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Account migration console to console.


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Hello there, I've decided to make this thread in regards of account migration to PS4 to Xbox One or vice versa. To a lot of the players who been on this game for a very long time know where I'm coming from. We put hundreds of hours and thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of platinum into this game.

Most of us are aware of the one-time account migration from PC to console, but wouldn't it be great if we could have a account migration tool to migrate from console to console. I don't mean to complain, but I find it to be just a little unfair when you are on one platform for over 5 years on the PS4. Don't get me wrong, I like the PS4, it's just that if I wanted to go out and build a 14 $1, 500 gaming PC, there's no way I can bring my account from PS4 to PC.

I'll do one better, let's say I go out and buy an Xbox One X, there is no way on God's green earth they're going to let me migrate from PS4 to Xbox One. I think this is a little unfair because when you're stuck on the PS4, Warframe has Tendencies to leg severely and sometimes freeze up and kick you out of the game on that platform.

Try and play this game on an Xbox One X, and you will find it runs seamlessly. Due to the architecture of the Xbox One X, Warframe plays like a dream, the only problem is you would have to start over from scratch if you were on the PS4 version for five years and wanted to start on the Xbox version. This is where digital extremes needs to do some Hefty negotiations between Sony and Microsoft. What digital extremes needs to do is develop a account migration tool on their website that can be used not only for a one time migration from PC to console, but also from console to console.

If they really wanted to be smart, they could have this account migration tool be used more than once for the price of platinum. And I'm not just talking about the kind of platinum it would take like changing your clan name, but 1000 Platinum. Now I know 1000 Platinum seems a bit High, but if you think about where you're going to be transferring your account makes perfect sense.

You would be coming from one platform that would be significantly weaker then the other platform you want to bring your account over to. I think that would be pretty fair since we've already put hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of platinum into one account. I believe it is a fair notion that digital extremes should at least attempt this because if you have to start over from scratch putting the same amount of time and money into a new account you already put into an old one for five years would be pointless.

I mean why would I want to spend the same amount of time and money I just spent on a PS4 version of Warframe, if I had to do this I would not want to play the game anymore. As a consumer who's been with this game for a long time, I think it's fair that digital extremes should give us the benefit of experiencing better architecture to play on with the same account that we poured our heart and souls into. If anyone thinks I'm full of crap, I'm sure everyone will let me know what they think.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)DISCIPLEoFxDOOM said:

Going to have to say that if you can do a one-time transfer from PC to console, you can do a one-time transfer from console to console. The reason I say this is because if they can make it possible from PC to console, they can also make it possible from console to console.

That transfer was a long time ago, and DE probably had to pull some strings to actually be allowed to do that.

Trying to get Microsoft and Sony (Especially Sony) to get along enough to allow their customers to switch to the competitors console....well that’s just not gonna happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On August 29, 2018 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

That transfer was a long time ago, and DE probably had to pull some strings to actually be allowed to do that.

Trying to get Microsoft and Sony (Especially Sony) to get along enough to allow their customers to switch to the competitors console....well that’s just not gonna happen.

Your right, if DE could have made this possible, we would be doing it by now. I found out that Sony is to blame for this, while Microsoft said they are willing to work with all platforms with accounts like fortnight and warframe. Sony won't budge any farther than their own brand, if you ask me, I think Sony needs a swift kick in the ass again. When their network was hacked, and they were down for 2 months, they were willing to work with just about anyone to get them back up and running. But now since they have 22+ million PS4 sales, their S#&$ don't stink, but everyone elses does. #*!% EM.

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Il y a 4 heures, (PS4)DISCIPLEoFxDOOM a dit :

Your right, if DE could have made this possible, we would be doing it by now. I found out that Sony is to blame for this, while Microsoft said they are willing to work with all platforms with accounts like fortnight and warframe. Sony won't budge any farther than their own brand, if you ask me, I think Sony needs a swift kick in the ass again. When their network was hacked, and they were down for 2 months, they were willing to work with just about anyone to get them back up and running. But now since they have 22+ million PS4 sales, their S#&$ don't stink, but everyone elses does. #*!% EM.

Other games on Playstation allow crossplay or cross account with PC, if DE is not doing this it's only because they don't want to do it. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

Other games on Playstation allow crossplay or cross account with PC, if DE is not doing this it's only because they don't want to do it. 

Question, how big are the companies that make those games? Are they relatively small like DE or giants like Unreal or Sqenix? DE has expressed multiple times that they would love to have crossplay/account migration, but Sonysoft would still have to agree to let the account migrate.

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Not gonna happen, thank especially to Sony for that.

Sony is not allowing crossplay or cross-platform accounts. I am not aware of any exception and if there is, there are money in it for Sony. Why? Sony doesn't see crossplay and even modding (yeah, even fanmade stuff) as profitable for them, all they care about is money, no matter how much they lie about keeping PS community nice and clean of bad stuff.

DE will maybe have an opportunity in future to realize cross-platform dream, the bright light now shines from Bethesda and their hard fight against Sony. Surprisingly, Microsoft and Nintendo already agreed to cross-platform Fallout 76, only one who still blocks it is Sony. It came that far where Bethesda gave Sony the ultimatum - Sony will either change their ways which sabotage cross-platform gaming or Bethesda will stop releasing games for Playstation (making people using them angry and pissed at Sony).

Edited by CoreXCZ
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il y a une heure, Atsia a dit :

Question, how big are the companies that make those games? Are they relatively small like DE or giants like Unreal or Sqenix? DE has expressed multiple times that they would love to have crossplay/account migration, but Sonysoft would still have to agree to let the account migrate.

Nothing to do with the compagny size but with the way they are dealing with their ingame shop. If Warframe wasn't using the PSN as a ingame shop it would be easy for DE to do a multi account system with the PC but as the way they handle platinum is different between the two platforms (you cannot use -50/75% to buy plats on PS4 nor packages) it would be an business suicide to allow account sharing.

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il y a une heure, CoreXCZ a dit :

Sony is not allowing crossplay or cross-platform accounts. I am not aware of any exception and if there is, there are money in it for Sony.

FF14, Street Fighter 5, PSO2, Dragon's Dogma Online, DraQue X are exemples of cross platform games, and cross account except for SF5.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

Nothing to do with the compagny size but with the way they are dealing with their ingame shop. If Warframe wasn't using the PSN as a ingame shop it would be easy for DE to do a multi account system with the PC but as the way they handle platinum is different between the two platforms (you cannot use -50/75% to buy plats on PS4 nor packages) it would be an business suicide to allow account sharing.

True, account sharing is still unlikely as long as how plat works is different.

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There is a yearly account migration from PC to console, also from console to PC. But it only happens once a year, if I'm going to bring my stuff over to PC from PS4, I'm going to have to wait a whole year to bring it back over to the Xbox. So it's pointless to wait, if I'm going to enjoy the architecture benefits on the Xbox One X, it's better to just start from scratch. As much as I don't want to do that, that's the only way I'm going to enjoy this game on the Xbox One X. now am I going to invest the same amount of time and money as I did on the PS4 version, hell no.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)DISCIPLEoFxDOOM said:

There is a yearly account migration from PC to console, also from console to PC. But it only happens once a year, if I'm going to bring my stuff over to PC from PS4, I'm going to have to wait a whole year to bring it back over to the Xbox. So it's pointless to wait, if I'm going to enjoy the architecture benefits on the Xbox One X, it's better to just start from scratch. As much as I don't want to do that, that's the only way I'm going to enjoy this game on the Xbox One X. now am I going to invest the same amount of time and money as I did on the PS4 version, hell no.

Well, no on that first part, there's never been a option to migrate FROM a console to PC, only from PC to console, for above reasons with Sonysoft. And it's never been yearly, only a one time chance when they launched on the console, like how it's gonna be when it launches on Switch.

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On 2018-08-28 at 5:23 PM, KrepsStyle said:

In fact, D.E can do this, the issue itself has nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony.
It would be enough for the player to make the ticket, request migration on his current PS4 account, inform his new XBOX account, pay the required amount and D.E would copy his information from his old account to the new account on any other desired platform.
Only one data copy for a new account!

Tell this Fortnite players that have their accounts linked to a PS4 (even if they used it to play Paragon). Honestly, you have no proof of your claim as you do not know what contract DE has with Sony and Microsoft. The issue has nothing to do with the technical limitations and everything to do with contract/legal obligations.

For the record, the only game this generation that allowed transferring saves between an Xbox and a Playstation was when upgrading GTA V from a 360 to a PS4 or from a PS3 to an Xbox One.

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PS4 lags and Xbox runs seamlessly? lol, I’ve heard it the other way around...

Also, another reason (not sure if anyone mentioned it yet) Sony and M$ won’t do it is cause of the money! You buy plat or buy items from their respective marketplaces... you think they’d like giving you the same thing from the other company? That’s money they lose out on... 

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If had to option to pay up to transfer my account I swear  I would do it. I have a PS4 account literally left to dust , which im unable to use it due to personal reasons. As im not planning to purchase another ps4 when I can run warframe on pc.... But seems like the only way this will ever occur is if theres enough players requesting for a transfer , just like 2014. Im not gonna lie , I miss Ps4 account although im on pc on a fresh account , but jeez putting the same hours and regaining all the items I have on ps4 is going to take up some insane time. All I wish is my double frames and even triple of the same frames that I have built. Even the old arcane helmets , but at least I got the chance of learning warframe again from the lower rank players perspective ,again. 

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On 2018-08-29 at 10:38 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

That transfer was a long time ago, and DE probably had to pull some strings to actually be allowed to do that.

Trying to get Microsoft and Sony (Especially Sony) to get along enough to allow their customers to switch to the competitors console....well that’s just not gonna happen.

The builds would have to be 100% in sync so not going to happen ever, and i would pay just to be able to link my PC account to my Xbox account so that i have my founder status on the xbox, i dont even care about the stuff ihave on my pc account because i now have more stuff in my xbox account, i literally just want my founder status over there thats it.

Edited by (XB1)Dabnician
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6 hours ago, (XB1)Dabnician said:

The builds would have to be 100% in sync so not going to happen ever, and i would pay just to be able to link my PC account to my Xbox account so that i have my founder status on the xbox, i dont even care about the stuff ihave on my pc account because i now have more stuff in my xbox account, i literally just want my founder status over there thats it.

Technically the different platforms do not need to be synchronized, some content would just be unavailable when playing on a console since it is not available yet. All DE would need to do is tag each item with a version number and only allow current version or older items to be used (these locked items would unlock once the version was updated). But let's be honest, DE won't want to put that much work in so it's not going to happen.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Technically the different platforms do not need to be synchronized, some content would just be unavailable when playing on a console since it is not available yet. All DE would need to do is tag each item with a version number and only allow current version or older items to be used (these locked items would unlock once the version was updated). But let's be honest, DE won't want to put that much work in so it's not going to happen.

That's additional work which is why the versions would have to be in sync so they could copy and paste the data between database with out the risk of having two different schema and a whole slew of other issues.

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