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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. I can see it now. We will take the role of Ving Rhames in Pulp Fiction if you know what I mean *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*. 🍌+🍩
  2. Well obviously yes. I dont really get why you posted it, or which part of it made you think it gave some support to the idea that MHF is a MMO when all it does is regurgitate "MHF is an MMO" with no reasoning regarding what makes it an MMO. All it says is "large playerbase of a Traditional MMO". So I guess that means Battlefield, CoD, PuBG, Valheim and so on and so on are also "Traditional MMOs" because they have a "large playerbase". Battlefield is clearly one since it doesnt only have a large playerbase, it has 64vs64 player battles these days! Such MMO, much wow! Oh and dont forget the MMO Baldur's Gate 3!
  3. Amalgam still functions the same for me. It takes gathers dust just the same in my mod station. 😛
  4. Still no technichal or mechanical things in any of that either which supports it being an MMO. Also nice text formating.
  5. No technical or game mechanical descriptions in any of that which supports that it is an actual MMO, it just claims it is an MMO, nothing else. When looking at the actual game, it has nothing that supports that it is an MMO. Since it lacks all the things that makes an MMO an MMO, more accurately what makes a game an MMORPG.
  6. There isnt a single thing that support the idea with a google search. So kinda hard to find those "multiple breakdowns" you claimed there were. No, I say MHF and then use MH for further acronym use since it is a pretty clear cut context which MH is refered to after the first MHF specification. Or what do you think MHF refered to?
  7. Merry Jul! May the tomtes hiding in the nooks, under the floor boards or in the attic of your house/apartment be kind to you, and may you be kind to them in return!
  8. Yes since the stats of new mods etc are already revealed in patch notes and you can get them by linking aswell in the game chat. So not having it show in codex seems like an archaic remnant from a game that was years and years ago.
  9. As to false advertising, yes it could (should) be classed as that. But it would also require that the game played vastly different if the advertisment was true. There are several things that could be done to live up to the label without changing how the game plays in a case like MHF. As in having the world open with player to player interaction but monster hunts phased to limit it to 4 players. But since the main attraction to MH comes from the hunt content, how the multiplayer is set up likely matters to few players, and even fewer likely understands what an actual MMO is, so assume they play one since the devs say so. There arent multiple breakdowns that supports that they are MMOs. There are 3 that clearly shows they arent. They dont have the server structure. Due to that they do not allow sporadic unplanned player to player interaction in the world. It also leads to the world not being persistant. The games fail at achieving even the very first core pillar, which is the most important. Since that means it fails to achieve the "massively" part that sets an MMO apart from an MO. Requiring pre-grouping and having limits such as 4 players does not add up to massively. Limiting a server to 24 players does not equal massively either. These games are not massively multiplayer, they are multiplayer. The only exceptions to point 2 and 3 are games where it simply wouldnt make sense due to the sub genre, such as in racing, sport or fighter MMOs. But in the case of Monster Hunter (and the other games), which would belong to the RPG sub-genre, there is no exception for those 2 points since they are improtant for the MMORPG experience. Not when it also fails the main point that enables the idea of MMO in the first place. It's like thinking that WF would become an MMO by adding dedicated servers. It wouldnt, since everything would still be instanced and require us to actively group with other players if we wanna interact with them. That doesnt result in a living or persistant world or the experience of one. But please do share the "multiple breakdowns". Kinda odd you claim there are multiple breakdowns but you dont include a single one.
  10. That is very likely not what he is refering to since that is just common balance. The amalgam mod is for instance still there, it just works differently, Xaku and Grendel are also still there. What he refers to is likely regarding playable content, which some games tend to remove, like PoE and Destiny, though in PoEs case, leagues well recieved can become permanent parts of the game later down the line. But in WFs case the only thing that gets removed regularly would be events. But they can or will come back, depending on which event it is. Scarlet Spear however will likely never come back by the sound of it, but something like Plague Star has returned several times and will keep returning most likely. Then there are a few other things that have gotten permanently removed as mentioned. But yeah as said, it is mostly on a cosmetic level, since the content itself is still there in the same old modes that occupied the old tile version. The biggest changes brought by the cosmetic revamps have been the defense/interception node on Io Jupiter and the defense/interception on corpus ship tiles. We've also gotten some things added permanently as part of the game that were previously very rarely occuring events, like the Acolytes in Steel Path that were formerly only appearing in an event that came back once in 10 blue moons or something.
  11. That doesnt mean it is one. That just means it tries to ride a label hype like many other games. Like Inquisitor Martyr claiming to be an open world and sandbox arpg. Then you have those that are straight and dont try to ride labels. Like GGG with Path of Exile that refuse to label it as or have it labeled an MMO. Or as the game mentioned Secret World Legends, a rework of The Secret World (an actual MMO). But due to the changes made that limited interaction between players in the game world, they just couldnt justify calling it an MMO anymore, so shifted it to shared world, which was more appropritate. MHF came during a time when MMOs were the hype, so obviously tried to ride that hype train. But quite clearly the developers or publishers of the game didnt quite understand what makes an MMO an MMO, so slapped the label MMO on a generic co-op setup just because it happened to also have a hub. It is practically Hellgate, also released around the same time during the MMO hype. Brevik however never claimed Hellgate was an MMO, he instead took what he learned from the public multiplyer implementations in Hellgate, combined it with Diablo 1/2 and gave us an actual MMO in Marvel Heroes in 2013. So again, go and read up on what is actually required from something to be classed as an MMO. You really shouldnt expect devs and publishers to be honest and correct when sales can increase with hype gained through falsely labeling something as something that it is not. Especially not when a game is released during a new genre or sub-genre hype.
  12. So far it hasnt really mattered for me. I went Rev to start with since the cards gave me a dragon key vibe, but it turns out all of them are more or less trivial with a slightly on par build. And I play solo, so carry them all on a single frame. Week 1 was done with Rev and uhm Citrine. Week 2 was done with Lavos, Hydroid, Dagath and Frost. And now week 3 I used Kullervo and Saryn. Not sure if I'll try more next week, might give Garuda a spin or just go S&M with Khora, or Tyson with Atlas. Kullervo has been the nices due to how he wrecks Voidrig with Wrathful Advance and is practically immune to all statuses and passive damage effects that come from the cards thanks to having OG so easily accessible. And he has a buttload of health and armor aswell. But all of the others have worked really well too. The only thing I noticed I have to keep track of is the energy drain per enemy near by card. Like uhm, dont stand above or below a group of enemies and kill. Tactical mastermind right here! Whoop! Whoop!
  13. No it really isnt or wasnt. It was practically like Path of Exile, an MO with dedicated servers, but it is not an MMO since it still requires pre-planned grouping to play with others outside of the hubs. It isnt even a "shared world" MO similar to Secret World Legends, where the world zones are split into a multitude of instances that a limited number of players share for a MMO illusion, not having to pre-plan groups or use a matchmaker to run into other players. Kinda like Fallout 76 which is a shared world MO and not an MMO, since it relies on the same type of limits per server/map. Aside from that there is also the lack of a persistant world. Which means that when a server is no longer needed it shuts down with little personal value or bond with the players. So next time you log in you might play on server 12 instead of server 3 from yesterday, but all your stuff is still there, and all the players you might have ran into that they are players you might never see again since they might also end up on completely different servers. Meaning the whole living and persistant world tied to MMOs kinda isnt there at all, since you are practically playing an instance based game at that point. So maybe take your own advice and use google to check up the meaning of MMO and the foundations that makes an MMO an MMO.
  14. Whispers Echoing in the Walls Walls Echoing Whispers Echoing Walls Whispering Walls Whispering Echoes Echoes in the Walls Echoing Whispers Whispering Echoes Echoes in the Whispering Walls Whispers in the Echoing Walls Sound Proofing the Walls
  15. But your point is simply a mass of confusion. Why you even say "mmo/rpg" is an indication of this since the acronyms are neither mutually exclusive nor interchangable. None of the MH games are MMOs, they are all peer-to-peer games. They are however all rpgs. So it is all an illusion of MMO by having these silly public hubs. Being able to play solo does not detract from something being an MMO or not, most MMOs can be played solo, some in 100% of the content. What makes a game an MMO or not isnt about the gameplay systems, it's based on the server structure, which is non-exsistant for player to player interactions outside of hubs in WF and MH. Which leads to there being no possibility for sporadic player to player interaction to occur in the world. So illusion is what it is, since these games are factually not MMOs, because they lack these two pieces that are the main foundation of MMOs. This would also apply to Destiny.
  16. You quite obviously did. There is no way you didnt when you brought up Monster Hunter in connection to MMOs and it not being an illusion. Monster Hunter itself is an illusion of an MMO since it isnt an MMO but it has hubs with people.
  17. What I wanna know ever since PoE released is, why are the hubs public, why have they continued with that pointless setup?
  18. Gotta ask. Where do you get the number +90% from when you mention Avanger and Ceramic Dagger in connection to Mesa Regulators? It would be +45% from Avenger and that is it, letting you reach 198% crit chance total, not 243%. If for some reason Ceramic Dagger added anything like it does for pseudo-exalted melee, it would be a 30% increase to your base crit chance before mods or anything else is added. I've looked and looked and looked to see if I could get any idea what you are refering to, but the only additive or well absolute crit chance add ons Mesa can get any benefit from for her ult are Avenger and Adarza crit.
  19. I still need to start testing the actual tennokai system. When I tried it out at first it just felt like the window for the free heavy attack was too short, since things died and you didnt really have time to move on to the next group. Though I guess when getting back to running SP endless the density will be much better. However the arcanes, the new initial combo aura and the tennokai mods have gotten me back to playing Kullervo with a Ceramic Dagger and it is bonkers. Melee Exposure is just so simple to max and maintain with him at low ranks, and with the free heavy attack charge up and efficiency from his passive along with the perks of ceramic dagger and my modding, I constantly sit at x10 combo. And even though I dont use tennokai on Kullervo, the Tennokai mod I use still improves his critical damage further, since it is simply + critical damage to heavy attacks and not specifically tennokai attacks. I could probably create a similar build for others with the new radiation+efficiency mod plus the old electric+efficiency mod, I'd just have to sacrifice a wee bit of damage by replacing PFS. Which would end up as a radiation+corrosive build due to my riven having toxin damage on it. It should be enough to let me maintain the 10x combo fairly well with 80% efficiency.
  20. Not really what he is saying. He is asking for content so he can play WF continuously as the video game for his occasional entertainment. He isnt implying or talking about playing games 24/7. Not that he really has anything to complain about since the game is filled with what he is asking for already. That he doesnt like those specific activities and expect WF to add content that doesnt really fit the scope of the game is a different story.
  21. It seems to be the theme for DE since Veilbreaker, not doing the wisest things.
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