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Everything posted by NinjaZeku

  1. ... and others can't, which makes the Passive (more) useful for them. But that's what Renewal is for, nevermind that this is actually already Citrine's Passive.
  2. As a compromise so the Host can't be indefinitely "held hostage" by a trolling Squad, maybe allow the Host to trigger an extraction countdown?
  3. Ye dunno then, might be best to contact Support, see if they can get the Quest unstuck for you.
  4. Pretty sure this was how it worked once upon a time, I wouldn't mind it being an option. ... even though I personally always play with holstered weapons being hidden anyway, heh. BTW, on that /note, can we make weapons in Circuit also (optionally) hidden like that somehow?
  5. Going by the walkthrough on the Wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_New_Strange the next step should be on Morax, Europa - do you get the option to continue the Quest there?
  6. Just to check, is The New Strange currently set as your active Quest? Did you try restarting the game?
  7. Never noticed this because I'm a ninja and I have no need for stairs lol but that seems like the only true fix-needing thing here, TBH. If certain shortcuts / hidden places need a little bit of precision to get into, dunno, that seems fair enough to me. Maybe try a roll / slide / angled Melee slam even at points where your "go fast" Loadout keeps you running into and grabbing ledges. For that one vent right above you, just plop down into the hole below it (where MOAs spawn from) and aim straight up, can't miss that Bullet Jump. And the doors ... we don't speak of the doors. We accept their mastery over us, and silently pray at night that tomorrow they will let us pass unhindered.
  8. Yeah dunno, removing the unique aspect of Renewal in that you can keep the buff going indefinitely even if your allies move far away from you (which certain mission types may encourage), and instead basically just making it work like Blessing ... not a fan. The 2 main things (besides maybe some number tweaks) Renewal needs is 1) not letting it affect ability-made allies (like via Nekros' 4) and thus draining extra Energy for little to no (and maybe even negative) effect 2) giving it a way to (re-)apply it to allies who missed the initial cast / lost the buff because of Nullifiers or whatever, without first cancelling the ability entirely The second issue could be solved in a variety of ways, like simply allowing (tap) recasts of the invisible sphere (BTW why is it invisible) and making cancelling it a hold option, or maybe turning it into an aura that moves with Oberon (this could be an option, again via hold) and that just constantly (re-)applies the buff to anyone in range. A further buff that IMO wouldn't be going too far would be to have the ability act like a "true" conditional drain type ability, only costing Energy when someone is actually getting healed, and allowing all Energy gain / regen effects while active (same for Link BTW, give that ability a toggle option already plskthx). The other stuff I could get behind, not least the lingering status protection effect from HG. But just make the Passive work on ALL Companions tho.
  9. IMO, Magnetic procs on us should only do one of Energy drain / HUD scrambling, not both. In any case, it never made much sense to me how the enemy vs player effects are so entirely different. Like, you could have enemies with Magnetic procs wrecking our Shields to equalize the whole thing, and then 2 other enemy / attack types for each half of what Magnetic procs do to us currently. Hek, I might not even be opposed to the whole scramble effect being instead added to Radiation procs, this not least would make it a LOT more obvious that maybe you shouldn't be shooting towards allies / the mission objective right now :P
  10. Because you upgraded the Synthesis Scanner, and the Synthesis Scanner is being used to scan something. It is not unreasonable for someone to expect upgrades to work, not least when the Sol-Battery Widget DOES work on Sentinels. I just wanna say, this is pretty hard to follow, just saying "the Scanner" or "actual Scanner" makes it hard to know which Scanner, and / or method of scanning, you are talking about. Also, I doubt it's news to anyone here that, by default, scanning takes charges, so dunno why you're explaining that.
  11. What Frame are you using? Does it happen when using other Frames? I ask because I vaguely remember something like this happening before, where a certain Frame would overwrite some Energy effects or whatever.
  12. Experience should count as cleared from having done the Quest. Do Lone Story.
  13. Not sure you needed to repeat that, but also you're skipping over the important distinction @PathlessSage mentioned. The Segment and the Launcher are 2 different items, it is the actual Launcher that needs to be (crafted as well and) equipped.
  14. Dunno if the effect would show immediately like that / be that high, but do you by any chance have a Sister active on Neptune? If you merely have more points than the enemy when the timer runs out, you only get back your investment, no quick 250k for that.
  15. So, a Portal Frame then? Maybe one that has a slightly more cohesive theme than summoning either turnips or THE FRIGGIN' SUN? As was mentioned ...
  16. You just feed Helminth, and actually use it to give abilities to Frames. That's it. Damage buffs are of course popular, so stuff like Roar, Eclipse, Warcry, Breach Surge, and defense removal like Terrify, Pillage, Tharros Strike, maybe Fireblast, can all do well depending on your build. Thermal Sunder is a neat option to add some AoE damage prowess to Frames that don't naturally have that, Gloom is an OP mass slowdown / passive heal thing that not least combos nicely with +Str effects on Ember / Equinox / Protea. Supporting your Squad with Energy etc via Dispensary, Nourish, Spectrorage, maybe Voracious Metastasis even, might be appreciated. Etc etc, but I'd say experiment and find your own favorites for each Frame / build, like, personally, I quite enjoy having Mind Control funzies on high-Duration builds for, say, Nova / Wukong / Mag (yay Counter Pulse BTW), Ensnare is fun on a high Range Loki for example, disabling entire rooms like that just seems fitting (morese than a Chaos ripoff in any case lol), and similarly, high Range Shooting Gallery is actually not to be underestimated when it comes to passive, mobile mass CC. Plus there's just some fun stuff with no (intended) gameplay advantage, like using Firewalker on Wukong to draw in the air :D
  17. Try https://forums.warframe.com/forum/89-fan-concepts/ :D
  18. Small correction, you start the game with the Launcher BP in your Foundry already, but you have to get the Segment to actually be allowed to craft it. The first part is quite weird, but I guess also somewhat appreciated since it's another nudge for new players towards joining a Clan which they most definitely should do sooner rather than later.
  19. Pretty sure their point was, since the "Passive" you suggested only affects Renewal, it's functionally not a Passive but simply an addition to Renewal. It's like saying, dunno ... Rhino Stomp deals damage, but the CC effect is one of Rhino's Passives. Why split those up? If an effect triggers solely off of one single ability, then that's not a Passive, that's a part of the ability itself.
  20. Can you go into detail as to what about it you find hard exactly? Like, if it's the controls, maybe try to find a more comfortable control config, this not least could also help your gameplay outside of K-Drive.
  21. Just sayin', don't underestimate Shooting Gallery's mass CC capabilities. It's unlikely to be massively impressive on Mesa herself since you wouldn't commonly mod her for high (or even positive) Range, but try Stretch + Overextended with it (on a different Frame) and you can actually get a pretty significant lockdown effect.
  22. Could you share screenshots of this? Because a quick test of buying a few of each current Axi (via the Market, if it matters) has my Inventory and Relic selection screen both showing only Intact still. *shrug* For the latter part of what you said, it was recently changed that, when you go to refine a Relic, the refinement level option now defaults to Radiant, is that maybe tripping you up?
  23. If it bothers you to have more than 1 BP, maybe just look at it as a way to keep track of how many Fomorian Events you were part of.
  24. Your Heavy Weapon choice actually IS tied to the Warframe Loadout slot. But yeah, it is a very silly mess, the whole thing could definitely be handled better, heh.
  25. Did you actually use the "Offerings" console next to Simaris, or did you try to buy from him directly? Because the former works perfectly fine on my end. Dunno, TBH that kinda sounds like input error, how are you using Traps and Scanners? Rather than selecting items manually via the Gear Wheel menu, try setting up Hotkeys to instantly deploy them with a single key.
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