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Everything posted by Birdframe_Prime

  1. This is exactly the view point I'm calling into question. You're literally asking for there not to be a time gate on deliberately and purposefully time gated content. That is simultaneously beating a dead horse and complete toddler mentality. You are supposed to experience this content slowly. Every player that likes more than one frame, be it five, ten, or all fifty five of them, experiences the game at the exact same rate. That is, to put it simply, absolutely fair. Because the rewards are the same for every player, whether we have the patience for a time gate or not. Since every player is time gated, then it doesn't matter what your play style is, it's fair to all players. Some players will stop engaging with the system sooner than others. Ones that engage in the system long enough for only one or two frames are not inherently at an advantage over players that engage long enough for fifty frames, they're just lazier, or content not to push out of their comfort zone, or both. They don't get any more, or any less, power than you do out of this. If they only max out two frames, that's them limiting themselves, not you being limited by the game. You want the power this system offers for all of the frames you like? You wait and you play the missions. Same as everyone else. This isn't 'punishing' you by making you take the required amount of time to get the things you want. Things don't have to be time gated, but there is a stated and deliberate reason why they are. And repeating that they 'shouldn't' is just sitting on the floor having a tantrum. In point of fact, DE have already implemented a new system to allow more Archon Shards to be earned in a week. Notably, it's still slow. And it requires similar time investment to getting the base two that we were able to get before. So go do it. You got what you wanted, what are you still complaining about? But one more point: Heh, would that it were so clear cut. What we have here is a case of the 'gimme now' and everyone else pointing out to them that shouting about it means absolutely nothing. We basically just want the toddlers to stop crying, because DE aren't even listening. Time gates aren't the best mechanic around, but they do what the developers intend: Force players to come back week on week if they want the new shiny thing. That's all that time gates are and all they ever have been. Warframe is built on them, you have to wait for nearly everything, and paying Plat to skip some things doesn't actually fix most of the time gates in the game. A free-to-play game is literally monetised by having players stay in the game, and keep coming back to it, long enough to convince them to pay. We know that's how this works, so do you, and DE definitely do as well. Because they even allowed non-paying players to trade Plat away from the paying players, which gets the paying players to go pay for more. And that's also why so many time gates aren't skippable. Daily Standing, resource grinds, Mastery Rank tests being day-gated, Nightwave weekly/daily acts. DE wants to keep us coming back. It doesn't matter if it's only for twenty minutes per session, or an hour or two on the weekend, or grinding non stop for days. All they want is to have us come back, for the paying players to be tempted to pay more, and for the non-paying players to drain the currency from the ones that did already pay. So with that said... We just want to talk a bit of sense into the other players. DE won't ever get rid of these time gates, because they serve their purpose. Whether any of us like them or not. The adults in the room are largely just tired, and want there to be a little peace.
  2. Observation. From nine years of discussing this topic on the Forums, Reddit and later Discord. I have made several purchases for real money in the form of the TennoGen or Prime Access, and within three weeks of every one of them I've received a 75% off coupon. With one offered within a week of returning to the game after a month's hiatus, three different times over the years. There are also multiple other players that have reported this over time, all of them with nine or ten years of observations to draw from.
  3. Yeah, they were. Then they spent ten years finding out what works in their game engine. DE themselves said they aren't doing things like this, not because they can't do it, but because it isn't actually something they want to put their time into. Especially when this ability isn't practical for gameplay on regular game modes.
  4. At what point does a game that let frames with basic modding and good gear reach level cap in endless modes, 'put limitations' on those frames by not offering them even more power for a couple of months instead of right now? Except that's the result of this discussion. All of your talk about 'limiting play styles' amounts to this: You want these things available now instead of in two or three months. The frames you want to put archon shards on will be stronger then, but that doesn't mean they're not strong now. They can still do almost everything you want them to do, in fact probably all of what you want them to do, just less conveniently. You can still enjoy those frames as they are right now, they're not 'lesser' just 'not completely optimised'. That isn't a punishment, that isn't a limitation. It's just not exactly how you want it immediately upon you wanting it. Why do you need to work on more than one frame at once? Because you like using more than one frame at once? So what? You can still use those frames, just not in the specific, optimised way you want them. Before the archon shards existed, you had them completely optimised to where they did what you wanted them to do. Did they suddenly, magically, stop doing that when Archon Shards were invented? No. They still do that, and you can still enjoy the game with them. If you played those frames before, you can still play those frames now. Nothing is stopping you, nothing is limiting you from enjoying them. It genuinely doesn't matter that you just want 'faster' instead of 'now', because 'faster' is exactly the same lack of patience and ability to enjoy things over time.
  5. Why is that punishing? To me, and this is just me, complaining that you can't have all of the things now isn't a valid 'negative'. Seeing that you don't have everything (yet), and finding that a consistent negative, is a sign of not fully developed thinking. It's a point where you should genuinely look at your expectations, your ability to anticipate, and reign in the negative thoughts associated with delayed gratification. Any toddler when given a piece of chocolate and told 'you can eat it now, but if you don't eat it and wait a little while I'll give you another piece and you can eat two' will still eat the first piece without waiting. Because toddlers only understand the now. Not being given something now, being told to wait for it, is a genuinely alien concept. Sadly, that perspective still persists in many people into adulthood, and is being demonstrated by so many players in these threads. DE want you to wait. You get things slowly because they want you to have them slowly. Why? To keep you coming back week after week after week. Not to keep you coming back day after day, they already have things for that. Week after week. Maintaining those players that can only play on weekends, for example, and not giving everything to the players that can devote 40 hours in two days to the game. DE know it's not healthy to grind for the very end-of-current-content that quickly. Not healthy for the players, and not healthy for their revenue. So... I guess it's time for you and other players like you to do a little introspection and confront the inner toddler we all have and tell them to wait.
  6. It's not a matter of them not having enough programmers, it's them not having enough programmers that aren't already working on something else. Also, fun new piece of info from DE: https://wccftech.com/warframe-whispers-in-the-walls-and-beyond-qa-with-creative-director-rebecca-ford/ Interview with DERebecca at the Game Awards. The relevant question was this one: And then this one: So it genuinely doesn't matter about this debate anymore. They aren't going to. We're shut down, no matter whether we support it or not.
  7. Why not? In the specifics, the balance argument is exactly what they did and why they did it, explained to us at the time. You've completely misinterpreted the message there; These frames have functions that turn off 99% of abilities, it's more 'fair' for them to turn off 100% and leave it at that, rather than confuse the players even more by having just one ability they can cast. And it's more 'fair' in terms of Helminth choices for the frames to have there be a universal rule for those specific frames. In terms of having some frames be able to use all of the Helminth abilities as intended, and a couple not? That's not fair, and we know it. Don't confuse the two points. Do you... Do you just emotionally react to a statement, Quxier? Do you never think it through and take it in the context of other things you know? Things that I know you know because of conversations we've already had, specifically. Think about it. Between 'Use up the dev time to program in all of the functions required to use Abilities to K-drives, but never use those functions outside of Yareli and Grendel and only when they've got a Helminth Ability', or 'Use that same dev time and the same people that would do that programming to create the next Warframe, Quest, Enemies and Weapons that are going to be the main source of DE's income for the next five years' What choice is there? That's not even a choice. Maybe they will come back to it. We don't know if they will or if they won't. Sometimes DE surprise us with changes that we didn't know we were going to get. Maybe DE will decide that, just like Archwings, K-drives will need a suite of Abilities that we can use in Open Landscapes instead of Archwings. But as of the currently released statements, it's a known issue that they aren't going to spend the time to fix. That's it. That's all we know. And that's what we have to take, and what we have to report to other people that ask the same question.
  8. Oh, is that all? The game is full of things like this, it's not arbitrary in the slightest. There are literally separate builds of Warframe for the different consoles and PC. As many different builds as there are platforms. They don't all include the same things in them, and haven't for a long time. It saves them time on the builds when they can literally leave out cosmetics or functions that can't be used.
  9. Yeah, so, this is genuinely just a technical matter that DE do not have the time to solve. Think of it this way, most games that have different movement types (like Overwatch having Pharah and Mercy able to just... fly) have those movement types baked into the base of the game. You can use the custom game modes to give Reinhardt flying because it's part of what the... shall we call it 'Player Avatar' can do in the base game. Warframe's Evolution Engine, however, does not have all of the movement types baked into the base game, they're separate movement modes that rely on transferring from one movement type to another. It applies Physics differently and applies the placement of things like 'line of sight' and 'Area of Effect' differently to the base movement system. So, for example the Archwing, and why Titania can use all the Helminth abilities is because Archwing was (and still is) a comprehensive movement system that has been added into the game as a separate mode, and then worked into the base game back when the Sea Lab tile set was created. It has multiple ability types, ones that have those same Line of Sight, AoE and targeting functions built into it for all the different Archwing Abilities. This allows a frame like Titania to use all the Helminth functions because Archwing, as a physics/movement/player avatar function, has these things baked into it too now. K-Drive, however, has not had that treatment. K-Drive (and by extension, we believe this also applies to Grendel's Pulverise) has only had a few of the different functions programmed into it at base. It's supposed to disable most abilities, it's supposed to disable things like weapons (apart from Secondaries), it's supposed to be a movement tool and not a mobile base for casting functions. And so, when DE created Yareli based on this option, there were actually plenty of bugs. For example, did you notice that Yareli on Merulina has to do a little 'dip down' animation to signal that you can 'press X to interact' with anything? This is because it's detecting something that's usually only available in the regular movement mode (which is the option to interact), and signaling visually to the player that it has created the bridging function between K-Drive mode and regular Warframe mode. It's got a custom function in the code that allows this specific K-drive to interact with objects on the map once it's in range of them, and only then. Why couldn't Operators be used by Yareli properly? The same reason that Operators couldn't be used by Titania properly before that. The option to Transfer was not built into the movement mode. The Player Avatar wasn't able to make that switch. The same is true for all the different Abilities. Yareli's abilities are simple, an AoE on herself, an ability that is animated out from her, places itself on the Nav Mesh, and then seeks enemies from there, and a point-of-targeting ability that causes an AoE with Line of Sight from itself, rather than from Yareli. Because these are the only functions that are available, it makes it very difficult to allow Helminth abilities to work on her because K-Drive itself doesn't have these functions. You can cast Gloom, for example, and then get on Merulina, because it can generate the AoE on Yareli while she's in basic Warframe mode, but can't do that when she's on Merulina's K-drive mode. It stays active while she's on Merulina because it functions in the same way as Aqua Blades does (in terms of detecting and causing an effect on an enemy). These same limitations affect Grendel. But you'll point out that Grendel can use Nourish while in Pulverise, but Yareli can't use it while on Merulina, and that isn't fair, right? You're not wrong. However this one's likely due to DE basically saying 'it's more unfair to only have one ability work on Merulina, rather than just a blanket 'no' because all the other abilities don't work on Merulina.' And finally, why the inconsistency with some frames like Styanax and the old Hydroid in his puddle? That's simple; these are not different movement modes. In Styanax' case, it's simply an animation, it's not actually changing his physics mode or movement mode. And in Hydroid's case, we know that DE just shrank Hydroid down until he was 'under' the puddle, hiding him from sight. We found him down there with the free camera. So he didn't change either and so could use all Helminth abilities while in Undertow until DE decided to take that away for the balance of him being invincible and able to cast powerful abilities. This applies to @quxier's points as well, like Wisp (just an animation, not a change in mode) and Caliban (the same). Voruna's 4th disables everything but her own abilities, including weapons, and is not a mode-shift, just a genuine balance thing (just like using Mesa's 4 means you can't recast her 2 and 3). None of the other abilities in the game have the option to pause their timer, so Xaku literally can't pause their timers. And Sevagoth's Shadow is a whole separate Warframe that you change into, so unlike Khora's Venari that stays around and you just can't command it, you can't take away the Shadow any more than you could take away your Operator or Equinox's other form. Importantly we know all of this because DE explained how their different movement systems worked to us on the DevStreams during the implementation of Sharkwing (underwater Archwing) and the Plains version of Archwing after that. Then in the implementation of K-drives, too. So we're not just supposing an answer here, we're literally using DE's own explanation.
  10. I genuinely still don't understand why people don't get this whole Archon Shard progression system in general. You're supposed to take it slow. You're supposed to not have enough to use on every frame. You're supposed to feel the limitation of two per week. They will streamline the system over time, as the Shards become more and more commonplace, but not yet. Not quickly. The entire point of this system is that it's slow and keeps you coming back every week. Yes, that's frustrating. Yes, that's still the point. We aren't going to change this by complaining. Only by actually engaging with the system and proving that there's not enough. The same way that we basically forced DE to update Chroma's 1 when they introduced Helminth and 100% of people using Helminth on Chroma got rid of his 1 for literally anything better.
  11. Hmm... that could be something to do with your settings, then. Adjusting to a fixed frame-rate to match up with your monitor, turning off some of the unnecessary options to do with the different visual settings... Let's see what I have to keep things clean... [One log in later] So a few ideas. L Turning off Warframe's own V-synch and letting the graphics card handle that. Capping your framerate to your monitor's max (mine's at 144hz because it literally can't go higher). Using the Enhanced version of the Graphics Engine, which most things can be on High, but setting the Anti-Aliasing to SMAA (medium) Tuning down the Anisotropic Filtering to only 2x and turning off the Trilinear Filtering (Warframe's pretty smooth on textures, so you don't really need to clean up the transitions between them too often). Setting your Ambient Occlusion settings (SSAO Quality) to Medium instead of High. You have the option to turn off the High Shader Quality (which can have a significant effect) Turning off Distortions, Glare, Film Grain and Bloom. Although Motion Blur is something I turn off, doing that is a preference and has a negative effect on performance. That's not precisely a comprehensive list, but those are ones I've found have some of the most effect on your performance. And I only have a 2080, so if mine doesn't stutter, then... yeah. A great idea for you is to turn on the 'Show FPS' option, because it may even be that the stuttering isn't actually being caused by Warframe, it could be outputting a solid 144FPS, but your machine could be displaying it poorly because of other interference. One of my biggest PC bug-bears was the Xbox Game Bar trying to interfere. Turning off all the built-in gaming functions on Windows can improve any game that's not owned by Windows or installed via their App.
  12. Well, one surefire way to make the Warframe experience 'smooth', regardless of your graphics settings, is to play only around level 45 or so, for really quick kills. It really does make room clearing very, very easy and smooth. That said... for Warframe's graphics, you really can crank them up to insane settings if you have the computing hardware for it. You just have to be ready to pay for that hardware.
  13. Yep, all Quest rewards can be re-earned by paying Standing to Simaris in the Relays. You'll get it back soon enough ^^
  14. Why would I add him when both he and Trinity are dedicated support frames that both function better solo? ^^
  15. Let's... hmm... Other players have taken apart the concept as proposed. How about I take a crack at a Slime theme too, see what you like about it? So... Any thoughts? Team support frame with the option for Ability-based kills as well as some solid weapon buffs for both herself and allies. The personal/team Energy restore function will work well, as long as you have a second Status applicator that can give you that consistent Condition Overload effect. This will also give you even more damage on her 4, even more Healing/Overguard on her 2, and more Status Spreading for enemies marked by her 1. Group enemies, Mordant Strike, Prime and then blast them with Eroding Wave for pretty fireworks. Meanwhile your entire team is happy and just having a Companion with you will have benefits, too. Keeps the slime theme, but applies it to methods that will work with Warframe's faster paced movement, but also with the missions that require you to stay in place for a while.
  16. Cool, yes. Practical, or even 'The Devs actually create an entirely new model and movement mode capable of casting Dagath's other abilities and then have players complain that they can't use the Helminth abilities while it's active and then the Devs spend every single update after this patching it so it doesn't break', that's going to be a Nope.
  17. Depends. Entirely on what you want to achieve with your support. Wisp, for example, is not only one of the better Healing and Team Buffing frames, but also has a great area CC and can survive indefinitely with her personal invisibility and the option to instantly spam invincibility frames. On the other hand, how about Sevagoth? Or at least his Helminth ability. Instantly slows enemies it contacts, over a massive radius, and offers all players in the radius life steal for damage dealt. His other abilities can boost damage dealt and he can even leave Gloom in place and still roam around and hard CC enemies while dealing really high damage to them as his Shadow. Octavia can create massive areas of CC and aggro, help allies turn invisible, passively boost Multishot too, completely switch off enemy AI if that's wanted, and provide a wide area-of-effect damage boost to all allies. And... let's see, given the criteria, a Zephyr could even count quite well because of massive damage boosting, wide area CC, and even a complete shield to Ranged damage for the team that wants to camp-farm a Survival. Gara? Shields for allies, wide area CC with damage boosting applied to it, can protect objectives as well as allies... Garuda? Yeah, sure, Blood Altar for healing and Seeking Talons for massive team-wide damage boosting. Citrine? Definitely. Complete team-wide health recovery, damage reduction and both Status and DPS buffs (for weapons that work on condition/gundition overload), health and energy orb drops for other combos, and even a wide area CC that has a Crit buff. But what about Frost? Because now (with the updated Cold Status) Frost can provide a damage prevention shield, wide area CC with Armour stripping, and Cold also provides a Crit buff now, so your damage will never be irrelevant. Can even provide Overguard to allies too with his augment. Who else... Hydroid can provide massive area enemy Armour stripping, apply status, can use Augments to apply even more damage boosting status, clear ally Status effects and also provide Status immunity to them, heal allies for more Health than they can hold and even boost Loot drops. And that's on top of wide area CC too. So... Depends ^^
  18. Yes. They were. By the simple fact of being Dedicated Server format. All they had to do was create the client side access for the different platforms. Do you have no comprehension of how this actually works? How the different platforms access both their own systems and DE's servers, and how Peer To Peer services are so very different from the Dedicated Servers that those other games function on, on top of how registering accounts as platform specific in the first place was not only mandatory, but necessary for the basic net-code of Warframe's running... I find it genuinely weird how you can have that Grand Master tag and not have looked into how the game works at any time previously. Then again, only 18 posts on the Forums (as of my reply here) really does go to show that you don't take an interest.
  19. Built. Into. The. Game. From. The. Start. (Apart from Minecraft, but that's server based, so it's a matter of accessing specific servers instead of crossing Accounts.) Name any one of them that got to 10 years before they implemented Cross Play, let alone Cross Save. That's literally what I'm talking about. None of these games got to ten years of constantly updated and still-being-updated content before they implemented Cross Play, and then had to wait nearly a full year before they were able to try Cross Save. No game has attempted this. Not to my knowledge. You are looking at genuine net-code open heart surgery here.
  20. This isn't a full Cross Save environment. This is an experimental cross save situation with ten years of content already existing, and already having been platform specific. To the best of my knowledge, no other game has ever even attempted something on this kind of scale.
  21. Ooh, getting in before the thread lock ^^ I don't see what's unclear about 'platform specific content is locked to that platform'. It's universal, all Xbox exclusive content stays on Xbox, all Playstation exclusive content stays on Playstation, and all PC exclusive content stays on PC. Since the Founders pack was exclusive on PC, it stays on PC.
  22. 1. You're petty. You said to say it. 2. What has changed between now and when you first asked? I mean... has anything at all even hinted that the priorities at DE for what they want to do have changed? You made your point back when you made it. There has, however, been no change. DE still will prioritise other things.
  23. Dude, I'm just questioning why you're not enjoying what you have while you have it, and then moving on to keep enjoying what you still have. It's really strange that you don't appreciate limited items specifically because they're limited, and instead focus only on the idea that you lose them afterwards. There is so much else in the game, and you don't need these specific things to still enjoy the game.
  24. Well yeah, you don't have to care. You're free not to care. The difference is that you not caring does not, and should not, mean that DE has to change anything when it's genuinely obvious to everyone else (and has been stated by the Developers multiple times) that way more people than you do care. The ones that are actually interested in playing and paying for the game, as a mass, do care about the new frames. They do care about the new content. And DE have ten years of experience in getting money out of the player base, in meeting player expectations and even surpassing them in some respects. They also have ten years of following through on the concept of 'We don't plan to do that unless something massively changes about how our game works.' When the game goes through massive changes, they bring in concepts that they couldn't before. Like the original Archwing versus the current one, the changes that happened in Railjack made it possible (even mandatory) to rework how we transitioned to space combat, requiring a dedicated space for the ship, the archwing and the on-foot bonus objectives all in the same game space. This didn't exist before. So. Here's the thing for you, my friend, please listen and understand here. If. There is suddenly a breakthrough in how DE handles movement, pathing, Ability placement, mode shifting, and the Navigation Mesh handling, all at the same time, that allows them to actually fully rig and process a quadruped (or even more complex) skeleton so that it can handle all of the things that the regular humanoid rig can handle, along with all of the other things that the quadruped skeleton would have to handle, then yes. That's when you'll get your frame that's more interesting than just a humanoid. That's when you'll get a more complex skeleton that can handle all of those things. And you'll know about it at the same time as all the rest of us. You can come back here and be triumphant and say 'SEE?! I TOLD YOU THEY COULD DO IT!!!' At which point every one of us will turn around and also say right back: 'See? We told you that's what it would take for them to do it.' Because DE told us what it would take to do it. And ignoring DE on this is only going to make you more frustrated.
  25. That's the thing, I have holiday cheer. I don't need arbitrary cosmetics to have it. If anything, you're the one being Scrooge by holding on to imaginary possessions instead of appreciating the things you actually have.
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