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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Because it is. The range doesnt change but the radius increases. My wording: " increases the area of effect of that ability due to charging mechanics" is correct. A lot faster. 25° (min charge size) 1s w/o NT, 0.66s with NT 95° (max charge size) 3,5s w/e NT, 2,33 with NT Here is a link to some guy old TC topic on reddit regarding this ability:
  2. I ran him in Void Armageddon. There is a lot of running, control of areas and hard hitting enemies that knock you down (gauss is immune to knockdowns when his 2 is up). I ran it solo while farming Plasm/Arcanes and rotation rewards.
  3. 4 has pretty long cast. Cast speed also increases the area of effect of that ability due to charging mechanics. Range, minimum and maximum charge sizes, and the number of projectiles are not affected by mods. Targeting expansion and cast animation are affected by casting speed mods from Natural Talent and Speed Drift.
  4. It may be easier. But it is far less efficient to go with squad over solo.
  5. Gyre doesnt need Dragon Key if your run Pillage.
  6. Do you have language set to different than your residence?
  7. I am pretty sure Innodem is better for this. And better at investing to as well (you can do combo, combo hybrid, pure heavy etc).
  8. It is not. Just ordinary corrosive build. 1 forma. https://imgur.com/a/yKmSoet Here is my footage for SP non-eximus (i am bad at capturing video): https://streamable.com/k7uayu Wrathful adance would be cute idea but i got already Golden Instinct subsumed on this. And it will stay until i get all the collectibles.
  9. I stand corrected: normal SP 1shot. eximus SP 2-3shot. Eximus normal 1shot. Ivara + Corrupt charge Fragor Pime built for corrosive (i used tha combo for RJ farming). PS: Wukong clone can cheese it (it can shoot it however many times you want and it doesnt trigger)
  10. Have in mind those are only asking prices on the trade chat. They have nothing to do with the actual value or the prices the trades go for (usually are highly over)
  11. Most heavy attack (corrupt charge) melees can easily 1shot them even on SP. So can Felarx build for Archon 1shot or any 1shot Demo weapons.
  12. KIll all warframe running procesess. Run the game again. Sometimes it is a warframe thing and you have to wait, but not this time.
  13. Any frame can do it if you brought proper weaponry and have proper awereness. The problem are the cave systems that are often below the point that are considered in nthe zone that have enemies spawn in there. You are guaranteed to fail this even with Mesa.
  14. She is in normal circuit this week. So it would take ~2 hours. You get the augument on the way as well. In my opinion it is better to learn with normal frame and then shortcut with Ivara than try to shortcut imidiately.
  15. I will tell you what you need to look at when appraising a riven. 1. Is the weapon good and popular? Astilla P is an ok shotgun with a very small gimmick (AoE). The problem with AoE gimmicks is that they do not benefit from so called gun CO (Galvanized Savy). It would be good if we did not have Incarnon Shotguns. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Astilla_Prime You can also check people builds on overframe.gg: https://overframe.gg/items/arsenal/5490/astilla-prime/ 2. How good are the positive stats on it? They are good. Altough multishot would be better. 3. How hurtful is the negative (if exist). This particular one completely destroys the weapon and you would need at least 1 slot to contradict it. Why? Projectile speed also corelates with fall-off, which is at what range weapon stops doing dmg. Base damage falloff for Astilla Prime is: 30.0 m (100%) - 60.0 m (50.00%), which means in order to do full damage you will be most likely always self staggered with the resulting explosion. Nobody sane would buy it. You can sell it to a newbie or a scalper who indends to sell it to a newbie (with a big profit). Asking price range is between 200-450p.
  16. Do not run survival. Only skirmish. It's the fastest.
  17. The drop of them is not based on the lenght of the mission.
  18. The reward already came. In two tranches. When you get it is not a question anyone here can answer.
  19. Classic melee is not good vs the hitbox that is literally build within a space that is damage immune. You end up swinging a lot and not hitting anything. Instead of Hek you can use heavy attack Redeemer P/Stropha. Redeemer will work like a classic shotgun - big punch of lots of hard hitting pellets that need to be precisely aimed, stropha will let you bypass aiming completely (it shots plasma like arca plasmor).
  20. It is not meant to be very effective but to give you something to do during shield phase and teach you the shield breaking mechanic. It can still contribute or at least give a new player a hint that he contributes.
  21. I love how you are contradicting yourself in every statement. 1. You quote the whole part of my statement where in the start it clearly says you get a dedicated overpowered arcane instead of pure stats, jut to say it is made with contagion. Yes, it is made with contagioon, be my guest to use it on non-zaw. 2. You state you did not use the contagion much, you admit of not using one of its gimmicks (Eclipse is meh btw), but you are sure of a fact that is boring playstyle. 3. It is called specialisation and synergy and since you have not been even remotely close to explore the mechanic of Zaw arcanes I have to help you. Yes, there is contagion, yes you can eclipse, but do you know what works much better than eclipse? Vex armor. You know what works much better and is more fun and requires more skill than simple E throw? Heavy throw while air sliding in the opposite direction. But contagion is not the only exodia arcane that is fun and effective to play. There is this thing called Exodia Epidemic that forces a Lifted status in a very large area ignoring collision along with some viral procs. You know what benefits from groups of enemies being Lifted?https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Set_Mods#Saxum_Mod_SetThere are some more gimmicks to be had that synergise with each other, creating fun and powerful playstyle, but that is not a place or the time to list them all. You basically want to have a cookie and eat a cookie, but you are not even sure what flavour the cookie is.
  22. What is wrong with Zaws? You get: dedicated possibily overpowered damage-wise or utility arcane instead of pure melee stats. Only problem is see is lack of hybrid zaws variety (20+ in both crit and status), but that has nothing to do with buffing them All my record damage numbers (both 1 time damage and overall dmg) are made with Zaws.
  23. Nie wkleiles zdjecia (musi byc hostowane na zewnetrznym serwerze). Nie podawaj mejla do logowania na publicznym forum.
  24. AFAIK this option only works on QTE events (Kahl's Veilbreaker).
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