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Tridolon Coolmunity


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9 hours ago, entity747 said:

I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this

raids you had unlimited time limit when you start an finish while the tricaps you only have 50 minutes for the cetus night cycle

players doing tridolon/tricap  are wanting to not spend the entire night doing one set an want to try an do two or three sets.
That why there are strict requirements for the premade groups cause everyone has a part to play in the fight an having missing things will ruin the plan an take soooo much longer

if you get like a selfish buff chroma or rhino an they cant seem to deal enough damage on the limbs that a major issue cause if they were a good range buff but S#&$ty damage it be abit better.
if you get a trinities that i have seen in the past that dont want to bless an heal lures causing team to get new lures several times an charge them up so you can cap the big dude that your currently one.
if you get frames like titatnia ya she can fly an try an take out limbs but she doesnt help the team in a whole.
if you get a oberon thinking ya i can heal the lures easily. wrong as he a slow heal over time not enough to keep them alive when taking heavy damage
if you get a umbra excal thinking hey this thing did great against other sentients so this shoulnd't be any differnt an just uses exalted blade as didn't read the wiki.
if you get a person who knows abit about how shattering impact works but not how to use it to help strip some armor off them an so just puts it helios weapon an removes all armor an team loses the radaition damage bonus.
get a person who using a kavat but has sharpened claws on an strips armor all off.


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When you have a timelaps of 50 minutes of 150, you want to be efficient.

For most people 2h30 is a whole game session for the day.

Fighting eidolon can be stressfull and extremely annoying when you do too many mistake in a row.

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Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u



can't people have fun anymore? 

Join those that host 2x3 and have no requirements or  - unbelievable - host yourself, you will have lots of fun.


how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.

Don't be a filthy beggar, that's how you will grow. You don't "grow" by jumping in 3x3 or 4x3 or 5x3, start just like they did from capturing just terralysts.


 But I admit some ppl just ask too damn high standard for Tridolon hunting party. It doesn't need gear that good to clear the trail.

Most people in fact when recruit, don't ask anything other than the roles. Which is extremely annoying if you're looking for a specific number. Eidolon is one of the most flexible things allowing you to solo it, pug it and literally pick any "difficulty" and pace you want and yet people still whine.

Edited by -Temp0-
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11 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Don't be a filthy beggar, that's how you will grow. You don't "grow" by jumping in 3x3 or 4x3 or 5x3, start just like they did from capturing just terralysts.

Can someone explain to me what the 3x3, 4x3, 5x3 thing means?

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I don't think it is toxic, it's just the nature of min maxing. If you just wanna have fun and play casually, don't expect more than 1 tridolon capture per night. Some people think min maxing 5 caps per night is fun while some people think using any frame they like is fun. Well both are mutually exclusive of course. You cannot get 5 caps per night using any frame you like. It goes for the same for any game modes, for example defense mission, of course you can use any frame you want, but it will be never be fast with some nukes and speedva in the team. I think the challenge of 4 or 5 caps provide some end game fun to the game. If we don't allow for that we are removing end game again.

People have been crying for endgame but when it comes, players will complain about toxicity in end game and 'elitist' as well like why can't a newb join and endgame mission? 

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14 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

The meta was found for tridolons fairly quickly with no room to change it, cause there isn't any room to try anything because they only spawn at night and only 4 people can do it. so you have 2 and a half hours to get as many tridolons as possible 

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There are different kind of runs for tridolon, if you want a "chill run" just aim for a 1x3 or 2x3.

You can't pretend to do whatever you want starting from a 3x3 who require a certain set up and experience.

Then there are 4x3 and 5x3 which (from personal experience) can never be achieved easily if all the member have not at least 100 hydro caps. You can't even think to do them if you have not min-maxed your gear. And please, don't try to join them if you want a chill run, they are supposed to be top gamma, the hardest hunts available, and especially in 5x3 any second you lose lower the chances of the fifth run significantly, that's why perfection is required in every action of every role.

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15 hours ago, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

Because eidolons are locked behind a strict time table and give out large amount of rewards cores/shards/arcanes/articulas/rare mods. And people are going to run as efficiently as possible to fit multi tri hunts in one night. 

The reason you were able to run raid with new players is cause the raids can fit 8 people but can easily be done with 4.  Lower level player could be assign to the smaller roles of the raid while higher players took on the important roles.

But in a tri hunt you only have 4 and you can't have anyone that doesn't fill the role for the hunt Dps/buff, lure wrangler/healer, and someone to protect team from the emp burst. You cant have someone just sitting there and not contribute. Most people doing hunts are going for the arcanes like energize with 4% drop rate they're not going to carry and risk an entire night cycle.

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When people ask for experienced players in recruit chat it's because they want to do four tridolon caps in the 50mins available and to do that you need a squad who are practiced, know what they're doing and have decent gear. Doing three or four caps in one night is a lot of fun plus you obviously get more rewards. It's not unreasonable to ask for experienced players. I've been on many squads where someone has said they know what they're doing only to find out they really don't and it wastes three other people's time. That's not cool and it creates a situation where they are even more wary of allowing inexperienced players into their squad.

As others have said, there are the public bounties to learn how to do it and to get the resources to upgrade your amp. You can earn focus outside of Eidolons to improve your operator. When I started, I ran into a couple of people that taught me a few things in the pubs so they do exist. You can also find casual tridolons in recruit where the expectations are a bit lower. You should also ask your clan, if you're in one, if there are any hunt squads.

I think some of the stuff in recruit is a bit over the top though... asking for 250+ cap minimum. I mean come on, if you're not efficient in your role after 100 caps then something is wrong.

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20 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

The irony of that comment, because real life issues can't be a thing? 

2b fair if someone said somthing b4 going I would not add. Most just get pissed off because the pads at part 2 go off 2 times and a mass quit and wasted key. So ya I think it’s fair when I’m putting my resources on the line and they cause a fail.


20 hours ago, Peter said:

 This isn't what a elitist do, I'm elitist and i never surrender. 

And i love to help new hunters because they will help me later. 

Do not confuse elitist with baby ragers 

Not realy they know the event and if someone else doesn’t they quit and try again to find a party of 4/8 with 0 new people. They learnt it when it came out #*!% anyone joining later.

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6 hours ago, Bostrom_NZ said:

When people ask for experienced players in recruit chat it's because they want to do four tridolon caps in the 50mins available and to do that you need a squad who are practiced, know what they're doing and have decent gear. Doing three or four caps in one night is a lot of fun plus you obviously get more rewards. It's not unreasonable to ask for experienced players. I've been on many squads where someone has said they know what they're doing only to find out they really don't and it wastes three other people's time. That's not cool and it creates a situation where they are even more wary of allowing inexperienced players into their squad.

As others have said, there are the public bounties to learn how to do it and to get the resources to upgrade your amp. You can earn focus outside of Eidolons to improve your operator. When I started, I ran into a couple of people that taught me a few things in the pubs so they do exist. You can also find casual tridolons in recruit where the expectations are a bit lower. You should also ask your clan, if you're in one, if there are any hunt squads.

I think some of the stuff in recruit is a bit over the top though... asking for 250+ cap minimum. I mean come on, if you're not efficient in your role after 100 caps then something is wrong.

I agree with this. 


Also it conserns me when you can join ransoms to start hunting, but you won’t you go to chat and want to leach off pros. The raids had no random to learn so that was the major elitest problem. With this it’s more some noob at the event wants a fast leach.

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20 часов назад, Mr.SpookSpook сказал:

Once you get experienced enough in Tridolon runs and do 4x3s a night, you lose patience for clueless people joining in and screwing up the whole night. 


So much this.


The meta was found for tridolons fairly quickly with no room to change it

You are wrong. There are at the very least 3 ways to do it. There maybe more advanced onces I don't know about. The Chroma/Rhino-Harrow-Volt-Trinity is just the most basic and the least demanding. It's really only demanding for Trinity and Chroma for the most part. Everyone else just needs a focus school and an amp.

And the ones who made it so are the devs as always not the players. if they ONLY let us at least not care about healing the lures things could be so much more fun and different. If only tier 4 amp wasn't nerfed you could have variety at last.

But nah. Nothing.

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Been thinking about it, and this meta thing is all well and good, and if you were on the ground when Eidolons first hit, and followed the meta, then you're good.

But what about all those new players, who want to learn about doing a Tricap?

It pays to remember that YOU were new to Eidolons once, and you didn't just jump in a do 5x3 in a single night right from the get go.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

Been thinking about it, and this meta thing is all well and good, and if you were on the ground when Eidolons first hit, and followed the meta, then you're good.

But what about all those new players, who want to learn about doing a Tricap?

Well, new players start from just only teralyst hunts, then towards 1 tri cap in a night towards 2 caps per night and beyond.

Those on the ground when eidolon 1st hit also had to start from only 1 teralyst a night to slowly progress to the 5*3 we do now.

The 'toxicity' exists only when new players want to enter into 2*3 and above kind of squads. They could easily form a casual run for 1 tridolon cap to progress.

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I recently started getting down and farming the Eidolons. I searched Youtube watched a few videos and now have almost 600 caps and kills.

As others have stated it's about efficiency. If you want the most loot, you have to do everything right. It requires a team that is all on the same page. If you're still in the prologue, you aren't helping your team.

It's also been stated that its time restricted. It's selfish to go into any public game and expect it to go your way. You joined a team, so know your chosen role and there won't be problems. The better you are at your chosen role the more fun you will have.

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There's a severe lack of empathy hidden in this community and it shows in more stressful situations like the Tridolon hunts. They say this is one of the less toxic communities in games but that's not true, this only happens because this is a PVE game and 99% of the time you will be winning. Whenever they start losing they act as childish as any other toxic party.

So much time being spoonfed easy content made them think that failure is not an option. Never in any other game i know you will see an attitude like this so severely rooted in almost the entire playerbase.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

Nah.  All i know is Volt, harrow, rhino, chroma, and trinity better be downright worthless against the big spider boss on Venus to make up for the irritating demand that the nerds have for eidolon hunts lol

Spider boss?! you got a source on that?

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