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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. They could if it was a training Catalyst/Reactor or training Forma, that only works in training. Or if it was marked with the weapon/warframe bound. Or better, just utilise starting Polarities of the Weapons/Warframes for the training. eg Volt has already -V starting Polarities, Mag has two -, Excal has DV Then forma or potato are not needed for that at all. New players do not have the mods maxed up and even with maxed up mods you can use up 3-4.
  2. Imagine the feeling, when you realise you used that free Forma to Polarize base Volt, Mag or Excal (especially excal) and it is not even potatoed. Potato first, before you do any formas. Imagine the feeling when you run out of Warframe slots and debate whether to leave that base frame that you have already forma'd once or get something new. Modding is not an issue. Biggest ones are times of crafting (3+0,5 days for frame) and extremly limited amount of slots you get on start.
  3. No Job, No Life and a hek ton of fizzy drinks and snacks, with a toilet as a gaming chair and power naps! /s Not really. It is a content like any other. With a good team you can do 6 tricaps per night cycle. That is only 50 minutes. People can stay in Kuva Survival longer. C rotations of Alchemy/Mirror Defence take ~28 minutes. You got 50 minutes break when they day is up. I have never done anything like this (premade organized team 6x3 per night) and still have almost 200 tripcaps. But I did not get my arcanes from those, but from the Event. There are even tools to plan ahead, so you can do w/e in the day cycle and just alt tab back to game when Night is coming and your alarm clock rings: https://codepen.io/darshanags/pen/eKdvdj It is like competitive gaming. Some people like it and it gives them rush and some do not. Can have both life and job without problem.
  4. How insightful! I sure will use this advice on the giant pile of Elephant Crud in the room! After all, if I don't like it-- I'll just ignore it and my problems go away! What foul stench? There's no foul stench. Close the door, throw the key out. Not your room, not your problem. It is not like you were using it in the first place. I would. But then again you decided to adress me, which suprise! gives me an alert that calls me back to this thread. Vote for content by engaging or not engaging with it. There is no better tool to tell devs that there is something wrong or right. What they do with this information is also up to them. Their room, their elephant and their poop. Or you can write multiple threads, while farming the content anyways. See how well that works. If at least the prizes were worth it, but they are meh.
  5. It only checks for the Blueprints, not for the already crafted equipment. That includes Vauban and all the helmets. Just do not run this option because it is unreliable. You will still clearly see and be able to differentiate the blueprints you own from the blueprints you don't. Just blueprints, though. It will likely never get changed/applied for items too,
  6. I run Chroma a lot. What is the direct upgrade to Chroma, in your opinion?
  7. No need to kill faster, just make sure everything you encounter eventually dies. Best for this task is in my opinion Saryn. You just spore the whole map, while searching for the items. Other option would be Gyre who kills everything in sight without even looking at it. I am sure there are more way to passively kill whole map. The kill threshold increase may have nothing to do with actual enemies spawning enemies, but just being a feature of this particular game mode.
  8. Sadly due to all the stairs and levels AI gets dumb and will not follow even if players are concetrated properly.
  9. Afaik it doesnt matter whether it is right color/element or not. You can throw everything without any repercussions. Also you can use Operator (if there is no Mutator) to grab two instead of 1.
  10. Looks like a bug (missing textures/drivers?). Unless you got your energy color as bright green with yellow spots somewhow.
  11. You have to know where to go ahead of time. Killing Orphix is easy part (stationary big target) what may take you most time is finding and destroying the Resonators - (it can be triviliazed with Fluctus that can shot through walls) and to some extent the Sentients that spawn. Tips It is soloable to some extent, but your fairly fast doesnt seem to be fast enough. Try Fluctus for Resonators and Arquebex for Orphix and Sentients.
  12. Imagine if we had frames that specialise in protecting area or a point. Or frames that can control enemies. Or frames that can nuke everything in 50+ meter radius. This is Archon hunt/SP. You cannot approach it the same way as any ordinary Excavation (even Arbitration). You need either eg. Frost/Limbo/Gara or to some extent Khora to protect the target from chip damage, something that will control (slow/stun/blind/disarm) or nuke everything in sight and out of sight too. Khora can pretty much solo it because she offers both control, protection and nuke. Do not activate one with enemies nearby if you have zero control/protection. Do not activate one solo, if you cant handle the defence. HP scaling would either not matter at all (if you fail to do the mission properly) or would completely ruin the experience (and let you do the mission on autopilot).
  13. Your shield dropped (shield gate procced) and you still got hit so you died. The first one was normal. The subsequent ones just saved that moment and repeated it over and over.
  14. You could skip the flying if you just queued Duviri Experience instead. Also you can teleport with intrisics. Imo the garden in the cave is enough to give you most stuff - you may need to farm the Tasoma (caves) and Uyemag (kullervo island).. You will also need some Maw fishing and that cannot be done in Lone Story at all.
  15. I do not miss read. You have been miswriting. And constantly derailing the thread, making everything about yourself. I see how it is. Have a nice day.
  16. Your guess is as good as mine, he made another topic about seemingly the same thing, but different words.
  17. It is a progression. You get a gear from more challenging content until it is no challenge any more (or got all the gear) and move to grind more powerful gear from more challenging content. If you'd rather stay in normal starchart and 1 shot enemies, you can do that. You only need normal starchart gear for that. There is no requirement. You choose how far you want to progress.
  18. You have to get separate Incarnon Genesis Upgrade for THAT weapon. No idea what you mean here. It would be more comprehensible with punctuation. There is no particular order you need to do weapons in. You can unequip any weapon and equip another at any time. There is no need to finish one before starting another. So technically even if you feel you are somehow stuck on Torid (?), it diesnt prevent you from getting more upgrades and installing them (or even getting Incarnon straight from Cavalero that do not need any additional items). Back to my first: Torid Incarnon Genesis onlly fits Torid and alternate versions for Torid (if there were any). Braton Incarnon Genesis fits Braton, Braton Prime, Braton Vandal and probably MK-1 Braton as well. If you uninstall the incarnon Genesis (it is doable), the Incarnon upgrade is gone from that weapon. It cannot be installed on multiple weapons at the same time.
  19. Many challenges, both for incarnon evolutions and rivens even though not specified in the describtion, tend to not proc when you are in a squad.
  20. Did you do it in Simulacrum? This doesnt work. Also make sure you mean the right Cobra & Crane, as there is a Prime version as well. Cobra & Crane Prime | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom PS: It is fairly unimpressive even for a Sword+Shield, not to mention compared to other melees.
  21. Is it possible Sortie level enemies were too tough for you to get last hits with Lato incarnon? Have you soloed or maybe you got kill stolen? Only mode i know of that doesnt write down your progress is Circuit/Duviri Undercroft.
  22. Person with 1 post asking very basic mechanic question is most likely rather uniterested in fashionframe yet.
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