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(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Everything posted by (XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

  1. We have the tenet livia which is a laser katana, broken war and nepheri which are sentient laser blades, and exalted blade which is a retractable sword made from pure void energy.
  2. The notes are similar but one is an instrument while the other is vocals. The tempo is also different.
  3. If you have a rtx 3060 chances are you'll run the game well.
  4. That made me realize the lich's name looks like "Little Duck."
  5. They did it for the wings, but sadly not for the frames. Then again, I play on max fov so I never get this problem.
  6. Eidolons are still a thing but there's more options than just sniper rifles. Yes volt is still S tier for eidolons. Rivens still are a thing, but now you can hold infinite inactive rivens that you convert into the limited amounts of regular rivens. ESO runs are probably kinda dead. I never hear about them anymore. Spin to Win is dead. Guns are good now and literally every frame can be built to move like a race car. Railjack was updated so it's actually somewhat fun and worthwhile. Hydron still is doing well. Stalker still gets clapped, but he does get his moment in a quest they added. They made a Nidus Prime. He's pretty cool. All of your mains are doing well except Inaros and Limbo. Inaros is pretty awful now because Revenant's Mesmer Skin was turned into literal immortality with each stack giving 1 second of damage immunity so there's no point to use Inaros. Limbo was hit pretty hard with the eximus buffs. He's still pretty good, just you have to adapt to the fact eximus can fight back against his rift and the fact that he'll probably never be meta again.
  7. When you get your first actually good weapon build and tear through enemies. When you get those really good feeling melee hits on somewhat durable enemies. When you get an ability focused Warframe build and you run around destroying everything with it.
  8. The limbo duration mod Meanwhile ability efficiency with only two sources and a hard cap of 175%.
  9. I understand what you're saying, but there's nothing stopping you from playing with your phone out...
  10. He's a pacifist until he disarms an enemy and shoves a Kuva hek down their throat...
  11. I can't wait for us to find out that most of the sentients were actually pretty chill and we just destroyed their home for no reason...
  12. Not to mention that de rarely gives out fully built forma outside of plague star (which hasn't appeared in years).
  13. Technically it's a pretty good relic farm (especially for lith and meso relics) but outside of that yeah maybe it should get a little bit more... I could say that for the rest of the star chart tho....
  14. We also technically have a new second best (or third best) Nikana after Nikana Prime (although you can still make the argument that sepfahn zaw is better due to the arcane and high crit chance and forced slash on heavy attacks). Skiajati and dragon Nikana aren't looking as good after this...
  15. It doesn't need to be more viable. New players get it for free and use it until they get energy generator or some more useful mod.
  16. The problem is most interesting stuff ends up as insanely broken: Protea's 4 is severely inhibited to prevent insane shenanigans you could pull with it if it wasn't so limited. Equinox is two Warframes but you need several augments and a really good form of energy regeneration to make use of them. If both halfs could be modded separately she would be insane. Sevagoth has his shadow, but the shadow has had several bugs with it etc. It's also pretty inhibiting in some people's opinion because it's very similar to baruuk but with less freedom for builds. Titania's arching is seriously op even though you can only use one specific Archgun on it. Helminth breaks her even more. Yareli is seriously underpowered because you are forced into secondaries and can't use helminth with merulina. Imagine if you could mod it for energy regeneration and slap on helminth with your rocket launcher. So literally everything unique is broken op or underpowered.
  17. Exactly. In Warframe, progression isn't tied to an overall level. It's tied to MR which means a new player still has to farm and level different items. Even if a new player has an affinity booster, chances are that just means they'll have a few extra mod spaces more quickly. It's not like they have the op mods like condition overload, blood rush, or galvanized mods to become super powerful instantly. Worst case scenario they give their Warframe another 30% efficiency/strength/duration/range or a couple hundred hp and shields.
  18. So you're saying.... Limbo is dracula frame confirmed?! I'm surprised as well considering the argument went "Voruna should be more like a werewolf" "Oh no, Mr "Revenant is not theme accurate is targeting another frame, we better go stop him."
  19. I decided to make Bing Ai ,( a derivative of chat GPT) make a werewolf frame: Here is a possible design for a Warframe that can shapeshift into a werewolf: Name: Lupus Passive: Feral Instinct - Lupus gains increased movement speed, melee damage and critical chance based on the amount of health he has lost. Ability 1: Howl - Lupus unleashes a powerful howl that stuns nearby enemies and boosts the attack speed and armor of himself and his allies. Ability 2: Lunge - Lupus leaps forward and bites an enemy, dealing damage and healing himself for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the enemy is killed by this ability, Lupus gains a stack of Bloodlust, increasing his damage and attack speed for a duration. Ability 3: Shred - Lupus slashes with his claws, dealing damage to enemies in front of him and applying a bleed effect. If he hits an enemy affected by bleed, he deals bonus damage and refreshes the bleed duration. Ability 4: Transformation - Lupus transforms into a werewolf, gaining increased health, armor, melee range and movement speed. He also gains access to new attacks and combos while in this form. He can toggle this ability on and off at will, but it drains energy over time while active.
  20. A frame that transforms on will between two modes would also work as well, even if Equinox and Sevagoth embody that concept. My idea was simply to make it streamlined, (obviously the transformation would cause differences in animations etc), but having two different frames with entirely different kits would work as well. If we were to alter my idea, the 4th ability would be replaced with the passive and have an energy drain instead of a meter, the frame would then be like Sevagoth where you get new abilities that are more powerful, but unlike Sevagoth you can still function like a regular frame (basically a mix between Sevagoth and Equinox).
  21. I personally think of the game Bloodborne when I came up with the idea. Basically characters like Lady Maria, Gehrman, and Father Gascoigne who can move quickly with razor sharp melee weapons, favoring mobility and aggressiveness over heavy armor. They also use guns and therefore would work very similarly to a Warframe specifically designed to hunt down infested horrors. This also ties into why it would be a Hunter frame: irony. Several of the Bloodborne bosses are/were hunters that turn into the very monsters they hunt, with only Ludwig regaining his sanity after he transforms. Basically my idea is this: Hugh mobility, low armor and shields, frame has an ability that allows it to close the gap between himself/herself quickly and attack enemies, has an ability that makes it so killing enemies makes it stronger and faster, has a bunch of gadgets that can do a variety of functions (blinding smoke bombs, launching projectiles like knives, etc), and an exalted/signature weapon that can swap between two stances mid fight. As the frame kills enemies and uses abilities, the frame builds up a "werewolf meter" which triggers automatically when full, and causes a surge of energy, increases the attack speed of melee weapons, boosts the strength and speed of abilities, causes constant hp regeneration, and lands guaranteed staggers on enemies on hits (with an increased chance of slash procs). Enemies also become highlighted in red as part of the cosmetic and are visible on the minimap. The frame reverts to normal when the meter runs out but it can be kept up by killing enemies.
  22. The Orokin had created a variety of horrors, from the infested, to the sentients, to the monster that fought ivara. A Hunter frame designed to hunt any unnatural horrors would coincide with the theme of a werewolf/vampire hunter, except he is living in the future.
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