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Everything posted by Xzorn

  1. I played Gara a good amount back in the day. She kinda became this rotating splinter thing after her wall was destroyed. The revamp of her wall requires you let enemies inside the area you intend to protect for it to have any HP at all which is counter intuitive. Spectrorage helps a little with this but since you can only have one active at a time and some enemies are going to completely ignore it. The help is minimal. I would personally try to change her so that she doesn't feel like this rotation splinter thing. Bring back more of her CC / Defense potential. Have her wall also absorb Spectrorage as it's life value for instance. Allow her to cast more than one. Give Shattering Last it's own mod setup because she's actually a pretty decent melee frame. I used to go full on Elemental Status with her and let Splinters deal the damage. A spores-like interaction might help but I feel she needs some of her tricks back and improved. I personally don't have a problem with Splinter upkeep at 203% Duration with Tau Cast Speed but it does still feel like a chore. Lets not forget she's supposed to be able to protect others with Splinters too which doesn't work at all these days. If they went with a Spore-like interaction and mixed in "Glass Shards" from her abilities for everyone to increased duration/damage. That might be interesting. Far as losing buffs. That's just become a cherry pick thing at this point which follows no logic.
  2. It's not even always a connection issue. Last Gen consoles which is last time I saw anyone do an endurance run saturate bad due to the amount of data the host has to maintain. It probably plays a role in why DE has resorted to quick spam, dump memory and go missions. Which I personally find boring. These various ports and potato PCs simply can't handle strain the engine starts to put on the hardware over time. You can see the result in this 10 FPS video:
  3. Not being able to pull frozen enemies sounds like a bug. I'm pretty sure Itzal could pull them. It's how we farmed Archwing back in the day. But yea that's always been a thing. When people played EV Trinity all the time they'd slowly kill my Nekros. Magnetize has always been one of those things you wana yell about. Esp when Mag's start talking about their kills. A lot of CC was that way. People using it in trivial missions.
  4. It's interesting to use power creep as an argument after DE soft capped enemy defense. They did it to themselves. Enemies die in 1 second or less regardless. Which is esp funny since they were so aggro on CC. Shut Down AI Vs Enemy might get a shot off before dying. I don't see much difference. The ultimate factor of pushing you out is enemy damage scaling. The one thing they should have fixed 9 years ago. That's why CC was rampantly used. It's why Armor DR was total trash for years and it's why offensive power creep still doesn't really matter. Melee did massive damage before but it didn't matter. You'd die before making full use of it. Enemy defense should have stayed exponential in some fashion (HP/Shields) given all the damage amp abilities we have and enemy damage should be more linear. Power creep is a rather pointless variable long as enemies are made of paper.
  5. I actually don't think the Legendary Core is for the player. Much like Ayatan it's used to saturate Endo for the market. For years long term players have sold Maxed mods to new players and I don't think DE liked the price range. You don't need endo and that's kinda the point. Everyone will try to sell them but instead of 500-600p they're worth 100p. It's the same deal when Ember was worth 900p. They un-vaulted her 3 times in a row. High priced items in the player market devalues their own plat sales but hey. I was cool with the extra Riven slots.
  6. In general Developers should avoid using % base damage. It's a very dangerous slope and yes I know DE has already done this. The reason it should usually be avoided is because it scales independent of whatever combat system you've created. It can also result in situations where you just auto kill targets ie Covert Lethality. X + 1 scaling is just about always a bad idea. Hopefully they have the foresight to allow Sand Shadows to be affected by Duration. My Inaros rework years back also allowed them to be carriers of Scarabs to help curve AI Vs AI Damage issues.
  7. Majority of augments aren't worth the mod slot. Plain and simple. Half the ones that are worth a slot don't really do anything but make the frame more reliable in it's playstyle. Poor Nova got two augments that do the same thing. Voruna needs her 4th or she can't reliable use it. Nyx needs Assimilate now or she'll just randomly pop. There's only a handful of augments I use because they're actually good. I think that says something about augment designs and their value. Not to mention the time potentially wasted making them.
  8. From a story perspective it's bad since it removes Narmer as a looming threat in the game. Now only Archons have mention of this at all so in a way they might as well delete it. Maybe that's the intent. If they intend to do anything with it. It would be ideal to have more things to remind the player. Not less. I don't care how they do it.
  9. No other use for hold on the skill so why not. I would add that it would be nice when using Transistor Shield other players had a small indication they can pick it up without walking over.
  10. Chroma has issues where in order to be durable since his additive nerf he has to devote a lot of Power Strength and Vitality + Primed Vigor + QT + Arcane Deflection + Grace + Adaptation. Getting his buffs up to ~40s also requires he dump Power Range to keep your sanity. You could drop QT if you want but I wouldn't recommend others. I had a group Chroma builds for a while. Think I still do. It's not fun. He's working with base 12/18m range while Rhino has 25m, If players don't wana stand near Trinity until levels 2000 With affinity range. They're not gunna hang around Chroma. Cool idea but very counter in how he plays right now. EDIT: Also unless there's a screen indicator players won't know. Is there? When I see volt dropping shields I often run over to grab one only to see they're not using the augment then I get sad because it's his best augment. There's no player indication until you walk right up to it though.
  11. Heh. Yea. Already did that at one point to show just how bad balance is in the game.
  12. It's not really a hurry. It's a fix IMO. That's what I really dislike about Melee Duplicate in general. Yes, I hate it. DE crushed melee DPS to 1/3 it's original output which was kinda silly since the extra damage intake you get from playing as melee usually results in dying faster. You didn't really get to use that damage potential anyways. Now they added an Arcane that only works on normal Crits. What about all these heavy status melee? They already killed a lot of them by adding IPS but now they can't even use this Arcane intended to put melee back around 60-70% it's original output. I used to use an easy scaling comparison back in the day with Blade-Whips. Jat-Kusar = Terrible Scaling. Only good for low levels and Infested. Mios = Middle road. Scales okay. Lacera = Highest scaling potential of the tree. The main reason for this is that it's easier to boost damage over status but Melee Duplicate does both. They could have just doubled melee base damage or similar and gave us more fun Arcanes to use but no grind back the nerf we did instead. I agree. Eventually it'll happen. Hell first 2 weeks I sold my Duplicates cuz I knew they'd make it easier to farm them. I want Shards when I do netracells but it's just such a bad addition I can't help but dislike everything about it.
  13. My most play frame in 5300 in-mission hours is Nyx even after I abandoned her from the rework. I'm well aware Nyx is was queen of interception. She was only beaten by Ivara Noise Arrow which was deemed an bug. But have you played Nyx without Assimilate? The aforementioned crutch augment? I have. I never used it because her kit layered CC so well you only died if you made a mistake. RIP Rad procs. That was the big difference between "Brawler" and "Caster" frames. Brawlers are easy but they hit a cap. Caster had no cap but one mistake and you die. Is SP the new Sorties now? Cuz I don't really keep track of what the community considers normal content. Never have. The forced game play is evident in Nyx's rework and Assimilate. Armor Strip, Damage buff and a way to soak up damage. She needed none of that before and still wouldn't if DE didn't go aggro on CC for years instead of just fixing it.
  14. Fixed that for ya. I already forma'd most my decent melee 25ish to hit 100% or close to it in order to use Duplicate. It's more DPS than Blood Rush since you save a mod slot and it's obviously double the stats rates. If the melee can't hit close to 100% Crit with Umbra Steel it's more or less inferior now. Crappy band-aid.
  15. I would add most Armor Strip abilities are kinda niche now. Tau Emerald +3 pretty much became standard on every frame for me. Depending on your weapon and Armor type it's better or equal than Armor Strip. No other shard is going to give you +58% total damage against Ferrite. This wasn't far from the case before Corrosive Status rework either really. There was a topic almost daily about armor scaling and I just went about by days shredding in seconds. I've used Torrid going around 8 years. Augments for Helmith skills are another awkward situation. Piercing Roar is actually pretty solid for mitigation but there's no room.
  16. Get your Dual Zoren ready. Besides the comical weapons. DE has forced meta conditions in the game you must follow or you're doing it wrong. It's why previous top Tier frames like Loki and Nyx are hardly used anymore. Band-aid after band-aid, only certain things work in Warframe. Deviation from this is a pipe dream. Esp since the addition of Overguard. Their example of Nyx was hilarious to me. She's entirely held together by an augment at this point when previously her whole kit was used.
  17. The primary problem I see with reducing the energy gain is for Armor based DR frames. Majority need to run Arcane Deflection or they will just pop. Nourish allows them to forgo using Energize. ie My Excal uses Deflection + Reaper with Nourish. If somehow Nourish doesn't keep up with Blind spam and energy drain then I'd have to drop Reaper for Energize again. Same deal with my Chroma except using Grace. Have to see.
  18. Getting the chance to shoot a Nullifier bubble or even get close. That's the real joke. They shot you out of the sky a room away and outside Rad procs there wasn't a thing you could do about it. Re-cast CC? You mean die? I'm well aware Nullifiers were created to hinder room wide CC but DE also stopped making frames with it. There's only a handful of frames with room wide CC left and no one plays them thanks to additions like that. Overguard does nothing because the meta was already forced into eHP + DPS. It only serves to further cripple frames that need ability protection like Snow Globe since CC died. Instead of making Enemy Damage Scaling more linear like they should have years ago then toned down CC radius. They just keep adding band-aids that limit both play experience and frame design. Great job.
  19. Huh? Not with Weapons. My Chroma is running around procing 10 Corrosive 10 Viral and 10 Heat within 1.5s attacking. Viral Status is way too strong.
  20. Heh, have you played SP Corpus? There's always 5-6 Nullifiers on the screen. CC was fine for many years. Overguard was just the last nail in the coffin.
  21. Nourish isn't the problem. Viral status is. They can reduce it all they want. Free 325% Multiplicative damage boost is still crazy. They need to try again on these new status effects. They didn't really improve variety and made some impossible to contend with.
  22. To be fair DE considers players using certain farming methods and have even promoted it during the Hema incident. Depending how they change Charm. If they don't make other alterations, it will notably impact special drops more than intended.
  23. Except the Cherry Picking. Rhino has been Multiplicative since he was made. Then suddenly Additive was how it was supposed to be despite leaving Rhino and Mirage intact. Then they made Xaku in complete contradiction. Reminds me of Gun CO. It's additive except when it's not. It also puts a little too much power in debuffs which are all multiplicative.
  24. The issue with Chroma is he did lose eHP. A notable amount. 138k down to 80k before Shards brought it back to shy of 100k again. This is only if you build Chroma like I do with QT also. Any other Chroma setup will simply have less. The other issue is counter synergy with weapon mods. If you want the most of his damage amp. Don't use typical mods which is not only awkward but rather cumbersome. I doubt anyone bothers to maximize his damage output potential. Having it be a lower multiplicative value is just an easy fix. Eidolons were coming and DE wanted him nerf'd. They were fine with him up till then because Armor double dips prevented him from ever getting near his damage potential.
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