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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. Nolifing until exhaustion has never been the solution. I'll never understand players who want to do everything to the point they disgust themselves (and even more pathetic, reaching the point of insulting people / the game because "it didn't respect their time", while it's only themselves who didn't respect it). Have a nice one, I guess. But you'll say the same thing about other games in the future if you have pathetic self-control so who cares
  2. I have two types in mind : +xx% Elemental damage which doesn't stack with other elements (like a +xx% Fire that would not stack with cold for blast damage for example). Would make it easier to test some alternative builds. +xx% combined element (like +60% Corrosive). Of course they would need to be less powerful than the single element counterpart to not invalidate them completely.
  3. I've put one (or is it 2 ?) casting speed Archon Shard on her and... that's great actually. On her 4 obviously to reach the max range more quickly, but even the faster casts of 1-2 helps for surviving if you need. Less noticeable, shorter downtime when you cast her 3 helps not dying as well (even if it's sub-second range)
  4. As long as there's a way to get both (because some people enjoy the current versions, I do for Ember Prime for example), I don't see why not! Extra customizations' options are always good
  5. I committed to my Moon Alignment (Margulis), but changed her to Eidolon afterwards because hell yeah
  6. Yeah same for the other ones, those attacks have nice gimmicks (I like Azothane's as well)
  7. Wtf did I just read Alternatively to your weird rant - if you don't want answer/feedbacks/comments, don't post on an online forum, write everything on a post-it and placardate it on your fridge
  8. That's a lot to unpack there I'm pretty sure Drifter will have many options available in the future, in fact as of today I prefer the Drifter's customization as you can put accessories and syandanas, unlike for Operator. So I'd like more options as well, but they'll be coming. Regarding the Voidshell thinggies, yes they should be added to more skins but it will take time. I hope they plan on adding them to Deluxe skins at least, because for as much as I like them, it's sad to be limited to Warframes' base skins to get access to the effects. I hope the part on "removing bad tenno gen skins" is a joke though. You don't get to decide which TennoGen skins are bad and should be removed... TennoGen are not made by DE anyway so they won't be modified in any way, and refunds will obviously never happen. And please don't ask for more time-limited rare edition stuff, why a consumer would ask for such an anti-consumer thing is totally alien to me.
  9. From the wiki : I guess the "out-of-bounds location" is not very clear but it probably explains the different behaviors (like the rock one you've described).
  10. Thanks for the confirmation, that's what I remembered from TennoCon but I didn't know whether there has been further discussions on that point. I understood it as you, pets will probably enter a sort of bleedout/exhaustion stage where their utility will be reduced until you re-invigorate them or whatever, which means the Panzer Vulpa should be minimally impacted.
  11. Did they say companions will be outright invulnerable ? Or just they will be "resting"-like when downed, requiring a certain period of time or certain actions before being "back on the field" ? If that's the latter, the Vulpas will keep their uniqueness that they'll remain active somehow, whereas Kavats/Kubrows will have a (short) period of time where only their passives will exist (radar, vacuum etc) but not their actives (Charm & the likes). But I didn't follow this topic in details so maybe I'm completely wrong there
  12. Apologies, I know how to play. I'll stop with you tbh, you're being voluntarily disingenuous if you say that Circuit is unplayable with most of the loadouts. It's not, I hate the "L2P" answers but you seem to be a very easy target for that. Continue doing 1 round and leaving afterward because you didn't have Xaku in your Warframe picks I guess. I'll continue to do 12 rounds, having fun, with whatever the Circuit is offering me. And believe me, I'm not alone in that case as usually people tend to stay along me. You're the only dude who leaves after 1 round because boo boo I need Xaku to survive against level 200 enemies Try to build your Warframes better if you die continuously at round 10 really... or use parkour I don't know. Round 10 is what, lv 1k ? Have fun, but please do your 1-round-then-leave anywhere else than SP, it ruins other real players' experiences. Edit: Don't bother Wall-of-Texting nonsense again, you're on ignore
  13. I think I've got Xaku as a pick 3 times in my life, so no, most of my experiences are not with Xaku or any other meta-warframe. And yes, I've also used trashy-warframes (even meta ones that I despise), and very few of them have an Helminthed ability because I just can't bother with that system except very few exceptions (where I'll usually prefer gameplay-fitting abilities than meta Eclipse/Terrify/Idontknowwhat). Of course, I'm usually picking the best Warframes from the pick of 5, but the amount of over-powered Warframes for Circuit is so high that it's nearly impossible to fall on a pick of 5 useless ones, so it's dismissable. I mean, Xaku, Rhino, Mesa, Garuda, Gyre, Citrine, Wisp, Saryn, Ash, Baruuk, Chroma, Ember, Equinox, excalibur, Frost, Styanax, Gara, Gauss, Harroz, Hildryn, Kullervo, Khora and I could go on to list 90% of warframes are totally imba due to decrees scaling. So unless your 5-Warframe pick consists in Yareli, Grendel, Hydroid, Caliban and Limbo, there will be one of the choices that will make this run "guaranteed to not fail in the 10 first rounds". And I'm telling that from my own experience, I'm sure better players than me have a worthy build for Limbo or Caliban for SP circuit. And even without a Xata's Whisper available, yes I've had occurrences where I dealt most of the team's damage & kills with S#&$ty weapons. The last time was with the Ambassador, that I even happened to pick without using the DE-build so it used mine (which was 2 or 3 mods slapped on the un-potato'd version, so you can imagine the lameness). It dealt S#&$ty damage for the first few rounds, until : - Headshots triggers Gas (extremely good Decree for hiscan weapons) - Critical strike deals frost damage with guaranteed status (awesome all around even with low base crits) - +x% damage on enemies affected by Frost status (which is probably the best Decree out there in squads considering one dude will have frost damage) At this point it started to destroy entire packs. All I had to do was continue to stack +x% damage on Frost, when it wasn't available I took either the additional hit for Corrosive or the fireball every 5 rounds (which is great at dealing with packs with enough fire rate, which the Ambassador has). The cherry on the cake was at Round 11, where I got hit by the one spreading Status damage to nearby targets. It re-invigorated the weapon that started to struggle against Thraxes, I suspect it could have been good up to round 15 if people didn't leave, host included, at the next round which was a defense. Decrees are saving all S#&$ty weapons. It was questionable at Circuit 1.0 which only had worthwhile Melee decrees, but with the addition of the multiple Guns Decrees, they've been saved too as you can now have Corrosive, Frost, Fire & Gas damage. Not even mentioning that some Decrees combos are instant win whatever your setup. +200% status chance + status spread, one of the several Frost status Decree + the damage increase on Frost'd enemies, any Gun with the +150% multishot... From my experience, even if enemies scaling is higher than in normal missions, Decrees compensate it to the point the enemies scaling is not even noticeable. I have yet to go into a Circuit and be confronted with one of those mythical "automatic fail" runs. And I'm pretty rarely pl'd in Circuits, because Circuits are easy, even with subpar weapons.
  14. It's on purpose though. What's the point in fighting the Sentients for a week ? Showing they're the same meat grinding faction as the Grineers are ? No. The New War was about the Sentients destroying us in half an hour, then having to find a way to revert the situation. That's pretty cool tbh, it showed Sentients, even with us prepared, were a force we just couldn't deal against. No match. Blitzkrieg'd
  15. If they don't want Warframe players trying to compare between Warframe and their other game : 1. They shouldn't name this game "Soulframe" 2. They shouldn't waste 45 minutes of the TENNOLive panel dedicated to WARFRAME's future showing Soulframe. I can guarantee WoW players would S#&$ on Soulframe just the same if it was named World of Soul and was showcased during Blizzcon. And it would have nothing to have with Soulframe World of Soul's intrinsic qualities.
  16. Heh it's 1999 also, so please remove some pixels and let us play in glorious 240p so we have the full experience
  17. Even at the time, the rework sucked. Having random enemies between rifted by his 3 (I think) has always been a major annoyance, even more depending on Limbo's energy color. I don't know if we'll have a Limbo Rework v3 (or is it 4 ? I'd count "Statis also stops friendly bullets" for a failed iteration, but an iteration still), but I'd agree it needs tweaks for group play. The 3 points raised by @Stormandreas are good, and I'd even push even more to make Operators deal even more damage while in Cataclysm. Operators are already a great wildcard in most content as they deal great damage nowadays, pushing that further with Limbo to have great efficiency in SP content would be lit. But what it definitely needs is a way for his Rift to not be as annoying as it is today.
  18. There are many factors. - Time, plenty of people don't have time to do runs longer than 20 minutes - Rank 10, people will just leave when they reach it as there is no other reward (Rank 10+ are just way too long, and it's just faster to do Duviri Experience to get Arcanes anyway) - Fear of failing & losing everything (defenses) - Snowball effect, one player leaving usually means everyone is leaving, even if there is one dude going over 90% damage & kills with meta setup. Most people just don't know you can identify the host between rounds, so they just leave in fear of Host Migration
  19. Yes of course I'm not denying your last point. But the generic elemental decrees are pretty easy to get, it's pretty rare to reach round 2 without having at least one after the 4 first Decree choices (+3 resets). It's nearly impossible to not have a viable decree before even starting with the 3 intrinsics rerolls, so usually it's good to pick the best one and focus on that. If you get the decree adding an extra corrosive hit for each bullet, just go all-in in your Primary/Secondary weapon. If you fall on the toxin/fire melee one, go melee. If you get the frost per critical hit, all good, you can use whatever you want and the next decrees will define the strategy. In fact, I find the Circuit more fun when you have 3x garbage weapons, which makes you think a bit more about the Decrees choices.
  20. That issue was significantly reduced by the new decrees that added many elemental status & damage, even element-less builds are viable now
  21. I've always hated Bullet Sponges enemies or 99%-of-time-invulnerable-bosses, but Archons are really not that bad. They probably have a bit too much HP in squads, that's particularly noticeable if no-one in the squads has brought specific Archon weapons, but otherwise they're mechanically okay-ish (still miles ahead Ambulas, Vay Hek or prime Wolf). You should be aware about their mechanics from the New War quest, even if the third Archon you faced was probably roflstomped by your Warframes. But even then, Hunhow explained quite in details the specificities of each fight. I've never read the wiki and the stuff that happens makes sense / is pretty easily understandable.
  22. I'm regularly reaching the round 12 or so (and then leaving when everyone else leaves to avoid Host Migrations troubles) with trashy weapons such as DE-built Fang or Anku, and they're destroying enemies like nothing if you stack melee decrees. I've even done so with the dual Lex once. You just need to focus one type of decrees and you'll be just fine. Decrees are crazy, the build doesn't matter, to the point that yesterday I took a nearly unmodded weapon as I didn't pay attention (Ambassador with like 3 mods), and a few decrees made it back to being a great weapon. We left at Round 8 or so but it didn't reach its limit yet, could have been great for longer. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you didn't do a lot of Circuits, as you say the weapons efficiency "drop". It's the contrary in Circuit, it's only during the first few rounds that you're struggling with DE-Built weapons as they lack elements. Once you get the elements through decrees and the stacking damage bonuses, it's no longer an issue.
  23. This is factually wrong. It seems you just don't know how to adapt to such situations in circuit. I'm betting you're picking decrees randomly. Everytime I have a S#&$ty set of weapons, I pick the least S#&$ty melee weapon, and it starts wrecking absolutely everything by round 3-4. And I'm not sure to even understand how someone can have to rely on a DE-built warframe. Reactors are dirt cheap, it's absolutely impossible that in the 5 slots you don't have one warframe that you didn't bother mod yourself, in which case you'll have a build that's more than enough to destroy the SP Circuit anyway, unless you yourself don't know how to build either (but seeing as you talk, you're better than everyone else, so you should have meta builds everywhere).
  24. The standard build provided in Circuit are bad for a reason. If they were good, you'd have no reason to even build them properly. I also don't know where you've found that "every run [are] instant failure". First, unless you only happen to have a couple of weapons with a proper build, there WILL be stuff you own available as choice. Secondly, as said by @(PSN)GEN-Son_17, decrees are what transform weapons into killing machines. If you happen to have a terrible frame, and 3x terrible weapons (happening once every blue moons), focus your decrees in one category (usually Melee is the most versatile except against Jackal) and you'll have absolutely 0 problem going up to wave 8-10. And if you run matchmaking... It's nearly impossible that all 4 players have a S#&$ty layout, so one will be able to carry up to round 20 if you need to. I've had terrible picks lots of time. There is always something you can do that'll make you go effortlessly for a good amount of rounds. I've never encountered "instant fail runs".
  25. No you just have the number of bosses of each faction killed. But Infested will be Phorid, Lephantis, and I don't know how the Prelate & Corrupted Alad count
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