meters and pull him/her towards them .. When they do that they lose their camouflage.  If they manage to pull the tenno close to them. they maul him with sharp claws and teeth , dealing poison damage. (there fore ignores shields). => they function like the L4D2 smokers but invisible and deal more damage.




Environment restrictions : cannot spawn in places without "infested " sections ( like in invasions where you see the infestation crawling on the walls) .

Never spawn in wide open spaces like in the corpus outpost  tilesets

Spawn more in derelicts , infested ships  and in the future infested tileset.


But most of all they spawn by pairs and in cramped areas






Edited by Deidaku
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Name: Sepulchre

Behaviour: An Infested heavy unit that focuses on ranged AoE attacks with extreme CQC grappling attacks. Sepulchers are slow moving because of the deformities in the legs. They will generally stick to the rear of the rapid units and focus on ranged attacks. When cornered, they will move very quickly to defend themselves.

These Infested were made from the bodies of Corpus Techs, who possess a larger body mass and proportions in comparison to standard crewmen. That caused these creatures to mutate to a more substantial extent that Runners or Leapers.

Attacks: They lob toxic spores at Tenno if they are at longer ranges. These spores are very similar to the spores released by The Ancient Infested Head of Lephantis. The spores have a three to four second delay before exploding. The Sepulchres have a medium range for this attack; about 40 metres is the absolute maximum range of the spores. The spores are released from the spore mouth.

For close quarter engagements, Sepulchres use the large right arm to swing at enemies. Being flexible and quite long, these arms can swing in large arcs. Tenno can dodge these attacks by sliding underneath the arms at the correct time. Often the Sepulchres can grab enemies with the right arm and attempt to attach them to itself. The chomper mouth starts attacking the captured enemy and procs a slow bleed effect on its victims. Players still have a chance to shoot at the Sepulchre while being grabbed, making it possible to solo this enemy. [For distinguishing between mouths, please see concept art]

Environment Restrictions:
Due to their size, Sepulchres cannot enter narrow corridors. They can only travel on ground and because of their bulk, cannot swim.



Edited by bejuizb
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I always wanted to fight these guys back in the game so note: this is not My idea it was a unit from darksector


Name: Stinger


Behaviour: They are not like the standard infested and just charge in they are can stay behind cover, roll and jump on walls like the hyenas. They are fast and agile with a pretty big health pool along with a strong armor.


Attacks: their primary attack is a long range high damage shotgun like attack that comes from their right arm the pelt count is around 6-8 orange projectiles.


Enviroment restrictions: they can only spawn at level 20 missions and above (infested got no evo/planet)






and a link to where I got it


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Here is my idea for my new infested type

Name Suggestion: The Portent

Behaviour:  It is a massive spherical octopedal creature with pores across it's body along with bio-luminescence. It scurries about on it's 8 tentacles and can scale walls, though it would move slowly and secrete mist about it to bring about the infestation. It's function of the Portent would be the spread the technocyte, traveling in space in large pods composed to metallic tendrils that seal up punctures in the hull and allow the portent to get out. They are sizable creatures, but can squeeze through doors.

Attacks: This infested would use it's tentacles to strike enemies nearby along with ramming it's body into their enemies to put distance. For range could fire projectiles similar to the Torid that would put either obscuring mist (a gray mist with much wider range) and toxic mist (smaller and green in color). Along with that it could have a summoning call that would be loud enough to bring about infested from other rooms.

Environment restrictions:  They come in from circular pods that appear in rooms that are close to the hull or outside.

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Behavior: Mimics thrive on subtlety, and attempt to kill any prey by means of some truly astonishing disguises, camouflage, and a previously-unseen use of psionics.


Attacks: When encountering a cell, a Mimic will remove whichever member is farthest from the others (isolating them further and making it more difficult to stop their doppelganger), and will take on its appearance. Upon encountering the other members of the cell, the Mimic will attack the weakest Tenno (be it shields or health) by means of latching onto them and leeching health.


Environment Restrictions:  The Infested tileset we all know you guys are working on.

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Name SuggestionSlinger


Behavior: High-Damage Ranged/Sniper enemy type that avoids/actively moves away from the player to prevent close combat.

                           (Unit has a 'laser' it lines up before firing, giving the player a chance to dodge or block before it fires)



       Primary: Charges and then fires a volley of viral/toxic needles (Tysis/Acrid-like), procs do DoT, high damage

       Secondary: Emits a gas-cloud that can damage the player through shields when the unit flees from close range

       Tertiary: High frequency scream which disorients and stuns targets in melee range, like Phorid's but without damage


Environment restrictions: Larger rooms for ranged combat


Art or Reference Images: Following artwork is used with permission from Silverbones! Also it's abso-friggin-lutely fantastic.

(The main idea was an infested Grineer Ballista)


Edited by Letter13
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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max) -Flesher


Behaviour: (max 200 words) This creature is a slow moving blob of flesh that will camouflage it's self in the paths of unsuspecting enemies. When it is stepped on the Flesher engulfs the enemy and assumes it's general shape and takes one ability/weapon from it. That's when the real fight begins. 


Attacks: (max 200 words)- Engulf- this attack is it's trap it does not do much damage but it steal one ability/weapon from its victim. Basic hit- if the Flesher fails to trap something it resorts to a basic attack again this is weak it's real power only comes if it engulfs something. Rush- if an enemy in its range is knock to the ground Flesher will throw itself at it and attempt to engulf the enemy. 


Environment restrictions: (max 20 words) none

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Name: Hornet



Medium Infested units mutated from the severed torso of Grineer lancers. Hangs/Attaches to walls and is immobile. 

Uses a mutated arm that launches poison spikes mutated from the former Grineer's ribs.



Bash: Uses it's arm to knock back enemies if they get within range.

Pierce: Uses it's arm to pierce enemies with one of the poison spikes.

Stinger: Shoots out a poison spike at ranged targets.


Enviornmental Restrictions: 

Limited to walls and ceilings, cannot form on the ground.

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Name: Infested Leech


Behaviour: Drops from ancients(And or are spawned very close to the player) when they take damage, the leech falls to the ground(or if close it attaches to the nearest Warframe) once attached it begins to deplete the Warframe's Health pool, if not removed quickly the leech will "evolve" into a tendril that is attached to the Warframe, increasing in depletion of health, the ability to flail other Warframes causing them to be knocked down in proximity of the "host" whom has the leech attached.


Attacks: Once the leech is attached, the longer it stays to the host the more bleeding effect it grants to him, after the said evolution to a tendril the leech is now able to flail and knock other frames in proximity of the host, possibly able to "transfer" the leech from one Warframe to another (Since the leech that is inside the host quickly reproduces more and more) If a warframe is consumed by the health depletion the warframe drops a dozen of leeches from it's corpse. 


Environment restrictions:  Unable to cope with high sound, thus Grineer facilities are not it's breeding ground


Images: http://projectumbrella.net/files/imagecache/preview/images/HillLeechUC_1.jpg


Thank you x)

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Name: Infested Cesspool


Behavior: This enemy is slow moving, and can only attach to walls or the floor. Generally is attracted towards Tenno or any other enemies, though may sometimes remain stationary. Utilizes itself to support other infested enemies instead of damage dealing.


Attacks: The cesspool's purpose is not meant to attack, instead it serves as an obstacle for Tenno. Tenno who step into a cesspool will become "encumbered" by the cesspool's sludge. Their movement abilities will be hampered (so the infested can't be outmaneuvered as easily). The sludge will remain active as long as the Tenno is standing within its mass and will last for several seconds after a Tenno manages to extricate himself. At most, standing within the cesspool may deal small increments of damage over time.


The purpose of this enemy is to keep Tenno aware of their infested surroundings, rather than on the enemies, as infested environments will be able to become dangerous to Tenno, preventing them form easily evading the close range of infested attacks. Tenno may easily jump over these cesspools or dodge around them. The pools are slow moving, so they aren't much of a problem unless the Tenno is not paying attention or standing still.


Infested can use this hampered movement to more easily surround and overwhelm a Tenno. It can be damaged or killed, however, it is highly resistant to bullets (not having a definite "body"). Melee attacks are also dulled, making this enemy a more long term foe to be wary of in game types like Defense or Survival. Powers affect these enemies normally.


Environmental Restrictions: Can not maintain presence in hydrated or icy environments, as water would cause the enemy to dissolve.

Edited by Flamingfighter
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Name: Arachnish ( arak-nish ) 



Moves very slowly apposed to other infested units. When alerted, will skitter quickly across the ground towards its prey.

Idle sounds include silent sounds like a rattle.

Can see in front, and directly to its sides



Short ranged attack where it bites, possibly dealing a puncture damage proc.

Medium ranged attack where creature lunges forward, not knocking the player down, doing regular damage.


Environmental restrictions:

Level 13 and above, spawning in Grineer and Corpus tilesets only



Eight legs, same size of an infested charger.

exposed fangs and infested legs



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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max) Sleeper

Behaviour:  (max 200 words) They sit and stand almost in a dreamlike state, appearance wise they look very much close to their hosts, for they have only recently have been turned by the infestation. So if Grineer, he'd have a few infested 'eyes' like Charges do, appearing across his chest, poking through his armor. And if corpus, a third arm would be protruding from its stomach, but would be to small to reach it's face. These creatures are already under the control of the infestation, but still are aware of what is going on. They stand in random places around a tileset, looking sadly around at each other, or at passing chargers and leapers. They need to make a sad sobbing noise, or something to throw off the Tenno, when approached.


Attacks: (max 200 words)  The moment a Tenno get's within a certain radius of one, the eyes flex on the grineer, and it springs with a surprising speed to try and tackle the Tenno to the floor. If the tenno wasn't knocked down, the creature then bounds away, again using unusual strength and agility, to a location with cover. Yep, cover. From here, they will fire upon the tenno, and have pinpoint accuracy. The tenno can return fire, but if they try to run up and melee, the Sleeper will either knock them down again, or evade by leaping a long distance away.


Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words) They would need to be set in specific spawns in larger rooms.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).

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Name: Infested Abomination

Behavior: It only turns hostile once it detects loud noises. When it hasn’t detected anything it will be in a crouching position waiting for its prey. It will make a scary screaming sound once it detects and enemy to alert the other infested. It is a tall and skinny humanoid infested that will stand a few inches taller than the ancients. It runs very fast. It has a large blade for one of its arms and will stop at nothing to get its prey. It can appear in packs.

Attacks: It will first make a scary scream when it detects an enemy to alert other infested. It will charge at the player after screaming and do a large arc with its giant blade arm. The large arc attack can be done with a single swipe and multiple swings but that will leave his back open for a few moments. He can attack with his skinny arm but it will be single target and won’t have any stagger ability or knockback. His blade arm can stagger for when it stands still and does its arcing swings and can knockback when it charges and does an arcing swing.

Environment: This enemy can be in any infested map

Art included:2q068a9.png

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Name Suggestion: Paguzoa

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed 'Paguzoa’, is a floating jellyfish like infested with a shell ontop of it, its role is to heal damaged infested and blind enemies.

Attacks: This infested enemy type can latch itself onto a dieing infested and healing it over time, also if it gets near the tenno it can latch onto a tenno's head blinding them, they can be removed by rolling (like the grineer mini rollers) or being shot off by an ally tenno.

Environment restrictions: Yes, only inhabits Heavily Infested areas.

Optional Art:




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Name Suggestion:  Infested Hulk

Appearance: Infested Grineer heavy gunner with massive, hugely exagerated infested-flesh arms coming out of the shoulders, preferably with plates of armor sunk into them/growing out of them.  Will knucklewalk hunched over, like a silverback gorilla.

Behavior: Heavy melee assault, the front of the Hulk will have a thick layer of Ferrite Armor making them particularly difficult to kill as they approach (get behind them for massive damage!).  Possibly a bull rush where they'll charge a Tenno and try to ground slam/ragdoll them, but if the Tenno dodges they'll rush past unable to stop.

Environmental Restrictions: None (presumably mid/upper level unit though)

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Name Suggestion: Infector

Behaviour: A rare flying infested creature that stems from a specific mutation of the Grineer Hellion, a twisted, squid-like form that flies around using its own jets as a means of propulsion. It will attempt to kill the Tenno from a distance and avoid them. It will attempt to infect NPCs.


-Process of Mutation: The former hellion's body has been folded back into itself and its head twisted around, tendrils poking from where the neck was bent. The jet pack's fuel tanks turned into hydrogen sacs. Its weapon fused with it via mutation and extended into the long tentacles, from which it will fire poison barbs.


-Movement: It relies on hydrogen gas sacs (former fuel tanks) to stay airborne. What used to be the jet pack now provides propulsion in one direction. It is highly evasive and will generally hang back to protect itself but support the infested melee units. It is very fast-moving while airborne.


-Upon Death: When killed, it will explode in a rather violent fashion, much like the volatile runner; releasing all of its stored toxins. If it has expelled a toxic gas cloud, it will not explode.

Attacks: It will typically use homing poison barbs from the tips of its tentacles, but when encountered up close or threatened with melee attacks, it will release a toxic gas cloud that the area, poisoning those that come close to it so that it may evade its enemies. This toxic cloud will often confuse its opponents.


If it comes across NPC units from the Grineer or Corpus factions, it will infect them with the technocyte virus via its barbed tentacles, grabbing them, turning them into chargers or runners after they are cocooned.

Environment restrictions: Open-air environments that allow for plenty of aerial maneuverability.



Edited by Vaskadar
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Name suggestion: Infested Dancer

Behaviour: Apparently composed of decaying Grineer Scorpion corpses, these enemies are swift, agile, and surprisingly deadly. One can only assume that the technocyte virus affected these females in a most cruel manner, snapping and breaking their bones, resulting in creatures that can perform feats of flexibility that normal Scorpions dare not dream of. They will dance around, hopping on walls as well as staying on the floor, performing acrobatics and bending in ways normally impossible. After detecting an enemy, they will let out deranged (zombie-like) moans on occasion. Dancers are known to avoid other Infested and usually prowl around in groups of 4-5. They can also scale walls with ease, often watching the Tenno from high up in seemingly empty rooms before launching an attack.

Attacks: The virus has stripped down the poor Scorpions' hands to bare bone. Sharp bone. With these improvised blades, the Dancers can quickly overpower a Tenno by raw force alone. Their strikes are quick, and they alternate between attacking and hopping around, making them tough to target. They will also use clumsy kicks and even throw themselves on enemies, holding them down if there are other Dancers around to back them up (at which point a button-mash may be required to escape). When shot at, the Dancers will move rapidly around, flipping and hopping, dodging most projectiles easily. While they can be taken down with ranged weapons, melee ones are much more efficient against them. If a Dancer is too far away from all enemies, it will try to close the distance to a Tenno rapidly, by jumping on walls and climbing along them, and letting go when they're close enough. If no walls are available, they will jump around from side to side, moving toward the Tenno. They generally avoid running on the ground for long.

Environment restrictions: None. However, due to their nature, they prefer enclosed spaces, where they can lurk upon walls.


Art or reference images: Sadly none. A description may be in order though. The Dancers are humanoid, with four limbs and slender, tall bodies. Their heads are those of Grineer Scorpions, with the head bent in a way that clearly betrays a snapped neck. The head might be hanging lifelessly when the Dancers perform acrobatics. Their body is mutilated, bones protruding where the hands should have been, and the limbs of the original Scorpions elongated and, perhaps, torn along the way and replaced with infestation.


As for their general movement, I just found

video that is a very good start. Edited by Vheraun
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Name: The Defiled (Infested Tennos)


The tennos who were infected during their cryo sleep and captured by the infested


Behavior: (Depends on the warframe the infested tenno is wearing) For their overall behavior, these enemies will ignore their infested allies even using their powers to get them out of their way in order to close the distance between them and you.


They can sense you even during the start of the game and will attack you when you are most vulnerable and will attack utilizing the most notable attack powers in each warframe's arsenal. Each power that the defiled can use is not like the ones that the regular tenno uses, it is a more perverted version as two different strains of the technocyte virus battle out inside this being causing massively different versions of each power, as well as attack style. 




Defiled Rhino: Will utilize his rhino charge to get to you then begin to physically attack you. If taken enough damage, the defiled rhino will use rhino stomp to freeze you or disperse you from attacking to give it time to heal and continue on. (he cannot use iron skin because of the degraded warframe 


Defiled Ember: Will utilize fireball at a distance and then use accelerant to stun the player up close in order to unleash a fury of melee attacks


Defiled Frost: Has a portable toxic shield that will block incoming fire and give the player immediate toxic damage if they stumble into the shield


Defiled Loki: instead of invisibility, loki will disguise himself as a regular charger and when he gets in range will then use radial disarm, makes you equip melee only, and then begin to attack you while teleportin in and out to recover health, his radial disarm will only be disabled when you kill them


Defiled Mag: Will utilize her pull ability and her restore shields ability. Their alteration is that her pull ability is her way of closing the distance with you to unleash a fury of melee attacks, once she tries to trigger her pull animation, which will be slower than normal, the player needs to get into blocking stance or attack her before the power goes into effect. Her restore shields ability instead restores her health by draining your health primarily. Best mod of attacking her is to kill her fast.


Defiled Excalibur: the older of the defiled, Defiled Excalibur has been able to utilize all of his abilities and will use his different powers to attack, evade, stun, and ultimately terminate you. When defiled Excalibur is near, the rest of the infested horde backs away until the battle between you two is over.  


Environmental Limitations:


They are only able to spawn in orokin derelicts as these are tenno who have been in cryosleep for a long time and are taken by infested. 


Other Notes:


This i think can be more than capable to be implemented with the new tenno specters.


This also serves to really challenge players by having alot more challenge to the infamous orokin derelicts, those places should be feared not from the infested, but of the Defiled who lay in wait within.

Edited by DeathMavrik
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Name: Vipervine



A decent sized seed starts out as dormant and when either a player enters range, or the nearby infested are "aggro'ed", the original node shoots out other seeds. If melee'd the original growth detonates on death into a cloud of some sort (corrosive or viral would be very interesting).



Slow moving projectile (can be dodged/blocked)

If a seed impacts the ground it will root itself and grow into a poisonous growth emitting a cloud (lasts for X sec. before fading, or is destroyed by players).

If it hits a player, does immediate damage from the impact, with a chance to poison.



Places where it can look as if it is growing out of the nearby environment.

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Name: Spawner/Spawnling

Behavior: a large, lumbering 4-legged creature that walks about and periodically deploys "spawnlings."  It will not create spawnlings unless it is threatened.  No more than 5+log(level) spawnlings will exist at a given time per Spawner.  Spawnlings may be produced every three seconds.

Attacks: being larger than a Tenno, Spawners will attempt to kick us and stomp on us if we are knocked down.  Spawnlings have small spikes on their front legs that are used to stab players.

Environment Restrictions: none

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