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  1. Deimos/Persto (Survival) Rotation B Mandonel Stock Uncommon (17.50%) Rotation C Mandonel Barrel Uncommon (15.00%) Mandonel Receiver Uncommon (15.00%) Deimos/Munio (Mirror Defense) Rotation B Mandonel Receiver Uncommon (17.50%) Rotation C Mandonel Barre lUncommon (15.00%) Mandonel Stock Uncommon (15.00%) Deimos/Cambire (Alchemy) Rotation B Mandonel Barrel Uncommon (17.50%) Rotation C Mandonel Receiver Uncommon (16.00%) Mandonel Stock Uncommon (16.00%) Source Official warframe drop table https://www.warframe.com/en/droptables
  2. I'm not blaming them. I blame the toxic and vitriolic ones. Besides it's not like it's today or never. People are rampaging because they want in now, and only now. It'll be open again soon, so no need for unhinged baboonery.
  3. Yup, expected. That's what happens when you inform thousands upon thousands of people several hours in advance that they have a single opportunity to get what they're thirsty for. This is the community atm:
  4. Yup, but people are gonna be people and still spit in the plate they can and actively choose to eat from, and stay at the plate to keep complaining once and time again, forever. DE has their flaws, and I have no issue calling them out, but this is just the community reaping what it's sown. And DE's only mistake was informing the commununity of this opportunity, which allows for all the vitriol and entitlement when the obvious happens. Meanwhile imma
  5. So far I'm not sure you're allowed to do that. Unless DE states so you risk being banned on both accounts, since they are not allowed to interact with each other. The legitimate way to do it is via cross save, within the confines of its rules and limitations. Trying to circumvent that could have negative consequences. I suspect the no interaction rule will stay the same despite cross save, since one situation does not necessarily exclude the other.
  6. Same is happening to others, and it's not supposed to happen. For the time being I'd recommend not proceeding with further merge/linking action, since you risk losing progress on your other account, and wait for DE to inform those affected by this of how to proceed.
  7. I don't think those are supposed to merge, tbh. I certainly spent all my syndicate standing on stuff on my secondary account before the merge, at least.
  8. Exact same for my friend. PS to brand new PC link/override is possible, but then it won't let him select the PSN as primary for the PSN-XB (both old accounts) merge, since it only shows the PC account - even logged in with PSN and not the brand new PC account. As for mine, no issues at all, since I only had a PSN primary account and a PC secondary account. Kudos to the team.
  9. This is what's happening with my friend, exact same - Primary PSN, Secondary XB, PC account created for this specific purpose. PSN-PC link went well, but now it doesn't allow him to choose the PSN as primary to merge with the XBox one, so I advised him to not do anything else and create a support ticket. Glad to know this is a general issue that'll most likely be fixed. As for myself, seamless and great merging, since I was merging my primary PSN account with my secondary PC account, so no hitches there. Couldn't ask for a better holiday gift from DE!
  10. I'm not eligible for merger yet, and I find the trade rules rather confusing. But I think the gist of it is "you likely can trade only with those who have cross trade enabled in their settings", which requires them to also have a cross platform account active. But it's strange that you aren't able to see at the very least some founder accounts, so I'll guess in this case we have to wait either until more people of our respective platforms make the 'passage', or until everyone is included in the process. Here:
  11. My advice is read stuff carefully and slowly, don't rush it by any means. Read up the FAQ more than once if needed to spot any details you might have missed. Check user posts both here on the forums and on Reddit and check what hurdles they might have faced and errors they might've commited in their process, and avoid them like the plague. Note that so far I've mostly seen reports of either good and seamless cross saves, or negative reports where people seem to have gravely misread and rushed the process, linking acounts and overriding progress or even choosing an account with lower progress and being surprised when faced with that lower progress being mostly kept as it was (Egg. Mastery Rank) - which is covered in the FAQ. If I must be honest before the initial rollout I was more nervous. But seeing how careful DE is taking it, how they halted cross save on December 15th, resumed it on the 18th, and most reports are like said above, I am pretty at ease with it now. Remember: You'll only have one shot at it, and this is the turning point for the combined progress of all your different platform accounts, should you have them and they be eligible for merging. Careless mistakes are costly, so really, take your time and make sure it goes well on your side. You can even consider waiting longer until most people had their chance to do it and decide for yourself later. Merge will be open for some time, after all, and DE will inform us of its end at least 1 month before.
  12. I'm kinda having a blast with my favorite weapons. I'd say mostly weapons with a pre-disposition to work with heavy attacks, specially if you consider building for a combo-heavy attack hybrid, which is what I'm trying to do in most cases. So far I think both Ekhein, per its unique bonus on heavy attacks, as well as the Sampotes, which has a very nice ground slam radius, I find pretty good with Tennokai. Specially when you bring in Kullervo, which takes them to a whole other level. I believe the Sampotes ground slam does not benefit from Tennokai, sadly (it should) but at least it allows us to dish out normal heavy attacks at no combo cost. As for other more standard-ish weapons I like, I'm seriously having absolute fun with my Prisma Ohma, Guandao Prime and my Red Crit Nikana Zaw. In an even more awesome note, I tried this on Galatine Prime (because despite being rather old it's still a very beautiful blade) and I found that it benefited greatly from Tennokai, and I do intend to use it more in the near future.
  13. I'm not sure about your question, but I'll say those accolades (and the Excal Prime Glyph, for example) should also transfer to the chosen main account. Same for the Founder symbol on the forums and these kind of similar situations. And yeah, from a technical standpoint I believe it's definetly possible. I remember not long ago Rebb had a baby account with an Excal Prime in it. If an internal account can be created with Founder privileges, then that kind of privileges (founders, beta players, etc.) should be transferable in this kind of process. Not that any of this affects me personally, since I don't have this particular problem in my accounts, but that's my two cents.
  14. Well, assuming this was user-end error, which seems like it, you should have been more careful, done a proper reading of the rules, how's and limitations of this entire thing. It is after all probably the most important point of all our accounts - since this is the turning point for all of our combined progress between different accounts, and the consequences of a mistake are dire. That being said, DE should expect this kind of thing to happen, and I bet you that more people will turn up with this exact problem. If it's possible to do, people will absolutely do it. We are talking about a whole lot of people here after all. Regardless of where and how the mistake occured people are gonna be people, and there should be a backup plan for when something like this happens. Surely, hopefully, there's a way to roll it back and re-do at least once. Specially for cases when the mistake is not made by the player. With this in mind, and knowing I will absolutely take my sweet time merging and making sure everything's right on my end, I will still be taking a comprehensive amount of screenshots on both my PS and PC accounts before atempting to merge. Just in case, even if not needed.
  15. So as the title says. Don't bother giving us the planned timeline for the cross save release, since it's a plan at best, and problems might occur to delay it, and promote complaints by the community. We already know it's a matter of days provided everything goes smoothly. But what are the phases themselves? Who's next after the founders? Accounts created in 2013-14? And then 2015-16? Are we going by account age stages? Or is it another criteria? Any point when you decide enough stages went smoothly before just opening the full flood gates for all years (Egg. 2020)? I'd be most thankful if this was cleared up so I can know what to expect. So far everything seems to be going smoothly, so kudos and best hopes for the next few days!
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