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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. For the Undercroft, the easiest would be for the portal to be two-ways, honestly. I've never understood why it's one-way only, leading to that situation where you have to wait for the others to come (if they ever do)...
  2. Thanks for the Intrinsics info, I didn't remember it was 3x per round (was it since the beginning ? Can't recall) Regarding resources, if the wiki is up-to-date, I don't see the Silphsela, Tasoma or Ueymag as a possible Circuit drop, so they're possible Duviri-world-exclusive ? I don't know if the Maw Fishing resource can drop in Circuit either, but I'm not even sure what this one is for. And I guess the Paragrimm's stuff too (but this is negligible as purely cosmetic
  3. Unless something has changed with Experience (didn't run it for a long time), I don't see how that would be even remotely possible. Intrinsics are extremely quick to get in Experience (vs 2 per round in Circuit), and resources in Circuit are clearly not crazy either. At the time I could reach the Decrees cap in Experience in less than a couple of hours (i.e. 140 or 150 intrincs equivalent before they added new decrees), which would take like double the time in Circuit if not more. And Circuit would not even give Duviri resources in parallel, except a handful of some (Marrow) but that's it Experience also has the advantage of 3 guaranteed Arcanes, which you're limited to a handful in circuits (theoretically unlimited after R10 but the experience gains are so pathetic it's not really worth it). Anyway, Experience has resources you can't get in Circuit so I'm not sure how we could even compare both. And you can get your clamps in Lone Story, it's made for that specific purpose
  4. Well people who want to get resources or intrinsics can. Indeed for circuit that sucks. But I guess they don't want to implement the checkpoints for Circuit because it's part of the challenge to chose the correct moment when to leave instead of just going until you fail (as in ESO, but ESO only gives experience and some relics so who really cares). But considering the Circuit exp is so slow to get, they should just suck it and let us keep all, at least people will stop leaving every time they see defense or assassination
  5. Duviri Experience ? If so, all your rewards are "stored" every time you gain a decree, so you shouldn't have lost anything (whatever the End-of-Mission screen shows).
  6. After the disaster of "Pay 100$ to celebrate 10 years of warframe !", I'd rather they don't
  7. I'm not sure what kind of point the removal of the Lone Story would achieve ? If you don't want to do it, ... don't do it ? Otherwise, please, feel free to declare the full list of node that you, yourself, personally don't enjoy and we can hope together that DE removes all this useless noise that's troubling you. -- All in all, Lone Story exists for a reason : people who want to farm Clamps. If you remove it, you'll be left with only The Duviri Experience to farm Clamps, which 1) is the same as Lone Story with additional stuff to do (why would you enjoy this more ???) ; 2) would screw over people grinding intrinsics, owl or whatever else in Duviri Experience (as many people will join & rush objectives, disrupting their gameplay).
  8. Well, if the system requires you to, in the middle of the mission, hit Esc > scroll through the thousands of options we have nowadays > Find the one where you "opt-out" of buffs > Type the colleague's number (or worse, you didn't note it beforehand in the heat of the action, so you have to escape back and come again), then saving and going back to the action where you're likely dead anyway... That's clunky. That's why they found other ways to get rid of Limbo's banish and Volt's speed buff (even if the speed buff is not practical I agree). A similar approach should be found for Chroma's issue. Something that could be done, maybe, is taking advantage of the missing 3-4 abilities of the Operator now that they only have 2 per focus school. His 3 could cleanse all buffs from the Warframe, his 4 could remove all Overguard, Overshields and Shields (with maybe a 30-sec "immunity" duration). Just throwing out ideas, but the goal would be to find a way to achieve that ingame rather than in a menu.
  9. That sounds awfully bloated, especially if you need to do that during the mission I'm all-in for opt-outs, but this doesn't sound like a good idea at all. I'd rather they investigate towards an option to not have Chroma be screwed by overguard.
  10. Most players will be interested in a handful of relics. There is an already bad RNG in relic packs, and Aya is the worst offender. It's good if you need a vaulted frame/weapon or if you seek , that's it. I'm not reducing Warframe to a platinum-grinding game where you buy whatever you miss, because I prefer playing the game and getting that stuff eventually by myself. So vaulted stuff have lost 100% of their value as soon as I've got them. I don't see why Aya can't be an option, as I proposed above, for the players who are interested in it to be able to exchange them vs relics - or vs whatever else for all I care. That way, people looking for Vaulted relics would have a reliable non-RNG way to get Aya, while veterans not interested by vaulted relics would have the option to reduce the noise in relic packs.
  11. Are you The Truth itself ? Your post is an opinion, as is mine, and Aya is not useful for everyone indeed. It's totally useless to me, for example. You're not even the OP, what makes you think I was replying to you and you only ?
  12. Main problem, it means that DE has to monitor the Wiki. + Also probably requires a change to the wiki itself to extract the information more easily. You wouldn't want Ordis replying with a 20-pages essay if you dare ask "What is a Lich" because the Wiki page describes absolutely everything. + Wiki lives based on ads I guess, this would mean less traffic + Potentially needing to add Spoiler restrictions based on your progress - a newcomer asking about Lotus to know some background doesn't want to have Second Dream or New War spoiled
  13. Considering Aya is not useful for everyone, they should be removed from Packs. Maybe instead, make it so you can trade 3-5x random Relics for one Aya (seems to be the ratio ?) at Varzia or whoever else. Could even propose to trade fewer refined relics (5 Intacts or 3 Exceptional or 2 Flawless or 1 Radiant, something like that), could be a way to "get rid of" the refined ones from ESO/endless runs if it's a crap one you don't care about or if even the gold reward isn't worth anything. That way : - People who dgaf about Aya won't get any - People who need Aya will have a reliable way to get them (instead of pure RNG) Win-win
  14. A ping issue can also come from your connection. Furthermore, it also depends on both geographical locations - you might have a ping issue with the host but not the other 2 guys. I don't really understand what's so problematic in having a "bad" ping that it requires you to start a crusade against the guy instead of just leaving the group and re-tagging, which takes a whole 10 seconds and generally solve your problem forever. And then what ? You report the host, he gets "Host Banned" by DE, and then he gets fiber optics installed at home the week later. Does he need to send proof he can host ? Will DE send someone at his home to test the connectivity ? Or the simple fact of him saying "It's OK now heheh" will be enough ? What's the "break point" at which a host is declared unworthy ? 10Mbs ? 100Mbs ? 10Gbs ? Do we need to testify on hour honor that even with fiber, we won't be downloading movies like crazy in the background ? That's just impossible to put in place.
  15. I like Nova too for that - It definitely requires some training before succeeding in putting the portal at the proper place for the operator to take it, but when you do it properly it's great. It comes with the advantage of having Nova for the boss, either as Speed (for the ads, not really required though) or Slow (for the boss, can be good depending on the group)
  16. I didn't set a foot in the Vallis since New War (in fact even a lot before that heh), what has changed ?
  17. I'm allowing myself to up this topic, has there been any sort of communication on that problem ? Like "we know, we're on it", "we know, it was made on purpose", "we know, we don't care" ? Because Garuda has become astonishingly annoying since that undocumented change, to the point she's not even worth taking out of the closet anymore. I can't believe this has been a legitimate nerf while releasing Dagath at the same time
  18. The MR requirement should apply on building, not on buying. Would avoid these crap situations
  19. You can change Lotus/Margulis/Natah's appearance in your orbiter (for though). She'll keep the name you've chosen at the end of the quest, but at least she'll change visually
  20. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Daily_Tribute
  21. Chewarette


    Yes, but you have to factor in that if they ever change that (which is a pretty huge 'if', no way it ever happens), it will very likely come with a global affinity nerf as well
  22. Chewarette


    That's only if you're actively killing stuff. Affinity works this way : - Kills with Warframe : 100% to the Warframe - Kills with a weapon : 50% Warframe 50% Weapon - Kills by allies within Affinity range : 25% Warframe, 75% to your weapons (25% per weapon if you have all 3 equipped, 37.5% if only 2, 75 if only 1).
  23. I would prefer DE goes even further into the "obnoxious" and pushes it to 99.9% just for the sake of it
  24. I don't think that's possible for regular discussions. On the other hand, it should be automatic for when you link Mods...
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