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Everything posted by (PSN)ErydisTheLucario

  1. I've been a fan of Bramma before the change, and after, and I gotta say it's in a fine position atm. Just suck it up and run ammo mods on your sentinel or weapon and you'll be fine. It's not like you're leaning on just the bramma during a mission anyway, ik you're using your Melee and secondary when your bramma is out of ammo.
  2. Not really imo. Can think of a couple other way more annoying grinds off the top of my head.
  3. Sounds made up. Could be you're just looking at something that's not there.
  4. The change makes the game mode alot more bearable for me. I've never had any interest in disruption just because of the previous way to find demolishers, but this change makes it alot easier for me seeing as I don't have the best hearing already.
  5. Lore means nothing when making a prime frame. Besides didn't Varzia say that some frames are primed right out the gate, but some earned the right to be primed?
  6. Play solo then. That's literally the only solution beyond making groups of your own.
  7. Unrealistic. Will never happen. Not to mention that if they did, which they never will, they'd have to bust ass fixing the pay to win mess that the game is.
  8. Oo I hated that challenge so much. Was able to go through it with Wisp and Skiajati. Just gotta keep jumping so her passive kicks in. Then the Skiajati for the obvious 5 sec invis on stealth kills. Even then it's still a bit tricky.
  9. Looks whose still here. Thought there wasn't anything left in the game for you to do lol On topic: Baruuk. When in doubt, Baruuk is never not s good option due to his ridiculous damage resistance.
  10. Lmao! This reminds me of the green text I saw on 4chan about a guy who was stressed out that a cartoon character they like was getting along with another character they didn't like instead of him. Honestly dude, man tf up. That's so sensitive and such a ridiculous reaction to what is realistically nothing. The devs aren't gonna change the name of a node just because one guy can't get it together.
  11. Its progression. I see it, and I do it when the mood strikes me. I'll make a bunch of weapons, wait for affinity booster weekend, then stack boosters and go to town. All of that so I can have my own blessings 😀
  12. No answer you get will please you. At this point you aren't looking for a conversation, you're just looking for an echo chamber. You dont get to dictate how other people play the game, and that's the risk you run when you play public matchmaking. Crying like you are and then talking down to people just trying to help you does nothing. Get over yourself. Make some friends who think exactly like you, because that's obviously what you want, or quit playing. This game wasn't designed for you alone. Its not perfect by any means, but the issue isn't as widespread as you like to think it is.
  13. Ik this was just an idea, but that's a really bad idea. If you're gonna have them give MR for whatever reason, and they come pre leveled, then what exactly is the point of the MR? It's not gonna make it worth it, especially when it disappears in December. The Solution to the Heirloom situation is really simple, they just aren't gonna do it.
  14. Yeah this whole skin thing is ridiculous. It's cool and all, but not 80$ or more cool.
  15. Beyond being beneficial to Kullervo for obvious reasons, is it worth using as an actual weapon? How are you guys modding yours? Any advice would be welcome.
  16. Cannot agree more. Yeah Voruna is useable and whatnot, but the kit just isn't very fun, not to mention none of this is what we were sold on before.
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