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Everything posted by TARINunit9

  1. As I said in my previous comment, I genuinely, truly do NOT get that impression at all. The re-emergence of Lua was a world-shaking event back in the 2016 lore, and still is in the 2023 lore. The Moon had been dismissed as a fairy tale, a myth from ancient times, and Lotus being able to hide it in the Void was presented as some truly herculean feat... no that's selling it short, it was ABOVE herculean. It put her ABOVE the Orokin. Seeing the Moon reappear sends fleets of Corpus and Grineer to try and claim untold riches even the gods had forgotten, something the lore writers didn't forget when Voruna's event came about. That's the flavor I get from the Second Dream, a truly unique, world-shaping task not even the Entrati could pull off if they wanted to Which they didn't. Dialogue from the Entrati shows they couldn't give two licks of a Catabolyst's magazine what goes on outside the Necralisk. They don't need to hide in the Void, they just need to hide from each other. And the other factions don't seem to care either. The Grineer sent like four guys in the back of a pickup truck for a weekend of camping, and the Corpus can't even be bothered to send that much; Latrox Une is an independent contractor There's other little things that further point me away from "hidden in the Void." Isolation Vaults are necessary for the human brain to de-scramble after dips in the Void, but the Entrati are just wandering around without any kind of debriefing chamber moments after Loid supposedly brought them back to realspace (and don't say it's because they're Orokin: Albrecht got scrambled so hard by the Void he committed suicide over it). Then there's the question of why Loid didn't just... put Deimos back in the Void, if remaining in the Void is so important. Lua is still in realspace because we had to destroy the thing that put it in the Void the first time, but Heart of Deimos ends with you REPAIRING everything, so Loid could just say "ta-ta Tenno!" and fly away back to the Void if that's where he came from. Yeah I just don't get any impression Deimos was in the Void. So what could have ended Loid's sentence? I dunno, anything really. "Martian airwaves" or "Martian frequencies" since he's breaking radio silence and broadcasting an SOS signal, that's an easy one
  2. Let me take a look... "We are in crisis Tenno. Our defenses against the Grey Strain has failed. The NECRALISK is in lock-down but it doesn't matter. The Infestation has compromised the very Heart itself. We have been forced to re-phase into Martian--" I do not get "hiding in the Void" from this quote at all. And I checked the Second Dream transcript, any variation of the word "phase" doesn't show up there
  3. Source on this? As far as I could ever tell, Deimos wasn't in the lore at all until 2020 when suddenly "oh hey Deimos was a centuries-old infested moon this whole time, big retcon but we're sure you don't care." And indeed none of us did EDIT: I just checked, and the closest we get is "Deimos emerges in Martian orbit" with no further indication where it emerged FROM. There is ZERO implication in the quest itself or any other dialogue it was ever lost in the Void before now, so as far as the canon is concerned it "emerged" from its normal orbit just like any other day
  4. This is due to a larger issue where Sentients have gotten much less threatening both in lore AND gameplay, except for named individuals who siphoned up all the "unstoppable alien robot menace" energy for themselves. Nowadays a network of five Murex ships loaded with armies can be tricked into scuttling themselves just by screwing with their Wifi, while named characters like Lotus and Erra can basically eat kryptonite tacos all day without bothering to care
  5. Technically true, but I'm getting a very different reading from that passage: the superstitious "backwater" Transylvanians meeting the "learned" Englishman, trying to shower him in lucky charms to keep him safe from things that go bump in the night. The horror in this horror story comes from learning these supposedly spooked and superstitious folk have something VERY real to be afraid of (the overall flavor is basically Resident Evil 4's first two levels, before the camp sets in). I dunno, Dracula himself does mention were-wolves in a speech about how strong the Icelandic berserkers were... right before the Iceland army got pushed back by Atilla the Hun's army, who Dracula claims to be descended from. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, Bram Stoker definitely did his research into the old folktales, but I don't get the impression Bram Stoker was trying to draw attention to werewolves specifically. The point of a werebeast even back then was to have strength greater than a man. Dracula by contrast, is actually a wimp without his vampire magic: Renfield nearly kills him one-on-one while completely unarmed, and Dracula's final death is being tackled to the ground and hacked apart by knives. That's where the "stregoica -- witch" foreshadowing comes in, Dracula has low STR and CON stats
  6. Ah, my old friend, the "I just want to fight unlimited enemies without worrying about the life support meter" forum post. Haven't seen one of these threads on a long time. At least this one's honest, you say right up front you just want to chill out, that's respectable. Anyway as for the Life Support drain rate: 20% is 30 seconds (so 1% is 1.5 seconds), and enemy drops grant 5% (7.5 seconds). And to my knowledge those four numbers have never changed. DE has said in patch notes they instead tweak the enemy spawn rate and enemy drop rate, both of which steadily decreased between about 2015 and 2019. Yes they patched Survival to be harder. So with that in mind, let's just say I wouldn't hold my breath for Survival getting easier
  7. This is interesting to learn about, but you seem to be the only person who equates Dracula with Vrokolakas/Vrykolakas. If you know the subtext, Dracula is rooted VERY firmly in the tropes of the Victorian age, with symbolism of tuberculosis, aristocracy, sexual repression, and the overcoming of superstitions. And in terms of strict lore, the titular count Dracula wasn't a werewolf, he was a warlock, and becoming a vampire was just part of the bargain he cut for himself (Drac also has several differences from the historical Vlad III, including being from entirely the wrong country, but that just steers us even further on the tangent)
  8. Thumbs up to your comment, but I always got the impression moderns werewolves aren't inspired by Dracula so much as they are trying to invert him. Vampires are presented as preening aristocrats who kill for pleasure, while werewolves are poor rugged folk who kill because they can't help it
  9. I don't think there's a single thing on the Zariman, or indeed the Void as a whole where Wally isn't trying to get his scrubby little mitts on it. Even in the Duviri, which is Thrax's turf (secretly YOUR turf) Wally is trying to dig up through the basement
  10. Why wouldn't they be? To Wally, there's little difference between a confetti gun and a bullet gun, they can be Void-blessed just the same
  11. What kind of animations do the ghouls use in melee? DE has to put placeholders in. A lot of the time it's a generic "enemy one-handed weapon" animation shared by a lot of things, but they have to rig an enemy to SOMEthing before it will function
  12. All these people just dumping on Son & Moon as if all the other drifter melee options don't share its problems. Godawful range? The Azothane is missing half its hitbox. Clunky moves? The Edun is stuck with the parts of Bleeding Willow I can't stand. Mediocre damage? All the weapons have that, you just didn't notice because you had more Intrinsics by the time you unlocked then
  13. Archwing missions: nigh-invulnerable angels of destruction, with base health and shields nearly doubling out the Warframes released around the same time with much more powerful and convenient abilities to match. Even Steel Path enemies struggle to dent them Open World missions: theoretically just as durable and powerful, but too many EMP missiles to actually test this Railjack missions: the only content Archwings really struggle, with enemies dealing much more damage to keep up with the Railjack's health pool
  14. Hmm, lemme check the patch notes... weird, this seems to be intentional. Undocumented, but intentional. They previously DID have the same damage before Lex Prime was buffed this past February to get 180 damage, while the AkLex Prime was excluded
  15. Agreed, the system is broken, not the players. You know how when you touch the Duviri Free Roam exit portal, it starts an extraction vote? Or when you step on the Ropalolyst elevator, it also starts an extraction vote? That same vote system should be used for the Circuit Entrance Portal
  16. That's almost exactly how it works now. A radiant relic has a 40% chance of dropping silver (so that's 20% for a specific silver) and a 10% chance of dropping gold. If you scale that up to a radshare, you have a (1-0.9^4)=35% of getting at least one gold. That does sound a little low, but I started playing when "T3Def" was a thing, and 35% is miles better than the old 5.5% drop chances we had to deal with >.>
  17. The big fish got transplanted to a big pond On paper, all Archwing abilities are broken strong God Tier. Invisibility that breaks all target locks and resets enemy aggro? Radial Disarm that comes out on Frame 1 and pushes and stuns? Ten seconds of particle effects that block all projectiles? Omnidirectional Greedy Pull that freezes enemies? An even stronger and longer-lasting version of Volt's shield? Sign me up! Both Archwing sand Archguns are obscenely overpowered for actual Archwing missions, because the enemy stats are wildly different. One point of Archgun damage was not equal to one point of rifle damage back in the day. But after the gravimags were added (and incidentally, Volt shield was buffed to be just as strong and useful as Odonata shield) now they DID have to use the same damage, and Archguns just could not even hope to measure up in this new environment
  18. Not to call you a liar but that does not match up with my experiences. Conclave was pretty freakin' dead. Even the Snowday Showdown and Quick Steel events, which were Tactical alerts advertised front and center on the starchart, couldn't reliably fill up both teams (back then I played more or less at random between noon and midnight Pacific time). And I know this is a super low hanging fruit, but Lunaro was dead pretty much after the first day
  19. Historically it was very true. Indeed, it wasn't a PvPers vs PvEers situation... Because for years and years, there weren't any PvPers in the first place Conclave really was THAT DEAD even when 2.0 launched 2015. About fifty people trying to grind it, out of MILLIONS of accounts
  20. I agree with your post but this part is a misconception (and it's not your fault). All distances in Archwing missions are multiplied by four; this was discovered when the Stalker spawned in an Archwing mission back in 2014 and he was four times larger than the players. So Archwing power range is always the same, it's the archwings themselves that change size If you have a chance to watch closely, no. Enemies will literally THROW missiles at you, and the missiles reuse the same particle effects as Grineer Hellions. These EMP missiles are what instantly knocks players out of Archwing
  21. The Steel Path, the Diamond Path, the Tungsten-Carbide Path, the Boron Nitride Path, the Dense Amorphous Carbon Path, and eventually the Neutronium Path
  22. More to the point, Heart of Deimos made it moot anyway with a complete retcon of both Once Awake and the Infested Derelict setting
  23. I gave up on Rivens years ago and it instantly made me happier. I don't want your slot machine, DE, just give me more lovely little story quests and some new Nightwave challenges between them to tide me over. Oh that's exactly what you gave me, thank you!
  24. Your constant insults are causing you to miss the real motivation: Warframe is the shooter for people who deliberately avoid PvP, and has been for a decade From the early 2010s when publishers were mandating every game had a CoD-style multiplayer option (Spec Ops The Line springs instantly to mind) to the battle royale craze a few years later. Destiny always wanted to be the Warframe killer, but the moment they put that heavy PvP focus in they ensured no Tenno would ever actually make the jump (Destiny 2 seems to be doing alright for itself after the corporate break-up, the chance to forge its own identity) They are not shocked and confused by this brand new idea of fighting other players who might actually cause them to lose. They're burned by so much bad PvP focus in other games, and came here to find some developers who didn't even bother Oh and speaking of: It would be narrow-minded if it wasn't true
  25. They way I think of it is this: After the Sacrifice, there's dialogue after the Sacrifice ends, your Z-kid talking to Wally. And your Z-kid admits, without any prompting, that during transference they flat-out cannot tell where their brain ends and the Warframe's begins. In that conversation specifically, the kid was talking about Excalibur Umbra. But going back to Mirage again: when Ballas "killed" and rebuilt the person who would become Mirage, her last words were a mocking laughter. And when Mirage the Warframe was slain in the Old War, i.e. when she was fighting with a Tenno, her last words... were her signature laughter. But I also like your way of putting it:
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