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Everything posted by NinjaZeku

  1. That would be what you get from running an Incursion and defeating either 2 Acolytes, or 1 with a Resource Booster active.
  2. Alas, Google Translate isn't super helpful here, could you describe what items (?) you're talking about, maybe use screenshots or links to the Wiki or something, because "polished amplifiers on Cetus" is not ringing any bells lol.
  3. Please don't necro topics from ~10 years ago to add your own separate question, just make a new topic. Also, no. Hildryn does not use Energy. Also also, even if it did work, the effect is still utterly meh. Never use this Mod.
  4. You mean the Arsenal -> Upgrade screen, right? The name of a Riven tells you what weapon(s) you can equip it on, e.g. a "Grakata Critata" can only be equipped on a Grakata, or variants, which in this case would be Prisma Grakata. So, what is the name of the Riven, and what are you trying to equip it on? Filters are not active in the Upgrade screen.
  5. Ye, this is also an annoying issue on e.g. Trumna, dunno why it can't just use the white / grey of your crosshairs etc.
  6. Alas, since you didn't specifically say, just to make sure, did you - do Call Of The Tempestarii - enter a Zenith Granum Void - get 25 kills in Solo - not have an active Lich Also, the hand you use should be (by physical distance, not map length) far away from Extraction. If you're unlucky and the map curves around so Extraction ends up near your chosen hand, that can mess things up (or so I hear). Anyway, use the earliest hand you encounter to give you the best chances. Also run Pluto Capture for a fast mission that not least gives you your Zenith Crown back when you kill the Treasurer there, heh. Pretty sure that's not needed for Candidates, the Granum Void part already is the "kill speed check" there.
  7. I only have a Latron Prime ATM, but at least there it seems like "only" a visual issue, both in Free-Roam and regular missions, the weapon appeared to be hitscan, however it also adds a projectile visual that's noticable even at shorter ranges if you know what to look for.
  8. How exactly does that manifest on your end? Do you pick a color, then upon leaving the color selection, it doesn't actually keep that color? Or does the color switch back upon leaving the Arsenal maybe? Or is it in missions that you get a different color than you should, even though it shows your choice in the Arsenal still?
  9. As was said, Sentinels are not Pets. Try a Hound, maybe a MOA might count, not sure.
  10. Not sure what you mean by "scan" here. Did you use up your Genetic Code Templates? Then, as was said, you'll have to craft more. Or if you already got the max amount of Imprints from a Pet, then ... that truly is the max, alas. Get a new Pet if you want to make more Imprints.
  11. Huh, is that how it works for controller only? On my hacked-together mouse + controller (+ Xpadder) setup, having Crouch, Roll, and Slide all on the same button works perfectly fine, and there's really no noticable delay for anything. (Well, perfectly outside of rolling as Ivara without breaking Prowl that is lol, that one thing needs a separate Roll bind, DE why.) So, there's no hard-coded limitation or anything on this, it CAN work.
  12. Get the basic Helminth Segment first. The Invigoration one is an upgrade for that.
  13. The passives of Ember and Protea are nice to boost your Str a good bit, letting you easily skip Blind Rage in your quest for max slowdown while also using Overextended. Especially for stationary situations like MD, Protea's Dispensary then also greatly helps in keeping up your Energy. Day form Equinox, boosting not just her own but also the Squad's Str with her Augment'd 3, has also worked out well for me. ... which is exactly the usage case TC is after. Also, I disagree on mass CC only being useful in such limited situations, there's plenty room for it all over the game.
  14. That would be nice, it's annoying to see it completely dud out if you misjudged the distance / something jumped in the way at the last moment. The rest though ... dunno, reload is easily "fixed" via passive reload Mods, Lock & Load is a great Exilus choice on (either) Corinth, not least since, as you mention, using +Flight Speed isn't working out that great for the Airburst. (Though it is indeed odd that the reload mechanic was changed going from regular to Prime, was there ever any statement about that?) I also can only say that I never had instances where the Airburst detonation input failed on me, or became inaccessible upon emptying the magazine. I ran a recent Shotgun-only Sortie with Corinth Prime, mostly spamming Airbursts all over, and it just ... worked. *shrug*
  15. Just to check, how did you look for it exactly? Like, if you just scrolled down to the "K" weapons, that's not gonna do it, Kuva and Tenet weapons appear at the end of the list. Try restarting the game then checking everything (including the Foundry) again. If it's still just gone, I guess the only thing you can do is contact Support.
  16. Does it give any error, and / or say any requirements at the bottom? Do you have the regular Helminth Segment crafted and installed?
  17. Eh, if she can shrink herself, her weapons, cosmetic attachments, and whatnot, then it's not a far leap to shrink something like a powercell / datamass upon pickup. Now, giving, say, Grendel a custom pickup / drop animation while in meatball mode, sucking / barfing up items, that might be more hassle than it's worth. I still want it tho. DE pls.
  18. But what about the Loadout? Did you change to a different Loadout that uses the same Frame maybe? Again, Focus Schools are not attached to specific Frames, they are attached to Loadouts.
  19. Yeah, recently noticed that these "fake" Extraction Waypoints, leading to some dead end tile, are still in the game. At least for me it's only ever been 1 from what I remember, 3 is bordering on cruel and unusual. DE pls.
  20. Just to make sure, since you didn't explicitly state so, do you currently own any of the weapons that you got a Genesis Device for? Like, are they in your Inventory / Arsenal, ready to use, or are they maybe still sitting in the Foundry or something?
  21. One option that comes to mind would be to get another Sevagoth :P I'd assume that his Shadow works just like ability weapons or even Venari, you get 1 instance of it, no more no less, that remains (invisible) in your Inventory, modded and everything, even if you get rid of that Frame, or get multiple copies. So, get another Sevagoth and you can (un)mod his Shadow again. (BTW, I'd say only ever Helminth a Frame if you have a spare, or the Prime.)
  22. But it's not. One may add further Combo whenever you gain Combo. The other makes it so that whenever you would gain Combo, you have a chance to actually not gain that Combo. These are different effects. With that Riven, you have a 41.5% chance to gain any Combo in the first place, and only when you do, will the additional chance for more Combo kick in.
  23. Are you talking about choosing a Focus School for the Loadout? And that choice being ignored somehow? You don't attach Schools to Frames. You attach Lenses. So, is this about Focus Schools for abilities / passives, or about using Lenses to gain Focus? It's not really clear.
  24. Having a super cheap way to open enemies up to Finishers seems ~alright to me for a Melee Frame, I'm not convinced Paralysis can't be saved by some number tweaking (not least more stun duration), and the Augment definitely should get an innate range boost. Your 1 replacement ... TBH makes little sense to me, because that's just her 4, or rather, that one Augment for it. Ripline could be SO much fun if it had a stronger effect, really making you zip zap zoop across the battlefield, instead of the current quite flaccid acceleration that, on high range builds, comes nowhere close to making you reach your attach point. How about this, tap the button to propel Valkyr forwards, if you aim at an object you only pay ~5 Energy or so, on enemies it costs the normal 25 and makes you fling yourself onto them much like the 4 Augment / Garuda's 1, dealing greatly boosted Melee damage and all that goodness (maybe a forced Finisher like on Fatal Teleport, even). Hold the button and you enter a Bladestorm-esque targeting mode (give it a low cost per enemy), which upon release attaches hooks to the marked enemies, flinging them towards you, where they all arrive at the same time, being greeted by an automatic clothesline-but-with-claws type attack (while fling-immune enemies "just" take the damage). ... dunno, seems like it could be fun / effective enough.
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