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What's your preferred all purposes frame?


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Warframe: Vauban - Because I am a Crusty veteran who likes CC and enjoys Vauban for his Kit and just the feel that I am not super tanky and need to be careful. Though his CC ignores enemy level and can make a Lv 100 Bombard as dangerous as a Lvl 3 Butcher.

Primary: Amprex/Prisma Grakata/Arca Plasmor - Because Beam Rework, Dakka Dakka Dakka, or Plasma Cannon to kill clustered enemies

Secondary: V.Marelok/S.Simulor/Akstilleto Prime - All just fun and potent side arms depending on the primary.

Melee: Ohma/Zenistar - Ohma with Maiming Strike to just destroy everything in a Vortex, but mostly Zenistar for just added CC and Area Denial.

Sentinel: Carrier Prime - Ammo, Lots and lots of ammo.

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Depends on what you mean by all purpose.

For fun purposes I have a Limbo Prime with a balanced build that can tackle just about anything you throw at it.

But if I have absolutely no clue what I could face and need something fools proof, I have an Inaros with umbral health and armor mods and arcane grace. Practically impossible to kill. 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

Absolutely! The quick summary I can take from the replies is exactly this - a lot of variety.

One conclusion I would make from all this is also that, in general, DE made a pretty decent job balancing things out, otherwise there would be no such variety when people have to pick what to bring to the unknown.

Loving the comments so far, also some pretty cool ideas to play with!

DE isn't  100%, but they're  damn close.  I doubt there's any other game of this scale which has offered the same level of depth and unique mechanics,  while keeping things balanced and fun. There are a few frames who fall short of the standard, such as Titania and Wukong, but even they can still offer niche roles in which they excel.  All in all,  you can definitely play with your favorite,  regardless of arbitrary tiers or standards set by meta-pushers. 

Edited by Noibat
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Solo? Rhino Prime - tied for fastest move speed in the game, near-instant invincibility/damage buff with no buildup reqs, great CC. Corrosive/slash Amprex for even more CC and armor bypass. Vaykor Marelok for distance, or just Akstiletto Prime. Dual Ichor for fashion purposes. Carrier Prime because obviously, Sweeper Prime for blast procs.

Random group? Nova Prime because there’ll always be another Rhino and Roar doesn’t stack, but M-Prime + Roar does, and 90% damage reduction plus Wormhole for mobility round her off. Maybe swap Amprex for something mid-range, because 90% isn’t 100%.

Premade group? Limbo, because he’s auto-win against 99% of content, or Volt because faster is better.

Edited by xveganrox
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13 hours ago, 420-chan said:

Lol at all these kids saying anything other than Volt. Remember that a big portion of mission types in this game is just speedrunning content, so you're gimping yourself playing frames without speed into missions like Sabotage, Capture, Rescue and Assassinate. Oberon what? 

And what about endgame content? The meta composition for ESO is Volt Saryn Rhino Trinity, so that's good. Eidolons? The meta composition for Tridolon is Volt Chroma Harrow Trinity, so that's good too. Want to do endless survival, defense, or excavation? Volt is up there with Frost as the top defensive survival frames as his shield has infinite hp. 

Theres zero doubt that Volt is by far the most versatile frame in the game. What other frame can provide your team with speed, defensive shield, damage buff, as well as having a map-wide wipe or crowd control? 

Doesn't matter, he's ugly than Oberon Feyarch.

Edited by -AiLuoLi-
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15 hours ago, VPrime96 said:

The problem is why we need Volt for all of that?

You don't "need" Volt for any of that except Tridolon, in which Volt is absolutely necessary if you want to be efficient. You can run those missions with Excalibur or Oberon if you want. But you'll be much slower at finishing your Sabotages or Rescues. And you won't survive nearly as long in Survival and Defenses. You won't get as far in your ESOs. It's your choice if you want to have fun playing frames you like, but that doesn't change the fact that Volt is objectively better. 

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Just gonna quote myself from another thread 🙂



I'm MR14 (close to 15) and i have a ton of frames. Many i've farmed. Some i've bought (i usually pick up the prime access packs so i have a decent selection of primes and plat if i wish). But i have a selection of frames that i use for certain things (as do most i assume). Rhino prime runs index and nightmare alerts. My phoenix renewal oberon prime is the one i take on t3 sorties. Ivara comes out for spy missions. Etc.

But i always had a problem settling on one for... "general use" i suppose you'd say. One for farming alerts, popping relics, tooling around on the plains (not necessarily eidolon hunting), testing out weapons on, etc. I cycled through quite a few in the last year or so (closest i've come recently is my mirage prime because she's a beast for leveling weapons lol).

Enter Khora.

I saw a beastmaster/whipclaw khora build on youtube and thought it looked interesting. What DIDN'T seem interesting was the hideous grind for her parts... so i just broke down and bought her (might as well spend the plat on something fun *shrug*).

It took quite awhile and a number of forma to get her in a good place. Running with a smeeta kavat (i like Charm *shrug*) and a rotation selection of melee weapons modded for whipclaw (more serious missions i run Venka Prime for the combo counter).

I find i'm using her more and more, honestly. The dual cats are fairly powerful and running Hunter Recovery on both makes me quite tanky (vitality and steel fiber help too, with link health and link armor on both cats).

Whipclaw has some nice range and is spammable. It also can basically go around corners as the explosion seems to hit everything in an area, obstructed or not. Knockdown cc on it is nice too. It is strong enough to eradicate enemy packs (especially once the combo counter gets going) and all i have to really do is keep one good gun on me to deal with annoying singles.

The chain cage/strangledome 4 with my build only lasts about 8 seconds, sadly, but is still enough to lay down a nice field around people to rez, for example.

So... spammable aoe, tanky, cc (lets not forget ensnare as well), fairly speedy AND has the fairly unique fun of a pet class (i like hunter types in a lot of the games i play) and she has basically become my main on anything sub-100 lol.


❤️ my Khora these days 🙂

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  • 2 years later...

I can't believe no one even mentioned Wukong Prime!  😲  His abs may not be the best, but Celestial Twin is probably (imo!) one of the most useful abs going!  After I maxxed out vanilla Wukong, my main focus was getting the Prime as soon as I could.  I've used him on every mission possible so far (I'm only MR 7) and I have a pretty hefty Frame collection, but I love W.P. for just about everything!  

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