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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. They could, but they are resorting to their mechanic to let the a full weekend of silence make the players bored and go to another topic. People will praise them at the next hotfix as they already did yesterday
  2. Seemingly because 4 persons didn't were able to use their new shinny Rage/Adrenaline with Inaros or the new augment for Chroma due to having Dante's casting OG into them. Funnily enough, they could nerf OG given by Dante to 1%, and still being disruptive for those 4 persons, since the problem is the interaction, not the actual OG quantity. There are at least 4 persons that cannot manage energy economy without Rage/Adrenaline, so nerfing Dante was completely necessary. Because there is no other warframe that avoid them using those mods... like Revenant, Frost or Styanax. Seemingly those 4 persons are the completely totality of Warframe Community. The rest are just for filling the gap and we can be happily ignored.
  3. Because we don't want nor need midpoints for a nerf that shouldn't happened in first place (at least so soon, before all the dust settles and we are able to see Dante's real dominance). So 0% compromises, 100% rollback with those nerfs.
  4. Oh! Then next week when you address OG interaction with Rage, you will revert ALL the nerfs to Dante since they will be completely unnecesary, right?
  5. This misterious uberchad was capable to max our overshields for the team while maintaining +52k overguard at all times for the team, regenerating all the team energy at +14/s and removing all the armor from heavy enemies... We MUST NERF that warframe as soon as possible! :O Oh w8... its me with a bad build! D:
  6. People should learn that THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Its NOT about Dante giving OG, but about OG itself!!! They need to find a way to make it work with those few frames that benefit from not having OG. This would be another disgusting nerf and would remove the support from a "support" frame. Do you remember that he is support?
  7. Dont give them any thanks, they dont deserve. They are just saving face while ignoring the community at the same time that they are showing how little they would need to make those fixes if they truly cared.
  8. Maybe it didn't reach the feedback, but we don't care about your "balance", we want a full rollback on Dante's changes and that you tackle a way to be able to use Rage with OG
  9. 3 ESO rounds (5m 1s), 1161 kills. Completely dominating with afk gameplay. Please, NERF. My reccomendation would be to add LoS, halve damage and having to press 3 buttons using 100 energy.
  10. He can kill several rooms at once without LoS. He clearly NEEDS a nerf. Just like Revenant and his team immortality.
  11. Outrageous.... Revert ALL nerfs on Dante OR Refund our inversions on Dante!
  12. Add a second line into the mod description for Rage & Hunter Adrenaline: "Disables Overguard" Then you can un-nerf Dante and we will all pretend that this never happened. Ah, and btw, my 2 Melee Arcane Adapters from the Deep Archmedian were very appreciated. Ty for adding such good rewards there. /s
  13. This happens to me when they see a Saryn. People start to play with randoms and leaves if the playstyle doesn't match with what they want, i suppose. I sometimes do that whenever i pick Titania and a Volt casting his 2 like no tomorrow appears. That doesn't mean that i hate the frame, just that the buff is too annoying to deal with when im using Titania.
  14. Look again. Funny thing is, nearly all those threads asking for nerf are from people that didn't play Dante or used him in high level content. I'm really surprised about the arguments to nerf Dante when other WAY worse examples are still in-game.
  15. Lol, meanwhile this is a viable build for SP that turns all your team into immortal beings with literal zero effort and investing zero resources (not even potato): Why the people says that Dante makes SP easy, yet they don't open thousands of posts asking for a Mesmer nerf? Its a mistery...
  16. He is the new boi, so its normal that there is a lot of people using him (and even then, there are more Revenants than Dantes...). Let the FOTM end, and see what happens then.
  17. So, you saw another person playing Dante, and without knowing his build or skills you are already calling for a nerf. That's the "experience" that DE will use to "fine tuning" Dante, i suppose.
  18. They should first nerf Revenant and his team's damage immunity. It's very disruptive and removes any challenge from the game with zero effort. Making a full team completely immortal is what i call making the game "too easy". At least Dante requires more than a single mod to be able to do it consistently. Revenant is also the cause of that new annoying trend of "disable" / "dispel" abilities bosses thats filling the game rn. If that's not proof that his kit is disruptive and overpowered, I don't know what is. Heck, Dante is the new flavor of the month, and even then i still see more Revenants in-game than Dantes.
  19. They should first nerf Revenant and his team's damage immunity. It's very disruptive and removes any challenge from the game with zero effort. Revenant is also the cause of that new annoying trend of "disable" / "dispell" abilities bosses thats filling the game rn. If that's not proof that his kit is disruptive and overpowered, I don't know what is. Heck, Dante is the new flavor of the month, and even then i still see more Revenants in-game than Dantes.
  20. Don't worry, it happens with sentinels too xD
  21. I'm talking about weapon mod slots here. You are comparing a weapon with a Faction mod vs a weapon without any other mod. As soon as you add Primed Serration into the second weapon, Roar should be better than a 30% Eclipse even in Solo play.
  22. There is a flaw into your maths. If somebody is NOT using a Faction mod. Is using ANOTHER one. You cannot compare a weapon with 1000 dmg + Faction mod, and a weapon with 1000 dmg + empty mod. The second weapon will have MORE than 1000 dmg. So again, Roar will have better numbers even in a Solo team.
  23. "Shield Charger" doesn't leave the shields excess as overshields now. Its bugged.
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