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Everything posted by xXDragonGodXx

  1. This is possibly the first time I will agree to a suggestion. Cause I would love to see some life being breathed back into the Sonicor.
  2. So let's first get the cat out of the bag. While Nourish has been in the limelight because of recent dev logs stating the REBALANCING of the ability for helminth, that does not make the helminth ability pool any more balanced than a lob-sided great sword resembling Darth Maul's party stick. If you think that the helminth's pool of abilities you can put on a warframe is balanced after this, then you are only proving @BiancaRoughfin when they called you out by saying: So while you call it a joke, anything that a person says (even lies) has some truth to it. And while you might not want to say it out loud, as you very much off-handily comment: and: You are very obvious in your agenda to post about a wishful ask as you're grasping at straws as what seems to be one of your final lifelines in the game is being "Nerfed". You are also proposing an already old and dead idea, so why kick a dead horse? Be creative. Test new ideas. Mix and match to your heart's content, instead of relying on the only few things you know. And while you might know more about the game than you're letting on, you are not showing it, because you'd rather be defensive about the first line of your post being a "joke"... So stop, think it through and get on with your life. And maybe in a year come back with an original idea based on newfound combinations that work for how you like to play the game instead of how everyone else tells you to play the game based on a YouTubers latest meta-community wide viral video on how to AFK farm for the 100th time. GOOD LUCK ;)
  3. Here are the mods for range we currently have: And given that overall you have a basic increase of 1.5 - 3 meters, a "hybrid" mod would need to be in on the lower end of that so lets say a hybrid is then either 1 meter or 1.25 meter as to not make using the mod to overpowered compared to specialising. Then let's take a look at some of the speed mods: Disregarding spoiled strike, you are able to get anywhere between a 30% - 70% increase in attack speed per mod. But since speed usually has been somewhat higher increase than its base mod on "hybrid" mods let's say this then is at a 35% - 40% attack speed. Then given the fact that this is a significant enough increase in both speed and range, it would most likely be either a 9 or 11+ drain. And if this was a set mod, you would also lack in any significant increase in any of these two if they were part of the set buff if you didn't use all of them. all in all, this would not make any of your builds any better, cause you are just taking away potentially higher numbers on either one for the satisfaction of increasing both. This is sacrificing higher values, for a more balanced build. And as we all know, that works poorly on almost all of our weapons. And if it is to good, and was used by a majority of players, it would most likely be re-balanced to fit with the Developers Vision of the Modding system and gameplay. You also have to realise that this is just a specular scenario and does not reflect their own processes when making new mods or additions. so I have most likely been generous with the numbers.
  4. Neither are introducing more mods, as the new mods would need to still fit within the current modding ecosystem. So rivens are going to be your best bet until some kind of possible external source of Range is given to us.
  5. ... That's why I said: You can do that by using a riven with attack speed and range. That's already a possibility. So my point still stands... while having more "Corrupt" mods would be cool, it ultimately doesn't matter for your original issue of space on your builds. Cause they will not design anything in such a way to let you be able to make a "Perfect" build without sacrificing something, or with the use of a riven. And even with a riven, you can run into the issue that the numbers on a given riven can be dropped due to high usage of a particular weapon, given time.
  6. Ok, so after reading this post of yours and some of your comments it's clear that you don't understand that there will always be some sacrifice in building for anything in this game. Sometimes we can deal with those sacrifices by including a riven, or just amplifying what the weapons are already good at with it. But the bottom line is that more range mods would not fix this issue. You're just going to have more mods to choose from and the same amount of space on your build to choose from. And if you're talking about capacity, that's fixed using forma. I do agree that it would be cool to have some more corrupted mods for melee that could give possibility for more complex building strategies, but again, it would not help with your problem at all. If you feel like you need more range, then use a shooting weapon instead or get closer to the enemy... That's all there is to it.
  7. I do go through all of the store, actually xD So you want a list, but you don't want to figure out what's on that list yourself? What you want then is to have a complete list made for you? Couldn't that be called being lazy, uninterested and or un-creative? I mean.. you can do that. Ooooor... you can try to use every weapon you come across for a bit when you take it along to max it out on ESO with your Xaku or Mirage Prime.
  8. Have you tried looking through the bottom of the weapon list when equipping a Primary, secondary or melee? There is your checklist. You can even look at your own profile to see the majority of what weapons you still haven't tried. And even more so, if you are leveling a weapon, maybe try it out while your at it. Thats how the game works, and implementing more lists of any kind will not fix the problem. I stated here:
  9. You're still not answering my question. We have achievements that do something similar. But I have never heard of anyone caring to try a weapon just for the achievement. The bigger problem is the Meta more often than not, coming in the way of the creativity and curiosity that the modding system and manifold of weapons and warframes are trying to accomplish on its own. Players often get stuck on the idea that the meta is the only way and that a weapon or set of weapons that works for them is the only weapon/s worth trying and or using. New achievements then would only be a very small bandaid on a bigger issue within the community and player base. So I ask you again, why do we need more achievements?
  10. He was stabbed by others... so the daggers are not his personal ones, except for the fact that they are part of the animation for his 2. ability I think. Haven't played him in a while. But that aside, having a holster for any of them would not make sense at that point.
  11. I first want to say that Warframe is not an RTS game, it's a Looter Shooter and Action RPG. What you want is full control and a secondary character. You fail to realize that Companions are tools for your loadout. Each Companion has a different use case, and you as the player should be able to pick and choose what pet and with what mods would benefit your playstyle and build the best. Venari is different because it is not a tool but an ability. The difference is that Venari is part of Khora's kit, while Companions is an optional addition to the players loadout. You also have to understand that the Precept order is there as a way for you to somewhat control their behaviour as well. You as the player can put action mods in the order that you want the companion to prioritize in, as without the order and mods, it will default to the main AI behaviour that they have on the various companions. Don't take me wrong, I understand that certain mechanics in this game can be frustrating at times but if you can't deal with the mechanics as is and don't have a good understanding of how they work, you won't be able to give good reasons as to why your idea is better. For next time get a better understanding and think of more than one perspective before coming up with unnecessary concepts that lead to nowhere.
  12. Could you elaborate a bit more? Cause this confused me a bit... What do you mean?
  13. So, how about... no? Cause I mean;
  14. Id say that anyone thats going to go with lower level players should try using the extinguished dragon key to minimize the "want to meet the same numbers". Cause as a player that regularly do 200mil - negative damage cap, I often get the question of what build Im using or "wow, how are you able to get those numbers?", and while numbers are great, I also have perfected my playstyle. Which in my books are infinitly better, alongside a drive to explore all the different mechanics so few players use. If I do find something interesting I will most likely make a vid about it. A good start if you want to look into things like this is 5.5% str saryn + extinguished dragon key. Its fun.
  15. I say this cause it's fun to walk towards my enemies before taking them down in one heavy swing with my Extinguished Dragon Key :) You should try it sometime ;)
  16. Stats are read from left to right. anything on the left is the current/new numbers and the ones on the right is old numbers. Instance problems can cause old numbers to not show correctly but new numbers will always be correct. You should also not compare the stats window from a warframe to a companion. that does not show much. In this instance its an instance issue with simulacrum. So no its not reduction, its just showing what the new number will be over the old number on right.
  17. While I can see the problem your having, its only going to be a detriment to players that does "HEAVY ATTACKS". And the amount of players that use heavy attacks with melee is so few, and even then, most players that do, don't even spam heavy attack. This kind of change is not necessary at all, and if this is all because you want to use Exodia Contagion without problems, then just either git gud or find some alternative to using it all the time in the missions you play with randoms that use Empowered Blades.
  18. Why no melee? I mean I could give this a go sure; Warframes: 1. Excalibur Umbra 2. Ivara 3. Valkyr Primaries/secondaries: 1. Tenet cycron 2. Staltha 3. Euphona Melee; 1. Dual Ichor 2. Falcor 3. Any nikana(favourite nikana is the sepfahn) + azothane
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