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Everything posted by RafMatador22

  1. I repeat, I'm speaking for myself, the lack of clarity doesn't bother me, probably this game would have lost all the fun for me if I already knew everything I was supposed to do before even starting.
  2. Alright buddy, if you'd like the game to hold your hand, over all the action you're going to do, that's fine, it's everyone's right, I don't like it. The lack of clarity doesn't bother me because I do research beforehand about what it will entail for me. Come on, a sound effect appears with a drum playing, and an old woman's voice in the middle of the capture mission, with a red symbol that I've never seen. I would honestly do the minimum research before doing this, a research that I would do for example to face a boss in dark souls too. Heck, the kuva lich even shows the weakness of elements to counter them.
  3. You are reporting very extreme situations man, if lack of clarity meant the death of a game, the Dark souls franchise would be long dead, but a lot of people love it, including that lack of clarity, some people like things not to be so clear.
  4. Between us, kuva lich is not an activity for new players, I myself only went to do my first one when I was getting to MR20, and it wasn't because they were unaware, I simply chose to wait a bit to do this activity, and of course research a little before doing this, for me it really doesn't cost anything to do this. Even Counter Strike 1.6 survives to this day, I'm sure Warframe would still survive, even because it would take a whole internet file burn, to delete all sources of information related to Warframe. calm down man lol
  5. Is it really that hard to know about their existence? Unless you want to play completely isolated, without friends to say anything, or with chat disabled. They are even mentioned in the game's codex, I just went to Google and searched for warframe kuva lich and that's it, but I repeat, I don't mind doing that, but I understand those who are too lazy to search.
  6. Well in the case of the lichs, when I was a very beginner before anything I went to google to find out what the hell a kuva lich was, for me that didn't hurt a bit, I like it, I like to research things, but I understand who doesn't like it .
  7. Look, I feel your point, but on the other hand, accessing some information is not so difficult, you could ask something in the game chat, surely someone would gladly answer all your questions. Or we have the mighty google as well.
  8. I didn't have a mech or amp so for me it wasn't a walk in the park, it's a shame that this event didn't come back anymore, because now I'm much more prepared.
  9. Get your mech and amp and things will get better. I did these quests only at that event that was offering arcana and never did it again, I don't even know where they happen lol
  10. Are you really sure? I also always have the impression that one of my warframes disappears, but when I type the name, there it is lol
  11. Felarx. Despite the incarnon mode being almost useless, her primary fire already kills almost anything that appears in front of her.
  12. Fala pessoal, a comunidade desse jogo no Brasil parece ser tão pequena, só vejo gringo jogando, tem alguém por ai? rsrs
  13. I didn't have any problems, I watched normally until the end of the event, and my styanax was there.
  14. I'm finding this game so abandoned in the last few days, you need to release this next update soon as we'll only see the most important corrections in it. How much delay.
  15. All you have to do is switch to secondary for 5 seconds and all your primary ammo will come back, is it really that bad to do that?
  16. Some people just don't have the will or resources to spend hours tuning a weapon until it's usable. While some weapons already look great with 2 or 3 forms. I at least don't waste my time with bad weapons, that even need rivens to be good.
  17. I think they really forgot to turn on the rotation lol, I think they're off duty or something, things won't happen again until the next update from what I can see.
  18. Warframe has never been an end-of-the-day game, but neither is it a job, at least I don't see it as such, the time to get some things even motivates me more to play.
  19. No enemy annoys me more than the ancient infested, one hit from him sucks all your energy, and without energy it's death most of the time. Fire eximus can still be resolved by rolling, or just spamming transfer with arcane Magus Elevate, thus preventing warframe dead.
  20. Olha sobre as travadas eu não faço idéia do que seja, eu jogo pelo geforce now e roda muito bem. Sobre as armas serem ruins, olha eu não posso falar sobre as armas que vc citou ai, pq eu pelo menos não uso essas no aço, mas armas incarnom, armas dos litch e das sisters são fortes pra cacete, bem bildadadas direitinho elas limpam o mapa, A própria Braton recebeu uma opção de usar ela em modo incarnon, que putz além de ficar fortíssima ela ficou ainda mais divertida de jogar. Mas enfim, só a arma não faz milagre, o que eu acho divertido nesse jogo é vc combinar o poder das armas juntamente com as habilidades e estratégias de jogabilidade, mas ai depende do jogador tb, e cada um tem seu modo de jogar. Mas pra mim o jogo tá longe de ser decepcionante nesse quesito de poder, estamos mais poderosos do que nunca.
  21. Something similar happened to me, the difference is that I was banned at 2035 lol, I didn't do anything wrong either, I just sent a ticket asking what happened and the problem was solved in 3 days.
  22. Lol, the guy is asking out of curiosity and not questioning the why of things.
  23. Yes, I read it, and it doesn't bother me at all, since it's possible to adjust the volume on the PC itself, and due to the rarity that I see someone complaining about it around here, it should bother very few people too.
  24. Wow, for me the brilliance of this update is precisely the songs, I just can't get enough of listening to them.
  25. I'm from the PC, and I've been graced with this bug several times, in all the missions failed because I couldn't fix the ship.
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