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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. To be fair, it's the whole point of modding capacity. To force you to make choices. And Umbral Formas' rarity also plays a part in that. We'd all love to have unlimited capacity (and unlimited slots while we're here, so we just click on a theoretical button "apply all mods" and enjoy the powercreep). It all boils down to choices. Umbral formas are rare ==> use them wisely.
  2. I hope something is planned for this indeed. It wasn't a problem a few years back, but nowadays with so many buffs coming from Warframes, Helminth, Arcanes, Focus, specific weapon traits, and god knows what else I'm forgetting, it starts to become a bit difficult to keep track of everything
  3. Got them, it was Dagath, Gyre and Caliban's Prex Cards !
  4. Heya guys, I'm missing 3 fragments in my Codex but I can't pinpoint which ones, do you know what they are ? It looks like that when opening the Fragments page, the 3 are between the Prex Grendel and the Prex Gauss For some reason it's re-arranged when I switch back & forth between the tabs, so it may look like this, they end up before/after Lavos and above Ivara Thanks for your help !
  5. I was just saying that the reason why bosses are immune to abilities is likely because of Mesa (main offender) and other scaling abilities (such as the weird period of time where Trinity was deleting Kela with her 2).
  6. Just push the request even forward dude. Make it an actual secondary dealing damage, but you need to do the minigame on enemies to kill them. Overheat the weak points (eye, kidneys, heart...) = instakill That S#&$ would require some mad skill though
  7. Minn's probably not far away ! Imo Minn will likely be used by Wally to try to get a foot in the Sanctum by exploiting Tagfer's weaknesses. She could come back as a friendly NPC that you're never really sure what her real goals are, or as a full-blown enemy Well, in fact that's why I indicated that we should "solve" Tagfer's issue, I fully agree with you that a fairy tale ending would not fit that well. But if we can resolve the problem by not leaving him banging his head against the Sanctum walls, that's good for me.
  8. The goal of these events is not to completely negate the other ways to obtain them. They're a good way to complement your set if you're missing a couple, or to try new ones. That's as if complaining that Nora's Nightwave should give you 2.000 Nitain per level so that you do one level and are set for life
  9. This would just transfer Tagfer's sadness to me That's absolutely mandatory
  10. They could be Exilus mods. So this way, Grimoires would have functionally another mod in comparison of secondaries ; this way you wouldn't need to sacrifice something that may be vital (element, crits...), and that would give the Grimoire a bit of edge, because today it struggles a lot against the meta secondaries, and it can't compete if you have to sacrifice one mod slot for the book's special mods
  11. That's a great feat from Whispers in the Wall : the Voice acting is so well done that you care / empathize with animals. The VA is awesome in this aspect, you get to feel Tagfer's distress (then anger), Fibonacci's remorse, and I don't know how to describe Bird 3's but it's so great as well.
  12. For real, this is heartbreaking. I'm ready to scout the entire universe to find Minn, Idgaf about anything else really.
  13. Because range is crazy powerful, 250% is already pretty OP on most frames, we definitely don't need 350%. The only area where we need increased ranges are the open worlds, but for those I'd advocate for a passive +400% range to all abilities rather than additional mods to band-aid fix that problem.
  14. The main reason for the change in Ash's bladestorm was the animation lock (despite being cool af) and the fact it also locked the enemies in an invulnerable state until your clone kills it. Honestly - I would take back previous Ash's Bladestorm, but with very minor tweaks : - Hit 4 to bladestorm up to X enemies surrounding you (I don't remember if there was a cap with the previous one, but definitely it shouldn't perform a Finisher on all enemies in range to not be too OP). Maybe this number could be increased conditionally to being stealthed to give some sort of synergy to Ash - See the finisher animation but just once and not once per enemy to not be animation-locked for 50 seconds And that's it The marking stuff is OK but too limited and it doesn't work in squads unless you're hitting level 3k enemies without armor reduction in your team, in which case your bladestorm will do jack S#&$ as well
  15. They need to rework focus deeply if you want to get rid of the Zenurik's supremacy. Why is Zenurik the most used one ? Energy. Energy is cool, Energy is versatile whatever you're playing, having Energy is fun, having no Energy sucks. Everything that gives energy is quite important to most of your builds (except Inaros OK, but nobody cares). What would be the first balancing step so that all Focus Schools are used relatively evenly ? Give an energy node to all schools. Zenurik could keep semi-passive energy as of today Unairu could have a Rage-like effect (X energy on damage taken, either a very small value or a big one on cooldown) Vazarin could have an Equilibrium-like effect, or Protective Sling could also regenerate a bit of energy over time (in addition to invuln / healing) Naramon could have energy gain on melee kills or increased orb drop chance (akin to Voruna's 2) Madurai already has the Void Strike / Void Fuel combo which is kinda cool, but too limited (8s duration on 40s cooldown). Making it a bit less restricted, at least for the Warframe as you already waste 3 seconds transferring back to the Warframe might expand its use.
  16. The easiest, imo, to avoid all forms of abuse, would be for the suicide option to outright kill you and revive you. So you can't "benefit" of being dead, you'd just be back where you already were, but with the automatic 10% affinity penalty and the loss of one revive.
  17. It's the same thing as if you AFK completely without being dead, though. You get the inactivity penalty + the risk of being flagged as AFK and subsequently banned. No difference from current situation where leeches just leech
  18. There is no practical way to abuse that. There are drawbacks in suicides (limited revives, loss of affinity, loss of stacks/buffs), but 0 positive aspect. The only potentially interest would be to force-spawn your Lich/Sister (that procs upon entering bleedout), but they're practically useless I don't see why you'd do that on purpose. The only reason why they wouldn't implement such a standard option, is that it would be them admitting they can't fix their bugs so they give us a workaround. But we know they won't fix anything (and bugs re-appear anyway), so just implement it, we understand
  19. The randomizer is quite enjoyable tbh. Of course there are times when a quick glance at the list of warframes/weapons will make you go "meh", but most of the times you can get something to work - I'll admit that the Circuit made me enjoy some weapon I had forgotten their very existence. Even the premade builds can go pretty far if you pick the proper decrees - the key here is to check which weapon is the least garbage, and funnel all decrees in it (Melees take melee decrees, guns take on-shot decrees, critical/status go well on both). If it's the warframe that's good, warframe decrees make them unstoppable. It's a good breath of fresh air to leave the meta-side from time to time. I had very rarely played Saryn with another weapon than the usual suspects, and I had lots of fun while doing so in Circuit Also - Hyperbola leads nowhere. It can't be the "worst gaming experience you've ever had", especially when things like Kahl exist in the very same game.
  20. If you don't want any discussion and just requests stuff, then ask through the dedicated ticket system. You'll need to add more information though. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us Here you're on a forum, where discussions are expected.
  21. To be fair here, "The Tenno" seems to be plural, as shown in 6_Stalker ("THE STALKER has been sent to find THE RESERVOIR, a place believed to conceal the Tenno’s gravest secret, and which could be used to destroy them all at a stroke.".
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