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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Youtubers sadly. I recommend https://www.youtube.com/@Aznvasions or https://www.youtube.com/@TheKengineer Also I think you understand this wrong. Overframe is a just a tool, like a hammer. Lack of wips prime doesnt makee it outdated, you just make the same exact build as on normal Wisp because there is no difference. Similar with Fulmin. The difference is only for Gunseen, but you still make the same exact build on it as on normal one (shy of riven mod if you have one). The tierlist and builds are more like popularity list, they havent been tested in any competitive envirments. Just because something is higher doesnt mean it is better, just more popular.
  2. Which part? Did he ask for fun Wisp build? I may have misread. How does exactly higher armor incorporate fun?
  3. Why exactly? Wisp has no abilities that syngergise with armor. As for OP, you want to Maximise STR (300+), than DUR (125ish), both range and efficiency are not important. Unless you are using some kind of temporary STR buffs Fused Reservoir is complete waste of slot. 4th ability is subsume target. Roar/Eclipse are all good.
  4. Depends. Void still grants highly demanded Gunblade stance (30p+). Hive still grants highly rare 6060 electricity mods. Earth still grants some nice companion mods if you are into that. Also there is fun factor - satisfaction of completing a task, finding new secret places.
  5. I found this thread from 2021, where someone is attempting to get the same glyph and looking at their current glyph, they got it, may want to try to DM them:
  6. Thank you for your extremely well thought insight. Our lives will never be the same after reading this.
  7. Have you tried simply putting those words in the redeem section? This is how most content creators glyphs work. You put their name and you get the glyph.
  8. People join in and check whether someone opens the new relics (Wisp/Fulmin/Gunsen) if not they leave to find other group they can leech of (they do not have any Wisp relics themselves, if they did they would do premades).
  9. Not really. I have been soloing all the SP including Interception. Those missions are about control, not killling. Slow nova, Slow/Sleep Equinox, Limbo, Khora, Octavia - ez pz. Hijack - Inaros (corpus) or Mag (grineer) Defection - High str Wisp trivilises this mission. Just put your speed/hp mote on every point and keep pressing X.
  10. Thats not better. That is exactly the same chance as on wiki - 13.33, which is ~1/8, hence my initial statement.
  11. And did you notice the Relics are listed twice on that list? Even your quoted part has 4 listings with 2 actual relics. Void/Hepit (Capture) Lith G6 Relic Rare (6.67%) Lith G6 Relic Rare (6.67%) Lith W3 Relic Rare (6.67%) Lith W3 Relic Rare (6.67%)
  12. Best Lith Farm - Void Capture Hepit ~1min per relic 1/8 chance for the relic you want, guaranteed relic Best Neo/Meso Farm - Void Capture Ukko -1 min per relic 6,67% chance for particular relic, guaranteed relic Best Axi farm - Lua Disruption Apollo
  13. ~14 minutes whether you run solo or with a squad. I prefered solo.
  14. Just because you do not get it doesnt not mean it is not solid. Player builds tend to orbit around META/FOTM. Soon some special combinations will become META/FOTM, and that will completely kill any other combinations. Your example kinda explains it all. Red shards are the best for most builds so using 5 red shards already is pretty common, but there is nothing wrong in using 4 reds and 1 yellow/blue for convenience. If you add a bonus to 5, pretty much 99% of players that have used 4 red and 1 blue/yellow will change to 5 reds.
  15. Giving, no. I have a problem with what such mechanics produces. And what it produces is another layer of rules that will result in reduced build diversity. Runewords | Diablo 2 Wiki (fextralife.com) Archon shards idea was to increase the build diversity - add 10% str that makes your armor strip 100% instead of 97, add some starting energy that allows you to start running your ability combo without need to run Preparation, Pizza or search for Orbs, add crit damage to Pseudo-Exalts that have none.
  16. Pick a knife and a gun. If you hold gun in your dominant hand and the knife if you other hand, you can pretty quickly stab someone after shooting. Now try shooting someone with your other hand while holding a knife with your dominant hand. PS: Be glad they made it possible, instead of animation of manual switching hands (F swap is instant and animationless).
  17. I know right? That is because it is not everywhere else in Warframe. This is Duviri. Drifter is a non-enhanced human, not a living body armor operated telepatically by tweaked up kid.
  18. Or you could change to the pistol with F and fire as fast as you want. There is no correct keybinds. The default ones are E for melee and Mouse3 (push scroll) for Heavy attack, but i strongly advise against using Mouse3 as heavy attack unless you want to break your mouse. Other option is using an in-game setting for repeated presses as Hold instead of Tap.
  19. Could you please explain what you mean by this? What card? You mean tooltip? There are missions on the same planet that may have different enemies spawning, but it is not indicated by any "cards". In general there is bigger density of bossier enemies on higher level missions. For the availablility of the Simaris Target to Scan, refer to this list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=666483447 However you are wrong about the Void. They have all 3 faction enemies corrupted by the void called the Corrupted (4th faction). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Corrupted And some mission types have Corpus fighting Grineer.
  20. You need the https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mutalist_Alad_V_Nav_Coordinate in order to craft it, are you sure it is not the case of this? Alternatively you could run the mission with someone who has they keys crafted. PS: How does one accidentally sell Blueprints and dissolve mods?
  21. Get negative zoom or do not zoom in at all. ADS is a trade between field of view and accuracy. Again, that is the point. PS. I think you are exaggerating: Here are the screenshots of my Loki ADSing Bubo, Shedu and Sobek: https://ibb.co/G9GSH7Z https://ibb.co/MBsZL4s https://ibb.co/x3mtTVv Yes, you lose a bit of vision below the reticule, but that is because of the arm position not the weapon size, also as you can see those weapons zoom much less than Sobek.
  22. They are Hand-Cannons. They are supposed to be huge. It is their main thing. If it is a problem for you, do not use them. You can choose an option in the Equipment menu to not show them on your frame.
  23. 9 is the stealth execution one? 1. You do not need to do prompted execution (X) at all, you can just melee swing, slam or even slide swing. They are lvl 1 they would die from anything. Best melee weapon mods are a bit of range and lots of attack speed. Preferably also quick melees (so no hammers). 2. Abuse third person perspective to observe the enemy pathing from behind pillars. 3. Learn the pathing/patrol routes and position of enemies. Practice the best order. Note that their cone of vision is invisible, but is pretty narrow and short. Their reaction time is not instant either. Notice what you failed on and learn on your mistakes. Does not need any special weapons (ranged) or any mods (enemy radar). Although running it with Skiajati perk is pretty satisfying (speedrun): https://streamable.com/j23fzo
  24. Bullet jumping momentum can be increased with sprint speed, actually any momentum can.
  25. Not really. Have you tried slam spam? It is not indicated when its active, but it is indicated when it not active when you are above x6 treshhold. Other options of recognition is attempting to use any special move the weapon in incarnon mode may have. Nami mostly increases range, so it is hard to check for. It works in Duviri just fine, was using Furax Wraith and Sancti Magistar. I broke my scroll soon after Penant/Reaper Prime became a thing. Rebound it to my side button in the Mouse Setup. This way I can still used Mouse3 in other games. Have in mind there is setting to change repeated buttons presses from TAP to HOLD. Have not tested it yet, but may be a good idea for stuff like Atlas/Khora.
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