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Everything posted by NinjaZeku

  1. Are you saying you tried and failed the test? Then there's no bug, it's working as intended. You can practice beforehand, either at Simaris or right there on the same screen where you take the real test.
  2. Apparently Dark Sectors don't give Mastery, try with a "regular" node.
  3. Are you saying you can't use the abilities at all? Because if so, then ... that's an entirely different bug / issue than what this topic is about. Anyway, can you use abilities on other Frames? If no, then you probably just have the "Use Abilities On Selection" option toggled off.
  4. Just to check, are you max rank with Solaris United? Because I'd assume that's another prerequisite.
  5. Seems Rivens may (in-mission only?) leave out part of the task, it seems. I recently opened a "Kill Enemies While Sliding" Riven and the in-mission progress popup as well as the "Challenges" menu entry only showed "Kill Enemies" with no mention of the Slide part. @Blazeninja45 What does the Riven say when you look at it in the Mod station / Arsenal?
  6. If you are looking at an item that is sold in the Market, then that would most likely be the Archwing Launcher Segment. Did you get that from your Clan, and craft it? Then you now need to craft the actual Archwing Launcher still. If that's not it, try some screenshots to get everyone on the same page as to what item(s) exactly you're talking about, where you're looking for them, where they're showing up and where not.
  7. It is consistent with how other Mods work (and yes indeed intented), they are based on the Frames's base stats, i.e. when unranked (not Rank 1, but Rank 0). E.g. Vitality / Redirection / Flow work the exact same way, their boosts are using the base stats, and then anything you gain from ranking up the Frame is added after those Mods. No bug.
  8. You need to go back to the Circuit to claim your rewards. You didn't (couldn't) do that, so that'd be why you didn't get anything. I don't really see evidence of a bug here, "just" annoying design decisions. (Host migration might've messed with stuff still, no way to know tho.)
  9. You may disagree on whether her 1 should work or not, I can see arguments for both sides, however the bigger bug here is still her 4 permanently deactivating Archon Stretch for everything.
  10. ... are you including the 2 Frames mentioned (one of them in fact being TC's name) in the signature at the end, in a little joke? Why would you do that, and why would you be confused by that? Mirage's 1 is an ability, it summons 2 doppelgangers using your weapons, similar to Wuclone. If Wukong's 1 can trigger Archon Stretch as you say, it'd seem only reasonable / fair to me that Mirage's 1 could as well. No really, read it again. TC said after the ability is turned off the Energy gain remains non-functional for the rest of the mission.
  11. ... and right next to that, it shows the newer date for all platforms. Since, you know, Baro has been made equal on all platforms now, with crossplay and all. (BTW, I don't quite agree that 2 months should be rounded up to half a year.)
  12. You may want to read the OP again, they never say that they're using Prism for Elec procs, but instead are getting those procs via e.g. Electricity on their Melee. Her 4 "just" is the permanent off button for the Energy gain on Archon Stretch it seems.
  13. Stances have absolutely no effect on Heavy Attacks. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Baro_Ki'Teer/ConsoleTrades says it was less than a year ago.
  14. You're silly :P The rest I can pretty much get behind, it's still ridiculous to me how slapping Gloom on her is basically giving you a better / less hassle Night form, while you're in Day form and getting the benefits of that. And no this is not a call to nerf Gloom DE pls
  15. What do you mean here, exactly? If you're talking about total time played, that only accounts for time spent in missions, I believe.
  16. Huh, my bad then, never knew / noticed this (maybe because I mostly used the base version if anything, heh).
  17. Don't use the in-game Market as a basis for plat prices when it comes to trading.
  18. An ability needs to actually exist on the Frame if you want to augment it. You replaced his 1 with Sickening Pulse. Undo that. BTW, to show pics rather than links, right-click an image and copy the direct link to it (ending in .jpg or whatever), then simply paste that into your post:
  19. Any chance you might've (received and then) sold these Mods at some point in the past? You could try contacting Support to maybe reverse that sale / look into what's otherwise wrong with your account.
  20. That does not, and is not intended to, affect your Index profits. Dunno 'bout the discrepancy beyond that though, did you maybe at some point stick around in one place, with minimal / no movement, long enough to trigger AFK detection?
  21. To be fair, it can easily enough happen, with no malice intended, that you overlook someone lacking Reactant, especially when running a bunch of Fissures in a row (maybe while furthermore distracted by a podcast etc) and it all blending together. How does it go? "Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice" :D How about Sentient Cores, the things that you can easily get dozens of from just leasurely wandering the Plains at night, those have an apparently infinite auto-marking range, while yeah, it boggles the mind how Reactant is treated as so much less valuable.
  22. In both cases, it seems to last long enough for you to reach the ground before ending. Guess that was my fault, I thought the default Duration was shorter than that. Try it again when jumping off a high platform / wall, maybe some tall structure on the Vallis or whatever. You'll see that the slowed down fall stops and you fall at full speed eventually, this point is reached earlier without +Aim Glide.
  23. Uhm ... yes, I know this, why do you assume otherwise? No, it's anti-grav Mods that have anti-grav effects. +Aim Glide Duration Mods give more Aim Glide Duration. Sorry, but I really am very confused as to why this is not clear to you. Anyway, if anything, it seems like anti-grav effects may not be working properly at the moment. You are hitting the ground before the (even just default) Duration is over. Try after a straight up Bullet Jump, at the highest point, compare the amount of time you have there before you just fall straight down, with and without the Mod. THAT is what Aim Glide Duration is.
  24. Plenty mission types make splitting up the "optimal" choice, like Spy, hunting Sabotage etc Caches, Excavation, Disruption, ... Also, you're kinda implying the person complaining is the one who played "wrong" here, when there's plenty times where one random player goes and does their own thing (like searching for Argon in the Void), while the rest do the actual mission and may in fact already be waiting at Extraction. In situations like that, I can see how it's annoying that this one player got more rewards than the rest, for the same time spent.
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