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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. That is essentially removing the hard cap. If 500 can go to next day so can 30000 or 200 000, and to next day and next day.
  2. If you are not ready to see people respond to what you wrote - do not write that. In my opinion it is a very good example to illustrate the mechanism: In short, if someone does not have time (or means or know-how) to farm the credits, they do not really need them. Making them tradable will not solve their problem.
  3. Rank up your MR and the rep cap is not a nuissance any more. Or be lazy and keep complaining. Choice is yours.
  4. If she does not play enough to farm a little bit of credits, while being carried, she does not play enough to mandate the need of having Arcane Energize. At some point in the game (once you got all the mods and maxed them out) credits really start accumulating because you have nothing to spend them on beside random transmutions if hazard is your thing. I was not a fan of Index either, until I started playing Razorwing Titania in it.
  5. We do not think it is good, we think OPs argument for change is wrong.
  6. You forgot the staple, which is this thread title and is pretty much mandatory mod. 3) when you eliminate an enemy, whether it is with weapon or abilities
  7. Yes, like I stated before in other thread. I am a filthy LR3 casual, who solos most of the content. Want a challenge? Pick Gyre instead of Slowva (or just anything that is not Slowva or Khora, Slow Equinox counts). And try Ose instead (I meant Ose before)
  8. Challenge does not need to be hard. It just need to be challenging. Souls are not hard if you are good, but they are still fun because they are still challenging. You statement was that SP is not challenging, which is not true. It is. You actually need to pick proper frame, understand the mechanics and play well to complete many missions. That IS the definition of challenge. You overcoming it does not dimishing it.
  9. I dare you to solo SP Cerberus, or even the dreaded Ropalolyst. There is no actual challenge for a squad. Solo is completely different game.
  10. Does it work in SP? I use Pillage on her 1 for a lot of button pressing.
  11. Just 3 of each? Impossible. I like to pick best for the job. Frame and weapon depends on the job.
  12. I loved speedrunning it with Skijati, but you can just run any frame with zero mods (although enemy radar helps) and any melee because they have 1 hp. Most trouble I had on MR11 (was too fast and couldnt control my landing, so I constantly fell down). and MR13 (It was so bright I couldnt see anything most of the time, had to adjust the graphic settings).
  13. It is super easy to cheese solo if you: Bring a loot frame (I prefer Khora) and get 2 batteries per kill (most of the time). Do not mindlessly kill everything away from the extractor.
  14. Play them then. What you are sayinng basically, is that they lack build variety.
  15. It is called build specialisation. You pick 1-2 abilities or/and build your setup around them and auguments for them and thats it. You seem to want to have a cookie and eat a cookie. If switching between forms is your thing just invest in https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energy_Transfer and maybe https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Duality
  16. They totally do. The big ones at least. If your damage is not high enough you cant kill em on SP. You need to stop hitting them for a second to observe it.
  17. Broken on Edge as well. Signing in is impossible, the login/password fields are unclikable.
  18. I never really bothered much with MR, I just got it while getting everything else. At least most of everything else that is easy to obtain. CBA farming most of the Tenet weapons and still missing some Kuva ones. LR3 filthy casual. Being able to get everything and actually getting it. are two different things it seems. Becvause if you really did get everything you would be higher.
  19. Eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt es nicht. Sie beträgt immer 10%, vorausgesetzt, dein Relikt wurde mit 100 Spuren aufgewertet. Wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, beträgt die Wahrscheinlichkeit 2% (Gold Drop) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void_Relic#Drop_Chances 10 % Wahrscheinlichkeit bedeutet vereinfacht, dass man bei durchschnittlich 10 geöffneten Relikten 1 seltenen Drop erhalten sollte. Wenn du mit anderen zusammenschließt, kannst du mehr Relikte öffnen, die du nicht farmen oder aufwerten müsst (keine Kosten für Spuren), was Erwerbsprozess beschleunigt. Weiter so und viel Glück!
  20. Or just Gas grouping setups. Since Gas pretty much relies on armor strip. Basically you group enemies and proc Gas on them, each enemy gets own Gas cloud that damages him and everything around him. The Gas clouds linger.
  21. So, someone took his time to make malware in form of a sotfware for your project (completely unrelated to warframe) and only thing he decided to steal was your warframe account? That has zero value?
  22. Play with the settings and see for yourself. People really play with camera shake enabled?
  23. Dexterity as other Primary/Secondary weapon SP acolyte mods, only affect the damage of those weapons. Not Melee. If you want to increase Melee damage you use the pair of Warframe Arcanes: Fury (+180% dmg on crit) and Strike (+60% aspeed on hit) Clone is great, what is useless is the Iron Staff.
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