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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Looking at what the stats will potentially do there really wont be an issue fusing by using what we have and with the addition of new methods to gain shards. These stats are mostly of the type that you dont want to stack. Just looking at the green we saw a single Tau forged will suffice if you are interested in getting old Corrosive back to play with. If your frame doesnt need shard slots for anything else really you can also just make use of 2 normal greens. Sure healing from toxin through green shards can be stacked, but I dont think there is really any point to it considering our access to AoE and insane stacking potential on toxin. So if you want to use that healing you likely already have things that can stack toxin and cover multiple enemies at a time, meaning even just a single normal shard will very likely be more than enough to sustain you. The damage we saw for toxin looks utterly pointless except in maybe a few specific frame cases and even in those cases there are likely better options to improve your damage output in the build. So if the other shards follow a similar pattern for other damage types I dont expect a wide use of the new shards. What I wouldnt mind is the healing on X stat available to heat and electric aswell. I also wouldnt mind increased heat and electric damage shards, and maybe allow further stacking on puncture and cold for higher crit chance/damage. Or something added to blast or radiation to make them better candidates as elements. Which reminds me, Qorvex passive might be a dealbreaker for me when it comes to playing him. I really hate having that status forced.
  2. Would help if we knew what equipment you use in your loadout. There are plenty of frames that completely trivialize them either through defense stripping or scaling damage. Easiest is mostly Unairu along with Garuda. That gives you armor strip and guaranteed slash procs on everything while also briefly stunning the target. Slap on Gloom to trivialize it further since you have access to infinite energy. Then a heavy hitting weapon. I used to use Laetum, then Duviri released and we got access to Incarnon for Furis, Burston, Dual Toxocyst and Torid, all making extremely quick work of any demo. Or you can always 1HK them with a contagion from a well modded zaw. You can always test your builds in Steel Path Lua Disruption, if your build can handle that you shouldnt have any issues with Archon Disruption.
  3. The image just shows how Trinity accidentally walked in on the promo photoshoot of the trinity. Camera guy: "Uhm what are you doing and who are you!?" Trinity: "I'm Trinity, I heard there was a promo shoot involving me" Camera guy: "LOL! Good one! No really, who are you? Cos I'm in the middle of doing a promo shoot here with the trinity and have no time for your interuption." Trinity: <screams like Valkyr> "#*!%... you... all!" <storms out> Camera guy: "So uhm really, who was that?" Excalibur, Mag, Volt: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  4. That is such an odd statement. Not only odd, but it sounds like you've barely touched any Veilbreaker content. 1. Only 1 side objective requires you to stay undetected. Which for that matter is not an objective every single week that the "stealth" mission comes around. So if that isnt part of the week, why not experiment to try to make future runs faster? Like wow, the worst that can happen is you fail a single run, and the best outcome is knowing how to shave off minutes upon minutes in the future. 2. Deacons exsist on Earth aswell, which never rolls the stealth objective. So, might aswell experiment to find ways to make runs more efficient and save you time. 3. You've likely been spotted at some point by a Deacon, so you might aswell try what you have at that point or keep running quite nearly literally for eternity. Likely ending with you dying in a corner and losing the objective that rolls every single week i.e not dying/not getting captured. Again, may aswell experiment at that point since it can both save the current run and objectives at hand, and save you time in the future where you'd otherwise stand around and twiddle your thumbs as they move around before you can procceed.
  5. Since I love to test things out this is one of those things I've known since the first time I saw a Deacon. How someone can even restrain themselves from throwing random stuff at enemies is beyond me! Dont you wanna try and see what can transform something from solid state to red mist or meaty bits every chance you get? Sure, that exact thing wasnt achieved by throwing the Veilbreaker at a Deacon, but I atleast learned something in the process, although it was slightly disappoiting compared to something going *poof* or *kasquish*.
  6. I'll support a /killme or /suicide command if the frame/operator pulls out a gun, points it at the side of its forehead or sticking it into its mouth/under the chin (kneeling over a rifle/shotty would also work) and pulling the trigger. I'd also accept if the operator transfers out behind the frame as it kneels and delivers a neckshot to it, or maybe slits its throat. And before someone says that would be inappropriate I'd just like to point out that you are playing a game where you are breaking practically all § of the Geneva convention already, and the laws of several countries regarding what you are allowed to do or not regarding corpses. Also dont forget those times you take a small trip down cannibal lane, either to sustain yourself or simply to use living beings as high explosive ammunition.
  7. Expecting RJ 2.0 from a core WF addition makes me hard. Like, did you completely miss why RJ turned out the way it did when it released? It was a beta/alpha of a completely new system, a system in a galaxy far far away in comparison to core WF. Which they also told us prior to the release of it. I cant recall seeing any heads up info regarding WitW that it would release in a barebones state of beta quality and that we should expect bugs. I expect AoZ from this, since it is practically that, an addition to old systems with some new game modes. So not that many bugs unless they've for some reason gone done #*!%ed it up outside of normal. It isnt even Duviri sized, or coming with new systems like Duviri did. So far more limited regarding what can bug out. Kinda odd expecting that at TGA when practically no other game/developer got that space. What you describe is practically what we got in the last devstream aswell. And I sure as hell dont want 1999 spoiled, I've seen enough of it and want to see if there is more to it in WitW when I actually play it myself.
  8. Yeah that is a downside. Duviri was a massive exception for me in that regard since it actually kept me occupied for about uhm 3 months without boring me while also still being rewarding. It just had so many things worth farming overall. I kinda hope WitW will have atleast a month of replay value and things to farm, and it shouldnt be completely impossible considering they're adding TennoKai mods, melee arcanes and the new shard related items, plus a new frame with a weapon. And I cant recall if there were some other mods aswell they talked about, or that is me mixing it up with TennoKai mods. Then with all that there is also the reason to test melee again with new builds thanks to those mods and arcanes.
  9. I dont think he has known the events were going to happen, just that the events have been analyzed in order to try and find whatever it is Albrecht actually needs from the tenno. We know the Entrati were big on void tech, created mechs and also helped with frames. So it is possible Albrecht has known the secret about the actual tenno, hence why he has been able to create a system to recognize that power. Deimos is afterall the very center of the void in the origin system due to the heart. The system itself doesnt seem to know the secrets of the tenno, since it doesnt mention it early on in the logs, but later on adds more and more info regarding the connections between the tenno and the void, and that it is what they look for in the chosen. And how he could keep the labs a secret could be as simple as security clearence really. Maybe it was a red door and the rest of the family only have blue and yellow cards? Ba-Doom-cha! It will establish that we are indeed demons. 1999 turns into Six, Six, Six, One or Six, Six, Six, I if turned the right ways.
  10. The chosen is the tenno protagonist of the story, the one that experiences the specific story of the game. Well yes and no. Eternalism allows for infinite outcomes, but in the end only a single outcome is experienced and observed, so there is only a sinlge chosen in reality. No matter if all other tenno experince the handshake in an outcome it doesnt change outside of that observation. So if there are say 10000 tenno only 1 has the perspective of the protagonist in reality. Each tenno would only be a special unique individual if all outcomes could be experienced and observed at once, which they cant. Eternalism doesnt imply that different timelines and realities exsist, it all goes on at once in a single reality and what we assume is reality is just the part we observe and experience. So in the game, we have the chosen/protagonist and then the rest of the tenno. That we run into a bunch of other tenno that have done the same quests as us is simply online RPG mechanics, while none of us or one of us in the group might actually be the one. Just as only a single character really experiences the story of Diablo or WoW, you dont have several thousands of adventurers that go and find Mankrik's wife, no that is a single adventurer that does it, just as a single Nephalem goes and finds Tyreal and then goes on to beat up Diablo etc.
  11. I dont see why. What group balance does the revive system bring? Does it somehow result in enemies scaling based on group size?
  12. Also Amber this week along with Junk Run. No missed Garrison Missions, one shard purchased every week since reaching rank requirements.
  13. Since the game is set up and balanced for 1 player I have to give this a big no. This wouldnt be like RJ which instead is balanced around 4 players at all times, so giving crew to solo players was a logical choice (although horribly implemented on so many levels). And no I dont count SP endless mob density as designed for 4 players, it is more that regular endless is severely gimped. The game is just too easy to give us even more passive damage output or crazy stat increases, since that is practically what would happen with 3x pets. Lets see. Pet 1. +1.2x crit damage, +60% fire rate, free viral spread. Pet 2. 30m Disarm, 30m application of 4 statuses as baseline, more added through buffs and bonds. Practically zero cd. Pet 3. Depending on what we want/need. Charm, Enemy Vortex, Projectile Shield Dome, constant additive crit buff or whatever else you might like.
  14. Not everything Duviri related is fiction, it is just manifested/embodied through the emotions of the Drifter along with a few real outside appearances. Mostly the characters would be fiction, just like those in any other fictive book, but the animals are likely real in their concept. So a kaithe is probably just an Orokin horse, just as they have bio-technological fish, wyrms, soldiers and even other animals elsewhere. We also know from other NPCs that Duviri (not the one we play the Drifter on) is/was a real place in the Orokin empire. So the wildlife and farm animals along with the kaithe might originate from there, just as the base for the characters in the book might come from inspiration taken from the real Duviri.
  15. That will only affect story missions, so your concern regarding weapons, archon hunts etc. will not be a reality. All those things will still require MR, just as unlocking Rivens/sorties will still require MR according to what they said. Tied to point #1. So no that wont be a problem since they'll still need MR to unlock everything we currently need MR to unlock outside of the story quests. The change results in a few days for a player interested in hitting the latest content. Not something that will make or break their knowledge or gear progression in the game. How is it poorly designed for Veterans when we have full access to our OPerator? And what you describe with some frames having it harder than others, well that applies to practically all modes throughout the game, where some frames have it better than others when it comes to completing the objective efficiently. While I partly agree with the statement on weapons in Circuit we still have the operator and frame to fall back on if a bad pull is made. Which also tackles the whole idea regarding forcing you to forma everything. Regarding AoE I think for the headshot multiplier a direct headshot with the projectile should result in a headshot multiplier for the AoE on the target you hit directly in the face with the projectile, but it shouldnt apply to enemies hit by the blast otherwise. When it comes to the ammo changes I felt absolutely no different between pre- and post- "nerf". Only if I tried to blast everything with a low ammo gun like Zarr did it matter, but then again AoE is intended to be used versus groups, so not versus a lone lancer, charger or crewman. I think we have way too few and way too niche arcanes that are fueled by something other than killing, atleast on our weapons. The ones we do have are wonderful though when we can actually use them. Heat arcane on pistols is great since it works versus everything, no matter if adds are there or not. Same deal with the cold and toxin arcanes for primaries. The downside is you need quite specific frames to make use of those for the primary. I wanna see more of them, preferably 1 for each uncombined elemental damage type. I dont regret not using Merciless on my Saryn, Citrine and Hydroid. I'm totally with you regarding new items and how easy they are to obtain due to the pity systems. While I dont mind it at times, I do at others. Dagath was kind of one of those were I didnt mind it, since Dagath and the weapon were the only reasons to run the game mode. Now if there was something more to farm in that game mode I wouldnt mind if Dagath was fast to farm, since then I could get her and later on use her as I farmed everything else. So if Qorvex for instance will be a quick farm I wont mind it one bit, since plenty of other things (arcanes, more shards, mods etc.) to farm comes with that update. So a quick Qorvex farm will let me use him in the new modes as I farm the other stuff that the update brings. That for me would be the optimal setup. With Dagath it was about getting Dagath from the new extermination type and then go back to whatever mode I run otherwise since there was nothing more to get from the new mode. I think DE needs to release smaller updates instead of the recent grand plans of gameplay changing content additions. We have plenty enough of systems already that they can flesh out and add content for. Instead of K-drive and Kaithe I would have rather seen Archwing getting improved and modernized for instance. I hope they build onto the RJ mode, add more lich types, revamp Archwing missions while improving the AW, Necramech missions, operator missions, frame missions, another Orb to fight, new isles and bounties on duviri, more tiles and new rewards in circuit etc. A couple of different content updates throughout a year that adds something to one of those modes, along with maybe revisiting old game modes by making use of them again on new nodes on exsisting planets with new rewards for those specifically.
  16. How recently? If you did it prior to the latest Devstream you will be fine since everything tennogen prior to that day will transfer over if you merge or be usable on PC if you link.
  17. First of OP. I read your first sentence in a Sarah Conner "bones in your body" voice from T2. Second of, yes, we really need better inventory management overall. For relics I wouldnt mind a "personal vault" thing where we can place relics we have no interest in, like a relic stash seperate from the relic inventory. Or a way to hide relics in my inventory, so they and up below everything not hidden within the inventory. Your "favorite" or sorting option would work to solve that. Would love a marking option aswell that the game remembers. So all basic blueprints from Harrow or Ash to Boar or Rhino could be tagged with a "trash" tag once, and after that you could just hit the "sell trash" button and all those items would be added to the sell window automatically, followed by hitting the sell button to confirm it. Color coordination would also be neat if it can fullfil the same purpose. Green, Blue, Purple and Orange categories, that we can then use to sell items quickly. I'd also like a lock feature we can add to things we dont wanna accidentally sell (though it is already hard to accidentally sell something in WF). Yes to that aswell. This makes me think of those people that feel handing over Aya for ducats is a rip off at Varzia, as if they'll ever get around to actually opening those relics in the first place since they likely have thousands upon thousands of other relics they'll never get around to open either. Heck if I could turn any relic into Varzia for ducats I'd turn in plenty.
  18. One thing that crossed my mind is. Grind Shack phrases it with "during the #thegameawards" and Rebb answers "we're not.", so maybe they'll release it right after TGA since it would at that point not be during. Though I'm actually hoping on the 8th, with DE working over the weekend incase things need hotfixing.
  19. Not to be blunt but they ask for it to be removed for the same reason you imply it shouldnt rot. Neither they nor you understand that either would be a waste of resources in the end. For those that want to see improvements. The playerbase is too small (too small isnt descriptive enough even) to spend resources on and the resources needed to allow the playerbase to grow would simply be too big. Just look in the other thread where a person claims there are plenty of dedicated servers and presenting a list of 50(!), in a game with hundreds and hundreds of thousands to potentially millions of active players passing through it each single day. To even give a chance for a PvP mode to take off we'd need thousands of servers, or atleast servers to allow for thousands of matches to be played on dedicated servers at any point of the day. Right now, the 50 "dedicated" servers provide space for a whooping 400 players out of 100k+ at any point in time during a 24h period. There isnt even a chance for the mode to be played more or less, unless you settle with peer-to-peer S#&amp;&#036;e. For those that want to see it removed. Utterly pointless, since it doesnt affect any of us negatively by simply being there for those that might want to use it as it is. No reason to remove anything from them. It would just cost resources to do so since they'd have to work on removing the code to save space. Which likely would result in little space saved since most of the PvP is used elsewhere in the game when it comes to tiles and mods and so on. So the work to remove it wouldnt really justify the end result compared to just keeping it there to be used. So in the end, it should simply be left there to decay, rot or whatever you wanna call it, since atleast then you can play it if you like. For me it wouldnt matter how much they alter the PvP if in the end I'm not guaranteed to play on a regional dedicated stable server. There is a reason I'm a Battlefield player and not a CoD pleb. Though BF has degraded over the years when it comes to proper server options for players, which is why I've avoided the newer installements since I played Battlefront where they removed the server list and introduced a "hot seat" matchmaker instead. Resulting in horrible servers at times.
  20. Well that sucks. Better hope the update is well polished then since they'll only have around a week to fix potential bugs, less regarding the operation. Around 10 days (depending when it is released) if they work the weekend of the 16th and 17th.
  21. Aye, but also consider that unlike practically any other game, WF increased in active numbers over roughly 5 years, constantly increasing the avarage/concurrent player number together with the total. The norm for games is to see a huge active number at release and then drop to the expected avarage number after the first 6 months to a year. And after that just really see increases in the total (not active total). That is practically where WF is at now, no big increases in concurrent numbers, but steadily increasing in the total as time goes by. While the consistant playerbase that sticks to the game is roughly the same, while you also see the regular GaaS type players around releases coming back to play the latest content, grind it out and then leave until the next arrives.
  22. That is all dependant on the individual developer and not a rule, the only requirement is that the update has passed the cert process. So it being cross release now doesnt matter when it comes to a potential release at TGA or not. Since if they are ready to announce a release date, the cert has been approved, so the release date can at that point be the 7th. Which is more likely than the 8th or the 11th due to their weekday positions, which is either friday ouchies for patches or snoozie mondays. So 7th, 12th, 13th or 14th are potential candidates, 7th or the 12th most likely due to the space given for patching, both initial and longer term, while also giving more space for the operation to release and potentially get enough fixes if needed before the off time for the holidays. If they wait until the 18th or the 19th its gonna be iffy with an operation going live a few days after release. 7th (or 8th in a worst case situation) would likely be the optimal, since it gives people the weekend to finish the mandatory quest to be ready for the operation release, which can then go live sometime during the following week. If it released on the 12th-14th, chances are the operation wont go live until the 18th or 19th, since they want to give people a chance to finish the quest and be ready to dive into the operation when it arrives. If it wasnt a december release it wouldnt really matter when, but with a holiday looming in the distance things need to get out there, get fixed as much as possible so we arent left with bugs for the rest of the year and into january.
  23. It happens at all times when you enter arsenal after having been to a mission with tenacious bond active. The game recognizes you had the extra 1.2x crit multiplier, but it doesnt count as active in the arsenal, so you instead see the modded value of your weapon. The only "exclusive" part in the screenshots is the panzer stats not being correct, but it isnt exclusive to sim, it happens in all open world hubs aswell. In the case of Tenacious Bond it doesnt matter if it shows on the weapon or not in arsenal, since it is always a flat 1.2x crit damage multiplier, so easy to add ontop of whatever modded stat the arsenal actually shows if the red lefthand side multiplier doesnt update as you change mods.
  24. And with that part it is pointless to read the rest of what you think about WF numbers. Why? Because of the following. Wolf of Saturn Six released Feb 27 in 2019. And is followed by a huge increase in player activity during March i.e the month that comes after February (the month where NW isnt released yet), and the numbers stay higher than those of Feb all through the NW i.e 3 weeks into May. And when we look at the others, like Glassmaker, it is the same pattern. And all the releases, those you claim as "controversial" follows the same player increase percentages as all other updates in the game after a "dryspell", which is in the 30%+ range, with pre-2018 having much larger increases, but at that point the game was also still growing. The increase cannot be seen with Empyrean, but anyone with a lick of sense knows why that is. Since The Old Blood released right at the switch between Oct/Nov i.e the 31st of Oct, so people never had the time to drop due to a dryspell before Empyrean was released on Dec 12. So Empyrean only looks like it attracted a small amount of players. However, Empyrean was not very popular, or hes less replay value/longevity than other updates, since january 2020 started with a steep drop in player activity. However the improvements to RJ later that year showed people were willing to come back to it. Claiming 2019 numbers were due to NW and making up it was with FOMO ties is just ridiculous when the numbers state the very opposite and the updates follow the same patterns as other releases. The numbers during 2019 simply comes from fewer releases with replay value or "endgame" impact. And those that did come with replay value and "endgame" impact, well they were released back-to-back at the end of the year.
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