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Everything posted by (PSN)EntityPendragon

  1. Her theme is that of unbridled rage incarnate. If they were to rework her at all then she should stay that theme. To clear things up, she only shares anything with Valkyries by name only. Finally they shouldn't overcomplicate her abilities needlessly as she is an old school classic with abilities that were made simple and should stay that way; besides, she doesn't need all that much. A good rework for me would be fixing the stance of her 4 by making it less awkward and giving it forced procs (Specifically slash, they are claws why the hell would it not do slash primarily.) then building the function of her 3rd augment into her ability and give some extra function to her 1st ( or don't, it is fine as it is but a new function would be welcome. )
  2. Right, until recently hydroid went from 0 to hero but I got an argument on my hands and I will see it's conclusion so! Og Hydroid before the update or current Inaros... Who deserves a rework, keep it short and sweet.
  3. This will not happen, trust me. They would have to create 50+ new models for existing frames and that excludes the primes. It is completely unfeasible, and the warframes have their own defined existence to the point that they are more or less 'main characters' in their own right and due to lore reasons there is no such thing as female Nidus or male Valkyr since their result from the procedure was totally random and unique to the person it was done to. Not to mention they would have to also create new ability sfx for every frame that has a voice. If you have not gone far enough, you will have your male or female choice when you gain access to further the story, how is something I will not tell as it is taboo to spoil. Im already skirtin along the line as it is. TLDR: It is too much work to do and the lore forbids such a thing to warframes particularly.
  4. Feel good with something like this. This would partially fix and make host migration errors so much more bearable. Maybe I am just grasping for something that more incorporates risk.
  5. Reward with no risk is how you get the most boring gameplay in history in a game about resources, parts and blueprints. Not to mention you are in control of whether you risk failure with what you got or not so it is on you (plus the fact that you can see what mission type is next.) Also, you do not loose everything, you at the very least keep the leveling made in game just not the bonus from end result unless it is different for Duviri (There is that visual bug that happens commonly in Duviri that doesn't let you see the xp you are getting for your chosen gear in mission progress.)
  6. Revanent if you want easy mode. Nekros for farming resources. If you want a melee based warframe then Voruna or Kullervo is your best bet. As a wisp main I am very biased and suggest going for her over everything since she is capable of doing most playstyles very well (On top of being able to do really any activity in the game.) along with the moral boost (lol) she is just great. I do however reccomend going for her prime it is easier to farm and to avoid spoilers if you aren't that far yet.
  7. uhhh, free forma. ORR Ordis is talking about the incarnons and is giving you forma to forma them lol (You can switch incarnon perks in arsenal now)
  8. Oh yeah. Ascended will be great... after the patching. Im expecting a broken mess and still excited either way, perks of warframe being ones favorite game.
  9. Titan on Saturn. I use it to level weapons as well. I have used it for so long, been trying to switch to ani
  10. We will have to see, like I said they will always keep new content first and foremost.
  11. It ain't that DE can't or hasn't used suggestions before, it is more about them balancing the new content, old content reworks (sometimes) and THEN sometimes do suggestions. Much of what we are getting in Abyss of Dagath were suggestions asking for many many years. TLDR: Our voices are heard, they are just too busy with giving new content on there own plans to act on suggestions all the time.
  12. Not to mention Caliban would be competing against Wisp, Wukong, and Revenant who all excel at being good at everything.
  13. This is one of those things that I think is extremely awesome and would be an amazing addition but something that I know that would come until many years if they would put a focus on clans again.
  14. It is often pointed out that the primes are never always the first of the frame and all that. The relics also were said to just have anything in them and that primes all exist and don't which is determined with the opening of the relic. Personally believe that since we are in contract with Wally, whatever is related to the tenno (warframes, tenno weapons.) will just appear at some point once something that was lost is recovered in history. It is also worth noting that since the orokin and the void have close ties, a prime seemingly appearing from nothing is definetly possible cough* cough* revenant cough*. Or all I said could be a load of bollocks in todays time, who knows what lore has changed since years ago. TLDR; Primes are never always the first, only what is represented in orokin technology, and yes Eternalism.
  15. As do I. I end up never playing events cause they rarely do. I been around for so long and cause I rarely play events I completely forgot that hallowed flame was a thing. (Just had a realization that you changed your glyph and never noticed. I recognized you by glyph.)
  16. As long as it doesn't turn into a slog like the Halloween event before Naberus then sure ill take it. Cause I to this day heavily appreciate Naberus opposed to that boring and repetitive event, even if it is just deimos bounties.
  17. Just had a massive idea. What if we replace one of his abilities that converts health into overguard since we have an ability to heal. We got all that health, why not use it more. Of course the ability would either have to be an instant conversion or small invulnerability window on cast to prevent instant overguard depletion. Ability idea inspired by garuda's 3rd
  18. Heres the link to the post. Had to dig deep IF you would like a quick tldr of his reply, he said that it has been in queue but it has been for a very long time and is not a easy change. Also said that Crossave has to come out first before anything like that.
  19. Pretty sure I remember Pablo getting asked on twitter and he replied that it is in queue but not a priority rn
  20. This would please me greatly. Valkyr was my favorite before I switched over to Wisp being my main. Good deal
  21. Small advice. If you don't want to accidently make yourself an enemy of the whole community, refrain for EVER speaking for the entire community. That never ends well
  22. It may be less but roar can be activated at any point for max effectiveness, but for eclipse you need to stand in light. Which also means that because it is night during eidolon hunts their ain't much light to get the damage bonus. Light = damage, dark = armor. Roar is normally enough for me anyways so I guess if it works then use it
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