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Grand Master
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Everything posted by Tsukinoki

  1. And please tell me, how many guns actually have "different mechanics"? I mean can you honestly say that there is a mechanical difference between the Lato, Marelok, and Vasto? Or are they all the same thing: A semi-auto pistol. With your idea they may as well just be skins for each other as mechanically they don't really differ at all. Likewise, with your idea in place what would be the difference between the Lato and the Lato Vandal? Outside of just being reduced to a skin and nothing more? And that could be said for the vast, vast majority of weapons in the game. With the idea of "They must all perform at every level roughly equally..." then they all essentially just become skins of each other. The only standout ones being the ones with additional mechanics/perks (Such as the Vaykor Marelok) which render pretty much everything else in its class pointless to use because it can do something that the others can't....which goes against what seems to be your entire idea of "Equal usage and fun and awesomeness!" because you would have a few weapons that would stand out and be the only things being used....and everything else would be a blend of mediocrity with nothing standing out as they would all just essentially be skins of each other with nothing at all to differentiate them. And hey, you could once again go "But isn't that what's happening now?" at which I counter "So what does your idea to do change anything? Other than being a lot of work to end up at what is essentially the same situation that we are currently in?" Can you actually point out what your idea would change? What it would accomplish? If it just ends up with essentially what we have now, a ton of weapons blending into mediocrity with a few outstanding ones that are the only ones used, why bother with the change when it achieves nothing? There just simply aren't enough mechanics to actually go "Oh this pistol is markedly different than this other pistol.....", and if you were to try to do that you would have to push some down right pointless gimmicks to go "No look, this does A if you do X, Y and Z!" and have to jump through so many hoops for just a gimmick no one would seriously consider it....
  2. And what, are dedicated servers going to fix every single issue warframe faces? Because news flash: It's not. You'll still have bad connections. You'll still have people drop out (and if it was a mission that required a key and the key holder dropped out then you'll still be kicked out) And you'll have all sorts of new issues to deal with: Long queues to join the game when events and updates happen, just like most other games with dedicated servers. Depending on where you live you may now have large amounts of lag for no fault of your own, just that your connection to the server isn't good.....and you have no way around this now! When an update is launched you'll be kicked out of your mission immediately so that they can deploy the update, and who cares if you were one minute away from a rotation C reward? And beyond that it all comes at the low, low cost of completely delaying any and all updates for at least half a year so that they can retool their entire netcode to work with dedicated servers! I mean who doesn't see that list of cons and go "By god, I must have dedicated servers now, all of that is worth not having an uncommon host migration!"
  3. And why wouldn't it lead to stagnation? After all the starter Lato is going to be able to handle the absolute toughest fights in the game without needing to do anything to it! So why would I bother getting any other weapon when I have the strongest weapon right from the very start? Why would I bother theory crafting builds? Why would I bother grinding mods? And in previous posts you mentioned even arcanes and archon shards and all that not really mattering at all.... What would be the point of grinding out different weapons? After all none of them are going to be any better than the base Lato I started the game with. What would be the point of running Archons or Eidolons or anything else when the rewards don't matter in any way? I mean you can see how well this went over with Anthem, where the default weapon you have when you un-equip your gear was the strongest gun in the game for a while....... Ok, and what would be locked behind this mode to force people to run it? After all no rewards, and next to no one would bother to run it because why? Why sacrifice any and all build diversity and theory crafting and anything else becaus eyou'll be slapped with a build where if you figure out any way to do better than the baseline they'll just nerf it? And depending on what rewards you slap behind it now you're forcing people to engage with the system in order to get the rewards, regardless of whether they want to or not. It's the same issue with people complaining that they are "forced" to do steel path for some rewards in the game. Lock something exclusive behind it? You're now forced to do it. Don't do that? And the mode is essentially dead on arrival with so few people playing it you can't get a match going.
  4. Isn't this, you know, just being a healer in pretty much any MMO that is dedicated to the holy trinity of archetypes? Where healers sit there and do no damage and largely just watch everything happen while casting their spells as needed? I mean you just described what being a healer is for the most part....and it's why finding healers is so hard to do in games. They just aren't fun. And I think if you take a step back and a solid look at other games and what it's like to play healers you'll see that they aren't too far from what you describe here, where healers largely just watch the DPS do stuff and cast heals on them and the tanks as needed but otherwise doesn't really interact with things much. Sure they can be important....but it's not like they actually do the most exciting things in games. And i don't think we should be forcing Warframe towards dedicated roles like that for a few reasons: -First is that it's just not fun going "I'm a tank. I literally can't do anything but take hits....." or "I'm a healer. My entire purpose is to keep the DPS alive so that they can have fun being a DPS...." -Second is that co-op is optional. And by forcing these roles on every frame you now are more-or-less forced to co-op, regardless if you want to or not. Warframe is a game much closer to Monster Hunter and similar games than a traditional MMO, where teammates can help but aren't necessary. Beyond that the social aspect of a lot of MMOs has been falling off over the years and more and more people are playing MMOs largely solo, with occasional groups, but largely just going through it by themselves.
  5. While I do largely agree with what you're saying here I have to disagree with this point for one simple reason: If you aren't forced to interact with it then it'll just be skipped/ignorred by the playerbase and won't change anything. I mean think of high level Noxes or Juggernauts. IF they spawn in a mission the players just skip them. They don't try to kill them. They don't interact with them at all. They just leave them behind and ignore them because there simply isn't a reason to interact with them. Hek, in the netracells you commonly have people trying to ignore and avoid the voidrigs that are summoned into the mission for as long as they can...and depending on team-setup that means just ignorring it until it's killed by the opening the netracell because it's simply not worth bothering with the bloated HP pool of an eximus voidrig. You would have to find some way to force players to deal with such enemies...or they just get ignored since in most missions you simply don't have to actually interact with the enemies in a mission.
  6. The other, and just as important, issue here is that Warframe requires you to play low level missions for some rewards. You need Kuva/requiem relics? Do some low level kuva syphon missions. You need endo/vitus? Do some low level aribtrations. You need focus? Do some low level SO/ESO. You need syndicate standing? Do some low level missions. You need arcanes? Guess what you need to do? And by low level I mean in comparison to what players can get to in SP and the like. For some players arbitrations might be "high level" gameplay, but it's not really. And there really isn't too many ways to go out and do that stuff at a higher level. And that's if you ignore how the higher level content is largely empty because there simply isn't anything to make players spend the extra time in missions needed to clear the higher levels. The rewards for spending a bit of extra time to do a SP exterminate fissure compared to a normal exterminate fissure is laughable. Especially since you can do 2 normal fissures in the time it takes to do a single SP one. And that's even if there is a good fissure at SP levels to run for what you want! Especially considering that there are generally less SP fissures than normal fissures. Right now for instance there are 5 SP void fissures, 1 Lith, 1 Meso, 1 Neo, and 2 Axi fissures, and 2 requiem fissures. On the other hand there are 7 normal void fissures, 1 Lith, 2 Meso, 1 Neo, 3 Axi fissures, and 3 requiem fissures. Gee, I wonder which version of the starchart gives players more options and doable ways to grind out prime sets? The simple fact is that the vast majority of rewards that players need are only really available at lower levels! And even for things that do have SP variants they aren't rewarding enough for the extra time it takes. And because of that you're especially punished for trying to do SP fissures because you can't find people to group with because they don't offer a reward worth all the extra time to get through the mission. So not only does the game constantly reward you with bigger and stronger and better stuff....it then turns around and goes "Ok, play in the lith sandbox for the rare part of the new prime frame that just came out!" The game does absolutely nothing to encourage or reward players for spending the extra time in higher level missions....and then people blame the players for not playing the higher level missions.
  7. I doubt they'll even read most of that to be honest. But even if they did they aren't going to care because they don't want solutions, they don't want answers, they don't want help, they want to be angry at everyone else for not fitting precisely within a box that only they can define. They want to be the sole arbiter of how a mission will go, they want to firmly define how strong everyone else is allowed to be so that they can feel like they contributed and should get the gold star of the mission. They don't care what the other people in the mission want, they have their preconceived notions of how the round should go, and how dare anyone go against that! They want it so that if you do a lith relic, because you need ducats or even a part, you go in un-modded in literally everything and don't even think about bringing anything with AoE capabilities (after all even un-modded frames will literally one-shot any lith mission), just so that they can feel like they get a gold star. It doesn't matter how much the rest of the group just wanted to breeze through the mission quickly. It doesn't matter why anyone else is doing the mission. The only thing that matters is they want their gold star and to have the game played exactly how they define it to be. They want it so that if you do an endless mode you psychically know ahead of time if you'll be matched with them, and how long they want to go, and therefore limit your mods and ability usage to just that arbitrary timestamp without taking any of your own desires into consideration. They won't be happy having a corner of a survival to kill enemies in because they'll just see that everyone else has hundreds or thousands more kills then them and will be upset because they weren't able to kill an equal number of enemies, and it's so unfair that players didn't come into the PUG with exactly that idea in mind that they must all kill the same amount of enemies! And if anyone thinks that they might be struggling in his corner, then how dare they come over with their gear and clear the enemies swarming him! Those were their enemies to kill! To go out and kill their enemies is just rude and unacceptable! They won't be happy in a capture mission because everyone will just speed run the mission and leave them lagging behind until either they manage to catch up, or the extraction timer forces the mission to end because they want to go slowly through each and every tile along the way. It doesn't matter if they are slowing down the defense mission, it doesn't matter if they are causing a minor life support issue in survival, all that matters is that they earn the gold star and force everyone to comply with their exacting requirements. They have already shown in their replies that they don't care what anyone else thinks or wants, they have a notion of how a match should go and they have the final say in that! And everyone else just needs to learn to be psychic and accommodate their desires when they come across him in a PUG. They haven't shown any willingness to actually work with anyone else or compromise. Sure they go on about "I build so that everyone can do stuff!" which is just empty air that doesn't really mean anything because they can't know what other people want. They just want to sound like they have some moral high-ground, when they are just trying to force everyone to play to their exacting rules. They are the sort of player to pretty much rag on meta strategies in literally every game they come across because their feelings get hurt when someone running a meta strategy outdoes them, which is just rude! It doesn't matter if it's a co-op game or not, you have to play purposefully un-optimized and slowly because otherwise you'll outdo them and hurt their feelings. It doesn't matter what you want or how you want to play, or even how the vast majority of the playerbase is wanting to play, if you outdo them then you should be kicked out. While you're argument with them may be somewhat entertaining to watch, and may be cathartic for you to take part in, you're not going to get through their head any time soon. You would have more luck trying to talk a brick wall into collapsing by itself then getting through their skull.
  8. To be fair a lot of their ideas won't gain traction there because either: A) Not feasible to implement B) No possible return on the investment made, e.g. not enough people would notice or care for it to be worth DE devoting resources to. As to the OP: I highly doubt that this is even possible in warframe, and it depends on how combos are implemented in the engine. Further there would be no realistic way to balance this, after all what's to stop someone from making every attack in a combo just a high damage multiplier strike, therefore making the base damage of their attacks up to 400% stronger? Or building a combo that is just a series of forced procs of some sort? This would take way too much work to even begin to implement, and wouldn't really be balanceable. And further it would just annoy a ton of players if this was limited to sparring weapons, even if that was only temporarily at launch. And what keybind will this replace/use? Especially on controllers. What button are you giving up to bash people with the butt of your gun instead of doing a quick melee attack? This would only be remotely feasible if it occurred only if you didn't have a melee weapon equipped. And even then it would only see very limited use....so what would be the point when 99.999999% of players ignore it or even know it exists as an option? And what would be the point? What benefit would you have as a crewman that you don't have as a warframe with actual abilities? While this isn't the worst warframe concept I've seen on the forums, I just don't see it being that interesting, fun, or worth DE developing a lot of time to ironing all the kinks out...or dealing with all the rage on the forums when some unit isn't copyable due to not really being playable. Then there is the whole feasibility aspect of this, and how many bugs this would cause...and I just can't see it being worth the time honestly. A ton of potential bugs to what? Have scanning done for you without needing to use a piece of gear or sentinel? I mean it would only help when a new enemy was introduced and wouldn't be useful to even complete simaris daily scans because you need to target the nodes on it specifically. I'm not going to comment on the other points as either they fall into the category of: -And what would be the point Or -This would cause a lot of knock-on effects that could potentially cause a lot of other issues and would hardly be consistent
  9. No real point in arguing with him. He wants players to be psychic and predict "Merkranire wants to play 10 minutes in this survival, I better unequip most of my mods so that I can barely go 10 minutes instead of having gear on to go 20+ like I want to because his desires are so much more important and valid than my desires." After all if you're built to go 20 minutes in a survival and he's built for 10 then you're going to outshine him and kill more than him and that's just not fair! If you have anything that outshines his build/weapon in any way then you obviously aren't playing properly as only his desires and play style matters. If that means he wants to spend 10 minutes in an exterminate fissure slowly going through then that is what the rest of the team is going to do, because if you don't then you aren't being considerate or properly playing the game! After all the only thing that matters is how Merkranire wants to play. It doesn't matter at all how fast the other 3 players wants to go. It doesn't matter at all how far the other 3 players want to push endless missions. All that matters is what Merkranire wants and how he wants to play. Either you play ball exactly how he wants to play ball, or you should be tossed out because obviously you're the rude one for not conforming exactly to his unstated desires when you queue up for a PUG match to crack some relics.
  10. So what will be the downside? E.G. what will be taken away for this "buff" as you see it? After all I don't think DE is just going to buff every battery weapon in the game "Just because!" Do you see the reload speed slowing down unless you jumping through 10 different hoops to just get it back to barely above what it was before? or some other trade off? After all ominumi has pointed out that reload speed of battery weapon is one of the various balancing levers that DE has used in the past. And you want to drastically change the position of said balance lever.....so what's the trade off? How will the weapon be made worse just so you can bounce off 5 walls and roll 3 times just to buff up the reload speed? Where if you don't play like a rabbit on crack it just sucks and is painful to use? (which is why I don't like the Gauss weaponry....)
  11. So basically you want to push riven trading to shady back-room type deals that is worse for everyone except scammers? Because that is honestly what will happen. You can't just directly trade rivens for rivens...good luck on that, and good luck finding a Lato riven that someone wants to trade for one of your rivens. Instead what is much more likely to happen is that you go into the dojo, trade 10K plat for an ammo drum, and then go into the special riven room and trade any riven for the one you're after. And you're 100% at the mercy of the player selling the riven to not just skip out and scam you out of 10K plat with absolutely nothing you can do about it (after all DE won't touch that as they don't want you trading plat for promises....) So now instead of a safe trading interface, you just made it a risky and unsafe business to trade rivens. Great. What is the benefit? To anyone? Is there even a small benefit here? How? How will riven trading destroy the market? I mean riven trading has been in this game for a long time already, and the player market is still functioning....
  12. Because in the past it did work like this....and then players abused the hek out of it and made it utterly miserable in public matches so DE removed it from pretty much all missions. It used to be "You play a mission until the host gets what they want, then they abort and make everyone else suffer a host migration (and therefore likely lose everything) while the host keeps all of their stuff." It was horrible, and was happening in a good 3/4 missions played back in the day. DE made the change that general mission failure/abort causes you to lose everything to prevent that, and it largely works. And unless you have something in mind to prevent players from going right back to "I got mine, abort because it's faster than finishing the mission." then this idea is going to largely be dead in the water.
  13. The problem with this is then you get someone with a "Kill with abilities", therefore running a large AoE nuke frame to fullfill that requirement, combined with the "User a sniper class weapon and get at least X number of kills with most of them being headshots." And they are now in direct competition for kills in the mission. After all if one player gets their reward the other player is denied theirs because their challenges are directly at odds with each other. See the problem that this will cause in missions? Now you'll have people whinging in the forums and chat that they can't complete X challenge because other people with Y challenge come in and prevent them from doing their challenge at all. There are already threads on the forums bout various playstyles not being fun and ruining their missions, we don't need more that go "Depending on who you get matched with, you may be actively denied your bonuses just because someone has a challenge that is completely counter to your own!" Especially depending on how complex you see these challenges becoming. The more complex challenges just become unmanageable in multiplayer because you have too many challenges that are directly competing for the exact same resource: enemy kills. Personally it wouldn't for one big reason: If the extra time needed to fulfill the requirements wasn't compensated, and a bonus on top, with the bonus rewards, then what would be the point? Sure I could jump through 5 different hoops to double my mission rewards.....or just zoom through the mission 2 or 3 times in the time it would take to satisfy each and every challenge and get more rewards that way. But what about survivals/defense/etc? Then I just point to my point above where now I'm in direct competition with the rest of the squad where eithere we are fighting over kills so we get our rewards (and likely preventing other players from getting theirs) OR just doing the bare minimum to trigger the reward (such as headshot requirements) and then just leaching so my bonus stays locked in....After all if I do kills without headshots I'm potentially losing that bonus, so why would I risk that once I know the bonus is triggered? Safer to just stop killing at that point then to risk warframe registering a kill as not a headshot and losing the bonus....
  14. Or the other common path of "Those crafts can fail! So you better farm 2 or 3 times as much as you need because they'll just fail over and over again wasting resources!" Other games with "instant crafting" actually have a lot more systems in them to slow the player down that Warframe doesn't. Namely: -Need to sit staring at a menu the entire time you're crafting without being able to do anything else -Need to refine the materials through level upon level upon level of mat, from basic stone, to stone blocks, to high quality stone blocks to superior stone blacks, etc -Need to move from crafting bench to crafting bench to crafting bench as you can't just make everything in one place -Need to farm rare catalysts of some sort, often with sub 5% drop rates -Need to craft over and over and over and over again to raise your skills just to be able to craft what you want to craft. -The ability for the crafting to just fail, meaning you need to go back out and farm for more resources. I much greatly prefer warframes crafting system of "Set this up....and then forget about it and do other stuff while it builds it for me with zero interaction, zero chance of failing and losing resources, and I can actually play the game!" The furthest you need to "refine" some material is just one step, so no massive pyramid of needing hundreds upon hundreds of a base material just to make a single top tier mat. Every game with crafting has time walls, some are just much more apparent and obvious than others....and some are much more annoying than others.
  15. No. There are realistically only 2 results from vote kicking: -You don't have a majority for whatever reason (someone not paying attention/not caring) and the vote kick does nothing OR -It will be used for trolling because it's funny to kick someone right before rewards are handed out to make them waste a lot of time I really can't think of a common situation where it would actually work without being used to grief or being useless. And what's the point of explaining the reasoning? And how many of those vote kicks will just be filled by keyboard smashes? Even if every single kick was reviewed by a staff member, what would that do in the case of wrongful kicks? Consolation to the person who was kicked that someone at DE saw that a group maybe is trolling? Even though it means nothing since they won't get the rewards or anything else back? Regardless of any response in this thread you should maybe use the forum search feature and look through the countless threads that have suggested vote kicking and why it was shouted down by the forum users so loudly. And one thing to remember: When suggesting a topic like this don't try to think "What if I had the power to use this?" instead think "What if a group of trolls had this power? How bad would that be" and until you can come up with satisfactory safeguards against that group of trolls, maybe shelve the idea.
  16. It's a time gate to prevent players from maxing out a syndicate in one day and then coming to the forums and reddit and other places to whinge and complain that "There is nothing to do now that I maxed out everything in an update in a single day!!!!" It's the same with the focus caps and why we have those, as people were able to finish the initial focus 1.0 system (which was slower to gain and cost more) in 3 or 4 days of solid grinding (and by that I do mean 72-96 hours of near constant playing)....and then proceeded to come onto the forums and reddit and anywhere else and complain and tantrum that there is nothing for them to do after they just ground for literal days on end with pretty much no breaks to finish the focus system. It acts as a buffer to save players from themselves. Even if you cut the standing gain by 50% you could still get from rank 0 to rank 5 in under a day for pretty much any syndicate out there. And here's the thing: DE wants returning players. Not players who log in, finish the new update in its entirety in a single day, and then sign off until the next update hits. And guess what? The daily standing caps help DE to achieve that goal (along with a number of other systems in place to also work towards that goal). Then you also have the issue of economy, especially related to relics....and I would not want to see the rage when if DE had to put the same type of limit on syndicate relic packs that they put on teshin's steel path items....
  17. The biggest thing slowing down wukongs clone is that it can't use conditional mods (Galvanized, etc.), nor does it seem able to proc arcanes (Just tested with cascadia flare, but it likely extends to all similar arcanes such as the acolyte ones). So if you're relying on conditional mods and arcanes as some of the main damage sources for your weapon then the clones damage is going to be a lot lower than expected. On the other hand if you don't build around the conditional mods and arcanes for damage then the percentages provided in the UI are fairly accurate.
  18. A lot of your solutions basically boil down to "Throw away Warframe and make a completely new game!"....which isn't really a valid solution. Further they just seem to overcomplicate the problem more and introduce more issues. This doesn't really seem like a good solution because of all the blind corners warframe has. We don't need to go back to the broken light period of the game where rounding a blind corner will just drop you, or inconvenience you enough that you're now easy picking for the enemies. Or where you spawn in, see a trap on the other side of the spawn door, and then are forced to trigger it and sit there twiddling your thumbs with nothing you can do about it until the effect runs out. We do not need nor want to tie stats into cosmetics. I don't want to b forced to equip ugly "heavy armor" cosmetics on literally all my frames just to increase their survivability. Further DE has tried to tie stats to cosmetics in the past with Arcane helmets and then arcane slots on syandanas....they were less than well received as it made an optional cosmetic choice no longer optional.....or much of a choice. And this is just a massive nerf to long missions (Survivals, open world, etc.) where you're being worn down to the point of no armor....and for what benefit/return? Further question: What would be the point of "light armor"? If you had the option between "This provides 25% damage protection, and this provides 75% damage protection, choose the one you want...." then what's even the purpose of the 25% damage protection one? Ahh yes, at the end you say: And yet you want another mod system that just further complicates everything tossed ontop of it! Brilliant! Who can argue that tossing another mod system onto warframe will make the modding less complicated! Especially with the immediate confusion of "Status damage is based on incoming damage...so why would I reduce the status damage alone when I could just reduce the incoming damage and also reduce the status damage?" Ahh yes, lets give a teleporting enemy that is in the center of a massive horde, in a game without the best LOS detection, a "If you can't find me within the next 2 seconds you instantly die without warning!!" ability. So fun! While I can somewhat agree that eximus units need to have more abilities and be more dynamic...that is about all I can agree with. I really can't agree to giving bosses an insta-kill move that requires you to try to find them....and hopefully they didn't teleport out of the room or into some hidden closet somewhere, otherwise unavoidable party wipe! So, remove the only reason to play any of the game modes, and then replace it with an idle game of sitting around twiddling your thumbs and waiting for your extractors to come back with loot with literally zero interaction from the player? I'm sorry but that sounds really stupid. We shouldn't be aiming to turn warframe into an idler game where you just go "Ok, looks like I can't play the new frame since it'll take me 2 days to get the resources to build it through the extractor systems...and since there isn't a reason to run any of the missions as they'll give me literally no rewards, guess I'm not playing the game for 2 days." The reason we have enemy radar is that it's more fun to actually know where the enemies are, and in some cases is important (such as straggling spawns in exterminate and any spawns in survival). And you want to remove that......just because? For reasons? It's kinda funny for you to say this to DE when maybe you should look at your solutions and how heavily they just reinvent the wheel instead of expanding on what already exists in the game.
  19. Except that it's not really about that at all. The purpose of melee duplicate is to allow for a secondary build path of going all in on status spreaders instead of melee just being "Slap on blood-rush and get red crits on nearly everything in the game!" Now you can go "If I can get to nearly 100% crit chance and a high status chance I can spread status procs everywhere at twice the speed." You now have something that you can build around and use as a new way to build melee weapons. The purpose of melee duplicate is to increase build options, and it has opened up a few ideas for building some melee weapons that aren't just maximum crit. Any good stance with forced procs + reliable yellow crit + high status? And yeah, status procs for days. And if it's coupled with slash? Yeah it does some major work. And heck, if you only care about slash procs you can skip the high status part and just use stances with force slash procs and double all of them that you apply to the enemy. Your change on the other hand? Lets massively nerf every crit heavy weapon in the game, regardless of how good it is, just because! They aren't really comparable. Your idea doesn't open up other build paths. It doesn't increase player options. It just takes away strength because reasons.
  20. And with your system these would not actually be offered. We would probably have boosters in the realms of: 30 minute 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours And that's it. No way would DE offer large amounts of time for an in mission only booster. Also @Circle_of_Psi has an excellent point about the boosters: They are to make you play now, because your booster is currently ticking down. If you could just sit on a pile of boosters indefinitely you wouldn't have the impetus to play now, and DE wants high returning player counts and boosters are part of that strategy. Further the boosters constantly running out acts as a money flow for DE. After all you took a short break from the game and your boosters are now gone, why not buy some more so you can take advantage? If you could just sit on your booster forever without it ever expiring then it could easily start cutting into DEs profits.
  21. And these all have quite large pitfalls. From the issue of the annoyance that this one relic for a part I need only drops from steel path defection at rotation C at an ungodly low percentage chance, to what happens whenever a new relic is released (After all it has to put somewhere and where-ever it is put will lower the chances for every other possible relic on that node), to the sheer annoyance of "Ok, bounties can offer this relic.....now I just need to sit and twiddle my thumbs for hours upon hours for the bounties to cycle so that I can even start to grind for the relic I need!" So basically remove the player agency from any sort of trading all together? Never being able to just give away the prime part? No trying to sell prime trash parts for ducats at low prices? At that point what's the point of player trading when its "This piece is worth 3 plat, yes it's a gold rare, no you can't sell it for anything else...."
  22. And what is locked away to the point where you will "never" get it? I mean with aya and unvaultings you can now actually get pretty much everything in the game if you actually care to spend the time getting it. Will it be fast? Nope. But you kinda lost out on it being fast by taking such a long break from the game. You might want to take a look at "Prime Resurgence" here and look at the current and upcoming resurgence and what you can get. You can also see what else was available in the past and will return in the future as resurgence continues. As things come available in resurgence you will have plenty of time to farm up some aya, buy the relics you need for whatever you're after, and then get the parts you're missing. Again, this will take a while to do, but you will eventually have whatever you're missing. Vaulting is mentioned quite a bit in advance of what will be vaulted when the next prime set comes out. So you will have warning of "Hey these relics containing this frame and it's weapons will be vaulted when the next prime frame releases" This gives you plenty of time to either farm out the frame and it's weapons or to just farm a crap ton of its relics so you can farm the parts out at your leisure. And spending money isn't needed unless you want everything right this very instant. If you're ok with spending some time you can farm out some prime parts that are available, trade for plat, and use that plat to buy the parts you're after without dropping a dime of your own money in the game. And if you're actually willing to be patient you won't even need to do that as you can just wait for the items you want to come into rotation with prime resurgence.
  23. So basically boil it down to the fastest moving weapon platform frames with AOE weapons and "god-roll" rivens only. Sure. Only one type of competition ever, and only one type of build need ever apply. I'm sorry but this just seems rather pointless? Especially since it would largely be luck based. After all, if you get a good nice straight map you're definitely going to score much better than someone who got a map spawn with a bunch of switch backs and annoying tile types (back to back to back to back elevators for example). Further you really need to define "hardest dungeons" because even the 60 eye secret boss is a bit of a boring snoozefest that doesn't pose a challenge once you've done it a few times. There really isn't anything in warframe that can really be defined as "hard" or "challenging" or require any amount of actual skill. This just seems to be "Did you get lucky in spawning a good map? Then you can actually score on the leaderboard, otherwise quit because you just don't stand a chance." And what's the purpose of your leaderboard? To celebrate lucky map spawns and nothing else?
  24. I can't really see DE making it that much easier to get. While it is true that arcane energize is available from some events from time to time that is relatively rare. It is only available in 2 spots normally, Hydrolyst for 5%, or Veil Proxima Orphix Rotation C (every 12 orphix destroyed) at 1.41% chance. You shouldn't take the availability of the arcane in an event as indication that they should raise it's chances.
  25. Except you don't. You mention release relics twice in your OP, and not in the section that talks about having a group finder (or point out in the below where you do actually refer to release relics): So please don't try to say "Oh but I was meaning release relics everywhere! I just never mentioned it and hoped everyone would know to automatically apply that term to every single item even though I didn't mention it before item 4 and it looks like it might be pertaining specifically to that item...." (which fair point I did miss it for item 4) Further beyond that if you are talking about finding groups run run the new relics in, that's quite easy and fast to do. Recruit chat is right now hopping and it doesn't take long to find a mission and hop into it and start cracking to get some of the new relics. It's how I managed to get Gauss Prime last night, and it didn't take long at all to find groups with the new relics. In fact the only time matching for relics becomes annoying/difficult is when you're looking for older and vaulted relics, which is why I assumed that's what you meant with that item I quoted. If you're having difficulty finding groups to play new relics on, what region are you in? Except there really isn't. DE's AFK is rather basic, which is why there are so many complaints on that specific topic. So unless you can figure out a way that ensures activity and not "Sit in the first tile with an auto-run script as you passively collect prime parts...." then feel free to share. I get punched by bad RNG all the time. It's why I dread running void storms in RJ because I have horribly bad luck getting the corrupted holo-keys. And sure bad luck is going to happen, but I honestly feel you're blowing a few streaks of bad luck out of proportion. And I have to ask: Compared to what? What is your baseline here? Because depending on the other games you play and other things you do then no, farming relics and traces and all that stuff doesn't really take a long time to do. Nor does it take that long to get into the habit of stockpiling the various medallions to turn into relics when something drops to cut that farming short. Punishment vs Reward in this instance is purely a term of perspective. If someone can spend hours sitting in a single mission and get better drop rates for it? Sure it looks like a reward. If you can't (due to life, job, school, etc)? Then it's a punishment because you can't spend hours in a single mission so get punished by the system by having a lower drop rate simply for having a life outside of the game. As to your circuit reference: Sure while you do get a stacking bonus that does reward a streak it's not a severe bonus, nor does it dramatically speed up the rate at which you gain ranks. As to the circuit reward "tree": That is something you can put down and come back to later, not just "Well I'm locked into this for the next 90+ minutes to start having good drop rates...." like a continuous mission streak is. So please don't try to conflate two drastically different things. This comparison would only hold water if you had to get to rank 10 in a single run with no breaks in order to get that reward....
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