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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Even fissures are as good or better solo unless you run rad share. Since the chance you end up with others with relics you actually need in a random is horribly low. The only slight benefit with randoms is 3 more chances at rarer parts for more ducats/plat. But even that is neglectable since the runs will likely be slower in return. And it isnt like we dont have an abundance of relics to crack. And Disruption is also one of those modes where you really need a pre-made for it to be faster, since you cant guarantee that random Joe needs the same rotation reward as you, at which point either you or he gets screwed regarding why they are there in the first palce. Sad part is that many arent really aware that you can use Disruption to target farm relics easily by simply letting conduits go boom. Defense is only faster in a group if you run SP defense exlusively, since it is the only defense that is always scaled for a full group. All other defense types are faster solo since the spawns are fewer, and in the case of arbitrations, solo defense becomes even better since only you can control the operative, while in a group someone else might drag it to the wrong place and get it killed. And the positioning also leads to better funneling of mobs, so speeds up the killing even further, even on S#&$e maps like Corpus Ship, Gas City and "Outer Terminus" defense tiles.
  2. Considering that Barrage and Plunder are the two skills that benefit from strength it is a no-brainer to pick up both since they both fit into a full umbra build without any trouble or loss. 3x Umbra, Viral Tempest, Rousing Plunder, Streamline, Fleeting, Primed Continuity. That gives you +177% strength to Barrage and effectively +127% strength for Plunder (since that is what the +50% from the Plunder Augment does). Which together with Unairu passives should put you at 90% mitigation from armor, since you'll get roughly 1000 natural armor and 1700 from Plunder. Sure you could likely squeeze in Blind Rage or Transient for some reason, but neither would really be worth it, since you dont really need all that strength for both skills, and you'd lose out on free viral on a skill that can kill effectively on its own in whatever area it covers, plus you'd lose one of the best heals in the game. You'd also end up with a pointlessly higher skill cost. With the strength from the umbra set the heal sits at close to 90 per enemy hit with an additional 90 per corrosive stack per target hit. That means a single enemy heals for between 90 to 990, 2 enemies 180 to 1980 and so on. Ontop of that it is an affinity range heal, so 50m area around you. Then if you throw Arcane Blessing into the mix you'll benefit even more from your healing since you have a larger pool of health to fill up, and the armor will also have more health to work together with. Also one thing people should consider before blindly slotting pilfering swarm, is your KPM high enough with Tentacles constantly out to the point where you actually benefit from the 2x loot? It only holds 20 enemies at a time, which means that far from all enemies you kill will be held by a Tentacle. Not a problem in groups where everyone kills and whatever enemies held by a tentacle is simply bonus loot, but solo it is a different situation.
  3. I'd say we are on the recieving end. It's like the twix commercial. Twins sitting at a campfire and one goes "it doesnt matter if you pick left or right, both are chewy, crunchy and delicious" followed by the camera changing over to two bears looking at the twins from behind and the female goes "it doesnt matter if you pick left or right, both are chewy, crunchy and delicious". And I'm fairly sure when a predator sees a human IRL they'll see a walking steak or a smörgåsbord like as if we were a cartoon character. And I'm fairly sure my cat many years ago fantasized about what human would taste like, since it was no stranger to suddenly attacking and trying to eat your toes, the whole foot or even the leg. Plus cannibals exsist, heck I wonder myself what human would taste like. And I'd undoubtebly taste if any healthy person would offer me a piece of them.
  4. With the addition of SP it got a bit more interesting since more squads and eximus units seem to spawn. However I think they kinda overscaled the drone health since it is practically never at a risk, not even for the bonus stage. Could also be that SP Plague Star is very low level for SP, with enemies being uhm level 103(?) throughout the run. Spawns for the drone seem tighter now aswell, I've still to run a marathon with it. If you wanna speed it up I suggest Loki, Nova or Elytron. edit: I prefer Elytron since that allows me to pick a frame that can just stand there in the last phase without relying on stealth (#*!%ing up Hemo opening the mouths very often) or a massive slow (that can linger too long and slow down the Hemo at the boil).
  5. Not needed since shields naturally reg as opposed to health and energy that need modding, arcanes, skills and so on to reg without orbs. What they should do though imo is make the augur set useful for pure health frames and those that do not use energy. Make them convert into OG for pure health frames. And for a frame like Lavos it could be based on what a skill would cost in energy, so his 4 would be treated as a 100 cost skill as baseline. For Hildryn they could simply increase how much she gains from pillage or treat the set bonus as efficiency for her.
  6. SP, no reason to run anything else since the Hemo goes poof as quick in SP as in advanced, and everything else is based on timers, so a lower difficulty wont change anything. Personally I use Revenant with Roar and enough strength modding/arcanes to reach around +100% damage from it. My companion is a Panzer with +crit damage bond and +fire rate bond, both always up since he never gets downed due to turning larva state instead. Weapon is Corrosive Boar Prime Incarnon as of today thanks to @(PSN)slightconfuzzledreminding me of it in another thread. Big thanks on that since it was a weapon I had planned to test but completely stared myself blind and missed it when I did my test runs yesterday. It performs better than Pyrana Prime. Operator is used for armor strip. Eltryon used to bounce the drone if needed. I could speed it up if I could be arsed to use Nova or Loki, but I get 10-11 min runs if the melee head doesnt go full retard and refuse to attack for prolonged periods. Also a few tips people might forget (since I did so myself). Dont use Galvanized Aptitude or the other Gundition Overload mods, they dont work on Hemo, so better off using Serration or its equals, also skip 60/60 mods if you have the capacity to do so, since again, no statuses on Hemo so might aswell go ham on pure damage. I'd also suggest using Dexterity instead of Merciless as the gun arcane due to the longer duration per stack and not needing ammo if you need to recap it during the boss fight, just slap an infested instead.
  7. That really depends on the builds and frames. So giving a dedicated slot that costs capacity would still result in the same dilemma, since people min-max and already juggle capacity along with the mod slot. In the end we cannot get more than 74(78) capacity, and with expensive mods in a min-maxed build that capacity is often used up. While you might have the majority of frames with capacity to spare I can safely say I experience the exact opposite. I'm sitting with min maxed builds that utilize partially ranked mods to match the capacity pool. If I was a player that just used maxed mods I'd be over the cap on some frames.
  8. Keeping the capacity cost would result in adding a dedicated slot for those mods rather pointless since you'd end up in the same place as now, replacing a normal mod in order to be able to squeeze out the capacity needed for the augment. I cant think of a single frame that I use now where I'd be able to switch over an augment to a dedicated slot and be able to place another regular mod, or another augment in the normal slot since I'm pretty much out of capacity or so close to it that I wont have enough for another mod. Unless I go and do something like slot Steel Charge, which at that point kinda renders the dedicated slot moot since I just gave up my beneficial aura just to squeeze out more capacity.
  9. That doesnt really change what he said. Everyone that isnt in one of the major regions will have a drastically bad ping experience since they are forced to matchmake with whichever major region they pick. Which covers places like africa, the middle east and so on with no proper matchmaking to cater to their position on the planet. Heck, even within the northern americas region(s) the "north america" matchmaker setting is faulty. Since there is one big as #*!% difference connecting between NY and Washington or Anchorage and Miami for instance.
  10. If they add a toggle so we dont have to see the silly holiday ephemeras then sure. If not, no thanks. I dislike them overall to the point where I dont use them myself, but I can live with others running around with them during the holidays since well it is the #*!%ing holidays. But like irl, holidays can end up staying past their welcome and need to get dragged out back and shot eventually.
  11. That is because they dont dare to mess with The Deep or Batman.
  12. It increases the chance that an enemy will miss you. So for someone like Titania that gets 50% evasion from Tribute and 50% from Razorwing would afaik double the innate miss chance of an enemy trying to shoot her. So if the enemy has a 15% miss chance it would be 30% in that case. Then it depends how the weapon works, since even if the shot should miss it can still hit. Not to be confused with dodge chance, which is a guaranteed roll against any attack that would otherwise land and if that roll succeeds you take no damage. That does however only apply to uhm 2 frames and uhm 1 pet(?).
  13. He doesnt need it since he can benefit from regular shields just the same as anyone else by keeping the gate up in other ways through modding. It is just that capacitance is so good that there is no reason to not run it instead of regular shield focused mods. And while Enox need the augment for a specific playstyle she doesnt need it to perform well. It is like saying you need Duality, but you only need it for one type of playstyle and the frame does fine without those playstyles. Though in the case of Enox 4 augment it would be more appropriate to just make it part of the skill in a touch up of the kit and change the augment into something else based on which form you are in. I'd rather see them make those bandaids part of the kit. Unless of course you think a dedicated bandaid slot should be fully free when it comes to capacity costs etc. If not the slot wouldnt really solve much since we only have a specific amount of capacity, which is mostly always maxed through modding in general. Regarding Fused Reservoirs. Yes it does deserve the spot of a regular mod considering what it does. It is effectively a massive cast speed buff to the frame since she casts 3 seperate skills in a single cast instead. Which does alot for her overall, since she suddenly goes from a frame mostly suited for holding points to a very mobile frame that is no longer restricted if she wants to reposition. No need to worry about having to go back to rebuff since you can just dump 3 new motes instantly wherever you are and so on.
  14. Have and need arent the same thing. None of those frames really need any of the augments, it's just that the augments for some of them are so damn strong, which really doesnt justify a dedicated augment slot. And for Garuda and Oberon I have a really hard time finding an augment that I would honestly want to equip out of a sense of need even with an augment slot dedicated for it. But I'm guess Mirror augment for invulnerability and Phoenix. Both a total waste of capacity imo since neither of the frames need them. Garuda is already tanky enough and you have so many invulnerability windows already, and for Oberon... well we already can self res with the operator for free, with no CD tied to it nor does it have any opportunity cost in any build since it is a waybound so is there no matter which school you wanna use. Most of the others just have very strong augments that should compete with regular mods. I think the only one out of the pack that might "need" augments is Trinity, but in her case it should be baseline parts in her kit and an augment slot wouldnt really help due to capacity costs anyway. Her kit needs a massive overhaul because the stats on her skills are so horrible to start with.
  15. The simple solution to Boreal and the summons is to bring the great eraser god Furis Incarnon with Winds of Purity. It melts Boreal and you dont need to aim for canisters versus the summons, plus they cant kill you since you constantly heal several times more than they can ever deal in damage to you. Or if you play someone like Revenant just add more damage to the Furis and skip WoP. Oh thank you for that gem of knowledge. I guess you cant grow too old to learn things! /Cheers ☕
  16. For enemies yes, not for players. The damage numbers versus players were intended to remain as they were prior to the changes as per the patch notes that @Tiltskilletprovided. So that not being the case means it is quite obviously a bug since it doesnt do what it is intended to do. Though it is correct it isnt listed as a known issue for players. But the same thing that results in increased damage versus objectives and in NM missions is likely also the cause of why it deals more damage than intended for players. It honestly wouldnt surprise me if the damage for barrels is calculated based on enemy levels and that same damage is applied to everything, meaning objectives wont have a chance to survive since they have flat mitigation iirc and frames just have too little health to be able to reduce damage enough when it is based on enemy health which is much higher in comparison. So a 10k HP Inaros that can maybe mitigate 80% damage and has no shield gate, will end up dead if the health scaling makes the barrel hit for say 100k, since he'll only mitigate 80k, which leaves 20k for his 10k pool to soak up, which simply wont add up. While the intended mechanic is probably more that the mob is intended to take a 100k hit while the frame is supposed to take a % of their health value that is then mitigated by armor/shield mitigation and so on.
  17. It isnt assumptions though, since it is what they've said will happen. And it is up to each player to merge or not. The way they've worded it on Twitter etc. implies it is one account you use on all platforms once cross save is implemented. What will happen is very likely all non-PC accounts getting converted to WF accounts that are practically "PC accounts", after which each player will decide if they want to merge them or not. Practically how it work in D4. It being up to 4 accounts just linked with cross progression would be a mess, since you'd practically run into the risk where a player is seen with up to 4 different names depending on where they log in from if the username is tied to the platform and not the game. And being to able to change that on the platforms while not being able to do it without plat on PC would go against their unification of all plat purchases. Even Tennogen will get unified, which likely will mean no more Tennogen for plat for console players.
  18. I'm not sure the report thing would work properly since many people would probably report others simply for high ping. I mean there are clear cases of bad hosts, like when you end up with someone showing 30ms but it lags like you had 1500ms and the 30ms fluctuates between say 30-35ms constantly as if their connection has a seizure. But yeah, opt out options for hosting would be a good idea. And an improvement for the matchmaker aswell so our ping limiter actually matters. If I set it to the minimal value I shouldnt end up with people above that, atleast not end up with a 150ms+ host if I have 50ms set for instance.
  19. It is a known bug regarding barrels. Kinda funny though that you call others out as "meta game exploiters" when playing the frame that was once the meta game exploiter.
  20. On the positive side, it is better than getting banged by a flash mob.
  21. Dont be too quick to dismiss Hammer Shot in general. It's worth depends alot on what crit stats the gun has in general compared to base damage stats and what statuses you actually want to apply from the weapon. Adding a third can both be beneficial and detrimental in the end compared to adding hammer shot instead. On Gotva using both a third 60/60 and hammer shot is a no brainer, since it only comes with puncture, so no slash weighting to screw up. It is practically the same case on a weapon like Torid, where you practically decide between hunter munitions or hammer shot, but due to the insane status chance, guaranteed crits and over the top base crit damage multiplier, hammer shot is a great choice on it. You really dont need HM on that gun, since you will likely either have insane Heat stacking or Gas+Electric or Gas+Cold setup on it depending on the frame you use. And on any gun with high native slash, good crit chance and status I'd pick hammer shot any day of the week since it wont interfear with slash, and it increases the damage of each slash tick aswell, which a third 60/60 mod wont. As to the Gotva build, I'd replace Vigilant Armaments with Critical Delay. Slap Avenger on your frame and you will nearly always benefit from the 7x crit damage aswell and even be able to reach the odd orange crit when combined with the native puncture. Then get galv mods so you can replace Split Chamber with Gchamber and Serration with Gaptitude.
  22. But a new "platform" wouldnt break it, since this is done so there will only be one platform going onward. So even if say a brand new type of console is made or an android phone port would happen it would still just be the same platform as everyone else is already on. So what they do is utterly pointless since during the cross save/merger transition only 4 distinct account types will exsist. So there cannot be more than 4 unique users with the same name at the point of the merger, then that number either stays or is reduced depending on which parent account those that need to merge will use. Back end doesnt do squat in the case of the "drops". I'm not refering to the regular ones you have a link active for, I'm talking about the specific stream winnings where you need to contact DE directly with your in-game name since it isnt automatically handled by Twitch for instance. This will end up being more messy than needed due to random numbers. Yeah, 4 distinct people that would either only need 4 different numbers (1-4) or keep their original acronym i.e (PSN), (Xbox) or (NSW) like it is on the forums, with (PC) added if they feel a need.. There is absolutely no need to use more than those 1-4 numbers or acronyms because there will (or should) never be more than 4 people sharing a name. It's far easier to remember a number between 1-4 or an acronym tied to your OG platform. That isnt true since that wont be a thing, since there will be no PC accounts or console account seperation at that point. So the account server will have 1-4 accounts sharing the same name with a # at the end to seperate them. From the point of the merger people wanting to play WF through consoles will just log in with their WF account. If they currently have 4 and want shared progress they'll need to decide which account will be the parent and from that point on all other accounts are gone, and from that point on they log on with the account info tied to the parent. Likely they'll need to link it to each console for automatic logins etc. So if someone currently has an account on each with the same name and then merge there will only ever be 1 account with that specific name, yet it will still have a pointless number tied to it. Which wont be a thing, since from the start they've said there will be a merger of accounts, which is why this has taken so long to get working so no one ends up losing progress, purchases and so on upon the merger. So changing names will from that point on cost plat and be limited to available names for WF accounts and nothing else. And those that chose not to merge will just have 4 seperate WF accounts, but bound by the same rules from that point on when it comes to purchases etc. including name changes, since their WF name is the one that will be displayed after that day.
  23. Only a specific small part of the grind is skipped, and only for a brief moment. They still need to go back in order to farm every single item that is not tied to quests, otherwise they wont have access to the better items that require higher MR, since they wont get enough MR by only grinding the latest content. Chances are also that they wont be able to use the items from the latest content except for those potentially awared for quest completion, since those tied to a mode may very well have a MR requirement that the skippers have yet to achieve. And I think few would pay to skip in order to play the story, they'll likely skip in order to play the latest content without knowing it is practically only a quest. Since it makes zero sense to pay to skip the story in order to play the story that they have zero knowledge about or investment in. It's like subcribing to a streaming service when a TV-show season has ended and then watch the last few episodes while skipping the rest.
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