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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. people who didn't like the kdrive pre-augment and wanted to helminth usually overwrote kdrive (getting survive elsewhere), the augment allows you to keep the "kdrive" but as a pseudo companion and a good damage reduction skill but also makes the companion cast snares which frees up her #1 skill for helminth instead. I would say that qualifies as changing her playstyle significantly enough to elevate it above calling it a band-aid fix
  2. it technically does not fix or patch the problem, the problem is Kdrives feel terrible on normal missions? this augment does not make kdrive better it removes it so not a band-aid but giving an alternative playstyle, though I agree with the sentiment that k-drive should have always been press/hold ability, maybe come yareli prime they will bake pres/hold in if it proves popular?
  3. going into settings and turning off volumetric fog should give a massive performance boost
  4. companions have shieldgate so a single bullet shouldn't KO your companion also Pack Leader gives your pet a constant stream of overguard and another shieldgate basically single handedly making your companion immortal if you care to melee or shoot a gunblade every now and again. you can also use use reinforce bond pluse a mod that reloads your weapon on switch and literally just cycle your weapons to charge the companions over/shield and if all that fails you can just add a bunch of respawn timer reducing mods to get it back up quick I always run it while leveling weapons/warframes
  5. the whole reason why steel essence vanish after 5 minutes now was to stop people waiting on charm to happen before they would run around collecting the essence😅
  6. thanks 😉 though my main point not really being how often the buff worked or not, but that when it did work the effect (in my opinion) was way too good for me not to run Smeeta for some purposes.
  7. I see the buff all the time, its rare that I see it stack more than once but I do sometimes, I also run duration, also unsure if you are just being hyperbolic for effect? (or have horrific rng) the times you say aren't realistic. -warframe wiki, should be seeing it on average every 10 minutes. agree sentinels deal more damage because in part they went and made a gun that was basically a copy of one players can get and let you stick it on sentinels / moa, though my cat easily armor strip which is a lot more useful than simply killing stuff but to be completely honest I have no issues with killing stuff myself and wonder if companions aid actually contributes to mission times at all I agree, I have like 7 forma in mine and an OP riven but one thing I can't do with it is build it for crit to activate tenacious bond :(
  8. I don't agreee, after the rework it's still in the same usecases for me, if I am leveling anything, if I am running relics I ALWAYS use it because when the stars align I can get near enough void traces to upgrade a single relic in one run, same with steelpath it is a MUST USE because acolytes drop 2 which is sometimes 4 sometimes 8 steel essences it's too good not to use in those circumstances, no to mention it just randomly poops out argon crystals when you happen to be farming for them. Imo they need to make charm universal and give the smeeta a new niche, maybe new buffs, like overguard for itself and master or the nerfed unbuffed roar that is in helminth (none stacking with roar) or something...
  9. and as much as they are main stays, I run into a bunch of rev even got in a group with 3 of them! I still see some wukongs still even post nerf, a bunch of dante, some volts, a decent amount of octavia dispite her being lower played frame, for some reason I hardly run into mesa or saryn? I think maybe mesa isn't mobile enough to use her 4, saryn not sure why? maybe she also needs to be stationary for her spaws?
  10. I have my fortuna amp, it was meta at one point? idk if its good still? (certus brace, shwaak prism, shakasun scaffold) I can't kill crap with it in operator/last grasp, I mostly use last grasp to take flack from nearly enemies while my sentinel revives me.
  11. not arguing it's not an issue but why is it an issue all of a sudden?, stynax has been doing this for months?
  12. the way I understood it, I thought it would work how it currently does but also work from weapon kills? (I don't really play Chroma or tried him since the update)
  13. sorry for misquoting the source that's exactly where I saw it! thank you before this augment was released I joked to a friend "max range nezha build" shocked they didn't see it coming I think they maybe should had made it obey line of sight instead of kneecapping it, I want to use this mod but it has to be more effective than an AOE gun / melee or its just never worth using, also kinda a nezha main, I think my most played was split between him, wisp and ivara at one point
  14. Octavia mallet not ball deals the damage and it's reflected infinite scaling damage not status, augmented decoy against corrupted heavy gunners is going to have you waiting around all day for one of them to die, even when you raw cast decoy next to them instead of on them it has so much HP it sticks around a good while. Though it's kinda disappointing the raw decoy does not inflict status on attackers agree! in team play it's useless, thats why I say maybe when you cast decoy on the ground that version should also inflect stats since your team can't kill it
  15. assume you are returning to find it now, it was changed last year in Hotfix 33.6.9 (2023-09-12) Fixed being able to buff Exodia Contagion's projectile damage with heavy attack multiplier by performing a series of specific parkour movements. The movements in question allowed for heavy attacks to be performed mid-air instead of triggering the intended ground slam, which then caused the Heavy Attack damage multiplier to be applied to the projectile. In this Hotfix, we’ve specifically removed the interaction that buffed its damage, as heavy attacking mid-air is not possible otherwise. We understand that this was a popular combination due to its ability to land wild damage numbers, but it was dependent on a movement animation bug and went beyond the original design for the Arcane. imo move to the new meta
  16. my suggestion was casting a CC ability would eat a percentage chunk out of a targets overguard (say 25%) rounded up and with a grace timer so it would only make a target immune to cc for so many CC casts
  17. if they have 4 different voices that's 4 different voice actors they have to pay, keep on file and hope that nothing happens that makes they are unavailable, They also have to repay those actors every time they make a new patch and need lines reading out, that is a few reasons? unless they pay one actor and use AI to fill in the blanks?
  18. also going to confirm, sometimes I have to press E multiple times before auto melee will happen
  19. I think they mean, DE says "we see your feedback" about the nerf
  20. ah xD well it confused me because you said it directly after quoting oops
  21. edit:Overguard is susceptible to spike damage which happens a lot more at high level, places like netracels, deep arcamedia throw high levels at you.
  22. I saw someone saying remove it entirely, I don't disagree with because you can kill on the stats damage alone if you run meta weapons
  23. maybe it was a content creator reacting to a post they saw where she said that? may have been megan on prime time? I watch so many videos sometimes it's hard to keep track but if I would have thought I had to cite my sources I would have written it down, if someone can find where I might have seen that it would be appreciated ^-~ yes the augment changed the ability, they didn't want to change basically what the augment was doing.
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