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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. Are you sure ? They're listed in the list of abilities that trigger it on the Wiki https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arcane_Intention While looking at the list, there are quite a number of warframes with several possible stacks (even if some are impractical or useless)
  2. It's not about playing their own game or not here. It's about - if there were a way to monetize it (and there is, considering you can already buy slots for plats, so it'd be pretty easy to remove the hard cap if it would prove profitable for DE), they'd have done it already. The bolded part is important here : if they didn't do it yet, it's because it's not profitable for them. They're not a charitable company, they're looking for profit, they wouldn't pass on that opportunity. I'm off of that discussion as you seem hell-bent on thinking there is some sort of conspiracy from DE/Tencent toward yourself. Hint: there isn't
  3. But do you really think DE is limiting that out of spite, just for the sake of reading you ranting on a forum ? You're saying it's corporate greed, but wouldn't "corporate greed" make them sell you those additional riven slots for instead of hard-blocking you ? DE know better. If storage is cheap, if people are asking for it and they could make money out of it, they'd have done it already. If they don't, it means they have a reason, and the one they gave us a long time ago was "storage". They have all the data to back this decision up, unlike you who are just complaining. You've already been corrected once, which just shows how much you don't know about that specific topic, yet you continue digging your own grave. All what you say doesn't make sense, sorry.
  4. That neverending topic by people who somehow play 500 weapons every day, or (more likely) are master hoarder who will anyway reach the limit. If the limit was raised to 2.000 Rivens, you can rest assured those guys will have 2.000 Rivens and will complain about the limit. And if there wasn't any limit, people would just keep all their Riven instead of selling them (you know, to make room for others), and those same guys would complain that the Riven market is ded Better ignore
  5. "All casting all the time" is obviously an exaggeration that doesn't apply to everyone. I don't think it's worth focusing on such a weird comment. There are many situations where energy makes sense, and "casting all the time" is impossible on several builds / warframes. You're saying we have unlimited energy with Zenurik, Grimoire with rare mod slotted and Nourish. Cool story, if you grinded for the full Focus tree, got the Grimoire, got the Mod, forma'd the thing to make it fit without screwing its damage, and subsumed an ability to fit Nourish, then I would say you deserve to have something for it. That's as saying Energy should not exist because a 855-energy Saryn with 175% efficiency, 5 tau-shards for max energy or orb efficiency, Energize, Grimoire and a Trinity or Harrow in affinity range can spam Miasma without any struggle... Well yeah, of course, with that amount of dedication I definitely hope this guy can spam. Energy has no problem. Even with all the tools at our disposal, there are still cases where you have to be careful with energy to not miss out. All in all, Energy is miles ahead cooldown-based thing. Cooldowns suck hard
  6. It's only in Steel Path. You need to attach near each of its ring to align them with the requested position. It's indicated on the left side of your screen with that thing. In that example, all rings have to be rotated until they face the left side. Once all rings are correctly positioned, you can reach its head and use transference to destroy the pillars and bring him to the final area.
  7. Sometimes we have to decouple the lore concerns from gameplay. If something is a good idea for the game's diversity but the only obstacle is minor lore things... Then let's implement it.
  8. I'm not sure why you're answering "No" to a fact I've just stated. Umbra Formas are factually rare due to their unavailability in the market, and in my opinion it's good like that (you can reply "No" to my opinion though, even if it won't change it). Rare things make you think twice before using.
  9. Pre-War Within Operator. Felt like some raw power you can unleash on a high cooldown, that you'd understand needed to be canalized through Warframes. Now it's just a child that can complete missions just as efficiently as the Warframes that are supposed to contain their powers. I've always missed losing that, it gave the same feeling as in New War's cinematic trailer: Warframe kneeling, Operator coming out, screaming, screen shaking. It was a bit garbage in terms of damage but I liked the feeling. Otherwise, I really miss the Telos Boltace (I know it was not removed, but it's just as if). It's a travesty to have nerfed it to the ground, especially when recently DE has not stopped releasing broken stuff that would put "prime" Telos Boltace to shame if it still existed. RIP my boy Ah, also the possibility to heal defense targets. RIP support frames
  10. To be fair, it's the whole point of modding capacity. To force you to make choices. And Umbral Formas' rarity also plays a part in that. We'd all love to have unlimited capacity (and unlimited slots while we're here, so we just click on a theoretical button "apply all mods" and enjoy the powercreep). It all boils down to choices. Umbral formas are rare ==> use them wisely.
  11. I hope something is planned for this indeed. It wasn't a problem a few years back, but nowadays with so many buffs coming from Warframes, Helminth, Arcanes, Focus, specific weapon traits, and god knows what else I'm forgetting, it starts to become a bit difficult to keep track of everything
  12. Got them, it was Dagath, Gyre and Caliban's Prex Cards !
  13. Heya guys, I'm missing 3 fragments in my Codex but I can't pinpoint which ones, do you know what they are ? It looks like that when opening the Fragments page, the 3 are between the Prex Grendel and the Prex Gauss For some reason it's re-arranged when I switch back & forth between the tabs, so it may look like this, they end up before/after Lavos and above Ivara Thanks for your help !
  14. I was just saying that the reason why bosses are immune to abilities is likely because of Mesa (main offender) and other scaling abilities (such as the weird period of time where Trinity was deleting Kela with her 2).
  15. Just push the request even forward dude. Make it an actual secondary dealing damage, but you need to do the minigame on enemies to kill them. Overheat the weak points (eye, kidneys, heart...) = instakill That S#&$ would require some mad skill though
  16. Minn's probably not far away ! Imo Minn will likely be used by Wally to try to get a foot in the Sanctum by exploiting Tagfer's weaknesses. She could come back as a friendly NPC that you're never really sure what her real goals are, or as a full-blown enemy Well, in fact that's why I indicated that we should "solve" Tagfer's issue, I fully agree with you that a fairy tale ending would not fit that well. But if we can resolve the problem by not leaving him banging his head against the Sanctum walls, that's good for me.
  17. The goal of these events is not to completely negate the other ways to obtain them. They're a good way to complement your set if you're missing a couple, or to try new ones. That's as if complaining that Nora's Nightwave should give you 2.000 Nitain per level so that you do one level and are set for life
  18. This would just transfer Tagfer's sadness to me That's absolutely mandatory
  19. They could be Exilus mods. So this way, Grimoires would have functionally another mod in comparison of secondaries ; this way you wouldn't need to sacrifice something that may be vital (element, crits...), and that would give the Grimoire a bit of edge, because today it struggles a lot against the meta secondaries, and it can't compete if you have to sacrifice one mod slot for the book's special mods
  20. That's a great feat from Whispers in the Wall : the Voice acting is so well done that you care / empathize with animals. The VA is awesome in this aspect, you get to feel Tagfer's distress (then anger), Fibonacci's remorse, and I don't know how to describe Bird 3's but it's so great as well.
  21. For real, this is heartbreaking. I'm ready to scout the entire universe to find Minn, Idgaf about anything else really.
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