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Everything posted by Xzorn

  1. The primary reason is that "Power Fantasy" often includes slaying mass enemies. While Enemy Density in of itself is a balance problem. Power Fantasy is not an objective term either. One person could see a screen nuke one-shot as power fantasy while another could see going combo link crazy anime mode on a single enemy as power fantasy. Most commonly though it's associated with killing in mass quantities which has many flaws when it comes to balancing. No one really used AoE weapons in old Warframe and it had nothing to do with speed. It was because of enemy density, designs and weak points. Sad to say but this game lost much of it's balance the moment they turned it into a horde shooter.
  2. The damage difference doesn't really work. 4 shots with Lex Vs 6 on SP 195 Eximus. Incarnon form 2 Vs 3. That's kinda my point. However scaling used for Overguard which is more or less Linear is what normal units should be using for defense.. Don't know anyone who uses Operator for Overguard. Hurting CC further and now Protection/Defense frames is exactly why it's so destructive. DE stopped making room AoE CC frames long ago. Frames that rely on these types of skills to survive are now the least played in the game because their kits are just muted.
  3. He could use a new passive since it promotes bad gameplay. Re-cast Iron Skin when needed. Don't think re-cast Roar is needed. If people want my +205% Roar. Stay by me. Piercing Roar is okay though I wish it had it's own duration for Puncture procs. 6 seconds isn't much. Iron Shrapnel's damage just isn't great. I can get 250k Iron Skin on average and that's still not much damage. Again Puncture duration Reinforcing Stomp don't know anyone who used this. Probably because it's not affect by Power Strength and thus scales in reverse.
  4. Power Fantasy won this battle years ago. It didn't happen over night. It was steady changes. Enemy Defense Scaling: Without it we don't need to really care about more than one damage buff nor maximize output per faction. New Status System: Proc Weight doesn't matter much. Everything caps so just stack the DoTs. Consistent Beating on CC frames: There's only a handful with room wide CC left and now Protection frames are under threat. Shield Gating: A horrible design that is very easily manipulated into immortality. Don't need DR long as I have 1 Shield per 2.5s. No actual Rewards In-Missions: Self explanatory. There's nothing of value as in-mission drops. It's all completion rewards. Adaptation: Not joking. This was the mod that put eHP miles ahead of "caster" frames that were already being hurt by anti-CC. Fixed for some of this are really simple. First off Exponential scaling was a bad idea. I think it was just done to help control poor balancing. Enemy Offense and Defense: Needs to be more linear and I'm sorry to say this does require DR and Damage amp nerfs. Even when both Armor and HP were exponential we hit level 7,000 like 7 years ago with a proper team. The system was already falling apart. Shield Gating: I'd recommend at least requiring a 30% of max shields threshold or it doesn't trigger. Ideally you'd want eHP values between "Tank" and "Caster" frames to be far less so such a mechanic isn't needed but that's asking too much I think. Revert Some Statuses: Gas most notably and Just do something neat with Magnetic. Anything, seriously. Remove Armor from non-Grineer Factions: Armor quickly became a crutch for DE to have enemies last longer. Bursa were just absurd. Put Drops Back In Missions: Don't care if it requires nerfing the meta farming frames. They were kinda a bad idea anyways. I could go on for a very long time to be honest. I already posted a less destructive alternative to current Eximus in Feedback\General. I don't think anything will change though. Mechanically the game is the worst state I've seen in 10 years.
  5. Lived in Florida my whole life. Surf, skateboard, blades. Trust me, dude is gender neutral. I have never and will never say Bro to anyone. Not my time period. Also, don't know anyone who bothers to look at other's profiles.
  6. In many ways Relic missions represent the worst aspects of Warframe. They embody mission spam. If you miss the elevator. It's your fault. If you don't get 10/10 like everyone else. It's your fault. If you get stuck on an object and take 30 extra seconds. Your fault. If you're actually trying to play the mission. You're fault. If you do Relics solo and it takes longer to get rewarded. You're fault. None of this is actually the player's fault. That's how it's designed and why it's so terrible. There was once a time players just played in the missions instead of playing mission completes. Much better days.
  7. Should have just made it innate like players asked 7ish years ago. Instead. Potentially the dumbest back and forth went on about how it should be worth a mod slot. Yet it was something no one would ever take off. Making the concept of mods pointless. I remember this remark of "I bet players didn't notice we added a 3m innate vacuum" - Of course we didn't. We all use the mod. Oh and then they gave Fetch more range. Just for giggles I guess.
  8. I feel like they put the nip toggle on there for cringe potential. If you've ever had a decent amount of piercing. Certain ones getting caught really hurts. The great Mesa booty nerf of 2019.
  9. It's almost like players enjoy using non-AoE weapons. Too bad the game doesn't. Machete has been overlooked since Kraken came out. While the old Kraken was way better the stance wasn't destroyed at least. Nami Solo is pretty much the best of them at base value.
  10. If I'm the host and pull my cable out there's nothing that can be done to salvage the mission. My PC had all the information. That's not usually where I've seen host migration fail though. It's often when the host decides to leave a mission and others stay. Or they join Circuit still oblivious to the fact you can see your loadout before joining and then leave because they don't have a good selection. All this is cross platform connection code failing. Basic functionality of the game is pretty bad right now. The UI is constantly moving my chat box and the mouse position on mission complete is random.
  11. I put one on Saryn with Brief Respite. With Tau Cast Speed, Tau +3 Corrosive. 200% Power, 250% Range 155% Duration if felt like an option to emulate Regenerative Molt. I don't fully strip armor on purpose because it'll produce less damage against Ferrite thanks to armor double dips. Though this strategy worked better when standard Corrosive proc weighting for weapons was 90% + 60/60x2. Heat procs would probably start to compensate if enemies lived more than 1-2 seconds.
  12. None of them are technically called "Dodge" it's just the obvious sense of it. Rolling, Handspring and Sidespring are the actual maneuver names but they're all considered a dodge.
  13. I came back after a 5 year break myself. Quit before Diemos came out. I only really had one issue which was that DE now hides weapons in bounties without showing said weapon parts in the bounty reward rotations. This made me go back and re-do Diemos for a gun but otherwise crushed 5 years in 6 weeks. Just been slowly doing dumb farms like Sisters / Liches. Don't see myself using the weapons much since many Incarnons are just better. Never thought I'd see the day I liked Lex. Always hated it, handled like crap with crap status. Now it's a premium pistol. Warframe has always been a wiki game. Not saying that's an excuse but that's how it's been. Much like Path of Exile. There's little in-game information. The Railjack Sentient mission you mentioned didn't take much figuring out. Now the Veil Proxima one. That one is dirty. I had no idea you could use Necramechs since it doesn't tell you at all.
  14. "Cinematic Damage" - Heh. I'm never calling bleed that. Give Puncture's effect to Impact. Esp since AoE weapons have/had forced Impact procs. Give Heat Armor reduction to Puncture. Cold is O-K Electric has it's value. Differentiate Heat and Toxic so they aren't just two DoTs. Revert Gas. It was only nerf'd to try and force Magnetic which still isn't good. Magnetic is something players have had countless ideas for. All were ignored. Rad is a good status. Nerf the crap out of Viral. Done more or less. Corrosive is both better and worse than it's original form. While it takes less procs. It caps at 80%. Before Emerald Shards it was just worse.
  15. Just a quick trip to the past. In Damage 1.0 enemies had around 80% DR everywhere but their weak points. This forced players to either aim or use Puncture/Armor pen. Ignoring the flaws of Puncture/Armor pen in that system. It worked very well for supporting aiming and single target weapons. MK-1 Braton was a beast. Not even joking. Overguard limits creativity in frame kit design, player's options in weaponry and playstyles. It's very destructive. It serves to hurt CC frames which have had enough of a beating at this point I feel and Defense frames. If the intention is as that patch notes say "Make then more durable" then it doesn't work well either. An extra hit most often. So, why not bring back old weakpoints. Not the boss hit it for a second kind. The kind where players are forced to pay attention and keep aim to bring down the target. This should have a notable impact for single target weapon uses and the only flaw I can see is melee which you can just set a 40% DR body modifier instead of 80% or something. Maybe you guys can find a hybrid or alternate solution but the current one is just terrible. Please try something. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also I would like to continue to push for "Head-Shot" modifiers to be "Weak Point" since a head-shot is only useful against humanoid targets. Aiming should always be rewarded.
  16. It's just curiosity about other player's take on frame kits, how they stand up to the now forced meta of the game and potentially interesting ideas people have in replacing or complimenting builds. Like I was surprised quite a few people left Protea untouched as I found little value in her Dispensary outside Circuit. I avoided "meta" and played how I wanted long as I could until they changed enemy defense scaling at which point I quit playing for 5 years. My weapons and frame builds were nothing like majority of the community because certain things had to be done to survive and kill higher level enemies. Now all you have to do is survive. Some changes in the damage system have also affected frame kits. Like all the 1st ability Elemental buff augments.
  17. I played Nyx from 2013 until her rework. Her rework hurt her but Overguard put he nail in the coffin. I've mentioned many times now since my return that Overguard can't exist in this form if they want to keep creative designs for frame or playstyles. I honestly think that might be the point though. The game has devolved into spamming missions instead of playing in the missions. A distinct difference. You should have seen the first attempt where they were showing it on Dev Stream and failed to hit the little weak points on the enemy. They were trying to have like 4 linked weak points you had to hit before being able to damage them and missed every shot. It was pretty hilarious. Bringing back weak points from Damage 1.0 would probably work fine for Eximus and pull the value of single-target weapons up. It makes them a notable target that's not going away until you pay attention and shoot it's weak point while also not obliterating protection/CC frames.
  18. Chroma Augment. I can totally see players just eating damage and killing him. Chroma doesn't even have that high of eHP even if you invest heavily into him he's about 80k. Lots of frames can beat that. There's practical application too with immune revives thanks to operator mode. Hell until level 1,000ish Chroma can revive on his own. So what's the difference outside eating a mod slot? If it requires Power Range it would be ultimate meme since doing so makes Chroma notably weaker. I can't wait to see the bugs though.
  19. Dex Sun and Moon? I honestly have no idea if the stance is even good. Haven't bothered. Just kinda makes sense. I liked when Dex were dual weapons. Sybaris ruined it.
  20. Back in mah day you could get built forma in the Void. I hate spam missions so much.
  21. I think it pops from objects too, or something. I'm honestly not paying much attention when doing them. I don't kill anything till I get to the Netracell and the Void blasts will be popping off while I'm hacking.
  22. That's cool. Dodge was easily my favorite part about Movement 2.0. Everyone loves the bullet jumping but I loved the reward for timing dodges. Also why SP Survival just makes me cringe with the number of enemy spawns. It's so silly and leaves little room for twitch interactions.
  23. Tried this out. It's pretty crazy. I had to drop Ironclad Flight so Energize could do it's job. I didn't use Seeker though. I'm low on Forma partial to the 90% status. Not a huge deal but might eventually. I sorta miss when Dex Pixia used Rifles cuz Primed Shred was an easy pick.
  24. So we make his Overguard vanish when he falls off a cliff. Right? No? Seriously though. Overguard aka Iron Skin has always had one major issue which is that blocking with melee does nothing. For a melee focused frame. You'd think they would have looked into this. I still need to test the mention of rolling working now. I swear it didn't back in the day with Rhino. I like Kullervo the moment I picked him up but sadly I could see he has Valkyr syndrome. Not nearly as bad obviously but similar. (Valkyr Syndrom: When frames not restricted to melee abilities can scale better aka survive better using melee weapons)
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